Some of you don't understand why I don't talk much more about God. Some of you don't understand why I talk as much as I do about God. Even if I talked about God 100% or 0%, everyone wouldn't agree with what I said. I know. It's sorta kinda what Pastor Michael said last Sunday--Those who agree with what I say love me and those of you who don't agree with me dislike me. Some of you are tough cookies alright, you know about everything there is to know. Soooooo just read this "It's Saturday" and try to see a little of my opinion even if you don't agree! Try to do it even if you are "bull headed, stubborn, stiff necked, very opinionated and ornery" folks.
MurkeyMarvin asks--Is a decision that is wrong better than no decision at all? Maybe and maybe not. ItchieBitchie says--Ya gotta make a decision if it is the right decision or not. You just can't sit there. Yabut I don't want to make a bad decision sooooo maybe I don't want to make a decision at all. Maybe I'll let someone else make the decision for me. Then whatever happens, it's not my fault. ItchieBitchie, that's one way of looking at it. MissPerfect says--I hate that when I don't know what to do...sooooo I just do something to get it over with. A friend tells me to use PPP (i.e. proper prior planning) and your decisions will be better. Don't make decisions using just your emotions. Get some knowledge. Study the situation. Ask others (i.e. others who know something but not others who know nutten) for their opinion.
Maybe, just maybe we have a battle in our hearts between our spirit and the Holy Spirit sometimes. Maybe and maybe not. There was a missionary who went to a tribe of folks telling them about Jesus. He told the story to the chief in hopes he would accept Jesus and then pass it on to the others of the tribe. The chief accepted. The missionary came back sometime later and asked the chief how it was going. The chief said, it's like a black dog and a white dog fighting in my heart. The missionary asked the chief which one is winning. The chief said--the one I feed the most! Such is life.
This was on the back window of a SUV at Casey's the other day. Sooooo SusieQ, does Barbie have everything or do you just think that. MissPerfect says, I think you are Barbie SusieQ and you may think I'm a Barbie. Sooooo who really is Barbie anyway. Just maybe you both are Barbies! What do you think? A lot of folks seem to think that other Barbies have a lot more stuff than them. I had quite a day the other day. I really felt peaceful and joyful. Especially sooooo. Why? I'm not exactly sure but I think it was sooooo 'cause I appreciated my life and stuff that has happened to me. My life is far from a life that maybe many would want and yet maybe some might want. But boy have I been blessed. Unbelievably blessed. Blessed beyond my comprehension. Joesixpack says--Life is relative. I learn more and more each day that true joy does not come from what we have but from what we appreciate. Joesixpack, I think you are right again. You are soooooo smart! Such is life.
Maybe it does and maybe it doesn't make any difference to the general public but it does make a difference to me. I have type O- blood (i.e. the universal blood). I give blood about as often as I can. I think it's the right thing to do and I'm actually somewhat special. Only 7% of population has this type and only 1% of the people with this type donate blood. Sooooo here is something that does make a difference maybe. The American Red Cross sends me a thank you when I give blood. Maybe they do that to everyone. Probably do. ANYWAY their thank you energizes me to want to give more. They tell me where my blood was used and how it helps folks. Sooooo those of you who ask for money for different reasons, remember to say thank you. It's just not important for you but for others in the future who want to raise money. And besides, I think it's the right thing to do. Don't take someones gift as something you deserve and expect. This is my opinion folks.
Maybe just maybe DuaneTheWorm is a "flopper"! A "flopper" is a guy in the NBA who falls over easily trying to put on a show to get a foul on the other guy. He's a faker, a showman, artificial, game player, etc. The picture is of my friend Caleb. I gave Caleb a medallion that has written on the back--Caleb The Champion. Caleb is a true champion to me. There is no "flopper" in him. He doesn't know who is rich, powerful, influential, or important. He doesn't know how to be a faker. He can't pretend. He is soooo real and reacts to love and affection. Caleb has taught me soooo many lessons. That is one--treat everyone the same. Thanksamillion my friend Caleb The Champion.
There is "no maybe" here folks. I had the opportunity to have a good talk with a good hearted guy this week (i.e. by accident, really--I was sitting on a bench waiting my turn to play pickle ball). I asked him for his advice. I shared some information about a tough situation. We just happened to both know it well (i.e. didn't know it until we started sharing). Through this conversation, I found out how compassion, gracious, and generous this guy and his wife are. I even like this guy better than I did before. I learned a big lesson from him and also from the events of the evening. Good lesson for me. It just fell in my lap.
There is "no maybe" here folks. It's a slam dunk. My favorite garden vegetable without a doubt is fresh green beans. Mysteriously a bag of them showed up on our steps. Surprise! It says on the bag--guess who? I know where they came from. Thanksamillion neighbor. And they are already ended! It made me soooooo happy. Such is life.
Maybe and maybe not but AverageJoe says--There are lots of little people who take schadenfreude from your bad news. Oh ya! Little people like to see you have trouble. Big people are sad for you. There are a lot of big people toooo! And I suppose there are some in the middle (i.e. depending on what has happened and is happening in their lives). Saturday question--Are you a big person or a little person. Are you happy for folks when good things happen to them or are you jealous and mad and unhappy?
Huh! I say that sometimes out loud when I'm with Arlene. She says--What's the "huh" about anyway? Sometimes I tell her and sometimes I don't. The huh is about something I'm thinking about that I said or done sometime in my life that I wish I would not have said or done. Some of those "huhs" are from a long time ago and some are more recent. I just have a big "gab" sometimes and wish I didn't. I just wish I would not have done some of the stuff that I did. I could have been much nicer guy than what I was and am. Huh! Maybe I'll get better control of my mouth and actions and maybe not! Huh! I'm trying folks.
Maybe you know what this and maybe not! Went for breakfast with a couple of friends recently and one of them showed us this thing that he made. The handle was from our other friend's old cultivator, the tube was from an old Aplington light post and the ends were from a rock box made by his father and Willy K. for his father's tractor. Soooo you know what it is? It's his ash urn for his ashes when he's cremated some day. It just will take a post hole digger and "bingo" burial is done (i.e. cheap and effective). They were saying that a funeral today cost about $12,000. The casket and vault cost about 6 grand they told me. So there you go. They told me cremation cost about $2,500. I learned all of this for $14.76 as I bought breakfast and the tip. That was cheap for all I learned. But one of the friends doesn't eat breakfast or anything until evening each day. He did drink a glass of orange juice with us (i.e. now that is unique). He's cheap to take out for breakfast! PS UrnFriend, you can further stream line your burial by pre-hiring a pastor to do the graveside service. When your family is ready, have them drop the urn in the hole, call him (i.e. but their cell phone on speaker) and have the pastor say the ashes to ashes thing and the Lord's Prayer. Then on the way home, have your family text the pastor and have him text back his bill soooo they can get on their iphone and have your bank issue an electronic check to him. That aught to do it!
I had the opportunity to help some folks this week (i.e. per their request). I did some calling on their behave to some folks who are knowledgeable and have experience. I learned a lot. One thing I learned "over and over" is that that they are called "chronics". Chronics meaning they are constant and reoccurring. A problem can be fixed temporally but it just keeps reoccurring. It will be back soooooon. I wonder if we are "chronics". You think sooooo? Change is hard folks. A life style change is even harder. A "chronic" is really hard to change. Oh ya!
I saw an acquaintance the other day. She had a cross necklace on. That's not a norm for her. Soooo I said to her--what's the deal with the cross?--I have changed my life and attend church and participate in small groups; my life has really changed erv in the last couple months. Maybe and maybe not. It's soooooooo hard to change from a rut! BUT God can do anything! Anything He wants. Go get her God! May I help you God?
Here is a paradox maybe for ya--Jesus when on earth was the most loved and the most hated. They either loved Him or hated Him. GeorgeTheCrook says--Can your mouth say both good stuff and bad stuff--can you be both good and bad? Huh, interested. You either love Jesus or you don't; you believe in Jesus or you don't; you either believe Jesus is your Savior or you don't. You can't be 50%-50% (i.e. you can't be both salt water and fresh water). Soooooo where do you stand on that issue.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The only way to settle a disagreement is on the basis of what is right--not who is right.
