ItchieBitchie says--Since light travels faster than sound, erv, you appear bright until I hear you speak through your writings. ItchieBitchie, you just have another Bloody Mary and you will be ok my friend. When England’s King Henry VIII broke with the Roman Catholic Church, England became officially Protestant. When his daughter, Mary, succeeded him on the English throne, she returned the nation to Catholicism and began a purge of Protestant “heretics.” Over 300 Protestants were martyred in England during the five years of Mary’s reign as queen of England—thus her sobriquet, “Bloody Mary.” OneSmartMan said--How many folks have been killed through the ages over religion, religious traditions, religious customs, religious beliefs and faith and money and power and Bloody Marys? GeorgeTheCrook says--War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--According to a report this year by NPR and the Harvard School of Public Health, more than 63 percent of Americans are battling stress, and a significant number describe their stress as “great.” The report suggested that some of us have become addicted to stress. We’ve become so conditioned to stress we don’t know what to do with ourselves if we’re not insanely busy. The study suggested our busyness may be a way of distracting ourselves from how unsatisfied we inwardly feel with life. Ouchy ouchy!
When a plane goes down, they always search for the "black box" to try to find out what went wrong. It contains much information as to what the situation was sooooo they can try to prevent a tragedy in the future. Sooo what does your "black box" reveal about your Christmas? SusieQ says--Some folks seem to revel in gift numbers and sizes and cost of them. Other don't. Some are still trying to force a secular peg into a religious hole. CadillacJack says--Many times we know what the right stuff is but still don't do it. We like to cherry-pick our actions to escalate our egos. Ouchy ouchy!
GeorgeTheCrook says--True giving is encouraging. We often think of giving in terms of tangible objects, but sometimes the most valued gifts are kind, timely words. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Pleasant words are a honycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Huh, interesting.
Her black box! Last Sunday at church I was asked to help some elderly off the church bus and into church. I helped a gal who was maybe 85 or 90 who couldn't walk very well. I held Lois' hand and we walked into church together. I asked her if she liked Christmas--Very much; my husband was raised on a tobacco farm in NC and never knew Christmas. When we got married I had the opportunity to teach him all about Christmas; it was sooooo exciting and he enjoyed the Christmas experience soooooo much. Huh, interesting.
We lite our candle and watched National Lapoon Christmas Vacation on
Chrismas Eve after church. It makes me laugh every time I watch it. Our black box will show that we spent Christmas day very laid back. We slept late, laid around, I went for a run up in 'em 'er mountain, we went for a walk, and out for dinner in the evening. We will remember it I think (i.e. that was a different experience for us on Christmas day). Not bad but just different.

We will be flying to Morrison, CO for the New Year's weekend where all our family will meet. Next Saturday's "It's Saturday" won't come until Sunday. My mobile devices, our childrens' mobile devices and James and Heather lab top and desk computer are Apple products. Apple products are not compatible with blogspot management nor can I use my "group contact email list". We will be back in AZ on Sunday and will use my lap top which is Microsoft. As Eddie said--Bingo!
Smarty pants phones and earbuds! Well, probably for many of you, your kids, grand kids and great grand kids are probably now all back home. I hope you all had a great family Christmas get-to-gather. You old-times probably have seen enough of those "smarty-pants phone and earbuds. I had a couple here in Sun Valley tell me--We aren't going back for Christmas next year. The grand kids spend all their time on those "smarty-pants phones and earbuds", then they open their gifts and then leave. Joeblow says--Having tooooo much stuff is an American plague. It promotes older folks to become "hoarders" a.k.a. pack rats. Hoarders see themselves as frugal, not nuts. Ohmygoodness! Ohmygoodness! Ohmygoodness! I'm not talking about any of you guys! Really, even if you think sooooo. You just received another coffee mug that says "you are the greatest grand parent of all time." You put it in the cupboard with the other 14. I guess the kids will throw them in the dumpster when you die. Yes, we have just exited the season of massive consumption, weeks of shopping and now we can think about all our stuff. God knows we have a lot of stuff! Such is life.
