How would you make a marriage work? Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a truck. *Ricky, age 10 Now that is not being really real Ricky! Pastor John talked about courage Sunday. He said--courage encourages courage. I pray to be courageous so I can glorify and honor God. Yes I do. But it's still hard to be courageous all the time (i.e. I'm being real folks).
It said on a plumber's truck here in Sun Valley--Don't sleep with a drip. Call your plumber! The other morning I was impatient with Arlene and hurt her feelings (i.e. I was a real drip). I apologized and she was soooooo kind in accepting it but I still wasn't happy with my self (i.e. I was not kind and should have been--it's hard to take something back after you did it). I went and played golf with some nice folks but didn't really have my heart in it (i.e. I still felt bad). I didn't play exceptionally well (i.e. maybe my expectations are greater than my ability). ANYWAY When going to the parking lot, I came face to face with a veteran (i.e. he had a veteran's cap on) and I said hi and he asked me how I was. Sooooooo how was I? I think I said good! I said back to him--How are you--great; after spending 11 months at Iwo Jima, every day is good day. A gal who I played golf with and I both said--thank you for serving and he replied--It was a job we had to do! I told a another gal we played with that she was a real person. I asked her how tall she was--she said 4'11' but have shrunk to her current height of 4'10". She was 72, single (i.e. divorced twice and for 35 years). She later came up to me and said--She would rather be married but it didn't work out that way. She plays 5 times a week and was a pretty good golfer. I think she almost beat me. I enjoyed her company and the other two folks. Yes I did.
Do you ever lie to yourself? A officer pulled over a guy and said--sir, I have you going 65 in a 55 and I don't thing you had you seat belt on. Did you? Officer, I did but was just struggling getting my license out. If you don't believe me ask my wife. Mam, did your husband have his seat belt on? She said--I never go against my husband when he is drinking! MissPerfect asks--Do you ever lie to yourself. Honesty can be a struggle for all of us (i.e. we are not always real). Being an honest person means more than not lying; there are fibs, white lies, half-truths, clever deceptions, exaggerations, etc. Jesus make it very simple, "let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and 'No,' 'No" Matthew 5:37
Arlene does exercises with some ladies each morning. She really enjoys them as she says they are soooooo sweet, authentic, genuine, real gals. They don't flaunt their wealth or pretend to be anything but are who they are. They are just soooooooo nice to her without trying to impress or puff themselves up. She also really likes our neighbor, Karen. They go together and after wards have coffee with several of the gals. Soooooooo I asked Arlene why she likes Karen soooooo much--Arlene said--'Cause she is soooooooooo real!
I played golf with a friend and his grand son this week. Ryan is 17, a junior in high school in ND, 6'2' 140 pounds and hits the ball 300 yards consistently with a little draw. He is a fine young man and a good golfer. He has potential to a great person and a great golfer (i.e. he has a good start but he will have to make his decisions and we all know decisions have consequences). ANYWAY on the 14 tee box, Ryan said to me--In playing golf with my granddad and his buddies, you're the first person that doesn't wear hearing aids and actually can see my drives!!! Now that is being real. Such is life. If you want to make the picture bigger, just click on it.
DuaneTheWorm is a phony (i.e. a real smoke screen). Abraham Lincoln said--You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some
of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
Some folks I really don't care if I'm around them or not. I just don't really care. LuckieEddie says--Well, to tell you the truth, I don't quite enjoy being around all his b-s, I don't really care to waste my time being around him! It doesn't take some hyper awareness to know that JakeTheFake isn't real (i.e. it takes some idiot to fall for the joker's sanagians but some do).
AverageJoe says--Know the truth, speak the truth. Do we know the truth or have a preconceived idea what the truth is (i.e. something you make up to make it fit your thoughts). Are we really real or just fakers of the what the real truth is? What do you think? Maybe we don't like the real stuff sooooo we tarnish the truth to fit us better. I'm being real here a.k.a. transparent here folks. I recently was not facing the real truth 'cause I don't like the real truth. I got humbled and once again realize what the real truth is. I don't like it any better but am now dealing with it differently. It's like playing an exceptional round of golf and think that it is the real truth but it isn't. I sometimes have a hard time dealing with the real truth. I do folks.
Let's be real! God of the good times is the same as the God of the bad times. Joesixpack says--That thought sorta kinda squeezes my mind. I tell you what Joesixpack, when it starts feeling good, just jump in and get some on ya! When the chemistry is good, good things happen. Just look at Jeremy Lin and the Knicks. Now isn't that quite a story. Unbelievable. Just unbelievable! Great story about timing and opportunity (i.e. chemistry). And when the chemistry is bad, it just ain't good.
A quotation from Dante’s Divine Comedy: “O mortal men, be wary how you judge.” The words are spoken to Dante by a group of redeemed souls in heaven after he has expressed surprise at seeing the pagan Roman emperor Trajan among them. As Mark Twain quipped, when he was twelve he couldn’t believe how ignorant his father was, and by the time he turned twenty he couldn’t believe how much his father had learned! If even in the human realm our snap judgments—often based on limited information and false assumptions—can be so easily reversed, how much more so when we question God? Here’s the best news of all: God reverses our judgment of ourselves. Sometimes we think we are sooooooo smart but in real life we aren't . Sometimes we think we are as smart as God. Such is life.
I sometimes wonder if being a DuaneTheWorm would be easier than being a real person. One would never question yourself 'cause you are always right, always the most important, always the best at everything. You have all the answers and are always better than everyone. DuaneTheWorms aren't but think they are sooooooo in their life they are. If you think you know everything and are the greatest, what is there to think about? Do DuaneTheWorms every realize that they aren't real? Do you think sooooo?
I asked a couple of friends if they would each tell me something about their life that was real (i.e. these gals are real folks with huge massive hearts--my kind of folks). Here are there responses written by them and printed with their permission: Couz Fays says--
I was enjoying a morning hike on one
of the local mountain trails. I was close to the end, so I reached for my
keys so I’d be ready to get into my locked car. Because many of my
athletic clothes do not have pockets, I have to find other places to put them.
My cell phone goes in my bra as well as a tissue, and my keys, since I
have two items on one ring, are placed at my waistband; one part on the inside,
the other hanging on the outside. As I started to get my keys, they were
NOT on my waistband where I had put them. I hiked back up to the top,
asking people along the way if they had found a set of keys. I looked on
the trail and alongside of it. Nothing! I did this twice!! (a
total of 3 times up & down). On my way down the last time, I had an
itch, kinda in the groin area. When I scratched it, I felt something.
Upon further investigation, there were my keys - laying in the CROTCH of
my panties!! And I never FELT them!! Can you believe it? I'd
say I got my exercise that day. It's been a good laugh, but also a lesson
learned: I now hang my keys on a cord I wear around my neck. (However, my cell phone still goes into my
bra.) That's a wow story folks! ~ A good friend who I really like and enjoy and care for says: Dear goes...Angels on earth...I tried hard to think of a humorous story from my life...unfortunately, when/if I do something funny, my husband immediately shares with family and friends. God has probed me to share his story. Several years ago, my husband and I were in a very serious car accident, which kept me trapped in our car for 1 1/2 hours under an 18 wheeler. Two angels kept me safe, one from earth who somehow, literally crawled in the car and kept her hand on my shoulder for 1 1/2 hours. Talking to me and keeping me calm. I never had the opportunity to meet her, but, thank her I did. God's angel stood guard while they cut the top off the car and lifted me out. I saw him and talked to him. The amazing part is that I truly thought he was part of the rescue team, until Ron pointed out it would of been impossible for anyone to stand under the 18 wheeler. I can still picture him today. God's angels protect us in different ways. Look around..yours maybe in a car along side of you keeping you safe.. That's a wow story folks. Ok here is an opportunity for some of you. I asked my friend if you who have experienced similar events in your life could share with her. She said that would be fine. You are to email me and I will forward them to her and you two can communicate. Folks, those are two very real stories of events in a couple of neat folks in my life. Oh ya!
