April 30, 2011

I was there

Shalom Chaverim (i.e. hello friends)

Disclaimer--There are sublininal messages in this "It's Saturday".  You won't see it, recognize it, or even know how it will affect you.  Soooooooooo guard your minds folks!  Then again, some of you might think this isn't kosher!  Such is life.

A shout from Iseral!  If you can't understand me, it's 'cause I am speaking Hebrew!  Ya right!  I do have my sanddles on folks if that means anything.  Yes, we are here in Iseral.  Now we can say--I was there!  Our family is worrried for our safety.  Hey, we hope we can dodge all the rockets and be in the differnt places when the bombs go off.  Oh, we will be okay.  When Arlene's mom went maybe 15 years ago, her group had armied gurards with them.  Hey, some things never seem to change.  Don't worry about us, we have life insurance and life assurance.  Such is life.

I've been there!  I order breakfast from room service the other morning.  It went like this:  Morny. Rune-sore-bees--Oh, sorry. I thought I dialed Room Service--Rye, rune-sore-bees. Morny. Djewish to odor sunteen--Uh... yes. I'd like some bacon and eggs--Ow July den--What--Aches. Ow July den? Pry, boy, pooch...--Oh, the eggs! How do I like them? Sorry. Scrambled please--Ow July dee baycome? Crease?--Crisp will be fine--Hokay. An Santos?--What?--Santos. July Santos?--Ugh. I don't know... I don't think so--No. Judo one toes?--Look, I feel really bad about this, but I don't know what "judo--one toes" means. I'm sorry--Toes! Toes! Why djew Don Juan toes? Ow bow cenglish mopping we
bother?--English muffin! I've got it! You were saying toast! Fine--An English muffin will be fine--We bother?--No. Just put the bother on the side--Wad?--I'm sorry. I meant butter. Butter on the side--Copy?--
I feel terrible about this but...--Copy. Copy, tea, mill...--Coffee! Yes, coffee please. And that's all--One Minnie. Ass rune torino fee, strangle aches, crease baycome, tossy cenglish mopping we bother honey sigh, and copy. Rye?--Whatever you say.  Such is life.

Were you there when they nailed Him to the cross, Were you there when they crucified my Lord,.  Some of you think Easter is just hokay!  Others of you think Easter is, as our Sunday School teacher, Julie, called it, the meat and potatoes of our faith.  Saturday question--Do you believe, like the Jews here in Isearal, that the disciples just stole the body and Jesus never rose from the dead (i.e. it's a hokes)?--The Jews are sill waiting for the Messiah (i.e. they think the Christian version is just a "new popular jingle").  Will the real DanFool stand up (i.e. you remember that show on TV a zillion years ago)?  Iseral likes Americans; they like the support we give them as a country and they like the $$$$ we spend on toiurism looking at the places where the Bible talkes about (i.e. where Jesus's spend his life).  Oh ya they like our $$$$$$ folks.  It's all about the $$$$$.  ANYWAY mabe the the Jews are the DanFools or the Christians are the DanFools!  I beleive that Jesus is the Messiah (i.e. I beleive Jesus is a 104 mph over-hand fast ball).  Soooooo does that mean that the Jews are not saved and will not enter heaven?  GeorgeTheCrook says--One of us seem to be obfuscating the issue folks.  Chritians use the Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe selecting what they beleive.  Jews and Muslums don't.  They are much more religious (i.e. they have rules and laws they must follow).  Yabut they too have different believes within their religion it appears.

The gal who sat next to me on the plane from NY to Tel Aivi (i.e. meaning old new) was Judith (i.e. age 73). She was born in NY but lives in Jerusalem. She is a practicing Jew (i.e. there are Jews who don’t practice the Jewish customs of worship). She woke me up at about 3 a.m. (i.e. actually I wasn’t sleeping). She wanted me to see some Jews doing their morning prayers about 5 feet from us. She wanted me to see something that I won’t see in Iowa as she said. They put on the robes, pray shaawl, tefvlins,and hats will doing their prayers. Judith does her prayers at home but not when traveling. She is like me—get distracted and it’s hard to be always keeping our minds on prayer. Her prayers are not as extensive as this young man’s who was praying. Different Jews (i.e. or groups of Jews) do different things (i.e. much like Christians). They follow different teachings of different Rabbis. Judith and I talked for about 2 hours. She really was a smart gal who seemed to see the whole picture. Here is some of the information I learned: Israel is a country that is consistently in the survival mode (i.e. established in 1947). She said, Israel wants peace and will do almost anything for it (i.e. Israel wants live, live in peace). Israel says they want peace but it takes both parties to agree to have peace—not happening. Jews teach their history; history is not always accurate (i.e. depends who you talk to). There is a declining number of Christians as they are made uncomfortable by the Arabs in Israel so many are moving out of the country. Israel does not like Postulating. Security is strong and all youth must serve in the military. Judith doesn’t really think about heaven and hell much but just living a good live. She believes in Jesus but not as her Messiah a.k.a. Savior. I asked her what if Jesus is the Messiah and you are wrong—basically no response. She is very comfortable in her believe. She was a very nice lady who had a lot of knowledge. She asked me what my stereotype of a Jew is—A rich powerful person. She was surprised about that. She said there are many many poor Jews. This is just a little of what we talked about. Thanksamillion Judith for sharing with me. You made my life more knowledgeable. You are special.

Israel is a dot on the map but is very important part of history and the future history. MissPerfect says—big things happen in small places many times. Small people (i.e. don’t seem very important at the time, do major things in history. Oh yes. WildWillie says—It’s not how it looks but what happens is what is important and many times we don’t know what is happening at the time it happens. Many times we have to feel it instead of learning it. As our guide said yesterday—Reading the Bible in English is like kissing you sweetheart through a handkerchief (i.e. that’s because the translation in not in Hebrew and in Hebrew they are expected to understand the culture and customs)!

I think the smell in our hotel had a strange smell.  I told Arlene I think it smells like cammel.  Now I know why.  Such is life.

I stopped and saw MyFriendJean before we left--She gave me a fresh loaf of banana bread that had cranberries and rasins in it.  I ate about half of the loaf for lunch before we left and froze the other half.  As we were talking a male Cardnal came to her bird feeder next to her living room windo.  She told me that male cardnals won't let his mate eat with him untle he is done except during nesting time.  I was there and sw it folks! 

Hey, w're retired.  We were tired the other day day at Denver, and we were tired again iin New Yourk and we're tired today at Isral.  But, hey, we're enjoying be tired in our retirment (i.e. we got fire in our bellies--hot diggity dog).  Such is life. 