I read in the paper soooo it must be right that the number of Americans who are considered fat is increasing. It says Americans are also slothful and indolent and lazy! AZ-Joe--Who me? Ya, AZ-Joe, that is what your black box says and it doesn't lie. Saturday question--How much did you spend for Christmas? How much do you have on credit? Don't feel bad if you have a lot on credit cards. You are only doing what your "big daddy" teaches you. I read it in the paper so it must be right that the U.S. has $61 trillion debt--China $1.27 trillion, Japan $1.22 trillion and Belgium $353.9 billion. If Uncle Sam can do it you surely can tooooo. It must be good business. Sucker! WildWillie says--There are a record 75 million Boomers born between 1946 and 1964. They first played by the rules, then broke the rules, then made new rules. Boomers grew up in a time when they thought crap didn't happen. Ouchy ouchy!
LuckieEddie--Are you puzzled? Puzzled as to where your future is going? What's going to show up in your black box? LuckieEddie responds--I'm just selective about the reality I accept! The black box can only tell you where you screwed up not where you are going to screw up LuckieEddie. ItichieBitichie says--Sometimes you have to look reality in the eye and deny it! I tell ya, I'm not confused; I tell ya I'm not! I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Ever since the Garden of Eden, people have preferred making up alternative versions of reality instead of dealing with the truth (i.e. denial ain't a river in Egypt folks!). Then, quite often, they blame someone else--She made me do it! BUT the truth always wins out. Abraham Lincoln once said--You can fool some of the folks some of time, some of the folks all the time but not all the folks all the time.
Dr. Seuss once advised, "You've got brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose."
Find a good mentor and then listen to them and pattern your life after them. That is my suggestion. Kids don't usually listen to advice of their parents but sometimes will listen to someone else. Sometimes we are prone to say to a person who loves to rebel and do wrong things, “Go ahead. But remember you’ll pay for it someday.” We really don’t want them to “go ahead.” But we know that young people often won’t listen to advice. Only hard experience can teach them one day to accept the right way. King Solomon (i.e. maybe the wisest man ever) said--Advice to the young essentially falls into this kind of thinking. He encourages folly with a warning: “Your sin will lead to destruction.” Solomon also advises the young to be careful in their thoughts and actions. If they refuse, their later years will be years of mental strife and regret. Ouchy ouchy! Does this make any since to ya? We all get to make the decisions and decisions have consequences. Such is life.
Hey, that looks like my bike! AnOldIowaPickleballer says--All Burritos aren't the same sooooo pick a good one. If a mentor is good, it will show. No question folks. Soooooo find a good mentor and mimic him/her. I want to learn how to swim properly (i.e. gracefully). I can swim but I look like a dieing frantic dog. The other day I went to the hot tub after a good workout. There was a guy swimming in the pool (i.e. maybe 78). He came to the hot tube and sat next to me. I asked him if he would teach me to swim. Sure he said. The first thing, do you know how to breath?--of course I do, I have been doing it for 69 years--no no, I mean when you swim--well, I just take a deep breath and when I need more air I blow it our and inhale--you got to learn to breath normally when swimming; in hale and genitally exhale when your are under the water; we can practice that here in the the hot tub. Soooo we inhaled and put our heads in the water and exhaled. We did this several times. He left and said I was to practice and he would help me more some other time. Sooooooo, recently I was in the hot tub again and there was no folks in the pool or hot tub. I practiced inhaling and putting my head in the water blowing bubbles during my exhale. I did this for maybe 3 minutes. I looked up and there were two children maybe 8 and 10 watching me (i.e. probably here to see their grandparents for Christmas). I bet they told their parents--You can't believe what we saw, we saw an old fart in the hot tub blowing bubbles!!! Such is life.
The goodies were good but the thought was even better! Oh ya! ExtraordinaryJoe says--Be a "humblerookie"! When you are a " humblerookie", you give yourself permission to be silly, naive, hopeful, excited and fun. You can just act dumb and folks will accept it no matter what age you are. Sooooo be a "humblerookie" and enjoy life. Don't try to impress folks; you can't really impress most folks You are just fooling yourself. I was with a gal recently that really tried to impress me (i.e. not a real person in my opinion). She didn't impress me. She did make me laugh though (i.e. I laughed at her). She was a snowbird trying to be a showbird! My mentor use to say--Folks buy gifts for folks they don't want with money they don't have to impress folks they don't like. We received a gift from a friend recently that was really neat. The gift was given very nicely and with the right motive (i.e. given wholeheartedly and not grudgingly). It was touching to me. AverageJoe says--Give a gift to someone and you will receive the biggest gift. I realize that a lot of you folks have given many gifts to folks who don't know you were the givers. You are good folks with good hearts; my kind of folks. Coca-Cola says--Make someone happy and you'll be happy too! Such is life.