Talk about a real experience. It was very scary for me and for my friend. We hiked Camelback Mountain Friday along with Kent. Things did not go well for my friend Ron. Very emotional for me. I just talked to Ron and he is doing fine. A couple of replaced stints. He thought he was going to die with the spinning. He was conscious through all of it. It was really spinning let me tell ya. It looks like he is going to be fine. Risky rescue at Echo Canyon Video: Air flow from chopper's blades sends rescued man spinning while dangling in air
There is really a command in the Bible why we are here in Phoenix. Yes there is (i.e. it is real). It says in Acts 27:12 this--Since the harbor was unsuitable to winter in, the majority decided that we should sail on, hoping to reach Phoenix and winter there.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Remember that silence is some times the best answer.
February 25, 2012
February 18, 2012
laugh & cry & think
This might make you laugh and cry and think! Being around these Cunucks down her in the Valley of the Sun (i.e. sun is a lot easier to scoop than snow), I learned how they named Canada. I understand that there was quite a uproar as to what the country should be called soooooo they put all the letters in a bag and drew letters out to form the name of the country. The first person put their hand in and drew out C "A", the second person drew N "A" and the third person drew out D "A"! Did you hear about the Cunuck who read the sign--Drink Canada Dry! So he went out and tried to drink Canada dry. He said he couldn't do it! Such is life.
MissPerfect, I think you are between a rock and a hard place (i.e.between the devil and the deep blue sea)! Have any of you ever been there? Now that can make a guy laugh and cry and think alright! Life seems at times to be a dilemma. Sometimes it appears we are stymied. It is not a good feeling. GeorgeTheCrook says--It only takes one person to cause the group to become toxic (i.e. just one person). Flipthepancake! It can just take one person to energize a group toooooo (i.e. like Lin for the Knicks). Saturday question--Are you the energizing bunny or the toxic waste? Some folks make others laugh, cry and think.
We sent gifts for Valentine's Day to Grandpa and Grandmas' Heisman winners. Oh ya! We don't know if the gifts make the grand kids laugh, cry or think! Such is life.
Life is about how you handle Plan B (i.e. and outside influences affect Plan B)! Joesixpack says--Somebody has to do something, it is just incredibly pathetic that it has to be me. Now that is something to think about, cry about or laugh about. GeorgeTheCrook says--Wisdom is not repeating all the stupid things we've done in our past (i.e. failure to quite is living in a vice grip). Ouchy ouchy! After further review, you did some stupid stuff GeorgeTheCrook! And if you can't stop repeating those stupid things, you will become a violent person. AverageJoe says--It's difficult to steer a parked car, soooooo get moving GeorgeTheCrook (i.e. quit your sputtering); Life is not a shot in the dark, it's a process! Such is life.
If you can read this you have a strong mind, they say !! 7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5! 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17 WA5 H4RD BU7 N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 17 4U70M471C4LLY W17H 0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17, B3 PROUD! 0NLY C3R741N P30PL3 C4N R3AD 7H15." Now that is an oom papa oom papa mow mow!
An older gal sitting next to me at a concert told me that she made a list of all the good concerts last year so she knows which ones she wanted to go to this year. I asked if I could see her list. She said--You could but I can't remember where I put the list! Now that will make a guy laugh, cry and think. A older guy I golfed with told me he gets up at 5 every morning--what in the world do you do at 5 every morning--I have a piece of toast, read the paper and then go for a hour walk, come back and have a bowl of cereal and then take a nap! Now that will make a guy laugh, cry and think! He said--I'm retired, I can do what ever I want and I don't have to worry what others think! Such is life in the Valley.
Jan and Gene visited us for a couple of days. Gene and I played golf one day with Mike (i.e. my ex-business partner and Ron our buddy). My golf game makes me laugh, cry and think. Ron and I wanted to hike Camelback Mountain yesterday but there was a fatality there soooo the mountain was closed (i.e. we will try again). And you think this life is easy down here in the valley! I was sitting in the car at Frey's Grocery store parking lot waiting for Arlene to get a few groceries. I put my seat back and was taking a nap. I noticed that my mouth would come open when I fell to sleep. It usually doesn't do that. Just then buddy Jim came buy and tapped on my window. He's an engineer and I asked him why my mouth came open. He didn't know. Now that will make a guy laugh, cry and think!
My kid sister and I went to the hot tube one night rather late. She asked me if the hot tub is hot as she doesn't like it if the water isn't hot. I said--There is nutten but ol' folks here and they demand that the water is hot (i.e. old folks want every thing hot as they are always cold). Sooooooo we get in and she says--The water is nice and hot (i.e. she is 62 now toooooo folks). Soooooooo the next afternoon she and Arlene go to the pool late and she wants to go for a swim. As she was getting in the water when some old lady says the water is cold; it's 82 degrees and that's cold; it has to be 86 to be warm. My kid sister has a pool in MI and they think 82 is bath water. Soooooo they are leaving the pool and some old lady asked her if the water is hot. She didn't quite know hot to answer her sooooo she said--It's 82. The old lady (i.e. maybe overly ripe) said, that's cold; I'd freeze my ass off at 82; it's got to be 86 for me to go in! Such is live in a 55+ community in the Valley of the Sun! Our hot tub was broken Monday night sooooo after golf and dinner Gene, Jan, Arlene and I went to the main pool and hot tub (i.e. about 9:30). There were two couples in the hot tub but didn't have it activated. I said--should I turn it on. They said -- no. It makes toooooo much noise then we talk loud and everyone can hear us all over. One lady told us the regular pool was warm--88 degrees she said. I said, are you sure, that's pretty hot. She reached between her breast and pulled out a thermometer which was on a string around her neck and said--I have proof. Only in a 55+ community with old folks. The hot tub was hot toooooooo (i.e. 102)! Older folks are horses of their own in a wild west show let me tell ya. I spent most of the morning doing some stuff and then Arlene and I went and did some stuff together. Arlene informed me that I had my shirt on insideout the most of the morning. It was no big deal, others just thought I was being stylish or old. Take your pick. Folks don't really care. We're just common folks doing uncommon stuff! Ya gotta do stuff before you get the message--The future called and your home is ready! Soooooo there isn't much good in bellyaching about a three butt or something. Ya just can't go wrong by being appreciative. To sustain a good attitude, it's good to have a ditchitalmemory of bad stuff just like having a ditchitalcamera. Hanging unto bad memories is very invasive. Remember good memories is a lot better. Such is life.