L'Hit-ra-ot (i.e. see you later)

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--A greedy father has thieves for children.
AtipfromKipspecializing in golf related mental disordrs 50year practice--arms=Y Rt amr highr then lft arm at address--chin up!

April 23, 2011


Disclaimer--This "It's Saturday" could get exciting and challenging  so some of you might want to sit this one out!  Or it could be to you just some sugar with flavor!  It seems that all of us look at things differently many times depending on "howwehavebeenprogramedbyourpast"!

Who is that guy anyway?  He's a mess!  Speaking only for myself, I really can't grasp the total sacrifice of Jesus dieing on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins.  I realize I'm not very smart but that just boggles my mind (i.e. I have a pea sized human mind compared to Jeusus' heavenly mind).  I guess that is why I have to have faith.  13 of us did "The Twelve Seats At The Table" last Sunday for Palm Sunday.  I was James--One of the many lines I had to memorize was this:  I just don't understand why Jesus choose me, a poor ignorant fisherman to experience all these things.  And remember James was one of Jesus' three special confidants.  He didn't select the rich or famous or the learned but the poor and ignorant.  Huh, interesting.  But I tell you what, memorizing a page of lines was a challenge for me.  I had to memorize, not tell the story in my own words (i.e. that is a lot easier for me).  I told myself that I would do it.  I did it the best I could.  If Jesus sacrificed his life for me, I could sacrifice some of my time and stubbornness and do it (i.e. but it was not easy folks let me tell you).  I didn't want to regret it later that I didn't do it.  I didn't want to be haunted by the "what-if", if only," and "I should'f" later.  I wanted to give it my best shot (i.e. I prayed about it and for the other guys in the little play).  Now this is my attitude towards Easter--I have put some time into some real thought about Jesus dieing on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins.  I don't want some day to say:  "what-if", "if only", and "I should'f"!  Such is life in my pea sized brain folks.  It's not much but like I said, I'm not very smart.  I basically am just a poor ignorant retired insurance man and real estate broker. 

Last Saturday morning, we were invited to the appreciation day for the volunteers at Fansican Health Care as a reward for our sacrifice of time and effort (i.e. really I wonder if the volunteers don't get more out of it than the hospitals do).  Joesixpack says--Compassion can really change a person's life (i.e. change our fickle hearts).  They rented the Crossroad Theater and we could watch any movie that was showing.  They also gave each one of us and our guest a $7 voucher for concessions.  Did you know that a big tub of popcorn costs $7.  I couldn't believe it (i.e. that is inflation folks).  ANYWAY we settled for the kids' combo that was a little popcorn, a small drink and a PizyStix for $5.50.  I asked the gal who took my order what a PizyStick was--she said--sugar with some flavor!  We watched the movie Soul Surfer (i.e. an inspirational movie about the true story of the gal who was a surfer who lost her arm surfing).

It's really just one massive huge rodeo folks and you're the bull rider. How much will you sacrifice for security in your investments? I read this in the paper soooooooo it must be right--Three month T-bills are on sale. The government received $4.82 in bids for every $1 in debt offered for sale. Yield is 0.05%! Wow!  Folks must really think you guys are going to pay for the interest. They have a lot of faith in you--DON'T LET 'EM DOWN FOLKS!! Folks must feel secure that you will keep paying (i.e. are in good hands with you). I really don't like it that interest rates are that low now that we're retired and want a big fat return--I don't like it but I guess things happen that way! Joesixpack says--Ya can't get to be a fat cat with interest rates of 0.05%--Goin' to have to live off the kids when I retire. Listen Joesixpack, they ain't going to like your idea soooooo suck it up and get a second job, get the wife a job or something! Such is life.

MissPerfect says--Compassion can change a person--RightRightRight!  Care givers are like sacrifice flies in baseball (i.e. they provide a very valuable service but don't get much attention).  You caregivers are really something, I think.  You sacrifice much to make some one's life better.  Many times folks could not be able to live in their homes if it wasn't for a caregiver.  Some of you folks are unbelievable good folks.  My hat goes off to you and your sacrifice.  And you know what folks, the public, in many cases, have not a clue how much you sacrifice for another.  It's much like that sacrifice fly in baseball!  I think you are really something.  GerogeTheCrook says--Self-centered folks are not true caregivers 'casue they won't do it unless they can get some glory (i.e. puff themselves up).  Usually the glitzy and showy folks!  Ouchy ouchy!

I also learned this week that their is a difference between a caregiver and a enabler.  Enablers protect people a.k.a cover up for them like a parent pretends that their child isn't doing drugs, a spouse protects (i.e. makes excuses when their spouse can't control their spending), a enabler who keeps making excuses for a loved one who is an alcoholic, a enabler who covers for someone all the time 'cause a loved one can't function normally (i.e always pretending for them that there is nutten wrong) etc.  Enablers don't face reality 'cause they think they are helping the person who is not functioning normal (i.e. but everyone else seems to know it but the enabler doesn't want to see it I guess or they know it but it hurts soooooooo much to face reality).  I also learned this week that there is a massive huge difference between being an enabler and just being a kind person a.k.a compassionate person (i.e. and that's not a sacrifice folks)!  Such is life.

My Mom Anna cooked, baked, canned food, froze food, had a big garden, sewed for us and really just took care of us kids.  She worked very hard and I never heard her complain.  She was the nicest woman I have ever met.  She was also the spiritual leader of our home.  She taught me a lot.  The one thing she really emphasised was--erv, always do what is right.  I haven't and probably never will but I try.  She really sacrificed her life for her family and others around her (i.e. and I don't think she ever knew it).  She was not flashy or ever wanted attention but she was just a servant.  I wish soooooooo much that I could tell her that.  She died when I was 24 and she was 56 from cancer (i.e. she suffered through that miserable disease).  ANYWAY when she baked bread (i.e. I wish I could have some now) I was given the opportunity some times to kneed the dough mixing the yeast into the bread and then letting it sit and experience it rising.  I was always amazed how that worked (i.e. still am).  Yeast is good in this situation but I read what Jesus said while eating my oatmeal with a half of an apple on it, this--Be on your guard against the yeast a.k.a. leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy (i.e. evil disposition of the Pharisees).  I sometimes wonder if I have some of that yeast a.k.a. leaven that the Pharisees had.  I wonder, come on erv, I have it!  Don't be so Pharisaical erv!  Joesixpack says--We all think we are better than we are!   Ouchy ouchy!

Don't think you are toooooooo good to do something.  I know some folks who think their...doesn't stink.  My Daddy, Chester, told me--erv, be around good folks who don't know they are great instead of being around folks who think they are great but really aren't (i.e. sugar with some flavor).  It's a lot more fun to be around those who are great and don't know it compared to the others.  That's what my Daddy told me.

