I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--“A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the fool feeds on
trash” (Proverbs 15:14
NLT). MagicTed says--If you want to be wise, learn to ask wise questions—and
then listen. WiseWillie says--How do you draw the wisdom out of every person?
By learning to ask smart questions (i.e. listen more and talk less). It will
give you an incredible ride. It appears that the great folks talk about you and
not about themselves. Why is that do you
think? There must be a reason.
I played 18 with some guys who I really enjoy their company (i.e. good guys
with good hearts; my kind of folks).
ANYWAY, the “Big Kahuna” also my partner, said to me—I’m a type A
person; Type A folks usually are more critical of others than themselves—are
you this way—yes I am—Does your wife know this—she sure does. What a hoot.
Later we said hi to Jack, another golfer teeing off on #1 as we were
finishing on #9. I said—I like Jack; he
is always sooooo pleasant and welcoming to me—the “Big Kahuna” said—erv, he must
not know you very well! Then he
said—Folks like me a lot better before they really get to know me! He is soooo funny and humble (i.e. he can
really poke fun of himself—a great quality (i.e. my opinion).
The Big Ten
conference have really took it on the chin in loosing a number of games to
non-conference opponents (i.e. now that is humbling—have to eat humble
pie). After going 7-1 in bowl games last
year, maybe they thought they were really something—maybe they aren’t! It’s a lesson to learn that you can’t live on
your past or on your ego. SusieQ
says—Every person has their own story.
Bill Belichick says—To live in the past is to die in the present.
Another guy in our
foursome told us that he is trying to do business with a person/company, but
they won’t return his calls. He is
giving up on them and will probably go to another company. I had a person who
wanted me to help them, but it appears he really didn’t want my help. I gave him suggestions, but he really didn’t
want them. Besides, he would not return
any communication I sent him. Guess what I did; you are right; I gave up on
him. I found out that he treated others
the same; guess what they did with him; you are right; they tooooo just gave up
on him. A friend and I often say—If you
and I feel that way than others do toooooo; we aren’t the only two who feel
that way (i.e. we don’t have incredible insight). This guy will have an
incredible ride in life I would guess. (i.e. his reading on his hard-luck meter
will be high). CrazyMarvin says—The thing that might cause him problems is the
mental part; once he gets that figured out, he will be fine—or gone a.k.a. on
the scrape heap!
I had an early
Saturday morning breakfast with an old friend.
We enjoy each other’s company.
Now we have something even more in common, both of our wives have
dementia. ANYWAY, he asked my opinion if
he should inter into a new, large business opportunity. We talked about the pros and cons and why he
is thinking about doing this. I said to
him—It sounds like you are greedy—his eyes got real big and he sat up erect and said—I am (i.e.
and we both laughed)! He is soooooo
real, soooo real; that is one of the reasons I like him soooo much.
LuckieEddie says--People ask me--What are you depressed about?
You can buy anything you want. I wish everyone in the world was rich so they
would realize money isn’t everything. Soooo is LuckieEddie really lucky? I know rich folks who are happy and who are
miserable; I know folks who aren’t rich who are happy and those who are
miserable. There must be more toooo it
than money, but folks sure spend a lot of effort to get rich. Why is that do you think? That is what I thought.
I have a male friend
who is a realsmartperson that will not read self-help books; he says they are
all the same. I have another friend who
is a realsmartperson who says that most books you only have to read the first
50 to 100 pages of a book; the rest is just filler. Again, both of these friends are male; I
don’t know if that makes any difference but…!