Does this make you laugh, cry or think? There aren't many opportunities for cougars here in the 55+ communities (i.e. 'cause there aren't any younger romantic men--they are all old). I wonder if the gals at the pool look over the guys and wonder if they are available and I wonder if the guys do the same. You think soooooo? There has to be single folks here both male and female 'cause of divorce or death. Maybe those guys are more interested in the net worth or how they cook than how they look at the pool. Maybe those gals can put up with big bellies if the guy's net worth is ok and he can play cards. I don't know. What do you think? My mentor always say--Things aren't always as they appear; thinks are never as good as they look and never as bad as they look! MissPerfect says--What happens in the Valley, stays in the Valley; you didn't see nutten!
We go to music concerts sometimes on Thursday nights at the 1st Baptist in Apache Junction (i.e. ya got to go early as old folks go early). ANYWAY I was looking at the Blackwood Quartet members and wondered if I didn't know they were musicians in their black suits and ties but saw them on the street what would I would think of them. The first guy I thought would be a salesman at Earndardt Toyota, the second would be the guy on a Harley with high handlebars next to me at the red light at the intersection of Sossaman and Power, the third guy would be a wild animal trainer at the circus and the fourth guy would be a retired CEO of a bowling ball company. I wonder if they knew my thoughts if that would make them laugh, cry or think!
Ol'friendCharlieTheSnowbird here in the Valley made me laugh and cry and think alright. OldCharlieFromMn was at Starbucks recently when he suddenly realized he desperately had to fart. The music was really, really loud so he timed his fart with the beat of the music. After a couple of songs he started feeling better. He finished his coffee and noticed that everyone was staring at him. And suddenly he remembered he was listening to his ipod! Ouchy ouchy
ItchieBitchie says--If you live in an average American home, you flush the toilet five times a day, using 18½ gallons of water. This comes to 5.7 billion gallons of clean drinking water literally “down the drain” each day. Now that's a lot of water folks just to flush the toilet. And I know some of you are above the average!! Those figures can make a guy laugh and cry and think all right. Sooooooo I guess at the end of each day, our day is down the drain--soooooo what did we do with it? Do you constant complain about everything in your life? Oh brother! A lifelong habit of complaining consumed NegitiveIrene's entire personality. Eventually, there was nothing left of her but a grumble, “going on forever like a machine". It takes a real storm in the average person's life to make him realize how much worrying he has done over the squalls. There are also very positive folks (i.e. adventured inspired); we're not all cut from the same cloth.
Ah-chow! Gegundheit! Ya, some folks make us laugh, some make us cry and some make us think. Which one do you think you are?
We drove up to Sedona Wednesday night to connect again with my kid sister and her husband. We did some hiking and then rode the Pink Jeeps (i.e. I bet some of you folks have rode them). We had a hoot! Our driver told us somethings that I didn't know that was quite interesting to me. That the Southwest, including AZ, 150 years ago was wet and had grass up to the horses' bellies. Only 150 years ago. Also that rodents don't pee. Also did you know that AZ on Valentines Day celebrated it's 100 years of being a state. 100 years ago there was no law in this part of the country. That's not sooooo long ago folks. It said in the paper soooooo it must be right that 64% of visitors (i.e. 130,000 annually) come to Red Rock Country seeking some type of spiritual experience. Sedona is believed by some to be a vortex meditation site, places of power in the red rocks that enhance prayer, contemplation, and reflection for people of all faiths. Vortex sites are some of the most visited and impacted sites on the national forest. Now that could make a guy laugh, cry or think folks! Such is life.
SusieQ says--Laugh and the world will laugh with you; snore and you sleep alone!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--It is always worth while to make others aware of their worth.
MissPerfect, I think you are between a rock and a hard place (i.e.between the devil and the deep blue sea)! Have any of you ever been there? Now that can make a guy laugh and cry and think alright! Life seems at times to be a dilemma. Sometimes it appears we are stymied. It is not a good feeling. GeorgeTheCrook says--It only takes one person to cause the group to become toxic (i.e. just one person). Flipthepancake! It can just take one person to energize a group toooooo (i.e. like Lin for the Knicks). Saturday question--Are you the energizing bunny or the toxic waste? Some folks make others laugh, cry and think.
We sent gifts for Valentine's Day to Grandpa and Grandmas' Heisman winners. Oh ya! We don't know if the gifts make the grand kids laugh, cry or think! Such is life.
Life is about how you handle Plan B (i.e. and outside influences affect Plan B)! Joesixpack says--Somebody has to do something, it is just incredibly pathetic that it has to be me. Now that is something to think about, cry about or laugh about. GeorgeTheCrook says--Wisdom is not repeating all the stupid things we've done in our past (i.e. failure to quite is living in a vice grip). Ouchy ouchy! After further review, you did some stupid stuff GeorgeTheCrook! And if you can't stop repeating those stupid things, you will become a violent person. AverageJoe says--It's difficult to steer a parked car, soooooo get moving GeorgeTheCrook (i.e. quit your sputtering); Life is not a shot in the dark, it's a process! Such is life.
If you can read this you have a strong mind, they say !! 7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5! 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17 WA5 H4RD BU7 N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 17 4U70M471C4LLY W17H 0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17, B3 PROUD! 0NLY C3R741N P30PL3 C4N R3AD 7H15." Now that is an oom papa oom papa mow mow!
An older gal sitting next to me at a concert told me that she made a list of all the good concerts last year so she knows which ones she wanted to go to this year. I asked if I could see her list. She said--You could but I can't remember where I put the list! Now that will make a guy laugh, cry and think. A older guy I golfed with told me he gets up at 5 every morning--what in the world do you do at 5 every morning--I have a piece of toast, read the paper and then go for a hour walk, come back and have a bowl of cereal and then take a nap! Now that will make a guy laugh, cry and think! He said--I'm retired, I can do what ever I want and I don't have to worry what others think! Such is life in the Valley.

Does this make you laugh, cry or think? There aren't many opportunities for cougars here in the 55+ communities (i.e. 'cause there aren't any younger romantic men--they are all old). I wonder if the gals at the pool look over the guys and wonder if they are available and I wonder if the guys do the same. You think soooooo? There has to be single folks here both male and female 'cause of divorce or death. Maybe those guys are more interested in the net worth or how they cook than how they look at the pool. Maybe those gals can put up with big bellies if the guy's net worth is ok and he can play cards. I don't know. What do you think? My mentor always say--Things aren't always as they appear; thinks are never as good as they look and never as bad as they look! MissPerfect says--What happens in the Valley, stays in the Valley; you didn't see nutten!
We go to music concerts sometimes on Thursday nights at the 1st Baptist in Apache Junction (i.e. ya got to go early as old folks go early). ANYWAY I was looking at the Blackwood Quartet members and wondered if I didn't know they were musicians in their black suits and ties but saw them on the street what would I would think of them. The first guy I thought would be a salesman at Earndardt Toyota, the second would be the guy on a Harley with high handlebars next to me at the red light at the intersection of Sossaman and Power, the third guy would be a wild animal trainer at the circus and the fourth guy would be a retired CEO of a bowling ball company. I wonder if they knew my thoughts if that would make them laugh, cry or think!