Look deep, deep into nature,  and then you will understand everything better.~Albert Einstein~  Spring means cardinals (i.e. my favorite bird) singing or preaching or lecturing to me on my early morning walks and the emerging, blooming spring flowers.  They are signs of new life and new hope a.k.a. Easter.  Ya those are signs of the changing of the seasons here on earth.  Some other signs of changing of the seasons in our lives are: knees hurting, allergies acting up, changeofseasonheadaches, aching feet and sore muscles from working int the yard.  Mother Nature was mean to us this week with about 3 inches of snow (i.e. It's spring but it's no day at the beach folks let me tell you)!  Ouchy ouchy!  I never did understand why those birds came back sooooooo early.  It seems like it always snows on them.  Isn't there a saying that it has to snow on the Robins before it's spring or something like that (i.e. I think the ol'timers say--the Robins have to have their feet in snow three times on the north side of the tree before it's spring).  I guess it's the birds' sacrifice (i.e. a birds' life)!  Well, spring might be here if that's the case!  Maybe!  I wouldn't bet on it folks--it's Iowa!  It usually doesn't get nice until the middle of May.  Maybe we'll just take off for a couple of weeks--now that's a good idea! Such is life.

One of the new volunteers at the hospital orientation was a 24 year old gal who was a single mother of a 6 year old son.  She told me that she has been on her own since she was 18.  She was a hair dresser.  I said to her--how in the world can you do all these things with a 6 year old?  She said--I have a neighbor lady who is in her mid 70s who is an unbelievable support for me.  She takes care of my son a lot and I pay her very little per her request.  It seems like it puts meaning into her life.  My son just loves her.  Folks, maybe this gal has sacrificed her time and part of her life to make some one's life better (i.e. sorta kinda being a mentor to both of them).  You think so?  The other day a friend was passing by on business and stopped to play golf with me.  We were having a sandwich at noon and the students were playing during noon hour on the school ground  behind our house (i.e. our house butts against the school yard).  ANYWAY some kids (i.e. old enough to know better) were in our yard.  That was no problem but they were in our perennial flower garden running around.  The perennials were being damaged.  I hollered at them to get out of there.  I said to my friend, you would think any kid would know better than that.  He said--Maybe some kids don't have a clue 'cause their parents don't have a clue (i.e. it isn't their fault but there parents).  Sooooooooooo folks, how important is it for some kids to have a mentor anyway do you think?   I was talking to our neighbor Sandy the other day.  She takes care of her 2 grand kids each Tuesday.  I don't know if it's a sacrifice or not but she said she is tired at the end of the day.  It seems like it's a pleasure for her (i.e. she really enjoys the opportunity).  But she is a mentor if she realizes it or not.  Grandmas can influence their grand kids a lot.  Oh yes! 

Joesixpack says--There are a lot of folks who sacrifice for others and there are a lot of folks who almost do (i.e. there are a lot of almosts in some folks' lives).  I almost did it but didn't--almosts don't count folks--ya gotta do it!  Ya, life produces a lot of questions and answers, yes it does but almosts get you nowhere.  GerogeTheCrook says--Being a good guy is okay but being a great guy is really something.  Great folks don't have almosts, they get it done.  Those great folks seem to do things "smooth as silk" with perfect rhythm and timing.  Why is that do you think?  I wonder if there is some sacrifice to all that.  If you  are going to be a great friend, do you have to sacrifice at times?  If you are going to be a great parent, do you have to sacrifice some times?  If you are going to be a great spouse, do you have to sacrifice at times?  I think soooooo folks.  LuckieEddie says--Yabut my ego gets in the way sometimes.  Well suck it up cupcake and just do it!  Any one can be average!  Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation...even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind. ~Leonardo da Vinci~

I talked to a guy visiting at the church we attend a couple of weeks ago.  He asked me about retirement and what I thought of it and AZ.  They too visit AZ too but have a young family and is not at the retirement age.  I told him it's soooooooo different not to wake up in the middle of the night thinking about business stuff.  He said he could relate to that (i.e. sacrifice sleep thinking about business).  He said he keeps a legal sized yellow pad next to his bed, wakes up and writes down his thoughts and ideas during the middle of the night.  He said his kids can't understand that; they think there is something wrong with him.  Hey, I can relate to that; I use to do that.  Talk about sleeping, the other morning I was having breakfast with a friend when Larry came over and we talked about the price of corn!  He went on to say that he still has dreams of farming even though he's retired.  He said his doctor says that when you dream you are sleeping very soundly.  He says he has sleep apnea and has a machine now--incredible how much better he sleeps.  I'm fortunate that I'm a good sleeper and you know what--I dream a lot.  Do you?  WildWillie says--When we're sleep deprived, our ability to handle stress decreases.  When we're well rested, it's much easier to handle life's ups and downs.  When we are tired and/or tired we don't operate very well (i.e. lose our focus and our cool).  Such is life.

SusieQ says--Life has many battles. But some of you are warriors. I have had three friends tell me that they have sacrificed by eating less food and exercising more this winter.  They have lost 65 pounds, 30 pounds and 20 pounds (i.e. my hat goes off to you folks--I'm proud of you). They all told me that they feel--oh, sooooooo much better.  Huh, interesting.  LuckieEddie says--Winning goes into every win!  Ya, that winning is sorta kinda infectious now isn't it.  Yabut you have to have discipline.  My Daddy, Chester, told me--The best kind of discipline is self-discipline (i.e. sacrifice). And-U-KnowWhat--life is not fair (i.e. the only thing that's fair is the Butler County Fair and that's in June).  GeorgeTheCrook says--We need to press on and try to clear that old image from our minds and replace it with--I can do any thing, any where, any time! Some folks can only see negatives while others only can see possibilities!  CadillacJack says this about his brother-in-law ItchieBitchie--He has very poor self-discipline; he says--I can't do nutten !  At this point in his life with that attitude, he's who he is and that's not much!  TheCandianHonker says--Stretch yourslelf:  GetBackOutThere and met the Easter Bunny!  Sooooooooo what's the Easter Bunny in your life anyway.  Such is life.

I think what they are trying to say is if we all sacrifice a little and pick a little litter up, the world will be better.  What do you think?

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:

ErvinJamesMellema not TheJames and not to be confused with LaBronJames

JeanMyFriend says--When faced with a challenge, look for a way, not a way out.
AtipfromKipspecializingingolfrelatedmentaldisordersfor50years--BkSwg--rotate heels slitely rt.--CHINUP!