June 30, 2012
June 23, 2012
Senior stuff
OlManJones ran in the 100 meter dash last Saturday at the Iowa Senior Olympics . He was about 100 years old and ran well. Everybody complimented him on how athletic and well-preserved he appeared. "Gentlemen, I will tell you the secret of my success," he cackled. "I have been in the open air day after day for some 75 years now." We were very impressed and asked how he managed to keep up his rigorous fitness regime. "Well, you see my wife and I were married 75 years ago. On our wedding night, we made a solemn pledge. Whenever we had a fight, the one who was proved wrong would go outside and take a run."
There were a lot of seniors at West Des Moines let me tell ya. We stopped for a water at a convenience store and had quite an experience. The senior guy ahead of me in the check out line either couldn't hear or was a was a bit confusion. The cashier said, "Strip down, facing me." He did as he was told. When the hysterical shrieking and alarms finally subsided, he found out that she was referring to his credit card. They asked him to shop elsewhere in the future. They need to make their instructions to *seniors* a little clearer I think!
Joesixpack says--Don't think stupid about running erv. You're not 18 anymore sooooo don't be soooo aggressive. At the Iowa Senior Olympics I hurt my hamstring running the 100 meters. I hurt a muscle in my side playing pickle ball. I ran soooooo slow in the 5K that I couldn't possible hurt myself! But it was a fun experience.
It's all Chester and Annas' fault that I enjoy crazy things. Yes it is. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--With a father like Jehoshaphat, how could Jehoram turn out so badly? On the other hand, we have his wife and his in-laws to take into account. Misguidedly, though with the best of intentions, the king of Judah had married his son to the daughter of the king of Israel. With a father-in-law like Ahab, and a wife like Athaliah, how could Jehoram not turn out badly? He was going to not only die of a horrible disease but also with a terrible reputation. You could blame it on Ahab’s bad influence; there would be truth in that. Or you could blame it on Jehoshaphat’s bad judgment; there would be truth in that. The blame game is as fashionable now as it was then. (“It’s the government’s fault, society’s fault, my parents’ fault, anyone’s fault but mine.”) It is human nature to want to shift responsibility. When he came to face the judgment of God, however, it was Jehoram’s own free decisions that counted in the end. Prayer: Today’s decisions may be more far-reaching than we realize. Keep us alert, Lord. Author: Michael Wilcock Oh ya, decisions have consequences and you get to make the decisions. WiseOldLawernce says--Be careful who you hang around with and who you get your advice from and who you pattern your life after.
The best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds. ~Edgar A. Guest~
MissPerfect says--As I've aged, I've become kinder to myself, and less critical of myself. I've become my own friend. As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what other people think. I don't question myself anymore. I've even earned the right to be wrong. I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day (if I feel like it) or play pickle ball or hike or bike or run or golf or...!
Coming back from Des Moines the other day, I came behind a SUV. It had something written on the back (i.e. no bumper sticker but actually painted on the tail gate) so this person must be serious. As I got closer it read--If you are going to ride my butt you are going to get a new hood ornament. Soooo I passed the SUV as I was interested in who the driver was. It was a little old lady! Go figure. I bet an aggressive little old lady. She made it easy for me to make an impression of her (i.e. an impression that might be entirely wrong).
Talk about wrong impressions. CaptainDiane and I were playing a couple in mixed doubles pickle ball games at the Iowa Senior Olympics. About half way through the match with this couple, CaptainDiane said to me--I sure underestimated these folks (i.e. meaning that she didn't think they looked like much competition before we started). They beat us!!! What a hoot! Good stuff!
I'm not going to take the chance that they might thing I'm...! I played some golf with Luke and Cade (i.e. age 13) the other day. Luke played the round in his stockings. No shoes. I asked him how that came about. He said--he forgot his shoes one day and so he played in in stockings. He liked it soooo that is what he does. I don't think I will try it. You try it and report back. Now really a 13 year old boy can do it and it's okay but if a 66 year old codger would do it, well they might think he's losing it or something! This action would probably produce sly and stinging remarks. Okay, I'm admitting that yesterday I hit some balls on the range barefoot. It was fun! Such is life.
Here is some pickle ball advice from SeniorBigPete (i.e. his advice could be used in many parts of our lives)--Erv, Yes, if both opponents are weak, I hit easy shots to them, .... until we are in danger of losing the match... when I ramp it up. So the real answer is no, I won't let them win , but I'll let them feel good by coming close. The interesting scenario is when playing a team with one very strong player and one very weak. I always hit the ball to the strong player, never to the weak player, even if it means losing. Winning by hitting to a very weak player would have no satisfaction to it. It also gives me more practice receiving tougher shots. But interestingly, most of my opponents in a similar situation, still hit it to the weak player! I can't see the thrill of that in any way... but to each his own!
I was talking to a friend this week who was telling me that her daughter-in-law was taking care of her great grandson. Now that summer is here, the mother will be taking care of him as she is a teacher. My friend told me that her daughter-in-law was ready for a break. She was tired. Taking care of an infant is a lot of work. My friend told me that she and her husband took care of three of their grand grand children for a rather long period of time as their mother got divorced. Soooooo I asked my friend--Do you think younger parents appreciate what grand parents and great grand parents do? She thought maybe not as much at the time but they will maybe understand as they get older. Huh, interesting.
I talked to SeniorMelvin this week. I had to put my glasses on to read something. I asked Melvin if he wears glasses. Ya he does and pulled out a pair from his pocket. He said--I can usually read if the lighting is good but...! I'm just a little far sighted. We discovered that both of us did a lot of shooting with our 22s when kids back on the farm. We both thought we were pretty good shots (i.e. that is how we remember it). Melvin said his dad allowed him one box of bullets a week (i.e. 50). Then Melvin went on to say--We have a lot rabbits out on our farm that have been eating my wife's flowers. Soooo I took my 22 and 3 bullets out there but couldn't hit a thing! What! Melvin said--Sooo I put on my glasses to see the sights better but then the rabbits were blurry! Man-o-man!
More memories for you seniors. This week I noticed our neighbors kids (i.e. Sam a sophomore in college and his kid sister Katie a high school senior) carrying a 7-gallon pail of water across our yard to the school ground behind our house. They had their dog with them. They would pour the water down a gopher hole to get the gopher out and the let their dog chase it. That sure reminded me of my summer days back on the farm a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN.
LuckieEddie says--Everyone should keep a mental wastepaper basket, and the older he grows, the more things will he promptly consign to it.
I got this picture from BigJim (i.e. our friend from the ice cream capital of the world, LeMars, IA--home of Wells Blue Bunny--we got to know them in AZ the last couple of winters). BigJim and and his sweet wife Karen (i.e. good folks with huge massive hearts--my kind of folks) run in the Senior Olympics in IA and also in MN. BigJim writes-- #503 is Harold Bach – World Record Holder in the 50 meter dash in his age division (90-94) at the age of 92 – at the Minnesota Sr. Olympics. He also is very competitive in the 100m, 200m and the 400 meter. I think I can beat Harold????, not sure but I think I can J ----- By the way – not to confuse you Harold is #503 and I am #537 J
BigJim placed 3rd in the 5K in the 65 to 70 age bracket (i.e. 24.50). Hank a.k.a Secretariat got 2nd (i.e. 22.43). I got 5th I think. There were only 6 guys running in our age bracket. Sooooo I beat one guy! I heard he got lost and also had to stop to pee. And I still had to sprint to beat him at the wire! All I have to do is continue running at my same speed and get to 92. I might have a chance for a gold!!!! BUT I will still need to beat BigJim and Secretariat! Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFiendJean says--You are never a loser until you quit trying.
There were a lot of seniors at West Des Moines let me tell ya. We stopped for a water at a convenience store and had quite an experience. The senior guy ahead of me in the check out line either couldn't hear or was a was a bit confusion. The cashier said, "Strip down, facing me." He did as he was told. When the hysterical shrieking and alarms finally subsided, he found out that she was referring to his credit card. They asked him to shop elsewhere in the future. They need to make their instructions to *seniors* a little clearer I think!
Joesixpack says--Don't think stupid about running erv. You're not 18 anymore sooooo don't be soooo aggressive. At the Iowa Senior Olympics I hurt my hamstring running the 100 meters. I hurt a muscle in my side playing pickle ball. I ran soooooo slow in the 5K that I couldn't possible hurt myself! But it was a fun experience.