Ol'friendCharlieTheSnowbird here in the Valley made me laugh and cry and think alright. OldCharlieFromMn was at Starbucks recently when he suddenly realized he desperately had to fart. The music was really, really loud so he timed his fart with the beat of the music. After a couple of songs he started feeling better. He finished his coffee and noticed that everyone was staring at him. And suddenly he remembered he was listening to his ipod! Ouchy ouchy
ItchieBitchie says--If you live in an average American home, you flush the toilet five times a day, using 18½ gallons of water. This comes to 5.7 billion gallons of clean drinking water literally “down the drain” each day. Now that's a lot of water folks just to flush the toilet. And I know some of you are above the average!! Those figures can make a guy laugh and cry and think all right. Sooooooo I guess at the end of each day, our day is down the drain--soooooo what did we do with it? Do you constant complain about everything in your life? Oh brother! A lifelong habit of complaining consumed NegitiveIrene's entire personality. Eventually, there was nothing left of her but a grumble, “going on forever like a machine". It takes a real storm in the average person's life to make him realize how much worrying he has done over the squalls. There are also very positive folks (i.e. adventured inspired); we're not all cut from the same cloth.
Ah-chow! Gegundheit! Ya, some folks make us laugh, some make us cry and some make us think. Which one do you think you are?
SusieQ says--Laugh and the world will laugh with you; snore and you sleep alone!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--It is always worth while to make others aware of their worth.
February 11, 2012
Most days when I come home from one of my activities Arlene asks me how was my day. My usual remark is--It was ok! Ok means that--ok. I'm not for much getting all excited or disappointed sooooo most everything I do is ok. BUT some days are better than others in the ok category (i.e. it has quite a range). When I say I really had a good time way beyond the range in the ok category it is 'cuase I had the opportunity to help someone in some way (i.e. now that makes me excited). Does any of this make any sense to you?
Ya want to hear some interesting information? Ok! Remember last year I told you about meeting Kirby Dreyer, the young gal from Canada who played on the Future Tournament (i.e. just below the LPGA)? When she was a kid she played golf in the summer and hockey in the winter. Well she qualified through the Qualifying School for the LPGA this year. She was in the Valley sooooo we and a couple of my buddies had the opportunity to play with her once again. After her shots we didn't say, that was an ok shot, we said that's a great shot. Let me tell you her golf game is more than ok! Oh ya. And to top it off, she's a real nice gal. I wish good stuff to happen for her. Joesixpack says--You can pick your friends but not your relation! I invited my cousin-in-law to play with us. This guy is ok. He really is and he's an animal (i.e. Secretariat #2). He's 73 and carries his clubs, going to hike the Grand Canyon here soon, down and up all in the same day, and does the 60 mile Breast Cancer Walk. He's also an avid flower gardener. And he does it all without one hair every getting out of place (i.e. he looks like a model out of some men's magazine let me tell ya). Don't let that fool ya, he's one tough dude! The fourth member of our foursome was BigPete, my pickle ball buddy. He's ok! Really he's ok even if he has a pink golf bag, 6 pink golf shirts and hits the ball a ton (i.e. he likes pink he says). I think he's ok! Really he's ok. I can tell! This outing was an ok, fun time let me tell ya. It's just seems soooooo strange for this athletic, big guy to love the color of pink. CadillacJack says--Now that is some interesting information that is of little importance let me tell ya!
It's ok to play with a pink ladies gold ball that my buddy, TheCnuckwiththeLincolnTownCar, uses I guess. It's not for me but he likes it. Soooooo! ItchieBitchie says--I have played golf a few times and it's a nice enough game if you like that sort of thing and if you can make up your own rules. Talk about suggestions or rules (i.e. depends who you are and what you think). It said in the paper soooooo it must be right that this about heart disease: You can't pick your parents, you can pick your lifestyle. The most significant risk factors for heart disease is genetics. Ouchy ouchy! My dad died of heart problems at the age of 56. In the 'who knew?' category, a less well-known way to protect your heart is to regularly flossing your teeth to remove bacteria because bacteria in dental plaque can travel to your heart and cause disease. MissPerfect says--Maybe those folks who are flossing their teeth in public might be ok after all! Strong on the maybe MissPerfect (i.e. that's much like a guy playing a pink golf ball)! I always give my friend a hard time. I gave him a hard time about his pink ball and he said to me--Up your nose with a garden hose!!! GovernmentKenFromMN said--Oh cockroach when he missed a putt (i.e. I have heard him say a lot worse)! It's just plain amazing what I learn from these guys. And I don't have to pay anything for it. Such is life.
Look at that will ya. We were at Target; I was waiting for Arlene and just sitting in their little Pizza Hut by the entrance watching folks. This gal looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and said--Are you going somewhere special today or coming from work as you are all dressed up (i.e. she was dressed up quite fancy). She said--no, I dress up to go shopping, run errands, get gas or anything; I just always dress up in public. I asked her if she was ok as no one does that anymore! She laughed and told me she was born in 1951 and was just taught that by her mom. She was of dark skin if that would make a difference. We had a nice talk and we both left happy from the ok experience. Such is life.
My kid sister, Doris and her husband Larry spent the week with us. They are ok! Doris is my favorite younger sister (i.e. the only one I have). Our Father, Chester, died when Doris was 13 and our Mother Anna died when Doris was 18 sooooooo Doris had no parents at quite a young age. She has really done better than ok; she has done super. She is a great, wonderful gal. We had great parents but they just didn't live long enough! I still miss them a lot. ANYWAY We enjoy Doris and Larrys' company even though they have saddle sores from sittin' on the saddle the wrong way. But really they are ok!. It even says they are ok sooooooo they must be ok! The Earp boys and Doc Holiday won again. Who would ever guess that Doris and I would run 3 miles early Friday morning togather in AZ at the age of 62 and 66 when we were kids growing up a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN. That experience was better than ok, it was very special to me.
The big group of folks in the picture may look like a Super PAC but they are really only my cousins and their spouses (i.e. Dykema cousins on my Mom's side down here in the Valley). I'm not a mind reader but but have access to an iPhone voice program which says they are all ok! We had lunch at Texaz Grill which was ok and the event was ok+! Part of the good in us and part of the bad in us came from our Dykema mothers. We had nutten to say about it. BUT our Moms, Anna, Louise and Berdina were/are very nice ladies (i.e. not just ok but great ladies). We have been blessed to have them as our Moms. No question.