April 16, 2011

let it happen

Disclaimer--This "It's Saturday" might not be your cup o' tea.  Soooooooo just pour it out if it gives you a bad taste in your mouth.  Remember, you didn't pay anything for it.  This stuff is either my point of view or some one's.  Hey, you live in America so you can believe what ever you want but remember, some stuff is better to believe than other stuff.  BUT you get to make the decision and remember decisions have consequences folks (i.e. that is what Howie tells me)!  Such is life.

Arnold Palmer once said--When winning the Masters, don't try to make it happen, but just let it happen (i.e. just hang around and let it happen--don't force it).  I think Schwatzel did just that.  I sometimes try to make it happen (i.e. I've been there)--it seems to never work.  Why is that anyway?  It was Masters weekend (i.e. my favorite tournament without a doubt).  It's the one time that I sit on the couch, eat chips and watch TV.  I really like it.  It's a tradition for our family to have Sunday dinner and watch the final round together (i.e. we really enjoy it).  We just let it happen folks.  Such is life.

Saturday questions--Who made the "click" happen in your life? Do you think you were the "click" in any one's life (i.e. all of sudden something clicked in their brain and they got it)? SweetnessDebbie says--Ya, you have the opportunity to take a sad song and make it better (i.e. give someone confidence)! Sometimes folks just need a break in life and you can be their break (i.e. break someones code)! Even if they don't realize it or don't say--thanksalot thanksalot! ItchieBitchie says--A great clicker knows someone can, even when they don't even know they can (i.e. they just pass it to a person sorta kinda by osmosis). SusieQ says--Are you necessary to someone--EVERYONE has their own sphere of influence! Sometimes those breaks just fall into your lap (e.g. marry into a certain family, marry the right person, meet the right person, become receptive to good advice, have a good boss, meet the right friend. someone cares for you and takes an interest, someone gives you an opportunity, someone encourages you etc) LuckieEddie says--I have to love some folks 'cause they make me love myself! ? AND sometimes events in our life provide opportunities that we never expected. A heart patient who I visited with when volunteering told me just that. Her name was Jerry who was maybe 50. She told me she has many sever health issues and needed to move back in with her father. She said I'm the only kid who can get along with dad (i.e. age 78)--how come I asked--I guess we are the only ones that can tolerate each other; I just go with the flow and don't get toooooo excited--It has just been great for me and my dad (i.e. I would never thought this but it has really affected me in a very positive way). It has become a great opportunity for him too. It has put meaning back into his life. My other siblings said it made him a different person and my grand kids say--Something has really change granddad as he is sooooooo happy and positive about his life once again. Sooooooo Jerry or her dad did not plan this but it just fell in their laps. They just let it happen. Such is life.

I want to tell you about two of many "clicks" that happened to me in my life that had a massive huge effect on me (i.e. they just fell in my lap folks).  Both occurred during my junior year of high school.  My father was ill and it was not a fun time actually in my life.  I was a very shy and insecure kid.  I tried out for the junior class play 'cause some of my buddies were going too.  I had no real thought of really getting a part.  Mr. Steinman, the speech teacher, casted me as Barnabe Tucker in the Matchmaker.  It was a "click" in my life.  It impacted my life forever (i.e. I have never been in a play since).  The other one was the same year.  At basketball practice one night, I just couldn't miss anymore (i.e. I probably made a couple of baskets and for whatever reason I thought I couldn't miss anymore).  Sooooooooooo speech teacher Mr. Steinman and Coach Black were "clicks" in my life (i.e. maybe they never knew it).  And you know what, both experiences just fell in my lap.  I googled Lowell Lueck who played opposite of me in the play as Cornelius Tucker (i.e. a high school friend).  He lives in CA.  I contacted him (i.e. haven't had any contact with him since high school at good ol' Danube, MN some 45+ years ago probably).  Found Mr. Steinman on facebook.  He too I had no contact with since high school.  Huh, modern technology!

I know this mister sir Paul a.k.a TheNDBeetFarmer who told me that when he was born out on the farm the doctor came to deliver him but he was sooooooo drunk that his aunt put the doc to bed and had to deliver him.  I think that's funny.  And you know what, he seems normal.  But how do you really know.  He flunked first grade he told me.  Ya, 'cause of deportment (i.e. all he wanted to do is shoot marbles--).  He matured to be a very successful man (i.e. successful in a lot of different ways).  Sooooooooo one just never knows does one.  He just let it happen and bingo!  All that good stuff just fell in his lap--well maybe!  I recently was in a business and talked to the assistant manager of this store in a chain of many.  I asked him if he knew a former student of mine (i.e. a zillion years ago) who is "top management" of this company.  He said, I sure do--Now there is one successful man.  Well folks, I think "this one successful man" started out at the very bottom.  Someone or several folks were the "clicks" in his life I would bet.  Here's a laugh folks--can you imagine if teachers would flunk kids for bad conduct now days! 

Sometimes things just happen.  I watched some of the documentary on the Civil War the other night (i.e. 150 year anniversary).  It just happened.  Abraham Lincoln really had a hard time finding a general now didn't he (i.e. one that wanted to fight a.k.a. make it click--McClellan just wouldn't move).  It appears to me that to be an effective general (i.e. change a situation), a guy would have to be an icy cold man to give orders for all those soldiers to be killed in battle (i.e. over 600,000).  Abe said--McClellan always had excuses (i.e. sounds like me sometimes). Saturday question--Are the majority of folks drunk as to what's going on in our country today or has it always been that way? 

I received this response from a friend after I shared something exciting in my life with him (i.e. it just fell in my lap)--He said--Wow, are you lucky.  Make sure you say a pray acknowledging why God is so good to you.

Sometimes we thing everything is sooooooo problematic and really it isn't.  A pastor friend told me recently--It's a depressing realization that I'm not in charge of making everything happen.  LuckieEddie says--The Holy Spirit has to be present for things to happen.  GerogeTheCrook says--We need to do our part but we are not the real "doing part".  Sometimes we just need to let it happen and get out of the way (i.e. get rid of our massive huge ego).   

My gracious!  I know of several folks who have made 180 degree turns in their lives--why, I  have no idea (i.e. everything just plain computed).  Maybe something or someone touched them and they just let it happen.  You think that is possible?  Many times they can't explain it themselves why the change happened.  It just seemed to fall in their lap. Changes make a guy change how he looks at things--things seem to start to click.  Ya don't really plan for it sometimes but all of a sudden ya get great results.  Why, I don't have a clue.  Something makes a guy click.  Sometimes it seems it's best to just step back and get out of the way--let it happen.  That change could just give us the ticket to the party! 