It's all Chester and Annas' fault that I enjoy crazy things. Yes it is. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--With a father like Jehoshaphat, how could Jehoram turn out so badly? On the other hand, we have his wife and his in-laws to take into account. Misguidedly, though with the best of intentions, the king of Judah had married his son to the daughter of the king of Israel. With a father-in-law like Ahab, and a wife like Athaliah, how could Jehoram not turn out badly? He was going to not only die of a horrible disease but also with a terrible reputation. You could blame it on Ahab’s bad influence; there would be truth in that. Or you could blame it on Jehoshaphat’s bad judgment; there would be truth in that. The blame game is as fashionable now as it was then. (“It’s the government’s fault, society’s fault, my parents’ fault, anyone’s fault but mine.”) It is human nature to want to shift responsibility. When he came to face the judgment of God, however, it was Jehoram’s own free decisions that counted in the end. Prayer: Today’s decisions may be more far-reaching than we realize. Keep us alert, Lord. Author: Michael Wilcock Oh ya, decisions have consequences and you get to make the decisions. WiseOldLawernce says--Be careful who you hang around with and who you get your advice from and who you pattern your life after.
The best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds. ~Edgar A. Guest~
MissPerfect says--As I've aged, I've become kinder to myself, and less critical of myself. I've become my own friend. As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what other people think. I don't question myself anymore. I've even earned the right to be wrong. I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day (if I feel like it) or play pickle ball or hike or bike or run or golf or...!
Coming back from Des Moines the other day, I came behind a SUV. It had something written on the back (i.e. no bumper sticker but actually painted on the tail gate) so this person must be serious. As I got closer it read--If you are going to ride my butt you are going to get a new hood ornament. Soooo I passed the SUV as I was interested in who the driver was. It was a little old lady! Go figure. I bet an aggressive little old lady. She made it easy for me to make an impression of her (i.e. an impression that might be entirely wrong).
Talk about wrong impressions. CaptainDiane and I were playing a couple in mixed doubles pickle ball games at the Iowa Senior Olympics. About half way through the match with this couple, CaptainDiane said to me--I sure underestimated these folks (i.e. meaning that she didn't think they looked like much competition before we started). They beat us!!! What a hoot! Good stuff!
I'm not going to take the chance that they might thing I'm...! I played some golf with Luke and Cade (i.e. age 13) the other day. Luke played the round in his stockings. No shoes. I asked him how that came about. He said--he forgot his shoes one day and so he played in in stockings. He liked it soooo that is what he does. I don't think I will try it. You try it and report back. Now really a 13 year old boy can do it and it's okay but if a 66 year old codger would do it, well they might think he's losing it or something! This action would probably produce sly and stinging remarks. Okay, I'm admitting that yesterday I hit some balls on the range barefoot. It was fun! Such is life.
Here is some pickle ball advice from SeniorBigPete (i.e. his advice could be used in many parts of our lives)--Erv, Yes, if both opponents are weak, I hit easy shots to them, .... until we are in danger of losing the match... when I ramp it up. So the real answer is no, I won't let them win , but I'll let them feel good by coming close. The interesting scenario is when playing a team with one very strong player and one very weak. I always hit the ball to the strong player, never to the weak player, even if it means losing. Winning by hitting to a very weak player would have no satisfaction to it. It also gives me more practice receiving tougher shots. But interestingly, most of my opponents in a similar situation, still hit it to the weak player! I can't see the thrill of that in any way... but to each his own!
I was talking to a friend this week who was telling me that her daughter-in-law was taking care of her great grandson. Now that summer is here, the mother will be taking care of him as she is a teacher. My friend told me that her daughter-in-law was ready for a break. She was tired. Taking care of an infant is a lot of work. My friend told me that she and her husband took care of three of their grand grand children for a rather long period of time as their mother got divorced. Soooooo I asked my friend--Do you think younger parents appreciate what grand parents and great grand parents do? She thought maybe not as much at the time but they will maybe understand as they get older. Huh, interesting.
I talked to SeniorMelvin this week. I had to put my glasses on to read something. I asked Melvin if he wears glasses. Ya he does and pulled out a pair from his pocket. He said--I can usually read if the lighting is good but...! I'm just a little far sighted. We discovered that both of us did a lot of shooting with our 22s when kids back on the farm. We both thought we were pretty good shots (i.e. that is how we remember it). Melvin said his dad allowed him one box of bullets a week (i.e. 50). Then Melvin went on to say--We have a lot rabbits out on our farm that have been eating my wife's flowers. Soooo I took my 22 and 3 bullets out there but couldn't hit a thing! What! Melvin said--Sooo I put on my glasses to see the sights better but then the rabbits were blurry! Man-o-man!
More memories for you seniors. This week I noticed our neighbors kids (i.e. Sam a sophomore in college and his kid sister Katie a high school senior) carrying a 7-gallon pail of water across our yard to the school ground behind our house. They had their dog with them. They would pour the water down a gopher hole to get the gopher out and the let their dog chase it. That sure reminded me of my summer days back on the farm a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN.
LuckieEddie says--Everyone should keep a mental wastepaper basket, and the older he grows, the more things will he promptly consign to it.
I got this picture from BigJim (i.e. our friend from the ice cream capital of the world, LeMars, IA--home of Wells Blue Bunny--we got to know them in AZ the last couple of winters). BigJim and and his sweet wife Karen (i.e. good folks with huge massive hearts--my kind of folks) run in the Senior Olympics in IA and also in MN. BigJim writes-- #503 is Harold Bach – World Record Holder in the 50 meter dash in his age division (90-94) at the age of 92 – at the Minnesota Sr. Olympics. He also is very competitive in the 100m, 200m and the 400 meter. I think I can beat Harold????, not sure but I think I can J ----- By the way – not to confuse you Harold is #503 and I am #537 J

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFiendJean says--You are never a loser until you quit trying.
June 15, 2012
What's happening
I won't have access to Internet in the morning soooooo "It's Saturday" is a little early this week. I am participating in the Iowa Senior Olympics. Thursday my friend Secretariat and I did mixed doubles, men's doubles and singles in pickle ball in DesMoines (i.e. 17 games. It was a hoot. Saturday morning, we are doing the 5K and the 100 meter dash. Secretariat is doing a couple more of the running events. ANYWAY my mixed doubles partner, Captain Diane (i.e. met here as part of our pickle ball club in AZ last winter who is from West Des Moines) said to me into our third game--I was soooooo nervous! Then she hiut a great shot. I said to here--Great shot. She said--That isn't where I planned to hit it! She a real gal alright.
You might think this "It's Saturday" is a boondoggle! Everyone has different opinions. That is why we have horse races and the Olympics and wars and NBA Championships and U.S. Opens and soccer games for 4 year olds! Talk is cheap but let's see who's the best..
What's happening? We had the opportunity to take care of Easton and Erin Saturday night as James and Heather went to the Concert at the Red Rocks. They heard Big Todd and the Monsters and The Bare Naked Ladies. I didn't ask if Todd really had a big head and if his buddies were really monsters or if the ladies were really bare naked. 6,500+ made it a sell out. Some folk must like them!
A friend gave me the book, The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri J.M. Nouwen. I like Nouwin's philosophy and Rembrandt's paintings sooooo I really enjoyed it. I suggest you give it a read. You can buy it on Amazon for a dollar used plus shipping (i.e. pretty good buy compared to a six pack of beer). The book made me realize that I'm not near enough compassionate, not near enough generous, and not near enough forgiving! I think I think I'm a lot better than what I am (i.e. I over rate myself--over rated over rated!). Oh ya! Soooooo many times I behave like a fool and not like a prudent person. I have been watching some NBA playoff action. They are sooooo physical and occasionally they get upset with their opponent (i.e. can't take it anymore) and retaliate (i.e. fight back). They can't handle it anymore so they explode (i.e. some times it almost creates a bench clearing brawl). Not good. Are we that way sometimes--I've had enough and retaliate. After SusieQ retaliated she said--If I would have know the residual effects of my retaliation, I would not have done it. BUT I didn't think of that when I was in the moment. Think before you retaliate SusieQ. It makes life much easier.