Hey, that looks like my bike! AnOldIowaPickleballer says--All Burritos aren't the same sooooo pick a good one. If a mentor is good, it will show. No question folks. Soooooo find a good mentor and mimic him/her. I want to learn how to swim properly (i.e. gracefully). I can swim but I look like a dieing frantic dog. The other day I went to the hot tub after a good workout. There was a guy swimming in the pool (i.e. maybe 78). He came to the hot tube and sat next to me. I asked him if he would teach me to swim. Sure he said. The first thing, do you know how to breath?--of course I do, I have been doing it for 69 years--no no, I mean when you swim--well, I just take a deep breath and when I need more air I blow it our and inhale--you got to learn to breath normally when swimming; in hale and genitally exhale when your are under the water; we can practice that here in the the hot tub. Soooo we inhaled and put our heads in the water and exhaled. We did this several times. He left and said I was to practice and he would help me more some other time. Sooooooo, recently I was in the hot tub again and there was no folks in the pool or hot tub. I practiced inhaling and putting my head in the water blowing bubbles during my exhale. I did this for maybe 3 minutes. I looked up and there were two children maybe 8 and 10 watching me (i.e. probably here to see their grandparents for Christmas). I bet they told their parents--You can't believe what we saw, we saw an old fart in the hot tub blowing bubbles!!! Such is life.
The goodies were good but the thought was even better! Oh ya! ExtraordinaryJoe says--Be a "humblerookie"! When you are a " humblerookie", you give yourself permission to be silly, naive, hopeful, excited and fun. You can just act dumb and folks will accept it no matter what age you are. Sooooo be a "humblerookie" and enjoy life. Don't try to impress folks; you can't really impress most folks You are just fooling yourself. I was with a gal recently that really tried to impress me (i.e. not a real person in my opinion). She didn't impress me. She did make me laugh though (i.e. I laughed at her). She was a snowbird trying to be a showbird! My mentor use to say--Folks buy gifts for folks they don't want with money they don't have to impress folks they don't like. We received a gift from a friend recently that was really neat. The gift was given very nicely and with the right motive (i.e. given wholeheartedly and not grudgingly). It was touching to me. AverageJoe says--Give a gift to someone and you will receive the biggest gift. I realize that a lot of you folks have given many gifts to folks who don't know you were the givers. You are good folks with good hearts; my kind of folks. Coca-Cola says--Make someone happy and you'll be happy too! Such is life.
Maybe 15 years ago I asked a friend/client who was about 80 if he would tell me something about him that no one else knew about him. John's generation didn't share much ever. He said--You will think I'm bragging. No John, I won't and no one else will know except you and I. Sooooo he told me a couple of stories of him. We cried together. I asked him if he told his wife. No. You should I told him. I asked him if I could write them out and give them to his family when he died. He said I could. John just died at the age of 94. Before we left for AZ, I visited with John and we again talked about the stories he told me. I asked him if he told his wife--I did after you suggested I should. Here is one of his stories (i.e. printed with his families' permission). John age 22 in the year 1944. New Guinea--The company arrived and had a weekend pass. They all came back except Private Funk; he went AWOL. John really didn't know him as he was in the 4th Platoon and Funk was in the 1st. They were shipped out and as they were about ready to go into combat when Private Funk shows up. He was put in the brig but was reinstated and forgiven, as every man was needed for war. On day just before John left for patrol, John's sergeant, Bush from Grand Rapids, MI (i.e. John's good friend) received a letter from his wife telling him that he was a daddy to a little girl. Sergeant Bush read the letter over and over and over; he was so proud. That night Private Funk came back from patrol and told John that they ran into a machine gun fire and 3 guys were wounded and 2 were killed. One of the solders killed was Sergeant Bush. Private Funk said to John--Do you see this red mark on my forehead? I was grassed by a bullet. John, I'm like you now; I fell face to the ground John and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior; I'm a Christian like you John. John told me this with tears running down his checks and just was shaking. John said--I never told Funk I was a Christian. That night mortar commander John and Private Funk went on patrol and they ran into enemy resistance and Private Funk was killed.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Tact is the ability to close your mouth before someone else wants to.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Tact is the ability to close your mouth before someone else wants to.