July 29, 2023

the real thing

My nephew-in-law says--I asked the gym instructor if he could teach me to do the splits. He replied, "How flexible are you?" I said, " I can't  make in on Tuesdays."

I know folks, many are you, that are the real thing; there is nuttin phony, flakey or smokey about you.  You are my kind of folks.  No question. Some of you are great folks, the real thing, with good hearts. Some of  you don't look the part which even makes you even better (i.e. you are very humble). You don't have to have a new $150 biking outfit and ride a new $3,000 popular e-bike and brag that you rode 8.2 miles! You might have burned 132 calories but the ice cream you had afterwards had 643 calories Oh well, if it make you feel good!  A friend told  me at breakfast this week that an acquaintance takes a weight reduction shot ever month at $1,000 a pop and he has lost 90 pounds. Soooo there. I golfed with three friends recently (i.e. all old coots).  The oldest and probably the best golfer was telling us he takes a 4 in 1 pill a.k.a. MP multi purpose pill. His doctor prescribed it for controlling his blood pressure as it is very reliable and effective but it was originally designed for ED. Other side effects are it reduces the size of an enlarged prostrate and it also improves a guy's golf game.  Now he is getting his money's worth. It's hard to be able to compete with my friends who have the latest golf equipment and the latest medication. Another old coot in our group who is a retired professional writer a.k.a. Valedictorian always says--Every good story is embellished a little bit!  Well, Jack be nimble, Jack be quick!

Do you buy the real thing or a knock off product?  Some folks will only buy the real thing as they say there is a difference and others say it’s the same product but just under a different label. JoeBlow says—Folks are just buying a brand name (e.g. John Deere), that’s all.  Some of you will always buy the most expensive and others of you will always buy the cheapest.  ItchieBitchie, who is impossible to ignore, says--What do you think? I think if a person has a lot of money, does it really make any difference?

Soooo I asked a guy in our ol’ goats golf group I played with—What brand of seed corn do you plant.  I plant xyz brand as I think it’s the best but I don’t know if it is, but I think soooo and that’s all that matters; it’s the most expensive toooo soooo that makes me think it’s the best.  Besides, my dad always used that brand too. I said to him--Sooo whatever makes you feel good is the best for you. He laughed. He then said—Besides I like their free seed corn caps the best and they give me free golf balls toooo! JoeBusinessman says--The rule of thumb to get and keep business is always give folks something free; it works all the time. A business owner told me once—If we can’t get rid of a product, we put in the isle with a sign that says—reduced price.  We just say that but it’s the same price.  They go like hotcakes! How easy are we anyway! Someone once said—There’s a sucker born every minute. I hope that a good product and the integrity of the businessperson has something to do with it as to what we buy and who we buy our products from.  But money usually talks a lot; it's all about the money! Such is life.

We had a client who was an old single guy.  He would come into our office on a regular basis to just talk to the support staff (i.e. he was probably lonely and bored). After a while the girls caught onto his routine of talking to them, taking a free pen, and using the bathroom. Sooooo, when they saw him coming, they would hide the pens and put a sign up on the bathroom door—Sorry, out of order.  His aim wasn’t very good the girls said! Soooo, when I sold his house after his death, there were 33 Campbell-Mellema Insurance and Real Estate pens in a drawer.  Hey, they were free!

I try to seek the real thing, what I mean about that is, I will try to educate myself with facts as to what is real and not just baloney. It is really hard to tell sometimes, I think.  I can ask KnowItAllRalph, my neighbor, but that is just what I get, his biased, uneducated opinion. BUT some folks listen to him, but very few! I like to ask questions of smart folks who are educated or have a lot of experience in the areas I wonder about. And even those smart folks will tell me sometimes that they just don’t know. Soooo how do we really find out what is the real thing.  WildWillie says—I watch the TV news 24-7; it’s the real thing ‘cause they tell me it is.  Then I go to Facebook and double check!  I’m up on things let me tell ya!  I even talk to folks that think just like me at church (i.e. our little holy huddle) soooo its got to be right.

The truth a.k.a. the real thing by David, anybody can be a David--“The present self ‘is,’ and the former self ‘was,’ and, in truth, that which ‘was’ is not identical with that which ‘is.’”  My Daddy, Chester, would say—erv, the good folks don’t have to tell other folks they are good, everyone knows that.  Soooo I wonder then why some folk make a lot of noise in telling others how great they are.  I wonder.  WorldClassLarry, who is a can-do kind of person, says--The real thing is the real thing, isn’t it.  Abraham Lincoln said—You can fool some of the people all the time, all the people some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time. I think Abe is right.  What do you think?  That is what I thought. I know some great folks, who many of you are. Yes you are. And some, well maybe think they are but… GeorgeTheCrook says—erv, your interpretation of great might be different than mine. Now that surely could be true GeorgeTheCrook. That could be the truth! GeorgeTheCrook, it will be interesting what you write about yourself in your obituary! I think you will pump yourself up big time! And you surely may, you are the one paying for it! My mentor would say—erv, most folks get a lot better after they die!

