This “It’s Saturday” is about being unbalanced. OneSmartPerson, who has a big head of lettuce,
says—Here is what happens in a play. You get involved in a situation where
something is unbalanced. If nothing’s
unbalanced, there’s no reason to have a play.
If Hamlet comes home from school, and his dads’s not dead and asks him
if he’s had a good time, it’s boring.
But if something’s unbalanced, it must be returned to order. I’m sure none of your lives are unbalanced, but
they could be, but I just don’t know it.
That could be!
there a difference between a truism and an absolute truth? A friend gave me
some information about lying.
It states
that it is always wrong.
Here we go
again! She underlined the most important parts to emphasize them to me (i.e.
she is an underliner alright). One line or lines she underlined is this—One of
the most dangerous forms of lying is hypocrisy: pretending to be something you
are not or to believe or to believe something you do not believe (i.e.
especially regarding religion). You have it or you don’t! Saturday question—Are
you ever a hypocrite?
WorldClassLarry says--Kindness is its own reward but cruelty is a
self-inflicted wound. Think through that folks.
LuckieEddie says—You have it or you don’t. Missperfect says—I don’t like to hear that;
one minute I can be soooo kind and then I turn around and am as cruel as can
be. I even say one thing and do just the opposite many times. I think I have a
problem or something. And I don’t want you to know my thoughts; oh no! They are
even worse than my actions (i.e. I’m a real phony at times, oh ya. Why am I
that way anyway? You got me Missperfect! You just have it I guess!
I had the opportunity to spend an overnight with my
grandkids from Waukee. Their Mom,
Jessica, told me that Charlie (i.e. almost 13) was telling Rookie (i.e. almost
9) that she is going through puberty and doesn’t always want to play with him,
is grouchy sometimes, sometimes moody and is not always nice to him. Rookie
came to her and said—Mom, I don’t want to go through puberty.
If I would say to you—you have it.
How would you interpret my statement? What do you think you have? It
could mean many things for sure that I think you have and you might think many
other things for sure that you think you have. Soooo what do you have that
stands out; that describes who you are in your opinion? Okay let’s narrow it
down just a little into positive characteristics.
Okay even more into what you displayed positive
today. Okay even more like what you displayed the last hour (i.e. that is the
real you and me folks; many times what we pretend to be is just baloney or
CoachB, who is black, says—“In the black community, only 1
in 3 actually 70% don't have a daddy in the house. So if you are a father and in the
house and you are black, it’s rate. It’s
not the majority, it’s not the average, and it makes a tremendous difference.”
Soooo daddies, you make a difference. No question. BUT what I don’t understand,
why don’t we hear politicians talk about the deterioration of the family. It’s
not good, my opinion. Isn’t this a huge
massive problem which creates many many problems? I think soooo. But we just seem to never talk
about it. We just keep throwing money at
it! Da!
I had a friend tell me recently that she lost respect for
some management—really, how come—I think they made some decisions that were not
right which have affected many folks; I don’t know if I can ever get over it.
Tony Dungy said this in a recent devotion—"Respect isn’t a right. We
aren’t entitled to it, and we can never earn it by demanding it. It is
something we earn because of our character—and by giving it to others. If we want to be respected, we have to show
ourselves to be worthy of it, not by our status, possessions, or
accomplishments, but by honesty, integrity, and responsibility.” Such is life!
I was told that a senior in high
school when asked what kind of job she is pursuing after school. She said she wants
a job that is done at 5 with no responsibility and no stress and pays big money!
Good luck to her!
Have you heard about the term “The great
It appears that about 55%
of folks plan to quit their current job and get another one (i.e. I quit).
Many don’t want to go back to the office but
want to work from home plus many other reasons they say.
Or some don’t
want to go back to work after getting payments from the government. Passive
income is the dream of many (i.e. the life of Riley).
The chance of this happening is very small
but it’s the dream of many. About 21% of all folks it happens too but that
includes retired folks who live on a variety of passive incomes including SS,
disability, government aids, company pensions, inherences, etc. (i.e. and some don't live soooo well—don’t have many options and some do). Currently that percentage
might be higher with all the government aid and subsidies.
The percentage of folks who live on passive
income under 65 is actually quite small (i.e. cost of health insurance deters
some). SusieQ says—My friend PattyPatsy’s husband died, and she just sits on
the couch and eats chips and the money just keeps rolling in; she can’t spend
it fast enough! GeorgeTheCook says—The easiest way to get passive income is to
marry it or inherit it; you just have it; it ain’t complicated folks!
A friend told me that in the winter in
Florida, there are all kinds of rich widows looking for a man. The only
requirements they have are if he can walk and drive at night (i.e. there aren’t
enough to go around; the supply is less than the demand).
Do you ever feel that you are being taken advantage
I know for fact that I have been
taken advantage of on many occasions.
Sometimes I didn’t care and others I was not happy about it. It’s not a
good feeling for the most part.
appears it happens in relationships sometimes and also in the workplace.
Many times a lot of pressure can be applied
because of money it seems.
I understand
that working at home can have this effect for some; a lot of pressure can be
applied and for some no pressure it seems. This is really going to be
interesting to see how this all plays out.
Soooo are we like JacobTheTrickster and just take advantage of others
and their situations (i.e. you got them where you want them) or are we
considerate and reasonable (i.e. selfishness or selflessness, humble or proud).