Soooooooo Arlene asked my how my day was at the 16th of the Phoenix Open. It was ok. Another experience. that was interesting. The 16th is really about money. There are maybe a couple hundred sky boxes that rent to corporations for $45,000 each which entitles them to entertain 34 folks each day (i.e. all free food and drink). We got to eat the food and it was very good. Soooo you can imagine after drinking free drinks for hours how the crowd gets. The age of the crowd was young (i.e. many in their 30s). Another volunteer said to me--The gals are trolling using their best bait (i.e. ya they were) but most of the folks were very nice to me. It's one big crazy party atmosphere. Like I said, an experience. A talented female bartender serving the free drinks can make up to $1,500 a day in tips. I asked her what makes a good bartender to get tips like that--cleavage, a lot of cleavage! My job was to check their passes to gain entrance to this certain section of the sky boxes. I also had to ask the cigar smokes to not smoke in the sky box area if I saw someone (i.e. seemed like a fair number of them smoked cigars--I think that is sorta kinda part of the image maybe). ANYWAY I tried to have fun with them and they treated my quite nice. It might make a difference how you treat them. You think sooooooo! Oh ya, there were a few older guys with their trophy babes who had to act very important but the younger folks were really fun to be around. Abraham Lincoln said--Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
Drinking can get ya to Boot Hill folks. Joesixpack asks--Is it ok to drink? I just happened to be around 4 guys within the last week and they talked about drinking. All four quite drinking (i.e. a couple in their 20s) 'casue they realized that drinking really was affecting their life in a very negative way. Now that is self-discipline. LuckieEddie says--It only takes one person to change your life--you! My Daddy, Chester, use to tell me--erv, self discipline is the best discipline. I think these guys have a lot of wisdom. What do you think? Yabut when you are young, it all about fun a.k.a. sometimes foolishness.We went to church the Sunday and got there 10 minutes early and there were not 2 seats left together. Arlene and I had to set separately. It was packed with old folks. Is that wisdom do you think--seeking God and His wisdom? I think soooooo folks. Saturday question--Are intelligence and wisdom the same? Of course they aren't. I know folks who are very smart but aren't very wise (i.e. I think many of those young folks fall into that category at their age--my opinion). Pastor John told this story: Gingrich, a pastor, a boy scout were being flown in a small plane. The pilot told them that the plane was have some sever problems and was going down. And even worse, there are only three parachutes. Since I have a young family I will need one. Soooo he took one and jumped. Gingrich said, since I'm the smartest guy in the world I deserve one. Soooo he took one and jumped. The pastor said, I'm much older than you young man. You take the last parachute sooo you can live a complete life. The young boy scout said, we are ok, Gingrich who thinks he is the smartest guy in the world, just took my back pack!
We stopped in Benson for dinner on our way back from Fort Bowie and Tombstone at the Horse Shoe Cafe on Main Street. They had a little sign in their place that said--We trade gossip for coffee! It was an ok place but I have never seen soooooooo many newspaper vending machines in front of one cafe before. It must be an ok place.
LuckieEddie says-ok ok ok erv, your writing is not Nobel Prize type of stuff soooooo that's enough for one Saturday, wrap it up will ya!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The best thing you can give someone is a chance.
Ya want to hear some interesting information? Ok! Remember last year I told you about meeting Kirby Dreyer, the young gal from Canada who played on the Future Tournament (i.e. just below the LPGA)? When she was a kid she played golf in the summer and hockey in the winter. Well she qualified through the Qualifying School for the LPGA this year. She was in the Valley sooooo we and a couple of my buddies had the opportunity to play with her once again. After her shots we didn't say, that was an ok shot, we said that's a great shot. Let me tell you her golf game is more than ok! Oh ya. And to top it off, she's a real nice gal. I wish good stuff to happen for her. Joesixpack says--You can pick your friends but not your relation! I invited my cousin-in-law to play with us. This guy is ok. He really is and he's an animal (i.e. Secretariat #2). He's 73 and carries his clubs, going to hike the Grand Canyon here soon, down and up all in the same day, and does the 60 mile Breast Cancer Walk. He's also an avid flower gardener. And he does it all without one hair every getting out of place (i.e. he looks like a model out of some men's magazine let me tell ya). Don't let that fool ya, he's one tough dude! The fourth member of our foursome was BigPete, my pickle ball buddy. He's ok! Really he's ok even if he has a pink golf bag, 6 pink golf shirts and hits the ball a ton (i.e. he likes pink he says). I think he's ok! Really he's ok. I can tell! This outing was an ok, fun time let me tell ya. It's just seems soooooo strange for this athletic, big guy to love the color of pink. CadillacJack says--Now that is some interesting information that is of little importance let me tell ya!
It's ok to play with a pink ladies gold ball that my buddy, TheCnuckwiththeLincolnTownCar, uses I guess. It's not for me but he likes it. Soooooo! ItchieBitchie says--I have played golf a few times and it's a nice enough game if you like that sort of thing and if you can make up your own rules. Talk about suggestions or rules (i.e. depends who you are and what you think). It said in the paper soooooo it must be right that this about heart disease: You can't pick your parents, you can pick your lifestyle. The most significant risk factors for heart disease is genetics. Ouchy ouchy! My dad died of heart problems at the age of 56. In the 'who knew?' category, a less well-known way to protect your heart is to regularly flossing your teeth to remove bacteria because bacteria in dental plaque can travel to your heart and cause disease. MissPerfect says--Maybe those folks who are flossing their teeth in public might be ok after all! Strong on the maybe MissPerfect (i.e. that's much like a guy playing a pink golf ball)! I always give my friend a hard time. I gave him a hard time about his pink ball and he said to me--Up your nose with a garden hose!!! GovernmentKenFromMN said--Oh cockroach when he missed a putt (i.e. I have heard him say a lot worse)! It's just plain amazing what I learn from these guys. And I don't have to pay anything for it. Such is life.
Look at that will ya. We were at Target; I was waiting for Arlene and just sitting in their little Pizza Hut by the entrance watching folks. This gal looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and said--Are you going somewhere special today or coming from work as you are all dressed up (i.e. she was dressed up quite fancy). She said--no, I dress up to go shopping, run errands, get gas or anything; I just always dress up in public. I asked her if she was ok as no one does that anymore! She laughed and told me she was born in 1951 and was just taught that by her mom. She was of dark skin if that would make a difference. We had a nice talk and we both left happy from the ok experience. Such is life.
My kid sister, Doris and her husband Larry spent the week with us. They are ok! Doris is my favorite younger sister (i.e. the only one I have). Our Father, Chester, died when Doris was 13 and our Mother Anna died when Doris was 18 sooooooo Doris had no parents at quite a young age. She has really done better than ok; she has done super. She is a great, wonderful gal. We had great parents but they just didn't live long enough! I still miss them a lot. ANYWAY We enjoy Doris and Larrys' company even though they have saddle sores from sittin' on the saddle the wrong way. But really they are ok!. It even says they are ok sooooooo they must be ok! The Earp boys and Doc Holiday won again. Who would ever guess that Doris and I would run 3 miles early Friday morning togather in AZ at the age of 62 and 66 when we were kids growing up a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN. That experience was better than ok, it was very special to me.
The big group of folks in the picture may look like a Super PAC but they are really only my cousins and their spouses (i.e. Dykema cousins on my Mom's side down here in the Valley). I'm not a mind reader but but have access to an iPhone voice program which says they are all ok! We had lunch at Texaz Grill which was ok and the event was ok+! Part of the good in us and part of the bad in us came from our Dykema mothers. We had nutten to say about it. BUT our Moms, Anna, Louise and Berdina were/are very nice ladies (i.e. not just ok but great ladies). We have been blessed to have them as our Moms. No question.
Soooooooo Arlene asked my how my day was at the 16th of the Phoenix Open. It was ok. Another experience. that was interesting. The 16th is really about money. There are maybe a couple hundred sky boxes that rent to corporations for $45,000 each which entitles them to entertain 34 folks each day (i.e. all free food and drink). We got to eat the food and it was very good. Soooo you can imagine after drinking free drinks for hours how the crowd gets. The age of the crowd was young (i.e. many in their 30s). Another volunteer said to me--The gals are trolling using their best bait (i.e. ya they were) but most of the folks were very nice to me. It's one big crazy party atmosphere. Like I said, an experience. A talented female bartender serving the free drinks can make up to $1,500 a day in tips. I asked her what makes a good bartender to get tips like that--cleavage, a lot of cleavage! My job was to check their passes to gain entrance to this certain section of the sky boxes. I also had to ask the cigar smokes to not smoke in the sky box area if I saw someone (i.e. seemed like a fair number of them smoked cigars--I think that is sorta kinda part of the image maybe). ANYWAY I tried to have fun with them and they treated my quite nice. It might make a difference how you treat them. You think sooooooo! Oh ya, there were a few older guys with their trophy babes who had to act very important but the younger folks were really fun to be around. Abraham Lincoln said--Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
We stopped in Benson for dinner on our way back from Fort Bowie and Tombstone at the Horse Shoe Cafe on Main Street. They had a little sign in their place that said--We trade gossip for coffee! It was an ok place but I have never seen soooooooo many newspaper vending machines in front of one cafe before. It must be an ok place.