I read in the paper, soooo it must be right, that folks in their 80s are happier than folks in their 20s. You believe that?  It said—They don’t deal with folks they don’t like. They choose their associates and associations much more carefully as they get older. As folks get older, they get more selective. They start cutting loose folks that need cutting loose. They don’t deal with folks they don’t like. Saturday question—Is this the real thing? I have a friend who I am thinking about who really accepts folks as they are. They tell me not to judge folks.  I think those are great qualities. I try! But sometimes it’s easier to just not be around them (i.e. out of sight out of mind).  Ouchy ouchy!

“There are far, better things ahead than anything we leave behind.”—C.S. Lewis – 1898-1963 – writer.  Mr. Lewis was a non-believer who changed into a believer after studying a lot.  He wrote a lot; he was a very deep thinker.  He is still quoted a lot and his writings are still studied a lot yet today (i.e. but hard to understand by many including me).  Even though he was a great man, each day at 4, he sat at the end of the bar and had a pint and would talk to anyone, a regular AverageJoe or as a friend would call him, a common person. I would have really liked to have talked to him. Yes, I would have. I think a very interesting man. He really seems to have been the real thing.

Have you ever had your life going like it’s all unicorns and rainbows (i.e. a maybe wonderful but often a unrealistic scenario). It really feels good though now doesn’t it.  It’s when it seems everything is going your way.  Like you are living in paradise. But can it last?  MissPerfect, who loves to be in the spot light, says—In my life it doesn’t; usually real-life pops it head up. Our son tells me that I am living a life of unicorns and rainbows.  And I love it.  I’ll take it! I hope it lasts forever. I'm going to enjoy it now; now is now!

I have written a plan for the rest of my life.  I hope it is the real thing (i.e. I mean, I hope I can live it out with gusto). It’s more of an attitude plan than a step-by-step plan of accomplishments.  I suggest you write a plan for the rest of your life.  I think it’s a great idea.  My opinion. My mentor taught me to do a net worth statement each year (i.e. sorta kinda a measuring stick of sorts as far as money is concerned). I think it’s equally important to have a plan for the rest of our lives for doing stuff that is really important. Again, that’s my opinion. If your plan is to sit on the couch and eat chips and coast on out, it won’t take you long! My suggestion is to enjoy our plans now (i.e. today is the day folks)! And to live it to the maximum! Hop to it!

Saturday question—Are you playing the role or are you the real thing (i.e. the real McCoy)? A friend, who is certified exciting, was invited to be a part of a small group of women. One of the gals is the Queen of the City (i.e. she describes her as owning half of the city).  She is a widow lady who drives a new sports car and is loaded with money (i.e. has money coming out of her ears).  She does have a serious health issue that her money can’t fix.  ANYWAY, my friend thought she is not very happy even though she has many business acquaintances, socializes in the high-end social groups, and knows many elite folks (i.e. the Queen of the Pile).  It seemed to my friend, who is soooo kind, that she really doesn’t have anyone who really cares about her even though she is the Queen of the City.  Sooooo my friend communicated with her and told her that she cared about her.  The Queen of the City thanked her profusely and was soooo appreciative.  Their relationship took a 180.  Sooooo what did you folks learn from this?  That is what I thought. SusieQ says—I learned if I want to be Queen of the City I need to find a better paying job or marry rich or inherit a lot!

Are you an independent person and think for yourself or are you more a person that believes whatever others tell you?  Do you make up your own mind or let others make up your mind for you? Do you believe whatever way the wind blows? Are you open-minded or very narrow minded? Are you just like your past environment? Are you a copycat of your parents? Are you totally influenced by crazy ideas? Are you really your own thing; your own real thing?

JoeFriend asked--Soooo, I heard it said--We are who we are, not what we have.  Soooo erv, are you the real thing?

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Being told something for your own good seldom does you any.


A very old man lay dying in his bed. In death's doorway, he suddenly smelled the aroma of his favorite chocolate chip cookie wafting up the stairs.

He gathered his remaining strength and lifted himself from the bed.
Leaning against the wall, he slowly made his way out of the bedroom, and with even greater effort forced himself down the stairs, gripping the railing with both hands.