ANYWAY, I listened to a couple of chapters of the audio book Girl,
Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollins (i.e. I downloaded it to my iPhone and
listened to it on Bluetooth in the car—worked good for me). One of the home care providers for Arlene
said she was going to read it, so I thought I would tooooo. It’s quite a popular book soooo I goggled
it. Rachel Hollins is a 34 year old blogger
and entrepreneur who tries to help women (i.e. says she has a tribe of over a
million followers). The book is written
to women (i.e. targeting women maybe 20 to 50 would be my guess). After a couple of chapters I knew it wasn’t
for me (i.e. she says this book is for women—that is her target). ANYWAY, I researched it a little and found
out the about ¾ of all self-help books are read by women, but women read about
65% of all books. Now that is
interesting to me (i.e. I think many of the greatest guys read books and have
always). I wonder if that is the reason
that it seems that more women go to church and believe than men. You think soooo? Maybe guys are different than women; just
maybe! I have no idea. What do you
think? Do you think guys drink more beer than women?
I emailed a friend and was wondering how big
their new bean head was—it looks massive huge—I also wondered how that can stay
even when the ground is uneven with it being soooo large. His response--It's a 45 foot flexible drapper
head that has overlapping seams on the cutting section approximately every 12
inches that allows in to flex and follow the contour of the ground. That is
incredible to me.
Friends communicated
this to me—erv, you have a great life....not an easy life, but a great life. Think about that folks. I admit and have told many of you that exact
statement. For the most part, I know
that (i.e. there are days and moments that I don’t feel that way). I think this has to do with perspective. Compared to what and “what ifs.” And comparing is soooooo hard on folks; we
many times thing we should have it better compared to others. I really think if a person can maintain some
strong flavor of peace in their life, life is sooooooo much better (i.e. my
opinion). Saturday question--Where do you find the greatest flavor of peace? Are you at peace? MissPerfect says--I just try to buy something better than w!hat my friends have; I have peace until they go shopping and out do me again. Man-O-Man! GeorgeTheCrook says--Envy of the neighbor is a powerful tool!
It was an incredible
ride. I talked to some ladies/friends
who were drinking coffee at a table after church Sunday. They just made me LOL. They were talking that they don’t know what
to believe of the women who accuse men of sexually assaulting them. They don’t know what to think or
believe. One said she did some bad stuff
when she was a teenager—I can’t believe you would ever do anything bad—believe
me I did; real bad stuff. Another gal who grew up with her said—you weren’t
that bad—I was bad. She never did
convince herself nor did I or the other gals convince her that she was
not that bad. Soooo what is bad? Did you ever do anything bad as a
At pickleball the
other morning, one of our opponents said after she miss-hit a shot—why did I hit
it (i.e. meaning she thought it was going to be long and out of bounds). She is a fun gal to play with and we kid her
some. I said—I have no idea; are you
talking in some code? My partner (i.e. a
male) said—Us guys can’t figure you gals out what you are saying. He was kidding her I think. I for once kept my mouth shut. I thought no matter what I said would not be
good! Yay yay for me for once. Sooooo at
church Sunday, I was visiting with a friend who is maybe 80 who is a real
person with a good heart; my kind of person.
She said—I put my foot in my mouth a lot; I don’t mean toooooo but just
do. She made me laugh. Soooo I called her and asked her how old she
was (i.e. never suppose to do that to a woman)?
She said she was 80. She was
diagnosed with a blood disease 20 years ago and the doctors told her she would
live maybe 10 years; she is still doing well after 20 years (i.e. she says she has lived a
quality life). Yes, she has had an incredible ride. Sooooo I asked her how this
makes her feel—blessed! LAUS DEO

Here is your
Saturday tip—I was leaving pickleball the other morning and soooo was a
friend. I asked her why she was leaving
soooo early—entertaining tonight; got to get ready; got to clean the house—I
thought you told me once that you don’t enjoy cleaning the house—I don’t and I
don’t do a very good job; sometimes I just leave the vacuum out soooo the folks
think I’m not done yet! A guy who was part of the conversation said—I tell
folks that we're in construction. They just made me laugh. But both of these
folks like to play pickleball!
Have a FUN day my friends
unless you have other plans.
MyFriendJean says--The greatest happiness of life is the conviction, that we are loved.