I recently had the opportunity to have lunch with a very nice, pretty, young female executive who has much responsibility. She and I have a strong connection as she is one of my mentor's daughters. We are also friends. I wanted to meet with her in her business setting (i.e. face to face) and tell her some things her father told me about her in our many years of being friends. It was touching for her and made me fell very good. She needed to hear these things from me I thought. She cried several times.
A friend sent me this response to the ice cream comment of last week--Love that I Scream comment. For five years, yes, I was rather dumb, I played basketball against Strawberry Point. Their cheer.. "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. What flavor? STRAWBERRY" Those of us from Edgewood in the stands would yell "Chocolate" at the same time as their Strawberry. I've taught this to all the grand kids. They love it!!! Hey folks I want you to know that I only take Erin out for ice cream to make sure she gets enough calcium! She looked low!!!! It seemed to work. If you have trouble with understanding that you might not understand fractions either. I saw this on a bumper sticker on a Outback at The Rock Sunday in CO--4 out of 3 folks have trouble with fractions. Oh ya, next time we will get strawberry ice cream for Erin. That will take care of her calcium and fruit for the day! Sounds good to me!!
When in CO we went to Erin's soccer game (i.e. a game of 4 year olds). Well, it's sorta kinda a soccer game. Some cried, some didn't want to play, some picked grass, some looked at the sky and some really didn't care at all. They all liked the donuts let me tell ya! Erin scored a goal. It was a great kick right into the opponents goal! She thought she was great. It really didn't make any difference to her. It was really fun to watch the parents let me tell ya! Oh those parents. Some are much more competitive than others let me tell ya! Such is life.
BigPete a.k.a. theturnitonandturnitoffguy and I were talking strategy of pickle ball. There is a balance of using techniques to win or just playing socially. We question ourselves when to do each. We were talking about playing doubles and always hitting to the weakest player's backhand (i.e. good move to win). BigPete sent this comment back to me--Yes, it's kind of unfair on the surface, and I tend not to do it much in fun situations.... but when you are in tournaments... or against Duane the worm... hit to the weak player always... he he.. p. Saturday question--BigPete, do you ever let others win on purpose? Do you ever hit shots back to folks that are real easy for them so they can hit it back and feel good?
I called a friend going down I-80 @ 80 mph. He and I had a short conversation on the golf course and I wanted to hear more. I asked him the difference between religion and faith. He said he has a very simple answer--religion is something outward and faith is something inward. Soooo I ran in Parersburg's Run to Remember a few weeks ago. I ran in the division 60 to blank, meaning no limit of age. They are being nice. I saw in another run they said--60 to death as the division! Talking about that death. Sooooo when you die can you're family hire a pastor for $100 to say that you're saved and it's a done deal, you're in heaven with Lord. ItchieBitchie says--I read John 3:16 and it says--For God so loved the world tht he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ItchieBitchie, I thought you altogether clueless but now I have changed my mind. Soooo do you have to go to church to be saved? Answer that one ItchieBitchie! My opinion on those issues comes from Isaiah--His understanding I cannot fathom. God is God and that's just the way it is. SusieQ says--I do know that when folks think they have all the answers (i.e. think they are God) they are not very wise.
Let me tell what's happening folks. Sitting in the recliner in CO late one night thinking about my day (i.e. reflecting and giving thanks) I read what another Jimmer had to say (i.e. I call Easton Little Jimmer 'cause his middle name is James, his dad's name is James and my middle name is James). ANYWAY this other Jimmer says--What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don't get it. Joesixpack says--I can testify to that happening! Oh ya! Saturday question--Do you get offended easily? If you do, why do ya?
I was taking some notes at Church Sunday. Heather said--I bet you are writing down that stuff which describes DuaneTheWorm. I am. She asked me who DuaneTheWorm was? ANYWAY there are two kinds of folks: those who build folks up and those who build themselves up. The pastor went on to say--DuaneTheWorm is a resounding gong and a clanging cymbal. Yep, that's DuaneTheWorm alright. You all know who DuaneTheWorm is. He's something isn't he! The pastor also said--If you are going to error, error on the side of scripture! Preach it preacher!
We went to Jazz in the Park at one of Denver's parks Sunday evening. There are thousands of folks with kids, dogs, food, games, beer and God only knows what else (i.e. one huge massive picnic). It's just a fun realized time. ANYWAY there were four guys close to use that were doing something strange (i.e. strange to me anyway). They took cans of beer and used their car keys to slice a hole in the side of the full beer can. Then they put it to their mouths and popped open the can and drank the whole can of beer without stopping. What! Then they threw the cans to the ground and stomped on them. It looked crazy to me. Sooooo I emailed James to find out what he called that again--shot gunning he said. I told James I was going to get my foursome together on the first tee and do that with our Diet Mountain Dews. He said--I bet you $5 you will puck. I didn't see any of those guys puck. I bet one of the four pucked before the night was over he said. Sooooo James, help me connect the dots. First you buy a can of beer, pour it down your throat, stomp on the can, and then puck. I must be missing something here. Maybe I will get some of my church buddies together after the service with 12 ounces of coffee and do the same. I bet that will really impress everyone in the coffee room. You think sooooo?
Have a FUN my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Think you can or think you can't, either way you're right.
You might think this "It's Saturday" is a boondoggle! Everyone has different opinions. That is why we have horse races and the Olympics and wars and NBA Championships and U.S. Opens and soccer games for 4 year olds! Talk is cheap but let's see who's the best..
What's happening? We had the opportunity to take care of Easton and Erin Saturday night as James and Heather went to the Concert at the Red Rocks. They heard Big Todd and the Monsters and The Bare Naked Ladies. I didn't ask if Todd really had a big head and if his buddies were really monsters or if the ladies were really bare naked. 6,500+ made it a sell out. Some folk must like them!
A friend gave me the book, The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri J.M. Nouwen. I like Nouwin's philosophy and Rembrandt's paintings sooooo I really enjoyed it. I suggest you give it a read. You can buy it on Amazon for a dollar used plus shipping (i.e. pretty good buy compared to a six pack of beer). The book made me realize that I'm not near enough compassionate, not near enough generous, and not near enough forgiving! I think I think I'm a lot better than what I am (i.e. I over rate myself--over rated over rated!). Oh ya! Soooooo many times I behave like a fool and not like a prudent person. I have been watching some NBA playoff action. They are sooooo physical and occasionally they get upset with their opponent (i.e. can't take it anymore) and retaliate (i.e. fight back). They can't handle it anymore so they explode (i.e. some times it almost creates a bench clearing brawl). Not good. Are we that way sometimes--I've had enough and retaliate. After SusieQ retaliated she said--If I would have know the residual effects of my retaliation, I would not have done it. BUT I didn't think of that when I was in the moment. Think before you retaliate SusieQ. It makes life much easier.
I recently had the opportunity to have lunch with a very nice, pretty, young female executive who has much responsibility. She and I have a strong connection as she is one of my mentor's daughters. We are also friends. I wanted to meet with her in her business setting (i.e. face to face) and tell her some things her father told me about her in our many years of being friends. It was touching for her and made me fell very good. She needed to hear these things from me I thought. She cried several times.
A friend sent me this response to the ice cream comment of last week--Love that I Scream comment. For five years, yes, I was rather dumb, I played basketball against Strawberry Point. Their cheer.. "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. What flavor? STRAWBERRY" Those of us from Edgewood in the stands would yell "Chocolate" at the same time as their Strawberry. I've taught this to all the grand kids. They love it!!! Hey folks I want you to know that I only take Erin out for ice cream to make sure she gets enough calcium! She looked low!!!! It seemed to work. If you have trouble with understanding that you might not understand fractions either. I saw this on a bumper sticker on a Outback at The Rock Sunday in CO--4 out of 3 folks have trouble with fractions. Oh ya, next time we will get strawberry ice cream for Erin. That will take care of her calcium and fruit for the day! Sounds good to me!!
When in CO we went to Erin's soccer game (i.e. a game of 4 year olds). Well, it's sorta kinda a soccer game. Some cried, some didn't want to play, some picked grass, some looked at the sky and some really didn't care at all. They all liked the donuts let me tell ya! Erin scored a goal. It was a great kick right into the opponents goal! She thought she was great. It really didn't make any difference to her. It was really fun to watch the parents let me tell ya! Oh those parents. Some are much more competitive than others let me tell ya! Such is life.