With labored breath, he leaned against the door frame, gazing into the kitchen. Were it not for
death's agony, he would have thought himself already in heaven.

There, spread out on newspapers on the kitchen table were literally hundreds of his favorite chocolate chip cookies.

Was it heaven? Or was it one final act of heroic love from his devoted wife, seeing to it that he left this world a happy man?

Mustering one great final effort, he threw himself toward the table. The aged and withered hand, shaking, made its way to a cookie at the edge of the table, when he was suddenly smacked with a spatula by his wife.

"Stay out of those," she said. "They're for the funeral."

July 22, 2023


JoeSlick says--erv, I agree with your acquaintance, you pretty much know nothing about everything. But I still read "It's Saturday" as I laugh at you not knowing nuttin. Well, JoeSlick, I'm glad I make you laugh!

My nephew-in-law says--Did you hear about the actor who fell through the floorboards?  He was going through a stage.

One definition of click is--An immediate, deep and meaningful connection with another person. It brings about a unique, almost euphoric state and permanently alters the fundamental nature of the relationship.

There are always two ways of doing anything, the easy way and the hard way. Sometimes we have a hard heart and are more stubborn than other times; It’s a lot easier to learn the easy way but we don’t always seem to understand that now do we. ItchieBitchie says--We have seen it and we have heard it many times, but we just don’t believe it soooo we have to learn it the hard way. My Mom, Anna, would say--erv, it’s a lot easier to learn the easy way—click click!

This is what Joy wrote that makes a lot of sense to me (i.e. maybe not to you)—"We live in a sinful world where many people feel that what they want is all that really matters. They work to get what they believe is owed to them, no matter how much damage they inflict. Their tongues are sharp. Their words cut. Their actions sting. People who approach life this way are not known as peacemakers. They are rarely seen as trusted friends or confidants. They are not described as humble. We may choose to distance ourselves from them as a way of self-protection.” I enjoy being with peacemakers, folks with good hearts! Yes I do. How about you?

Many folks seem to need something to turn their fortunes around, like clicking their switch on. It appears  many times it may be some success, a mentor, or some certain person.  It can be the craziest thing, something really small and even something we can’t even put our finger on.  Soooo I often wonder, why does this happen to some and not others.  Why do some folks see it and others don’t?  TomSmart says--Maybe some don’t look for the unexpected. I have no idea.  Maybe something just clicks. What do you think? That is what I thought.

A friend while golfing told me that none of their children are using their college education in an occupation they were educated for.  They are doing something altogether different.  Sooooo why get a $200,000 education?  Of course, you need an education to get certain jobs.  Soooo what clicks a person’s switch to do something they aren’t educated for anyway.  Something must happen. There is a lady down the street that has PhD in physics but hasn’t worked a day in her life using it. There has to be a reason for all this. Many entrepreneurs don’t have degrees.  I would guess most of the farmers in Butler County don’t have a college degree and they are very successful, at least financially. What is it? What makes folks click? CadillacJack says--But it’s good to have the brain surgent doing work on my brain to be well educated!

A friend was telling me about his nephew who wants to be a professional golfer (i.e. many want to be a professional golfer, what’s new). ANYWAY, he has some physical talent, but his chief problem might be his head my friend told me.  Oh, that head problem! That head is a major problem for many folks.  You can’t just click the switch and turn it on, it’s got to be on and stay on all the time.  AverageJoe says—If you really want to be really good at anything, you got to be good all the time and not just once in a while. It appears many folks can’t win the battle between their ears.  Many professional athletes hire folks to get in their head and work their brains to think differently.  For us average folks like me, we just need to get around good folks. That’s not rocket science! Da! MyNeighborJohn, anybody can be a John, says—You just can’t buy a golf game no matter how rich you are!

MatchMakerRoy sent me this pic of his neighbor’s yard sign.  Not a bad idea. That doesn’t click with everyone.  BigEgoSlick can’t laugh at himself, he never could. But others laugh at him! haha I have to laugh at myself; I have no choice as I do some really funny stuff (e.g. recently I got in my friend’s golf cart and skinned up my head on the roof AHGAIN for the millionth time; I just never seem to get it; I just had to laugh; what else can I do). I think it is really good for our mental health to laugh at ourselves, that’s my opinion. MissPerfect says—I’m perfect soooo I have never anything to laugh at myself. Ya, right MissPerfect. That is funny in itself. You are a joke alright! I enjoy being around folks who can poke fun of themselves. And some of you are really funny and you don’t even have to pretend!  Yes you are!

