You guys ask me if you can use some of my stuff in "It's Saturday" or if you can forward the link. Of course you can. It's not that good anyway. If you have friends, family or acquaintances who would like to be added to my "It's Saturday" emailing list, just let me know. Remember to remind them that they get what they pay for!

We were talking at picklel ball the other night about domestic violence. A pickleballer asked me if I ever was disciplined with a switch. I don't think I was but was wacked with my parents hands some and with a yard stick. One time my mom, Anna, used a lath on me. I don't know what I did but it was by the brooder house where we had baby chicks. I ran away from her and she couldn't catch me. The sly old fox acted like she forgot about it and when I got close she really gave me a good lickin'! I don't think I was overly disciplined but my older sister told me my father was really tough on me (i.e. she actually felt sore for me sometimes as my dad had such high expectations for me). I don't remember any of that. But I do remember my Daddy, Chester, slapped my face one time when we were putting up the grain elevator. He did it in front of our neighbor, Lawrence. I never did know what I did wrong but my feelings were hurt pretty bad. For the love of Pete.
One of our nieces had a kidney stone recently. Her husband told her-- ‘It too, shall pass’…and it did! For the love of Pete. I had a kidney stone maybe 20 years ago and never what another one. Man those suckers hurt. I told the nurse--My wallet is in my pants. Take whatever you want. I need some pain relief. I sure wasn't very tough (i.e. a real wimp!). I tried to look good but when that sucker started to move, man did that hurt. I did finally pass it. SusieQ says--When you put constant pressure on the best QBs, they don't look sooooo gooood either!. GeorgeTheCrook says--If you think kidney stones are tough on a guy's life, think about the song birds traveling on the aerial highways during the migration. I read this in the paper soooo it must be right that fewer than 30% of the young songbirds survive their first year, and the hazards of migration are a major reason. Such is life.

Dog For Sale! Free to good home. Excellent guard dog. Owner cannot afford to feed Jethro anymore, as there are no more drug pusher, thieves, murderers, or molesters left in the neighborhood for him to eat. Most of them knew Jethro only by his Chinese street name--Ho Le Shitt! For the love of Pete. A friend told me about a guy in Aplington (i.e. about 75) who he thought was the toughest guy he ever knew. He said he would fight anyone and everyone and usually would win. When he was young there was a lot of fighting in the bars etc. Much more then than now I think. Now they just seem to shoot each other. Sooooo I ran into this guy down town recently and asked him if he was that tough? Ya, he said, pretty much. He said he was always a good fighter as a kid and liked it. Soooo, when you drank, were you a better fighter? No, I just thought I was. Ya, that is what alcohol will do for a guy. Soooo are you still a tough fighter? No no! I heard your daughter just died of cancer. Yes, that is right; ya she was 57. I'm not very tough at all.
For the love of Pete! Arlene and I were having breakfast at one of the local restaurants. The owner brought us our food. We said thank you. Arlene said to the owner--You are a good guy! He said thank you. I said--Everyone tries to be a good guy but...! He said--I wouldn't say everyone tries. Ouchy ouchy!
Attitude folks, attitude! Whether we are young, middle-aged, or older, we should be prepared for trouble. We are born for it, Job (i.e. not everyone can be a Job) said, "as sure as the sparks fly upward". Joesixpack says--Soooo don't be sooooo surprised when everything doesn't go your way. Trouble isn't really a surprise. It's part of life. Like my Daddy, Chester, would say--Everyone has troubles, it's just that some folks handle them differently. POWs met at Camp Dodge in Des Moines and told stories of their captivity it said in the paper sooooo it must be right. This is what one of the POWs said--Spencer spent 7 years in North Vietnamese captivity before he was released in 1973. He said his experiences gave him an understanding of what is important in life that he probably wouldn't have had otherwise. His attitude is that some days are better than others and there is always somebody who has it worse than you, so get on with it. "Life is good. You enjoy what is good because nobody knows what is coming tomorrow," he said. Such is life.
Half and half! Half of what CrazyMarvin says I don't believe and the other half isn't true! Sooooo there you go folks. But everyone must believe Apple what they say about their new iPhone 6 as everyone wants them (i.e. sold 10,000,000 the first week). That's crazy folks. But the folks don't seem to believe the NFL what they say about domestic abuse. NFL says it's not their mea culpa. Hey folks, it's all about the money. Hey I don't care what they say--Iowa football soft pass defense leaves something to be desired. They just frustrate me. Arlene says I over react! I don't think sooooo folks. But you might not believe me! If you don't, watch the Hawks for yourself and decide! Saturday question--What movie did that statement in the pic come from? We went to it last Saturday night with friends.
Yes you did! Last week I played with these golf buddies. When we were done, one of them told us that he just turned 50 and had his first colonoscopy. He told his wife when he was putting his cloths back on after being put under--Either I'm dreaming it or I said to the nurses--Did you find any...up my...? His wife said--Oh ya, you said it as the nurses said they found no...in him!!! Soooo folks, guess which one of my buddies said that? I'll help you a little. One of my buddies is 69 and the other two are 50.
Are you listening? This could be a little deep sooooo sit down and put on your thinking cap! MissPerfect says--The things you REALLY need in life...are not things. MissPerfect that is a hard sell. Maybe some folks will buy into that but most won't. They just won't hear you; tooooo most you might be wasting your time trying to teach that. We live in a world where that trillion-dollar industries are dedicating some of their brightest minds and untold resources to come up with newer and better ways to capitalize on the mismatch between our neurological response to new information and our current information-rich environment (i.e. direct and subliminal). We are at the mercy of tremendously powerful and well-designed systems crafted with the express purpose of interrupting us and capturing our attention (i.e. it's all about the money folks). It's warfare folks! AverageJoe says--They program us sooooo we don't break away from the script. Oh, for the love of Pete!
I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--In our time we’re prone to mistake accumulated knowledge for wisdom. Education elasticizes the mind, but only when we have the Spirit of God can we truly know the things that can be ours. “But, as it is written, ‘What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him’". The world smiles at a higher Source of wisdom but we rejoice in the knowledge that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”.
Maybe you youngins won't recognize this term (i.e. but you can goggle it). When stuff and things come together and we understand, Weee Doggy! Jed Clampett from Bug Tussle said that. You can look for Bug Tussle on Map Quest but I doubt if they have a Wal-Mart or a McDonald's or an Apple store! For the love of Pete!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--A minute of thought is work more than a hour of talk.