A friend told me that he is 57 and if he doesn't change, before long his life will be over and he'll miss much good stuff (i.e. that is what he said folks).  And time just flies by folks (i.e. the best time to do anything is  RIGHT NOW!  The OldTimerWalt says--The older you get the faster it goes.  I'm getting to be the old timer and I think that statement is right.  I just let it happen.  Joexixpack says--Be nice to others 'cause...Time WILL make a difference!  One day you will no longer be the big dog...Just the old dog...And my friend, WE are now the old dogs.  However, old dog is better than dog-gone!  Such is life.

Joesixpack says--Sometimes we just plain over cook it!  AYoungFriend a.k.a. Laddie, maybe 16, answered my question--"so what are you going to do" with this response:  I'm kinda looking to God to guide me in the direction he wants me to go. After all, it's gonna happen the way he wants it no matter what. Might as well be in accordance with him. I think he is saying--I'm going to just let it happen--let it fall in my lap.  I remember reading in a book this statement that has really stuck with me through the years.  When praying, pray to  ask God where you can help Him in His plan and don't ask God to help you in your plan.  We seem to always want it our way now don't we (i.e. at least I do--such is life).  When I turn it over to Jesus, I many times feel like I just took an Alka Seltzer--what a relief it is!  SusieQ says--ya gotta be patient and listen to the small whispers; changes will happen when you look at things from a different perspective (i.e. things will start to click for ya--oh ya).  We then rethink possible!

LuckieEddie says--Imagine how frustrating it must be to have everything you want but can't find what you need (i.e. in reference to Solomon and his 700 wives and 300 concubines).  CadillacJack says--We may be wrong even when life is good!  Many of you have acquired huge massive amounts of worldly wealth either by luck, hard work, married it or you inherited it.  ANYWAY I think we all have a responsible to use this wealth to produce a "click" in someone else (i.e. my opinion).  Actually many of us had many "clicks" given to us by others (i.e. think about that folks).  Ya, the giving of money is good but the giving our our time, sharing our knowledge, showing love, and using some of our time is probably even more important.  What do you think?  MissPerect says--Yabut there seems to be soooooooo many folks/kids who need my "click", that I can't help them all--I feel like a penny in a trillion-dollar deficit.  But you know what MissPerfect, if we work collectively, our acts, large and small, can and will make a big difference in one or many folks' lives.  Oh yes.  Every penny counts.  Solomon was the richest and wisest person (i.e. maybe you are now but he was at that time).  But this is what he said about all his wisdom and worldly wealth--Meanness meanness, a chasing after the wind.  He said the conclusion of the matter is to Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man.  So throw those chips away, get your butt off the couch and do something folks.  LuckieEddie says--The best feeling possible it to help someone (i.e. make some one's life better). 

Do we deserve everything to be perfect?  Like in playing golf, do we deserve everything to go in the hole?  If we are microscopically off on our putt, it will rim the hole and go out.  The tolerance is soooooo fine in making it or missing it.  When the ball doesn't go in the hole (i.e. or in life when things don't go my way) it feels like a heavy body blow but a guy just has to take it.  The difference between going in the hole and great happiness or not going in the hole and unhappiness is a smidgen many times.  Sooooooo those putts and actions in life can scare the living day lights out of a guy alright.  When the ball doesn't go in the hole every time, a guy can loose his cool and then try to force things and not just letting 'em happen (i.e. which makes things even worse).  GerogeTheCrook says--That forcing things never seems to work for me (i.e. trying to put a square block in a round hole).  Bobby Jones, the founder of The Masers and also one of my heroes (i.e. he rings my bell) set up the Masters to be class a.k.a. a standard of excellence.  It is folks.  Such is life.

FriendShannon frominnercityChicago wrote this in his City Cry newsletter--When Jesus Christ was walking on this earth as a man, He encountered so many people who had been given up on by the society around them. They all seemed to flock to Him - the lame, poor, widows, possessed, and sick. Their society had little time for them, so they flocked to the One who did. To put it plainly, Jesus cared. At the school where I volunteer as a tutor, across the street from our church, there are so many children who have fallen behind. There are hundreds of reasons why. It is hard for the teachers too because they are limited by different ways in how much they can help. Their time has only so many hours in the day and they have so many other students as well. This is where I can help out. Three days a week, I have the chance to go to the school and go from classroom to classroom to pull 2 to 4 kids out in the hall with me and help, rather that's in math, reading, or whatever. It's not much, but it's something, both for the students and the teachers.

Just let it happen, please!  President Lincoln said--If the head of Lee's army is at Martinburg, and the tail of it on the Plank road between Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, the animal must be very slim somewhere.  Could you (General Hooker) not break him? 

TipfromRick--Sorry I don't remember the source for this saying, maybe a good thing because I may be misquoting. "maybe we should stop trying to live a life we just dream about and live the life we were meant to live." Maybe our purpose in life is right where we are.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Don't look back unless you plan to go that way. 
TipfromKipspecializingingolfrelatedmentaldisorders--relax shlds, grip in fingers--chin up always

April 9, 2011

Let me get this straight

Hey, How are you how are you!  Driving from AZ to CO through New Mexico I was reminded of all the Indian Reservations (i.e. which means casinos). Sooooooooo Hey, How are you how are you!  Last Saturday it was 78 degrees in Morrison, CO and then on Sunday it was 36 and snowing.  Huh, interesting.

Getting straight to the point--Some of you might think this is talking trash and others of you are foolish enough to believe this stuff.  Take your pick folks.  Many of you might have seen this road before and think it's like doing the boogie woogie in the strangest kind of way.  If I offend you in any way, I don't mean to but if the shoe fits...!  Soooooooooooo here we go!

ItchieBitchie says--Halt! Who goes there?  Democrat or Republican a.k.a friend or foe?  And the CadillacJack responds--None of your business, you FAT, UNGLY, STUPIT JERKI!!!  MissPerfect says--Let me get this straight--You guys really don't seem to like each other very well.  Is that correct (i.e. right to the point)?

Let me get this straight.  I read it in the AZ Republic that  people who get little exercise have a higher risk of having a heart attack immediately after sexual or physical activity...Engaging in regular physical activity is a requirement for maintaining a long, safe, healthy sex life...It's even more prevalent in middle aged and older people.  Now that's getting straight to the point!  Hey, I'm just telling you what the paper says.  Gotta go, I'm going out and exercise.  Holy Guadalupe!  LuckieEddie says--If you are tired and wired you got a interesting situation (i.e. that's most of Americans it appears).  Sooooooo suck it up cupcake and lets get going.  Such is life. 