Here is an example of humility—There is a
hair solon that’s name is Shear Madness, and their slogan is--we curl up and
dye for you!
says--Some of you need to be told everything (i.e. can’t figure things out) and
others of you don’t (i.e. can figure things out easily).
Now ain’t that the truth.
We all know both kinds of folks now don’t we
and we are either one or the other probably or maybe a hybrid.
Oof! I really like to read about David in the
Bible; he is soooooo interesting to me.
Soooooo many times he talks to God about his confusion of life and the confusion
in his own life that he just can’t understand. Then he always concludes by
saying something like—BUT you are God, my God who I have complete trust
Maybe that is why I like David sooo
much as that is how I feel most of the time.
I sure try to be more like David than Saul.
David was pure, submissive, and humble. In
contrast, Saul was devious. But it’s a challenge! Oh ya! I was around a
couple of sharp business folks recently.
We talked about the stress with their jobs. They both told me that just
because we have much stress dealing with many important situations regarding
with very demanding clients, we do not need to be a jerk even if they are; it’s
a choice we make for ourselves.
I’m visiting my sisters, their spouses and
some of their families in MI. My sisters treat me like I’m special (i.e. they killed the fatted calf); they didn’t
when we were kids a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN let me tell you; oh
no, they always got me in trouble, and I took the bulk of the punishment; even
they admit that.
Of course, my sisters
were queens, literally; I not soooo much.
We are survivors; yes, we are. Our parents died when we were rather
young soooo we were on our own with no inheritance.
My kid sister of course had it the worst and
she was/is a dynamic person who did very well with the aid of my big sister
(i.e. only in age) and her husband; she was like 13 and 18 when our parents
died. They are great sisters; that’s all I can say.
Way nicer than me by a long shot for sure!
Recently I was with a friend, and I said a certain person
irritates me as it appears that this person thinks they are bigger than real
life which just really turns me off. My
friend said to me—erv, I’m glad to see that side of you! Soooo what did she mean by that statement? I
can only imagine. I was scared to ask!
What a hoot! I recently was with a
person who thought they were better than everyone (i.e. and they might be). It was very obviously it was felt by me and
others, for sure. How do you think that
made me and the others feel? How do you
think we felt about that person? Personally, I laughed inside at this
person. Not the kind of person I want to
be like. That person was a great lesson
for me. Thanksamillion “that person” a.k.a.
a great turn off example!
I had breakfast with a medical doctor at our table when
hiking. She told us that the food
industry manipulates us with their advertising (e.g. diet Coke is better for
us. Maybe it has less sugar, but the caffeine is way higher). Sooooo I checked it out. It is! Folks, I
think we are manipulated in soooo many ways; we are such suckers. As the saying goes, if we hear it enough, we
believe it’s the truth. GeorgeTheCrook
says—It seems like facts mean nuttin but opinions mean everything in our
society. And one opinion I have is that a few radicals are a huge massive problem
and that they get way tooooo much attention. But that is my opinion which is
not fact sooo my opinion should get a lot of attention.
SusieQ says—I’m soooo easily brainwashed; it’s embarrassing! Yes siree
baby and I don’t mean maybe! Too bad
sooo sad.
Do you think you have said something or done
something to change someone’s life?
would guess you have, maybe many lives.
And maybe you might not even know you have affected someone’s life.
Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t even know
you affected someone’s life in the positive (i.e. you made someone’s life better)?
You did it!
Flip the pancake. Maybe you
know someone who did affect your life very positively and they don’t know it.
Maybe it would be really special if you would drop them a note telling them
What do you think?
That is what I thought.
Our son, Chet and wife, Jessica, have once again formed Team
Mellema to raise money for The Walk to End Alzheimer’s in memory of
Arlene. You sure may join us on the
walk. If you would like to contribute,
here is the link.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said—There is no greater joy nor greater reward
than to make a fundamental difference in someone’s life.
The tip of the day--One of my family in MI is a research wizard, a guru and wise. He researches everything to make sure it’s the best and the best deal for
the money (i.e. he’s really good at it).
He wears hearing aids and says the best place to buy them is at Costco. Here is his story in his words:
Why hearing aids from Costco--Though I was reluctant to get hearing aids, I am glad I did. They have greatly improved my quality of life and ability to hear other's talk about me :-)
I talked to 2 Dutch ladies who had them and asked where they got them. They highly recommended Costco, so I knew that was a great place to start.
The Costco hearing center did a free hearing test and when I learned that I definitely needed them, I started asking some questions to learn more about quality vs price.
The hearing aid person was very optimistic and positive about them. He explained that there are 3 major hearing aid makers. Every 2-3 years, Costco bids out the ability for one of them to make the 'Kirkland' brand hearing aid. My understanding is that part of the bidding process includes the requirement that the Kirkland brand sells for 25-30% less than the company who wins the bid's regular name brand. In addition, they have an app that connects with my phone to be able to adjust how 'wide' a range of people I want to hear...that's been very helpful sometimes during church fellowship time :-)
I have had them for 2.5 years and it's been well worth it.
Maybe you might want to check
them out. BigBillFromMN told me the same
and sooo did TheOtherWarrenFromOmaha! If you hear it enough, you might believe it, sucker!