LuckieEddie says-ok ok ok erv, your writing is not Nobel Prize type of stuff soooooo that's enough for one Saturday, wrap it up will ya!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The best thing you can give someone is a chance.
February 4, 2012
coming around
Listen up you hockey pucks! Okay who became famous for calling folks hockey pucks? I bet more snowbirds know than do the younger generations. FYI, stuff in this "It's Saturday" is not secretive but for some it's highly sensitive though. There's no doubt about it. I'm not kiddin' ya folks!
Joesixpack says--I think she's coming around. What does that mean anyway? Is she becoming like a round ball or a round barrel? Or is it that she is changing and starting to act the way he wants her to act? Maybe she's like a boomerang and coming back (i.e. she's coming around)? Joesixpack, I don't know for sure what "coming around" means but if HerbTheCankerSore doesn't come around soon, he will find himself in a roadside ditch with dirt on his body or worse yet, lights out! Talk about comin' around! John and Roberta, snowbirds in Mesa, were touring their brand new house her in the Valley. It was a house that Roberta had paid for with her money, a fact of which she constantly reminded John. In each room of the house she said to her husband: "John, if it were not for my money, we would not be here." John didn't say a word. That afternoon a truck delivered a load of new which Roberta paid for with her money. After the furniture was in its place, they toured the house again. As they observed each room, beautifully appointed and magnificently decorated, Roberta reminded her husband: "John, if it were not for my money, this furniture would not be here." Again, John was silent. Late in the afternoon another truck came with a special piece of furniture which was to be the focal point of the family room. It was a combination stereo-television-computer center all wrapped into one gorgeous piece of furniture. Roberta paid for it with her money. When it was in place, Roberta again said: "John, if it were not for my money, that beautiful electronics system would not be here." Finally, John spoke: "Honey, I don't want to make you feel bad, but...if it were not for your money, I wouldn't be here either!"
Around and around and around we go, where we stop no one knows. The other day when playing pickle ball, the ball went off the court by the sidewalk. As I was retrieving it, folks were coming back from the activity center where they were severing free coffee and donuts. I came face to face with this very round lady and said--Soooooo you're coming back from free coffee and donuts! She said, ya we are. I said without thinking--Sooooooo how many did you eat? Ouchy ouchy! She came around with a right hook and that's how I got my back eye! Only kidding about the right hook but she did give me a different look.
Comin' around! I was coming back from playing ping pong at Sun Life the other day. I was riding my bike east on Broadway just before Power when there was a vehicle in the bike lane up ahead. As I got closer I could see that the van had a flat tire and the guy had the rear door open. I asked him if I could help him. Jon (i.e. I know it was Jon as it said it on his shirt and also said Maintenance Leisure World). Jon didn't really say much soooooo I just started helping him. Then a big diesel pickup pulls up behind us and a guy gets out and asks if he could help--I said sure, more help is always good. Again Jon didn't say much. Sooooo this guy and I are changing the tire and he says--I''m Tom Cooper and want to invite you to our church Broadway Christian. I said, we go there and I know Pastor John a little. Pastor John suggested I read the book, Who Stole My Church by Gordon MacDonald (i.e. I just got done with it--bought it on Amazon used--it's a great read about church change--it's not a b c or 1 2 3 type of book but a story of a fictitious church and change--interesting read and very thought provoking). ANYWAY back to changing the tire. Tom is the Mission Director. We talked about some of their mission projects they have going. Jon didn't say much. When we got done, Tom gave us his card and said to me--see you in church. And he looked Jon right in his eyes and said to him--If ever I can help you in any way, just call me. Jon didn't say anything. Tom went back to his pickup and I got on my bike. End of story. Huh, interesting.
MissPerfect says--You are only one defining decision away from a totally different life (i.e. and what do you think would be such a defining decision that could totally change your life?) Sooooo many folks seek the key to the meaning of life, not realizing it's a combination lock. MissPerfect asks--When do you know when you are coming around anyway? Good question MissPerfect. When we were in Waukee last weekend, we went to a business that had some sayings on the walls. I took a few pictures of them. They were sayings about life. Sooooo guess what kind of business they came from. You IA folks might even know what business we were at. Answer later.
Talk about comin' around! My Daddy, Chester, would tell me--Most folks don't spend enough time thinking (i.e. think things out). They don't take time to strategize but go off half cocked. That makes them reactive instead of proactive. I really believe that I need "strategize retreats" in my life. Time alone so I can focus and plan and think and mediate and pray. I really believe in order to be really constructive, a person has to have quit time. That's my opinion folks. ItchieBitchie says--Tooooo many folks waste there time 'cause they don't think before they act (i.e. sitting on the couch eating chips and watching TV). Wasting time is wasting your opportunities. Thinking makes a person come around! We need to listen more for guidance. James 1:5 says--If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him (i.e. God will give us wisdom if we just ask). Pastor John says--God will give you wisdom but you still must make the decision (i.e. and decisions have consequences). SupermanRich says--God predestines everything sooooo I have nutten to do with it. Total predestination, I think is hogwash (i.e. my opinion). Maybe our prayer should be--Lord speak to me. I'm listening!
These guys make the highlight reel! They are really that good. These guys are sooooo full of wisdom (i.e. they just drip with wisdom) soooo I got them together and tried to learn from them. They are a retired GM engineer, a wounded Koren War Pilot, and a ND beet farmer who flew helicopters in the service. They are all very successful (i.e. age 85, 78 and 75. I meet them through golf over three years down here in the Valley. I invited them to come over to our condo patio and just talk. I learned a lot from these guys. I want to come around like they did. I picked their minds! The wisdom only cost me some popcorn and some beverage! Pretty cheap wouldn't ya say!
Bush gave Obama some guidance. Did you know that? When Obama took office, he had a short session with Bush. Bush told him that he is popular now but it probably won't always be that way. When that happens, I have put 3 envelopes in the desk drawer for you. Sure enough, the public became unhappy sooooo Obama took out the first envelope and opened it. It said--Blame me! He did and it seemed to work for a while but things again went bad. Sooo he opened the second envelope and it said--Blame Congress! He did and it worded for a while but once again things went bad sooooo he opened the 3rd envelope and it said--Make 3 envelopes!!!!!