Let me get this straight!  WildWillie says--You might not exactly be in love with this.  The Fountain of the Sun (i.e. the over 55 gated community we stayed at in Mesa) has 2,400 housing units (i.e. approximately 1,000 condos and 1,400 house of which maybe 400 are manufactured--no park models) with a winter population of approximately 4,000.  Some folks have told me that approximately half of the folks are on their second or more marriage.  That sorta kinda surprises me.  I was talking to one of my smart, nice cousins and asked  her how many cousins we have on our mothers' side (i.e. Dykema).  She thought 32 with only 2 or 3 divorces and 2 or three deaths (i.e. ages maybe from 55 to 80).  Hey, that's quite a bit better than the national average.  Why, I don't have a clue but it's interesting (i.e. maybe 'cause of our mothers).  Dave sent me this--Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. - Robert Brault

Joesixpack says--I'll pay a little bit, but not much for your advice.  Get straight to the point then.  Let me get this straight--20% and 20% is that right?  I have seen much in my 16 years in ministry and even longer in life before formal ministry. I can tell you these seven things:  1. Money can make you comfortable, but it will not comfort you for long. 2. Health is your greatest material asset, if you are healthy, you are rich. 3. You must be content within yourself first, your completeness will not come from another person. 4. Only about 20% of people are happy in marriage. 5. Only about 20% of people are happy single. 6. Single or marriage does NOT make the difference in whether you are happy or not. 7. There is one relationship that takes precedence and matters more than any other. Your relationship with God. Pastor Nathaniel  Joesixpack response--I hear ya!

Let me get it straight 70 year olds, 80 year olds, and 90 year olds go to the pool in all different shapes?  Yes that's right.  Everyone accepts each other as they are.  Yes, that is right. I saw our neighbor who was maybe 90+ sitting at the end of your walk in her bathing suit getting some sun one of the days it was about 90.  She had to use her walker to get there but she was enjoying her day.  If she would do that back in her Midwest home town, they would really laugh at her but not in SunFunValley folks.  Folks ride bikes, golf, play pickle ball, tennis, and do many more activities but won't get caught doing it back home 'cause folks might laugh at them (i.e. might, they will)----but not in SunFunValley.  In fact I know a a gal that her favorite TV program is Desperate Housewives--You would never in a million years think that she would like that program but she does and no one in FunSunValley really cares.  Such is life.

Let me get this straight--I quizzed my buddy about his Toyota Van and this is his reply--Our van now has 297,000 miles since our college son just drove it with college buddies to Gulf Shores AL and BACK! (no breakdowns) it is a model year 2000. I also own a Avalon (1999) 140,000 miles. I bought both new. Since then also bought and sold an Acura, when I sold it, the miles were 135,000 miles.  Current vehicle (i.e. a real nice one--erv's opinion) bought 3 years ago this month, 115,000 miles.  Moral of the story,  I should buy stock in oil companies or they should at least give me a dividend.  But since that will not happen.  I find comfort from the lady putting gas in her car with a smile.  You ask why the smile, she does not care about the price of gas because she only buys $10 at a time.

I'm ready if you're willing!  I read in the paper so it must be right that if you want to have good relationships, you must have nearness and directness--get to the point.  Many conversations are very neutral (i.e. small talk) but are not very direct or near.  I asked our son some questions over dinner the other night (i.e. we had dinner with them in Waukee on the way back from CO).  He's quit a private guy (i.e. I think his pretty little wife would have answered my questions but not him).  He kidded me--Make a list dad and summit the questions.  Maybe I'll answer them and maybe not!!!!!  I was being to the point trying to have nearness and directness but...no results--not yet anyway!  What fun we had.  Sooooooooooo BudBoy, how much did you pay for that pants and shirt anyway?  They looked very expensive!

SusieQ says--Just 'cause a person is there, doesn't mean they are present!  Let me get this straight!  You don't much care for this gal.  I was riding with a couple in their neighborhood recently when a new Cadillac Escalade pulls in front of us--the J-Factor said, there is useless Julia--you're pretty tough on her aren't you?  His wife, the H-Factor said--she's really is useless.  She thinks she's better than everyone in the neighborhood; (i.e. has no humble pie);  she has forgot where she came from; she is an artificially enhanced stripper who married this rich guy (i.e. his trophy wife) and now she really thinks she's something; they had 3 children and then divorced; she lives affluently off the alimony and just struts herself around.  Sooooooo get to the point J-Factor and H-Factor , you don't much care for her, right?

https://picasaweb.google.com/100992634446593487520/ErinSSkiingVideo#  Passon for the mountain...today and tomorrow!  Had the opportunity to ski with our little grand daughter Erin (i.e. age 3) at Copper Mountain last Saturday.  As we were loading onto Timberline lift, there was a hand written message on the marker board.  It read--Did you know that 1 out of 5 people in the world (i.e. 1.1 billion) live on less than a $1 a day?  Then we went down to Jack's Slopeside Grill at the base of Copper Mt. and had lunch at a cost of $46 (i.e. it was my turn to pay toooooo yet).  Let me get this straight...many things affect my thinking (i.e. they soak my bones)!  But you know what folks, skiers are not heavy folks, no they aren't; I saw a lot skinny butts.  MissPerfect says--Everyone deserves a snow day!  It was my kind of snow day; it was in the 50s and a blue bird day (i.e. during the week some spots up 'er in 'em mountains got 55 inches of snow).  I got this advice from the mountain--Reach for new heights.  Rise above it all.  There is beauty as far as the eye can see.  Be uplifting. Patience Patience Patience.  Get to the point--Enjoy the view! 

Let me get this straight.  I got it figured out.  Oh yes!  I got it figured out how to get Erin to do what I want--and it's called ice cream.  We took her to the DQ the night before we left--it's a great motivator.  When she got done with her ice cream she was picking her boogers and eating them--and right after ice cream.  I asked Erin if she would share one with me soooooo she picked one and put it in my mouth!  Sooooo I was carrying her to the Honda CRV and I said to her--I have a secret to tell you Erin.  She put her ear to my mouth and I said--I love you Erin.  She said, I have a secret to tell you grandpa.  She put mouth to my ear--I like ice cream grandpa!  Such is life.

Joesixpack says--There is a thin line that separates me from being patient and impatient!  I continually work on patience.  Some times I'm much more patient than others.  No question.  Many times I just put stuff out of mind so I don't have to deal with them--out of site out of mind.  I saw this ad on a ski bus at Copper Mt.--Forever rugged but still well groomed.  It was an ad for Jeep.  Does that describe you?  I think my best bet is to just keep trying to be more patient but really folks, don't count on me to be extremely patient.  LuckieEddie says--Hey erv, just bite it!  SusieQ says--It's easy to say you are someones friend, but it's much more believable if you do something to show it too.  SlimTheJim says--That's sorta kinda scratching the gears isn't it!