Some of you don’t know what Rule 18 is and many of you don’t know who Bobby Jones is. Bobby Jones was an amateur golfer who never turned pro but was extremely good. His occupation was an attorney.  In 1930 he won all the four majors in one year; it has never been repeated (i.e. he never made any prize money).  He had extremely high integrity. He is one of my heroes who I admire.  Rule 18 is what Bobby Jones proved on the golf course when he called a penalty shot on himself, costing him the 1925 US Open, just as he lived it every day of his life off the course. Rule 18 celebrates this spirit along with his deeply held virtues of honor, responsibility and respect to inspire a gentleman to be the better man. Saturday question—How will you and I be remembered?

I have been doing something that I enjoyed but as time went along, I didn’t enjoy it anymore. I either lost interest, it doesn’t fit me very well anymore or it is affecting me negatively.  A friend told me that maybe it was time for me to think about discontinuing doing it.  I thought about that advice and did just that.  Click, I feel much better not doing it anymore.  I read somewhere—There is a time for everything.  I don’t know if I will replace this activity with another or what. But I’m always looking for opportunities. I have some ideas!  Oh ya!

For the last three years this purple plant blooms in the middle of a patch of Myrtle in my yard.  It always makes me smile. I have let it live for another year each year and it does.  Where it came from, I have no idea. How it can live in such competition, I have no idea. It’s a fighter, a survivor for sure. It reminds me of myself and my two sisters, maybe. We had to be survivors as that was the way life was for us (i.e. especially my kid sister as she had no parents when she was 17.  She is an amazing person. My big sister, only in age, and her husband were very good to her. I would guess some of you in your personal lives can relate to this flowering plant as well.  I applaud you if you toooo are some type of a survivor. I could maybe click with you.

Have you ever had the experience of just clicking with someone? I would guess that some of you have. Hopefully if you are married, it’s your spouse. And maybe it’s a 100% click, a 75% click or a 50% click.  I would think the 100% variety would be the best.  Some relationships are just that great. Well Jumping Josaphat! Maybe very few relationships are a 100% click or maybe that is even impossible (i.e. but I don’t know about that). AverageJoe says—It sure appears that some relationships click a lot better than others (i.e. that’s for a lot of reasons probably).  Oh ya!  SusieQ says--There seems to be different qualities of relationships; some folks just click a lot better than others. LuckieEddie says—It appears that if folks think a lot alike (i.e. on the same page) and have the same values and morals and beliefs, they click better.  Maybe it helps tooooo if they aren’t self-centered. Now that could be toooo! Personally, I think it's something supernatural, a God thing. Personally, I know for fact that I click with a gal and she clicks with me (i.e. it's very enjoyable). I'm beating my former self of the last 3 years a.k,a. a lonely slump! Well, blow the trumpets!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--One way to live happy ever after is not to be after too much.

July 15, 2023


Disclaimer:  An acquaintance told me that he doesn't read my blog as there isn't anything important in it!  Sooooo take that into consideration before spending time reading it. 

My nephew-in-law says--I sent my hearing aids in for repair 3 weeks ago. I haven’t heard anything since.

Who are you most frustrated with right now?  Could it be your spouse, friend, supervisor, a family member, a politician, your neighbor, yourself, God?  Who is it?  Saturday question—Why are you frustrated with this situation anyway?

I, most often when doing something that I never did before will seek out advice from folks who have done it already or are in the process right now.  I like to get their opinion. Why do I want to do something that doesn’t work and is proven it doesn't work and why wouldn’t I consider something that seems to work for others. I was reading about relationships the other day and the suggestion to keep a relationship lively was we should consider doing something new once in a while a.k.a. shake it up some. That makes sense especially for folks who can be bored by doing everything the same way all the time.  Boring boring! But some of us will never ask for advice; why should some folks as they know everything; if you don’t believe them, just ask them.

Our group was eating our burgers at an ol’ goats golf outing when a friend next to me squirted a blob of ketchup out of his sandwich that launched onto his shorts.  He didn’t have a napkin soooo I went and got him some. He said—My wife will say, what did you spill on yourself now! It seems like I do that a lot! I spilled some grease from my burger at McDonald’s on my shorts and she couldn’t it out; it was permanent—soooo what does that mean—I guess, don’t spill at McDonald’s!

I recently heard a speaker talk who really frustrated me, yes he did.  His first part of this talk and then woven throughout his talk was how great he was. It was a lot about I, I, and I!  I lost any interest in what he said, a great turn off to me.  Most folks don’t like to hear about I (e.g. folks who one-up everyone continuously). CadillacJack says—Yabut a lot of folks like to talk about I and how great I is! I just read the book (i.e. did you catch the I), Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty. One of the chapters was entitled ego. Here are some lines of this chapter:  The biggest obstacle in learning is being a know-it-all; this self-confidence is rooted in the ego—pride is the cause of the most damaging fall of the soul—if you are satisfied with who you are, you don’t need to prove your worth to anyone else—if you don’t break your ego, life will break it for you—practice humility—break away from the ego rage of “I,” “me,” and “mine.”