BigPete a.k.a. theturnitonandturnitoffguy and I were talking strategy of pickle ball. There is a balance of using techniques to win or just playing socially. We question ourselves when to do each. We were talking about playing doubles and always hitting to the weakest player's backhand (i.e. good move to win). BigPete sent this comment back to me--Yes, it's kind of unfair on the surface, and I tend not to do it much in fun situations.... but when you are in tournaments... or against Duane the worm... hit to the weak player always... he he.. p. Saturday question--BigPete, do you ever let others win on purpose? Do you ever hit shots back to folks that are real easy for them so they can hit it back and feel good?
I called a friend going down I-80 @ 80 mph. He and I had a short conversation on the golf course and I wanted to hear more. I asked him the difference between religion and faith. He said he has a very simple answer--religion is something outward and faith is something inward. Soooo I ran in Parersburg's Run to Remember a few weeks ago. I ran in the division 60 to blank, meaning no limit of age. They are being nice. I saw in another run they said--60 to death as the division! Talking about that death. Sooooo when you die can you're family hire a pastor for $100 to say that you're saved and it's a done deal, you're in heaven with Lord. ItchieBitchie says--I read John 3:16 and it says--For God so loved the world tht he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ItchieBitchie, I thought you altogether clueless but now I have changed my mind. Soooo do you have to go to church to be saved? Answer that one ItchieBitchie! My opinion on those issues comes from Isaiah--His understanding I cannot fathom. God is God and that's just the way it is. SusieQ says--I do know that when folks think they have all the answers (i.e. think they are God) they are not very wise.
Let me tell what's happening folks. Sitting in the recliner in CO late one night thinking about my day (i.e. reflecting and giving thanks) I read what another Jimmer had to say (i.e. I call Easton Little Jimmer 'cause his middle name is James, his dad's name is James and my middle name is James). ANYWAY this other Jimmer says--What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don't get it. Joesixpack says--I can testify to that happening! Oh ya! Saturday question--Do you get offended easily? If you do, why do ya?
I was taking some notes at Church Sunday. Heather said--I bet you are writing down that stuff which describes DuaneTheWorm. I am. She asked me who DuaneTheWorm was? ANYWAY there are two kinds of folks: those who build folks up and those who build themselves up. The pastor went on to say--DuaneTheWorm is a resounding gong and a clanging cymbal. Yep, that's DuaneTheWorm alright. You all know who DuaneTheWorm is. He's something isn't he! The pastor also said--If you are going to error, error on the side of scripture! Preach it preacher!
We went to Jazz in the Park at one of Denver's parks Sunday evening. There are thousands of folks with kids, dogs, food, games, beer and God only knows what else (i.e. one huge massive picnic). It's just a fun realized time. ANYWAY there were four guys close to use that were doing something strange (i.e. strange to me anyway). They took cans of beer and used their car keys to slice a hole in the side of the full beer can. Then they put it to their mouths and popped open the can and drank the whole can of beer without stopping. What! Then they threw the cans to the ground and stomped on them. It looked crazy to me. Sooooo I emailed James to find out what he called that again--shot gunning he said. I told James I was going to get my foursome together on the first tee and do that with our Diet Mountain Dews. He said--I bet you $5 you will puck. I didn't see any of those guys puck. I bet one of the four pucked before the night was over he said. Sooooo James, help me connect the dots. First you buy a can of beer, pour it down your throat, stomp on the can, and then puck. I must be missing something here. Maybe I will get some of my church buddies together after the service with 12 ounces of coffee and do the same. I bet that will really impress everyone in the coffee room. You think sooooo?
Have a FUN my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Think you can or think you can't, either way you're right.
June 9, 2012
just going along
Disclaimer--This "It's Saturday" might be just be tooooo bloody naked for you to read! That is what my Canadian friends would say. They like that bloody word alright! Soooo there you go.
Just eating along. We are in CO for a long weekend with our kids and grand kids. Arlene and I had the opportunity to take Erin out for breakfast yesterday. We told her we would buy her anything she wanted--she wanted a chocolate chip pancake soooooo we bought her a chocolate chip pancake. Arlene is really good with Erin and Easton. I just buy them ice cream. I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream. It works folks. Erin said to us--This is a good day, huh!
Just muddling along! Have you ever had the feeling that you feel something that no one else feels (i.e. personal feeling only to you)? It's an inter most feeling. You can't really explain the feeling to someone as they have never experienced your feeling. You have the feeling--I don't think you can feel what I feel. It's not a "matter-of-factly feeling! I went up to the ball diamond the other day to watch my young golf buddy pitch. He's 13 I think. ANYWAY I sat by a gal whose son just got back from a tour in Afghanistan. We had a very nice talk about much stuff. I asked her if she and her son changed 'cause of this experience. She said--much. We concluded that no one understands the emotions and feelings if you have not gone through it. Such is life. p.s. She said one of the best gifts you can send an infantryman is socks. They are always short on socks.
Just rumbling along in life! MissPerfect says--Mentally handicapped folks when told about the Gospel of Jesus listen more with their hearts than with their minds and are more sensitive to what folks live than what they say. Body language. You can say a lot and much and often but saying stuff just doesn't cut the mustard. Ya gotta walk the talk. Our words are small but our game is big! That's the real deal. DuaneTheWorm is not the real deal folks. I read about DuaneTheWork in the Book. This is what is says about DuaneTheWorm--These men are grumblers and faultfinders.' they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage. That is what is says. Sooooo do you know any DuaneTheWorms?
Just running along! Do you ever run off at the mouth? Do you know anyone else who runs off at the mouth? Do you pray? Do you know anyone else who prays? It appears that God likes it when we run off at the mouth with Him. Soooooo pray. LuckieEddie says--Pray always. I don't understand everything about prayer. Neither do I about aerospace. Yet we do not let the lack of knowledge deprive us of its benefits. Neither should we deprive ourselves of the benefits of prayer. Soooooo run along and pray folks. It's good for ya! Such is life.
Sneaking along! Why do folks act goofy (i.e. our opinion that they act goofy)? It appears that many times they copy the actions of their parents, they do it for attention, they like to be different or God only knows. I wonder if we know that they are goofy when we act goofy? What do you think? Joesixpack says--Man-o-man erv, maybe they aren't goofy but you are the goofy one. You think they are goof 'cuse they don't act like you! You better find out what goofy is first before you think someone is goofy! You have a point there Joexsixpack.
Wobbling along! Joesixpack says--I'm just wobbling along in life. My greatest fear in life is not that I fail, but that I succeed in something that doesn't really matter. Ouchy ouchy! That is why I don't want to be good at mowing the lawn! Being really good as mowing the lawn really doesn't matter (i.e. my opinion).
Just Speeding along! Time goes sooooo fast and before you know it, you're an old man. Do old men smell different? My sister thinks soooooo. She says they have a distinctive oder. Some research does not support her thinking and others does. BUT I have been around old men who do have a different oder. I have been in older men's cars that smell like old men. Sooooo why the different smell? Women tend to cover up their old lady smell (i.e. if they have one) with perfume etc. Maybe old women bathe more often compared to old men. Maybe they change clothes more often than old men too (i.e. God knows they do)! I don't know. If you smell, you can't smell yourself sooooo if you are old and have an old man smell, you will never know! Such is life.
Just chunking along and not realizing what's going on! LuckieEddie says--I wonder sometimes if my life is deterating slowly and I don't even realize it. If I don't drive a stake in the ground and remeasure in a year or sooooo, I don't know what direction I'm going (i.e. that is why the doctor keeps track of your blood pressure readings). It's like getting older and you don't see it in the mirror (i.e. it's a slow process). Or like a frog who is put in water and the heat is increased. He won't jump out but just dies when the water boils (i.e. the story is often used as a metaphor for the inability of people to react to significant changes that occur gradually). Why doesn't he jump out anyway? Dumb frog! Or is it dumb erv?