We went to the Rock with James, Heather, and Erin Sunday.  Erin sat with us during the pre-service music.  Some of the folks raise their hands.  Guess what, Erin did too!  Yes kids copy what they see (i.e. now that can be scary).  There was a mother who invited many folks over for Easter dinner.  The mother asked her little girl to pray before the meal.  The little girl said--mommy what do I say--just say the same thing that I say.  Sooooooo her little girl prayed--God, why did I invite all these people!  Pastor's question--Do we recognize God's miracles in our life or do we choose to ignore them or fail to remember them?  On the way home Erin said--hocus-pocus abracadabra!  Ya, that's how some folks think they will change their life but it won't work.  Money, power, more stuff won't do it.  ItchieBitchie says--If you want to change your life, you need to accept Jesus as your Saviour.  Does this make any sense to you? That's getting right to the point.  If you can't understand that, I hope someday you can and will. 

Let's get to the point!  Folks at the Fountain of the Sun seem to entertain a lot (i.e. have each other over to eat).  A couple of couples were having dinner together.  After dinner the gals went into the kitchen to clean the dishes and the guys sat and talked.  Bill says to Jake--we just played a nice golf course today--what's the name of it--oh, I can't remember; what's the name of the flower we give to our wives--you mean carnation--no--zinnias--no--the one with thorns--oh, you mean rose--ya, that's the one;  he hollers to the kitchen; Rose what was that nice golf course we played today?!  Such is life.

Arlene and I had breakfast with Paul and Jan at the Fountain of the Sun Country Club the Saturday before we left.  Paul is an ex-helicopter pilot for the Air Force.  He said he lost much of his hearing from the loud noise piloting those helicopters.  He was telling me that he was once giving his wife a ride and ran out of gas.  He said you can land a helicopter without a running engine (i.e. I didn't know that).  ANYWAY I was asking Paul--how in the world can a helicopter pilot run out of gas anyway!  He said--human error! I was talking quite loud as Paul can't hear very well.  As we were leaving, a guy at the next table said he over heard about Paul running out of gas and said he was a combat pilot and ran out of gas taxing after landing.  We visited a little and asked if Paul and I could come and visit.  Sooooo we set up a time the last day we were both in AZ.  His name was Bob Nelson, age 89.  He flew 31 combat missions as commander of a B-17 with a crew of 9 at the age of 22.  He then flew 100+ flights in a C-54 transport during the Koren and Viet Nam wars.  I asked him if he was really scared--no, I was confident we would make it but was still realistic. My first combat bombing mission I thought there was not way we could fly through all that flack.  One time we had 200 to 300 bullet holes and landed with 2 engines.  The name of his plane was Devil May Care.  I asked him what was something funny that he experience--Once I hauled a load of head lettuce; I haven't had lettuce for a long time and ate it like an apple.  I told Paul and Bob that I was proud of them (i.e. that is getting right to the point folks). I had breakfast when we got back with my mentor (i.e. WWII veteran age 85 who enlisted at the age of 17). He said that there are 1,000 WWII Veterans dieing each week).  In fact my friend Les died this week (i.e. he's in the pic helping us clean up at the church last summer).  He was 89 and a WWII vet.  I will miss him (i.e. he was a good man with a huge massive good heart--my kind of person). 

TipfromRick--Go out and make this day count. Will there be another season? I will refrain from getting real sentimental and just say make your moments count. A commentator was saying how a team needed to make every trip down the court matter. Wherever our journey takes us in THIS season make it count. embracing the moment--Rick

Hoodoos Amigos--we're back to Iowa folks.  And remember folks, a hen never cackles until she lays the egg!  We are going to start our Buddys Group once again now that I'm back.  We are going to use Tim L Holman's little book Leadership Rules of Engagement  25 laws to help develop the leader within you.  I ordered the books through him and he signed his email like this--Tim Holman  "Great Things Come From Great Attitudes"  Now that's getting right to the point folks. http://www.holmantraining.com/Leadership-Training.htm  I actually got this book as a gift from a friend who wrote in the cover--Erv, I hope this helps you on your "journey". JME

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Nothing in life is to be feared; It is only to be understood.
TipfromKipspecializingingolfrelatedmentaldisordreswith50yearsofpractice says--feel wt. goin to lft side; rush off inside rt foot and rotate hands over lft

April 2, 2011


Disclaimer--Some of you might think this is a bunch of hooey!  Sooooooooooo everyone has their own opinion folks. I don't think I'm talking idiot (i.e. again, that's my opinion).  Such is life.

We can't  believe that 4 months have past since we arrived in Sun Valley.  It truly has gone fast (i.e. very invigorating--A great experience--A great opportunity).  Mark Twain said once--Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did.  So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.  That's what he said folks.  A bud from back home emailed me this--Your life reminds me of my dog......not much to do but always wants to play.....Have fun my friend!  I do know that a lot of 'meal tickets' for folks in the Valley will be disappearing come March 31 (i.e. many snowbirds will be heading back to the Midwest along with their money a.k.a the Sun Valley's cash cow).  I called the news department of the local newspaper down here in the Valley and they estimate that the total number of snowbirds in the Valley is about 200,000 down from about 250,000 from the high--Soooooooooo you do the math!  Such is life.

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth . Sunrises are invigorating all right.  Cousin Ron inspired me (i.e. he goes for a hike at day break every Sunday morning before church).  Sooooooooooooo I got up and hiked up 'er in 'em mountains to my favorite inspirational place one Sunday mornings (i.e. there is a rock for me to sit) where there is a saddle on the mountain.  It's about a 2 mile hike and I did it in the dark.  I can see the massive huge valleys below in both directions.  Over looking the eastern valley there are mountain farther to the east.  This is where the sun came over.  Now that invigorates my soul folks.  Yes it does.  Thanks cousin Ron. I kept on thinking about the words from the hymn When Morning Gilds the Shies.  It starts like this--When morning fills the skies, My heart awaking cries, May Jesus Christ be praised!  Now that is invigorating folks.  Yes it is. Soooooooo last Sunday night I decided to hike to the same place on the mountain after dark.  I made sure when I laid on my back that there were no rattlesnakes!  ANYWAY it was completely dark and no noise except for an occasional plane.  Wow!  I laid on my back and just looked up there in the heavens (i.e. a zillion stars).  The Big Dipper, Little Dipper and North Star were almost straight up (i.e. invigorating thinking that the shepards looked at the same stars). I kept thinking--Be quiet and know that I am God!  It was a great experience.  Yes it was.