GeorgeTheCrook says--Ya gotta keep pressing on in life. On and on and on! Keep pressing on! CadillacJack says--Your face is a reflection of your life. Saturday question--What does your face look like anyway? It looks like you have it all together it seems boy! Do you really? You look sooooo goood. Is it as goood as it looks? How do you see your future life? "The Best thing about the future
is that it comes one day at a time." ~Abraham Lincoln~
Joesixpack says--Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes. Coming around in managing his finances. GeorgeTheCrook says--It's how you manage the small stuff that will determine how you mange the big stuff. Instead of watching the dollars, you watch the quarters and dimes! It says in the paper soooooo it must be right, that 75 to 80 percent of martial splits involve finances. That is why maybe a good financial advisor could really help like a mentor or someone who seems to do well with their personal finances. Saturday questions--Do you manage your money much like your parents do? Did your parents teach you good money management? Where did you learn to manage your money? If you are married, does your spouse have the same philosophy of money management as you do?
We have a tendency to do things very fast before thinking. We live in a fast society...sooooooo fast that the cell phone companies advertise that they are 13 seconds faster. 13 seconds folks! SusieQ says--You are what you think and what you do! What you put in will come out. I play with pickle ball players who get better 'cause they practice. Huh, interesting! I try to mimic the good stuff of the stronger players so I can get better. I suggest we all get a mentor and mimic him/her. When you go fishing you catch more fish if you hire a fishing guide--in golf, we hire a pro to teach us a better swing etc. Maybe we should have a guide to help us manage our money, a dating coach, a marriage coach and a death coach! What do you think? They might help us come around!
AverageJoe says--I don't know much about life in general but I do know that all folks are not created equal. Sooooo AverageJoe, what's really important to you anyway? Sometimes we do what we have to do in life. Even when we don't want to do them. Even things that we don't want to do! But we do them 'cause it's the right thing to do at the right time. Our lives are shown through our family, friends, other relationships (i.e. both social and business) Such is life. WildWilly says--Everyone wants the good life, but too many people fail to find it because they're looking for it in the wrong places. Society often promises that you can find the good life by pursuing goals that seem good, such as earning more money, gaining more friends, or becoming more physically attractive. But those are just empty promises that can't really fulfill you. Only a relationship with Jesus can give you the good life that God has designed you to crave. Placing your hope in anything less – even if it's something good that God has created
turns into idolatry that interferes with your relationship with Jesus and actually leads you away from the good life that God wants you to enjoy. Saturday question--What does your life look like anyway?
LuckieEddie says--I'm comin' around now. Things are going my way! But MOST times, what you want and what you get are two different things-- We all want to know where we are going. We all want to know what we are aiming for. We all want to know where the end of the line is (i.e. what we are shooting for). PlumberJoe says--It's like a dog chasing a car, when he catches it what is he going to do with it). Many times in my life, once I get to where I want to go, I find out that it's not what I expected (i.e. I'm sometimes disappointed). MissPerfect says--I hope when everything is said and done (i.e. death on this earth), I don't find out that I had my latter leaning against the wrong wall! Ouchy ouchy!
I heard on TV sooooo it must be right that 1 out 10 folks take medication for depression. I read in the paper sooooooo it must be right that they might be redefining mental illness. The new guide might brand as metal disorders some common behaviors, including having temper tantrums three times a week or a lack of sexual arousal...everyday disappointments, sufferings and eccentricities are being redefined as psychiatric disorders and that could lead to medication treatment (i.e. sell more pills to make more money). Seeeeeee, I always said, we are all mentally ill but just do different degrees. Such is life.
Life is soooooo interesting, scary, happy, rewarding, amazing, disappointing, unbelievable, changing, exciting, unpredictable, fulfilling, challenging, and soooooo much more. Lord, facing life today, we turn to You and ask for guidance to direct us to what is important and to cast off the unimportant plans of our lives. Jack Welch, the former CEO of GE once said--When the rate of change inside an organization (i.e. or life) is slower than the rate of change outside an organization, the end (i.e. of that organization or life) is in sight.
My golfbuddyJohn and I are volunteering at the Phoenix Open today. We are working at hole #16. That is the crazy hole where folks bet which caddie will touch the green first and boo bad shots. It should be quite an experience. My golfbuddyJohn is important and has connections (i.e. it isn't what you know but who you know). Such is life.
The pictures were taken at Homemakers Furniture Store.
LuckieEddie says--Life is confusing at times; I don't know which way to turn. This is not secretive but for some it's highly sensitive--The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live our life! Saturday question--What does our house look like (i.e. our internal house)? Isn't there a song that goes something like this--This world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through...!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--It's not so much where you stand as in what direction you are going.
Bonus coverage--About life with Steve Jobs
Joesixpack says--I think she's coming around. What does that mean anyway? Is she becoming like a round ball or a round barrel? Or is it that she is changing and starting to act the way he wants her to act? Maybe she's like a boomerang and coming back (i.e. she's coming around)? Joesixpack, I don't know for sure what "coming around" means but if HerbTheCankerSore doesn't come around soon, he will find himself in a roadside ditch with dirt on his body or worse yet, lights out! Talk about comin' around! John and Roberta, snowbirds in Mesa, were touring their brand new house her in the Valley. It was a house that Roberta had paid for with her money, a fact of which she constantly reminded John. In each room of the house she said to her husband: "John, if it were not for my money, we would not be here." John didn't say a word. That afternoon a truck delivered a load of new which Roberta paid for with her money. After the furniture was in its place, they toured the house again. As they observed each room, beautifully appointed and magnificently decorated, Roberta reminded her husband: "John, if it were not for my money, this furniture would not be here." Again, John was silent. Late in the afternoon another truck came with a special piece of furniture which was to be the focal point of the family room. It was a combination stereo-television-computer center all wrapped into one gorgeous piece of furniture. Roberta paid for it with her money. When it was in place, Roberta again said: "John, if it were not for my money, that beautiful electronics system would not be here." Finally, John spoke: "Honey, I don't want to make you feel bad, but...if it were not for your money, I wouldn't be here either!"
Around and around and around we go, where we stop no one knows. The other day when playing pickle ball, the ball went off the court by the sidewalk. As I was retrieving it, folks were coming back from the activity center where they were severing free coffee and donuts. I came face to face with this very round lady and said--Soooooo you're coming back from free coffee and donuts! She said, ya we are. I said without thinking--Sooooooo how many did you eat? Ouchy ouchy! She came around with a right hook and that's how I got my back eye! Only kidding about the right hook but she did give me a different look.
Comin' around! I was coming back from playing ping pong at Sun Life the other day. I was riding my bike east on Broadway just before Power when there was a vehicle in the bike lane up ahead. As I got closer I could see that the van had a flat tire and the guy had the rear door open. I asked him if I could help him. Jon (i.e. I know it was Jon as it said it on his shirt and also said Maintenance Leisure World). Jon didn't really say much soooooo I just started helping him. Then a big diesel pickup pulls up behind us and a guy gets out and asks if he could help--I said sure, more help is always good. Again Jon didn't say much. Sooooo this guy and I are changing the tire and he says--I''m Tom Cooper and want to invite you to our church Broadway Christian. I said, we go there and I know Pastor John a little. Pastor John suggested I read the book, Who Stole My Church by Gordon MacDonald (i.e. I just got done with it--bought it on Amazon used--it's a great read about church change--it's not a b c or 1 2 3 type of book but a story of a fictitious church and change--interesting read and very thought provoking). ANYWAY back to changing the tire. Tom is the Mission Director. We talked about some of their mission projects they have going. Jon didn't say much. When we got done, Tom gave us his card and said to me--see you in church. And he looked Jon right in his eyes and said to him--If ever I can help you in any way, just call me. Jon didn't say anything. Tom went back to his pickup and I got on my bike. End of story. Huh, interesting.