Just muddling along! I asked Big Pete for some advice about pickle ball as I'm planning to play singles in the Iowa Senior Olympic Games (i.e. I have never played singles before). This is what he emailed me--Singles is very different than doubles... you don't take to the net until your opponent gives you an easy shot... otherwise... STAY BACK... like tennis. In doubles, get to the net as fast as you can, but your partner must be with you! Don't forget when you are serving in doubles... return shot must be SOFT!!!.. just over net. That is the shot you must practice along with the dinking game that follows that shot. And of course, the most patient player will win... let your opponent make the mistake... don't you hit it out of bounds or into the net.. even if you give them an easy shot. I think Big Pete is saying--Put yourself in a better position by forcing your opponent to make a poor or less than great shot back to you. Just muddle along until you have the advantage and then capitalize on it. Set yourself up for the next winning shot. Such is life.
Just whizzing along! Einstein says--How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for that purpose he knows not, though, he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper refection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people...A man's value to the community depends primarily on how far his feelings, thoughts, and actions are directed toward promoting the good of his fellow. Such is life.
Just scooting along. We had the opportunity to take care of Charlie Monday as her day care provider was not working. Sooooo we had a great time. Charlie use to say just "no" but now she has added her statement "I can do it myself; I don't need any help"! They all do it. Charlie is just scooting along in her 2 year old stage. Scooting along folks. Just scooting along. Just going along! Our little Charlie just goes along! She gets what she wants when she wants it. Now that's a life of Riley folks. She almost has it as good as me. My toys are just bigger and more expensive. Such is life. I did get to do a couple of new experiences. I ran while pushing Charlie in her BOB stroller. I also took Chet's bike with the little trailer fastened to the back for a ride with Charlie. I have never done either of those things before. It was a hoot!
Just wobbling along. Are you excited about something today? I think life is sooooooo much more fun when you are excited about something (i.e. something you are doing or looking forward to something you are going to do). This excitement doesn't have to be over something spectacular, in fact, it can be something small but just makes you excited about life. ItchieBitchie says--It's a lot more fun to be around JoeExcitment than DebbieDowner! Think about that. Do something exciting today (i.e. share you excitment with others). Others don't need to know about it. It doesn't have to be earth shaking. Develop some excitement in your life (i.e. don't take your foot off the gas). Do it! Or just sit on the couch and eat chips! It's your decision and decisions have consequences folks.
Just rolling along! I think Lincoln was a wise man. What do you think. I think seeking wisdom makes a great man. GeorgeTheCrook says--Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it. Lincoln's Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, once was a sworn rival of Lincoln early on. Lincoln crossed party lines to select Staton. Lincoln would listen to Staton and trusted his counsel (i.e. now isn't that wisdom--I think so). Get around good folks and listen to what they have to say. Truly listen. I miss my mentor. He was a wise man (i.e. my opinion). BUT remember--There is a foolish corner in the brain of the wisest man.~Aristotle~ ~ Rehoboam didn't learn the obvious lesson. The obvious lesson is “Try not to be a fool!” Have the humility to ask for advice, and the sense to ask the right people for it! My Daddy, Chester, told me--Ask questions. It's the best and cheapest way to learn. A very good question is--What do you think? Another one is--What can I do to help you?
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--There are two kinds of folks in this world; takers and givers.
Just eating along. We are in CO for a long weekend with our kids and grand kids. Arlene and I had the opportunity to take Erin out for breakfast yesterday. We told her we would buy her anything she wanted--she wanted a chocolate chip pancake soooooo we bought her a chocolate chip pancake. Arlene is really good with Erin and Easton. I just buy them ice cream. I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream. It works folks. Erin said to us--This is a good day, huh!
Just muddling along! Have you ever had the feeling that you feel something that no one else feels (i.e. personal feeling only to you)? It's an inter most feeling. You can't really explain the feeling to someone as they have never experienced your feeling. You have the feeling--I don't think you can feel what I feel. It's not a "matter-of-factly feeling! I went up to the ball diamond the other day to watch my young golf buddy pitch. He's 13 I think. ANYWAY I sat by a gal whose son just got back from a tour in Afghanistan. We had a very nice talk about much stuff. I asked her if she and her son changed 'cause of this experience. She said--much. We concluded that no one understands the emotions and feelings if you have not gone through it. Such is life. p.s. She said one of the best gifts you can send an infantryman is socks. They are always short on socks.
Just rumbling along in life! MissPerfect says--Mentally handicapped folks when told about the Gospel of Jesus listen more with their hearts than with their minds and are more sensitive to what folks live than what they say. Body language. You can say a lot and much and often but saying stuff just doesn't cut the mustard. Ya gotta walk the talk. Our words are small but our game is big! That's the real deal. DuaneTheWorm is not the real deal folks. I read about DuaneTheWork in the Book. This is what is says about DuaneTheWorm--These men are grumblers and faultfinders.' they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage. That is what is says. Sooooo do you know any DuaneTheWorms?
Just running along! Do you ever run off at the mouth? Do you know anyone else who runs off at the mouth? Do you pray? Do you know anyone else who prays? It appears that God likes it when we run off at the mouth with Him. Soooooo pray. LuckieEddie says--Pray always. I don't understand everything about prayer. Neither do I about aerospace. Yet we do not let the lack of knowledge deprive us of its benefits. Neither should we deprive ourselves of the benefits of prayer. Soooooo run along and pray folks. It's good for ya! Such is life.
Sneaking along! Why do folks act goofy (i.e. our opinion that they act goofy)? It appears that many times they copy the actions of their parents, they do it for attention, they like to be different or God only knows. I wonder if we know that they are goofy when we act goofy? What do you think? Joesixpack says--Man-o-man erv, maybe they aren't goofy but you are the goofy one. You think they are goof 'cuse they don't act like you! You better find out what goofy is first before you think someone is goofy! You have a point there Joexsixpack.
Wobbling along! Joesixpack says--I'm just wobbling along in life. My greatest fear in life is not that I fail, but that I succeed in something that doesn't really matter. Ouchy ouchy! That is why I don't want to be good at mowing the lawn! Being really good as mowing the lawn really doesn't matter (i.e. my opinion).
Just Speeding along! Time goes sooooo fast and before you know it, you're an old man. Do old men smell different? My sister thinks soooooo. She says they have a distinctive oder. Some research does not support her thinking and others does. BUT I have been around old men who do have a different oder. I have been in older men's cars that smell like old men. Sooooo why the different smell? Women tend to cover up their old lady smell (i.e. if they have one) with perfume etc. Maybe old women bathe more often compared to old men. Maybe they change clothes more often than old men too (i.e. God knows they do)! I don't know. If you smell, you can't smell yourself sooooo if you are old and have an old man smell, you will never know! Such is life.
Just chunking along and not realizing what's going on! LuckieEddie says--I wonder sometimes if my life is deterating slowly and I don't even realize it. If I don't drive a stake in the ground and remeasure in a year or sooooo, I don't know what direction I'm going (i.e. that is why the doctor keeps track of your blood pressure readings). It's like getting older and you don't see it in the mirror (i.e. it's a slow process). Or like a frog who is put in water and the heat is increased. He won't jump out but just dies when the water boils (i.e. the story is often used as a metaphor for the inability of people to react to significant changes that occur gradually). Why doesn't he jump out anyway? Dumb frog! Or is it dumb erv?
Just muddling along! I asked Big Pete for some advice about pickle ball as I'm planning to play singles in the Iowa Senior Olympic Games (i.e. I have never played singles before). This is what he emailed me--Singles is very different than doubles... you don't take to the net until your opponent gives you an easy shot... otherwise... STAY BACK... like tennis. In doubles, get to the net as fast as you can, but your partner must be with you! Don't forget when you are serving in doubles... return shot must be SOFT!!!.. just over net. That is the shot you must practice along with the dinking game that follows that shot. And of course, the most patient player will win... let your opponent make the mistake... don't you hit it out of bounds or into the net.. even if you give them an easy shot. I think Big Pete is saying--Put yourself in a better position by forcing your opponent to make a poor or less than great shot back to you. Just muddle along until you have the advantage and then capitalize on it. Set yourself up for the next winning shot. Such is life.
Just whizzing along! Einstein says--How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for that purpose he knows not, though, he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper refection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people...A man's value to the community depends primarily on how far his feelings, thoughts, and actions are directed toward promoting the good of his fellow. Such is life.