When we walk around in the Fountain of the Sun, the smell of the citrus trees blossoming is such a good smell.  I really like it.  It's invigorating.  Sooooooooo are the flowering desert flowers.  I got up early the other morning as the sun was just rising and walked a little on the fairway of the golf course behind our condo.  I walked bare foot.  The grass was wet and cold to my feet.  Something about it was very invigorating.  It made me feel oh sooooooooo good (i.e. it's hard to explain).  It's just an experience.  Sam Snead said once--Practice barefoot sometimes.  It'll give you a better sense of feel and slow down your swing.

When I was volunteering at Desert Bannor Hospital the other night, I went down to the Inter Faith Chapel to spend a few minutes of quite time.  I was the only on there.  I found it very invigorating to me soul and heart.  I prayed for a while (i.e. prayed for some of you).  Yes I did.  ANYWAY as I was leaving I noticed a display for Christians.  It was done by Guideposts.  I picked up three little pamphlets:  Thought Conditioners, Confidence, and Hope all by Norman Vincent Peale (i.e. the positive thinking guy).  I have read them and I think they are very invigorating and up lifting.  They affect me like putting a feather in my hat!  They are all based on scripture. For me, I think even if I don't have a big rush or WOW when reading them, they affect my inner being (i.e. what you put in will come out if you realize it or not or what you think is what you'll be).  Joesixpack says---Soooooooooooo folks, be careful what you read, see, listen tooooooo, drink, eat, and think as it will affect your life.  Such is life.

I will miss my ol' golfing buddies (i.e. a Minnesotian, an Iowans and a Cunuck).  They are really invigorating guys.  Yes they are really something; I have learned soooooooo much from them and it cost me nutten!  They use snake oil, magnet brackets, charm brackets, and God only knows what else to win.  Actually the last outing, I hired a caddie in order to try to compete with these guys; he ended up being from Canada.  This is how the conversation went--I was slicing off the tee on every hole. I asked my Cunuck caddy if he has noticed any obvious reasons for my poor tee shots, to which the Cunuck caddy replied:  Aye, there's a piece of shit on the end of your driver. Soooooo I pick up my driver and clean the club face, at which point the Cunuck caddy says:  "No, the other end.=  Ouchy Ouchy!

Did you hear that Elizabeth Taylor died recently?  I read it in the AZ Republic (i.e. sooooo it must be right) this:  She was beautiful and glamorous practically the definition of a star in the old-school Hollywood style.  A golf buddy really liked her (i.e. my golf buddy is about her age maybe I would guess).  Eliz died at the age of 79.  Eliz is best know by me as the lady who was married 8 times to 7 husbands.  Now that's invigorating folks!  But did you know that she had at least 20 major operations during her life!  Wow I didn't know that.  That's one busy life folks.

For my last hike, my neighbor, BlueBunnyJim and I went to the top of Flatiron and decided to go to the top of the mountain which is a little west and higher than Flatiron itself--up 'er with the hoodoos!  The pic has Flatiron behind us. This is a difficult hike.We met Jay and Diane (i.e. age 65) on the way up and we hiked together.  Diane is really agile and mobile let me tell you. When got to the top we met George and his dog Dice (i.e. it is hard to believe how a dog can get up there--George had to carry him up some parts and I don't know how he did that).  We were eating our lunch on the top when Diane saw these two large birds flying below us--she said they are either fighting or breeding--George said--is there a difference!  All four of us had some blood on us somewhere being scrapped by the rocks or sticks on the way up.  It was a very physically, invigorating hike (i.e. a hoot) and the view was also very invigorating.  We were on the mountain for six hours.  Wow!  http://www.azcentral.com/travel/hiking/articles/2006/06/18/20060618flatiron05.html

Huzzah!  Friends, Romans, Ladies and Gentlemen--We used those free tickets from my golf buddy Wayne and went to the Renaissance Festival Saturday (i.e. it was invigorating).  Thanks Wayne.  ANYWAY Here are some thoughts:  America loves to eat and as a result there are a lot of obese folks (i.e. during the Middle Ages obesity was a sign of wealth but just the opposite today); there was a lot of cleavage during the Middle Ages; I would not have been a good knight (i.e. surely would have been killed first time out jousting).  Here are some funny stuff we heard at a couple of shows:  There were 5 constipated men of the Bible as the song goes--Cain wasn't able, Solomon sat on his throne for 40 years, Moses took 2 tablets; Balaam couldn't move his ass and Noah about filled the ark!  Happiness is like peeing in your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the warmth!  We were watching another show and the entertainer got a gal from the audience to help.  He picked a gal who was maybe 35, attractive and well endowed.  The lady sitting ahead of us (i.e. maybe 45 and heavy and crusty) said to her husband--the only reason he selected her 'cause she has big boobs!  Hey, I'm only telling you what she said.  Knight Sir John of Canterbury said--Back in the Middle Ages we called that--"Fully Loaded"!  Such is life.

I received a noder of Ollie Jokinen, a hockey player, from some friends as they knew I collected noders.  I don't know who Ollie Jokinen is but I sure enjoyed the thought of them buying it for me (i.e. now that's invigorating).  ANYWAY this is what they wrote on the bottom as keepsake for me--Daily survival can be a beautiful thing--their names and winter of 2011.  Now that's special folks. LuckieEddie says--You are what you practice! Boy did I get some advice from the SmartBigFootSapGuy.  I was sorta kinda complaining about how long it takes Arlene to get ready in the morning before we can leave--He said--erv, you should  not complain but be soooooooo happy that she wants to make herself look soooooooo beautiful for you!  Talk about complaining, the pastor at church Sunday asked us if we like to be around complainers?  No one seemed to like to be around complainers he said sooooooooo quit your complaining and do something (i.e. throw those chips away and get your butt of the couch and do something).  ItchieBitchie says--Life is a blast!  Saturday question--What is you life's aroma a.k.a fragrance of life?

We are with Heather, James and Erin in CO.  We stopped in Santa Fe on our way from AZ  and visited the Loretto Chapel (i.e. the story of the famous amazing and miraculous stairs http://www.lorettochapel.com/staircase.html  had some Santa Fe ribs (i.e. smoked over Mesquite) at the Cowgirl Hall of Fame Restaurant (i.e. we sat next to some real kowobyz), and enjoyed the town square (i.e. they have a building ordnance that no building can be over two stories and must be of SW flavor).  I really like the SW look.  Chief Yellowhorse says--'em 'er ribs are good Amigo!  Santa Fe was invigorating but there is no invigoration like being with family.  Now that's invigorating folks!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans.  (-:


MyFriendJean says--We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails.
TipfromKipspecializingingolfrelatedmentaldisorders--Bkswg--push lft knee st out--eye on ball