MissPerfect says--You are only one defining decision away from a totally different life (i.e. and what do you think would be such a defining decision that could totally change your life?) Sooooo many folks seek the key to the meaning of life, not realizing it's a combination lock. MissPerfect asks--When do you know when you are coming around anyway? Good question MissPerfect. When we were in Waukee last weekend, we went to a business that had some sayings on the walls. I took a few pictures of them. They were sayings about life. Sooooo guess what kind of business they came from. You IA folks might even know what business we were at. Answer later.
Talk about comin' around! My Daddy, Chester, would tell me--Most folks don't spend enough time thinking (i.e. think things out). They don't take time to strategize but go off half cocked. That makes them reactive instead of proactive. I really believe that I need "strategize retreats" in my life. Time alone so I can focus and plan and think and mediate and pray. I really believe in order to be really constructive, a person has to have quit time. That's my opinion folks. ItchieBitchie says--Tooooo many folks waste there time 'cause they don't think before they act (i.e. sitting on the couch eating chips and watching TV). Wasting time is wasting your opportunities. Thinking makes a person come around! We need to listen more for guidance. James 1:5 says--If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him (i.e. God will give us wisdom if we just ask). Pastor John says--God will give you wisdom but you still must make the decision (i.e. and decisions have consequences). SupermanRich says--God predestines everything sooooo I have nutten to do with it. Total predestination, I think is hogwash (i.e. my opinion). Maybe our prayer should be--Lord speak to me. I'm listening!
These guys make the highlight reel! They are really that good. These guys are sooooo full of wisdom (i.e. they just drip with wisdom) soooo I got them together and tried to learn from them. They are a retired GM engineer, a wounded Koren War Pilot, and a ND beet farmer who flew helicopters in the service. They are all very successful (i.e. age 85, 78 and 75. I meet them through golf over three years down here in the Valley. I invited them to come over to our condo patio and just talk. I learned a lot from these guys. I want to come around like they did. I picked their minds! The wisdom only cost me some popcorn and some beverage! Pretty cheap wouldn't ya say!
Bush gave Obama some guidance. Did you know that? When Obama took office, he had a short session with Bush. Bush told him that he is popular now but it probably won't always be that way. When that happens, I have put 3 envelopes in the desk drawer for you. Sure enough, the public became unhappy sooooo Obama took out the first envelope and opened it. It said--Blame me! He did and it seemed to work for a while but things again went bad. Sooo he opened the second envelope and it said--Blame Congress! He did and it worded for a while but once again things went bad sooooo he opened the 3rd envelope and it said--Make 3 envelopes!!!!!
GeorgeTheCrook says--Ya gotta keep pressing on in life. On and on and on! Keep pressing on! CadillacJack says--Your face is a reflection of your life. Saturday question--What does your face look like anyway? It looks like you have it all together it seems boy! Do you really? You look sooooo goood. Is it as goood as it looks? How do you see your future life? "The Best thing about the future
is that it comes one day at a time." ~Abraham Lincoln~
Joesixpack says--Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes. Coming around in managing his finances. GeorgeTheCrook says--It's how you manage the small stuff that will determine how you mange the big stuff. Instead of watching the dollars, you watch the quarters and dimes! It says in the paper soooooo it must be right, that 75 to 80 percent of martial splits involve finances. That is why maybe a good financial advisor could really help like a mentor or someone who seems to do well with their personal finances. Saturday questions--Do you manage your money much like your parents do? Did your parents teach you good money management? Where did you learn to manage your money? If you are married, does your spouse have the same philosophy of money management as you do?
We have a tendency to do things very fast before thinking. We live in a fast society...sooooooo fast that the cell phone companies advertise that they are 13 seconds faster. 13 seconds folks! SusieQ says--You are what you think and what you do! What you put in will come out. I play with pickle ball players who get better 'cause they practice. Huh, interesting! I try to mimic the good stuff of the stronger players so I can get better. I suggest we all get a mentor and mimic him/her. When you go fishing you catch more fish if you hire a fishing guide--in golf, we hire a pro to teach us a better swing etc. Maybe we should have a guide to help us manage our money, a dating coach, a marriage coach and a death coach! What do you think? They might help us come around!
AverageJoe says--I don't know much about life in general but I do know that all folks are not created equal. Sooooo AverageJoe, what's really important to you anyway? Sometimes we do what we have to do in life. Even when we don't want to do them. Even things that we don't want to do! But we do them 'cause it's the right thing to do at the right time. Our lives are shown through our family, friends, other relationships (i.e. both social and business) Such is life. WildWilly says--Everyone wants the good life, but too many people fail to find it because they're looking for it in the wrong places. Society often promises that you can find the good life by pursuing goals that seem good, such as earning more money, gaining more friends, or becoming more physically attractive. But those are just empty promises that can't really fulfill you. Only a relationship with Jesus can give you the good life that God has designed you to crave. Placing your hope in anything less – even if it's something good that God has created
turns into idolatry that interferes with your relationship with Jesus and actually leads you away from the good life that God wants you to enjoy. Saturday question--What does your life look like anyway?
LuckieEddie says--I'm comin' around now. Things are going my way! But MOST times, what you want and what you get are two different things-- We all want to know where we are going. We all want to know what we are aiming for. We all want to know where the end of the line is (i.e. what we are shooting for). PlumberJoe says--It's like a dog chasing a car, when he catches it what is he going to do with it). Many times in my life, once I get to where I want to go, I find out that it's not what I expected (i.e. I'm sometimes disappointed). MissPerfect says--I hope when everything is said and done (i.e. death on this earth), I don't find out that I had my latter leaning against the wrong wall! Ouchy ouchy!
I heard on TV sooooo it must be right that 1 out 10 folks take medication for depression. I read in the paper sooooooo it must be right that they might be redefining mental illness. The new guide might brand as metal disorders some common behaviors, including having temper tantrums three times a week or a lack of sexual arousal...everyday disappointments, sufferings and eccentricities are being redefined as psychiatric disorders and that could lead to medication treatment (i.e. sell more pills to make more money). Seeeeeee, I always said, we are all mentally ill but just do different degrees. Such is life.
Life is soooooo interesting, scary, happy, rewarding, amazing, disappointing, unbelievable, changing, exciting, unpredictable, fulfilling, challenging, and soooooo much more. Lord, facing life today, we turn to You and ask for guidance to direct us to what is important and to cast off the unimportant plans of our lives. Jack Welch, the former CEO of GE once said--When the rate of change inside an organization (i.e. or life) is slower than the rate of change outside an organization, the end (i.e. of that organization or life) is in sight.
My golfbuddyJohn and I are volunteering at the Phoenix Open today. We are working at hole #16. That is the crazy hole where folks bet which caddie will touch the green first and boo bad shots. It should be quite an experience. My golfbuddyJohn is important and has connections (i.e. it isn't what you know but who you know). Such is life.
The pictures were taken at Homemakers Furniture Store.
LuckieEddie says--Life is confusing at times; I don't know which way to turn. This is not secretive but for some it's highly sensitive--The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live our life! Saturday question--What does our house look like (i.e. our internal house)? Isn't there a song that goes something like this--This world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through...!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--It's not so much where you stand as in what direction you are going.
Bonus coverage--About life with Steve Jobs
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