Just scooting along. We had the opportunity to take care of Charlie Monday as her day care provider was not working. Sooooo we had a great time. Charlie use to say just "no" but now she has added her statement "I can do it myself; I don't need any help"! They all do it. Charlie is just scooting along in her 2 year old stage. Scooting along folks. Just scooting along. Just going along! Our little Charlie just goes along! She gets what she wants when she wants it. Now that's a life of Riley folks. She almost has it as good as me. My toys are just bigger and more expensive. Such is life. I did get to do a couple of new experiences. I ran while pushing Charlie in her BOB stroller. I also took Chet's bike with the little trailer fastened to the back for a ride with Charlie. I have never done either of those things before. It was a hoot!
Just wobbling along. Are you excited about something today? I think life is sooooooo much more fun when you are excited about something (i.e. something you are doing or looking forward to something you are going to do). This excitement doesn't have to be over something spectacular, in fact, it can be something small but just makes you excited about life. ItchieBitchie says--It's a lot more fun to be around JoeExcitment than DebbieDowner! Think about that. Do something exciting today (i.e. share you excitment with others). Others don't need to know about it. It doesn't have to be earth shaking. Develop some excitement in your life (i.e. don't take your foot off the gas). Do it! Or just sit on the couch and eat chips! It's your decision and decisions have consequences folks.
Just rolling along! I think Lincoln was a wise man. What do you think. I think seeking wisdom makes a great man. GeorgeTheCrook says--Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it. Lincoln's Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, once was a sworn rival of Lincoln early on. Lincoln crossed party lines to select Staton. Lincoln would listen to Staton and trusted his counsel (i.e. now isn't that wisdom--I think so). Get around good folks and listen to what they have to say. Truly listen. I miss my mentor. He was a wise man (i.e. my opinion). BUT remember--There is a foolish corner in the brain of the wisest man.~Aristotle~ ~ Rehoboam didn't learn the obvious lesson. The obvious lesson is “Try not to be a fool!” Have the humility to ask for advice, and the sense to ask the right people for it! My Daddy, Chester, told me--Ask questions. It's the best and cheapest way to learn. A very good question is--What do you think? Another one is--What can I do to help you?
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--There are two kinds of folks in this world; takers and givers.
June 2, 2012
You're out or you're safe!
Disclaimer--I'm misunderstood by others sooooo don't take any of this "It's Saturday" toooooo serious!
The runner is on second and the batter hits a single into right center. The runner rounds third and heading to home. The right fielder picks up the ball and makes the throw to home plate. It's going to be close folks! The catcher blocks the plate getting ready for the throw and the runner at the same time. The runner is running as hard as he can down the line to the plate. The throw comes to the plate--the runner does a fantastic hook slide. It's close folks. The umpire watches the play and will have to make the call if the runner is save of is out! Now it goes bang bang and he makes the call. That decision might make a massive huge impact on much stuff.
Oh the decision of the umpire. I hope he got his good glasses on! I hope he makes the right decision (i.e. especially if it affects me). And you know what? Umpires screw up (i.e. look at Waterloo, IA's Denkinger in the 6th game of the 1985 World Series between St. Louis and Kansas City. It affected the series and baseball). Surely you have never made the wrong decision--ya right! ANYWAY if you believe in heaven, and if you believe that Jesus is the way to eternal life, then Jesus will have to make the call at home plate--You're safe or you're out! No human error here folks. You can't buy the umpire (i.e. fix the game). You can't fake it. You can't see the instant replay. You can't buy entry. It's a done deal.
Icky icky! With all the high school and college graduations, here is some advice (i.e. pretty save advice)! Joesixpack says--The difference between school and life: In school, you are taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you are given a test that teaches you a lesson. It's safe to say that some learn faster than others. Saturday question--Are you a fast learner or not?
My mind continues to think about a very nice golf course in Kankakee, IL. I played it maybe 25 years ago. It was a rather young course at that time. When we were in IL this spring, Arlene's brother and sister-in-law took us out to see it. It's all plowed up--all 27 holes. There is still some elevated tees, ponds, small building that were on the course, some trees and a very very nice club house (i.e. maybe close to a million dollar one) that just sits there. I guess the owner is very wealthy and just got sick of throwing money at it to make it work soooooo he plowed it up. Sooooo the question, how do you know when it's time to quite throwing good money after bad, keep throwing money down the rat hole, down the deep dark hole? When to call it quits. When to say uncle? When to say enough is enough? When is time to say--This ain't going to work. Stop the bleeding! Cut my looses! Admit that ya made a mistake. Move on! It's time to say you are out! You are out at the plate. The game is over. Time to put your tail between your legs and admit it was a mistake, take your ball and bat and go home!
MissPerfect says--I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me! You're safe WildWillie! Yes you are. You're always safe when you show more kindness than seems necessary, because the person receiving it needs it more than you will ever know...kindness is not just about being nice; it's about recognizing another human being who deserves care and respect. I was sorta kinda surprise what I read that Jay Leno said--I think the key to life is low self-esteem--believing you're not the smartest or most handsome person in the room. All the people who have high self-esteem are criminals and actors. My opinion--it's hard to be kind when you think you are better than others. Saturday question--How big is your head?
LuckieEddie says--I sometimes like to play it safe. That way you won't have any risk (i.e. won't try to have the play at home plate and be called out). There is no rejection when you play it safe. In The Wizard of Oz, a cowardly lion living in the forest meets a little girl named Dorothy. She invites the lion to find courage, but he’s terrified to leave the forest. Finally he decides he’d rather face the unknown than be left the way he is. His motivation to change outweighs his fear of the unknown. Sooooo are you a Dorothy to some one? Are you the lion in this little story. The fear of failure is a huge massive motivational piece. And most great folks fail a lot. Somehow they seem to get up and try something again. Why can some keep trying and others just go and sit on the couch and eat chips?
When you play it safe you are never called out at the plate. The crowd never gets after you 'cause you took a chance. You never get to feel the reward of being a game changer if you always play it safe. When you take risk, you are at times called out at the plate. But you feel the rush of trying it. Sometimes you are safe and sometimes you are out. My mentor would tell me--erv, you just have to be save more that you are called out. Lord, guard our hearts from both praises and insults, and let us be faithful. Amen
You're safe! A friend who is I think is about 71 or 72 was looking at the shingles on his house the other day. He was going to get off the roof and the ladder slipped away and he fell off the roof. He fell off his roof and didn't get hurt too bad. Nothing that needed medical attention. Just sore and sore (i.e. a great slide--SAFE!) and a bruised ego. He was one lucky guy let me tell ya! I think he knows it tooooo! It is always hard for me to understand how one guy falls three feet and dies and another guy falls off the roof and doesn't get hurt! Amazes me always! My opinion on that is: His understanding I can't fathom!
We were invited to spend Memorial Day at our friends' lake home. I have told you before that this is one of my most favorite places to think, mediate, and reflect (i.e. sitting on the deck over looking the lake--it's my safe haven). The pic is of our friends, Secretariat and his Sweetie on this deck. They have their lake home on the market. I told them I was going to take the for sale sign down and throw it in the ditch across the road! I don't want to loose my favorite place! I'm selfish! Have you ever thought you were in a safe haven and actually you were not? Have you ever been to a church service (i.e. thinking it was a safe haven) which seemed to last forever? Have you ever fallen asleep during a sermon? In these situations, take care not to sit next to an open window as Eutychus did. Eutychus was listening to Paul talk about the kingdom of God. Paul had a lot to say because he was leaving the next day. The clock passed midnight. Eutychus felt drowsy. He fell asleep. Then he fell out of the window. Such is life.
I was walking down our street the other night and visited with one of our neighbors. He's in school administration/teaching. He was telling me that he tries to teach kids to be givers and that life isn't much until they gain that aspect. It's safe to say that this guy is a good guy (i.e. a real person with a good heart--my kind of person). LuckieEddie says--There are two kinds of folks in this world--takers and givers. Givers are always happy. Takers are never happy. Such is life.
You think you might be safe but your aren't really. It's just make believe. It's like the ostrich hiding his head in the sand (i.e. 'so mind-bogglingly stupid that it assumes that if you can't see it, then it can't see you'). Sooooo do you just hid your talent in the sand for safe keeping or do you use your talent to generate more good stuff? I think we are to use our talents it says in the Book! GeorgeTheCrook says--There is risk of failure when you get out of the boat (i.e. you could be in danger). It's easier to just stay in the boat and stay the same. GeorgeTheCrook--You're about as dumb as an ostrich. Such is life.
AverageJoe says--I'm safe now; I got all the bases covered. Oh ya! I prayed about it. Now I'm going to sit on the couch, watch some TV and eat some chips. I've done my part!
It's safe to say that some folks got rid of some junk and others acquired more junk. SusieQ says--I really didn't need it but it was sooooooo cheap that I had to buy it! This week end is Aplington City wide garage sales. Yesterday I was returning a wrench to a friend. He and his wife have a garage sale every year. They really enjoy it. Have done it for years. They just reload each year! ANYWAY I was looking at their stuff in passing when a customer says to me--One man's junk is another man's junk! Six of our neighbors have sales--we have a busy neighborhood let me tell ya. I had our garage door open and a guy told me--I was in your garage erv, but you didn't have any prices on your junk! I did buy something special from one of our neighbors though. It will be a gift to some special person. Oh ya! I'll tell you about it latter maybe. It was just a perfect gift. Soooooo maybe someones junk is someones treasure after all! Or it might still be junk! Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--No symphony orchestra ever played music like a 2 yer-old laughing with a puppy.
The runner is on second and the batter hits a single into right center. The runner rounds third and heading to home. The right fielder picks up the ball and makes the throw to home plate. It's going to be close folks! The catcher blocks the plate getting ready for the throw and the runner at the same time. The runner is running as hard as he can down the line to the plate. The throw comes to the plate--the runner does a fantastic hook slide. It's close folks. The umpire watches the play and will have to make the call if the runner is save of is out! Now it goes bang bang and he makes the call. That decision might make a massive huge impact on much stuff.
Oh the decision of the umpire. I hope he got his good glasses on! I hope he makes the right decision (i.e. especially if it affects me). And you know what? Umpires screw up (i.e. look at Waterloo, IA's Denkinger in the 6th game of the 1985 World Series between St. Louis and Kansas City. It affected the series and baseball). Surely you have never made the wrong decision--ya right! ANYWAY if you believe in heaven, and if you believe that Jesus is the way to eternal life, then Jesus will have to make the call at home plate--You're safe or you're out! No human error here folks. You can't buy the umpire (i.e. fix the game). You can't fake it. You can't see the instant replay. You can't buy entry. It's a done deal.
Icky icky! With all the high school and college graduations, here is some advice (i.e. pretty save advice)! Joesixpack says--The difference between school and life: In school, you are taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you are given a test that teaches you a lesson. It's safe to say that some learn faster than others. Saturday question--Are you a fast learner or not?
My mind continues to think about a very nice golf course in Kankakee, IL. I played it maybe 25 years ago. It was a rather young course at that time. When we were in IL this spring, Arlene's brother and sister-in-law took us out to see it. It's all plowed up--all 27 holes. There is still some elevated tees, ponds, small building that were on the course, some trees and a very very nice club house (i.e. maybe close to a million dollar one) that just sits there. I guess the owner is very wealthy and just got sick of throwing money at it to make it work soooooo he plowed it up. Sooooo the question, how do you know when it's time to quite throwing good money after bad, keep throwing money down the rat hole, down the deep dark hole? When to call it quits. When to say uncle? When to say enough is enough? When is time to say--This ain't going to work. Stop the bleeding! Cut my looses! Admit that ya made a mistake. Move on! It's time to say you are out! You are out at the plate. The game is over. Time to put your tail between your legs and admit it was a mistake, take your ball and bat and go home!
MissPerfect says--I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me! You're safe WildWillie! Yes you are. You're always safe when you show more kindness than seems necessary, because the person receiving it needs it more than you will ever know...kindness is not just about being nice; it's about recognizing another human being who deserves care and respect. I was sorta kinda surprise what I read that Jay Leno said--I think the key to life is low self-esteem--believing you're not the smartest or most handsome person in the room. All the people who have high self-esteem are criminals and actors. My opinion--it's hard to be kind when you think you are better than others. Saturday question--How big is your head?
LuckieEddie says--I sometimes like to play it safe. That way you won't have any risk (i.e. won't try to have the play at home plate and be called out). There is no rejection when you play it safe. In The Wizard of Oz, a cowardly lion living in the forest meets a little girl named Dorothy. She invites the lion to find courage, but he’s terrified to leave the forest. Finally he decides he’d rather face the unknown than be left the way he is. His motivation to change outweighs his fear of the unknown. Sooooo are you a Dorothy to some one? Are you the lion in this little story. The fear of failure is a huge massive motivational piece. And most great folks fail a lot. Somehow they seem to get up and try something again. Why can some keep trying and others just go and sit on the couch and eat chips?
When you play it safe you are never called out at the plate. The crowd never gets after you 'cause you took a chance. You never get to feel the reward of being a game changer if you always play it safe. When you take risk, you are at times called out at the plate. But you feel the rush of trying it. Sometimes you are safe and sometimes you are out. My mentor would tell me--erv, you just have to be save more that you are called out. Lord, guard our hearts from both praises and insults, and let us be faithful. Amen
You're safe! A friend who is I think is about 71 or 72 was looking at the shingles on his house the other day. He was going to get off the roof and the ladder slipped away and he fell off the roof. He fell off his roof and didn't get hurt too bad. Nothing that needed medical attention. Just sore and sore (i.e. a great slide--SAFE!) and a bruised ego. He was one lucky guy let me tell ya! I think he knows it tooooo! It is always hard for me to understand how one guy falls three feet and dies and another guy falls off the roof and doesn't get hurt! Amazes me always! My opinion on that is: His understanding I can't fathom!
We were invited to spend Memorial Day at our friends' lake home. I have told you before that this is one of my most favorite places to think, mediate, and reflect (i.e. sitting on the deck over looking the lake--it's my safe haven). The pic is of our friends, Secretariat and his Sweetie on this deck. They have their lake home on the market. I told them I was going to take the for sale sign down and throw it in the ditch across the road! I don't want to loose my favorite place! I'm selfish! Have you ever thought you were in a safe haven and actually you were not? Have you ever been to a church service (i.e. thinking it was a safe haven) which seemed to last forever? Have you ever fallen asleep during a sermon? In these situations, take care not to sit next to an open window as Eutychus did. Eutychus was listening to Paul talk about the kingdom of God. Paul had a lot to say because he was leaving the next day. The clock passed midnight. Eutychus felt drowsy. He fell asleep. Then he fell out of the window. Such is life.
I was walking down our street the other night and visited with one of our neighbors. He's in school administration/teaching. He was telling me that he tries to teach kids to be givers and that life isn't much until they gain that aspect. It's safe to say that this guy is a good guy (i.e. a real person with a good heart--my kind of person). LuckieEddie says--There are two kinds of folks in this world--takers and givers. Givers are always happy. Takers are never happy. Such is life.
You think you might be safe but your aren't really. It's just make believe. It's like the ostrich hiding his head in the sand (i.e. 'so mind-bogglingly stupid that it assumes that if you can't see it, then it can't see you'). Sooooo do you just hid your talent in the sand for safe keeping or do you use your talent to generate more good stuff? I think we are to use our talents it says in the Book! GeorgeTheCrook says--There is risk of failure when you get out of the boat (i.e. you could be in danger). It's easier to just stay in the boat and stay the same. GeorgeTheCrook--You're about as dumb as an ostrich. Such is life.
AverageJoe says--I'm safe now; I got all the bases covered. Oh ya! I prayed about it. Now I'm going to sit on the couch, watch some TV and eat some chips. I've done my part!
It's safe to say that some folks got rid of some junk and others acquired more junk. SusieQ says--I really didn't need it but it was sooooooo cheap that I had to buy it! This week end is Aplington City wide garage sales. Yesterday I was returning a wrench to a friend. He and his wife have a garage sale every year. They really enjoy it. Have done it for years. They just reload each year! ANYWAY I was looking at their stuff in passing when a customer says to me--One man's junk is another man's junk! Six of our neighbors have sales--we have a busy neighborhood let me tell ya. I had our garage door open and a guy told me--I was in your garage erv, but you didn't have any prices on your junk! I did buy something special from one of our neighbors though. It will be a gift to some special person. Oh ya! I'll tell you about it latter maybe. It was just a perfect gift. Soooooo maybe someones junk is someones treasure after all! Or it might still be junk! Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--No symphony orchestra ever played music like a 2 yer-old laughing with a puppy.
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