We live in an unusual time. More and more, people seem unwilling to take responsibility for their decisions and actions (i.e. we have a tendency to blame someone else or something else). Tim Kight says, “Doctors don’t make you healthy. Nutritionists don’t make you slim. Teachers don’t make you smart. Trainers don’t make you fit. They help, but you must take responsibility and do the work.” Bobby, anyone can be a Bobby, says--The fact is, however, much of what happens to us is indeed our responsibility. If we fail or fall short of our goals or aspirations, it is no one’s fault but our own (i.e. for most folks, that’s soooo frustrating to hear). Sooo suck it up cupcake and let’s get going.  Or as a friend says—Let’s get going. we’re burning day light! Or as I say—Throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch!

I was eating my breakfast and reading the paper before my morning bike ride and overheard three senior ladies next to me talking. One came late and they said to her—how come you’re late—was changing the oil in my lawnmower; I sure miss my honey in soooo many ways—they all missed their honeys (i.e. they were frustrated); life just isn’t the same without our honeys; they all wished they could find another honey.  I wanted to say to them—hey gals, recently while golfing in an ol’ goats outing a guy in our sixsome said he hasn’t changed the oil in his golf cart for all the 40 years he has owned it. What! We all said. We change the oil in ours every year.  Another guy said—you don’t have to change oil in those small engines; I don’t change oil in my lawn mower.  You don’t?  No, I just trade every soooo often. It works for me!

You might think I’m the one who is funny and I might be!  Ya gotta remember that I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN.  In the political ads, politicians take one line out of what their opponent says and hammer on it. It is not the whole concept at all, just one line. Is that frustrating or funny to you?  JoeBlow says—That depends if folks are open minded or radicals. Anyway, it’s much like religious groups, churches, or individuals who take one line out of the Bible and hammer on it and don’t understand the concept.  Is that funny and frustrating to you?  Or take one pet sin and hammer on it but they themselves have many others but they like their sins that they are ok with, I guess. Sooo, do you think I’m funny or just funny? You aren’t laughing! Sooo what does that mean? Or as one of my friends/golf buddies says—I don’t understand politics. I have observed that he is not very opinionated on religion either. He’s pretty open minded. I like that about him.

A friend owns a company called Run Strong.  I bought one of his tee shirts and I wear it proudly.  I really don’t know what he means to Run Strong, but I assume it means to run hard and well.  When I put on the tee shirt, I always tell myself to run my life strong and what does that mean to me?  Well, here is an idea of what I think it means:  Galatians 6:9 says--Let us not become weary a.k.a. frustrated in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Saturday question—I’m curious, what does it mean to you to run your life strong?

One of the deepest statements Einstein ever said to a friend’s widow—We physicists know that the distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion no matter how persistent.  It borders on a spiritual principle. I cannot understand that and probably you can’t either.  The only ones that can understand that are probably folks who think they know everything and that could be some of you. haha

I was talking with a friend about his friend and my acquaintance.  His wife divorced him out of frustration with him he told me. She wanted a life and he was only interested in saving and making money.  She had enough of him. Soooo what do you think of that?  Maybe a generation or two ago a woman would put up with that but not anymore it seems (i.e. no longer will they will put up being pregnant and bare foot on the farm while feeding the chickens). They want a life!

Why did I let myself get into this situation? Why didn’t I figure what was going to happen? What was I thinking? Really, where did I have my head? Why was I soooo self-centered and selfish?  I knew better than this! If I would have only used my head! When we get real frustrated with ourselves we start beating ourselves up.  GeorgeTheCrook says—I deserve it sometimes, yes I do! How ridiculous can I be! I really have to laugh at myself sometimes!  I'm something else!

A friend was telling me that they have a daughter-in-law who seems always frustrated.  She supports a sector of society that always seems like they have a chip on their shoulders, always bitter, always think they are getting the short end, etc. Maybe it’s the folks she is around or maybe she was raised that way or maybe she likes the feeling of constant strive. WorldClassLarry says—It makes a huge massive difference who we spend most of our time with. A person told me that since they spent more time with different folks, their whole life got better (i.e. could be).  Saturday question—Soooo do liberals, conservatives and moderates have different levels of frustrations? ThePersonDownTheStreet says--Maybe there are folks who have no idea how they act or how they are limiting themselves. Could be! Well, sucking sardines!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—You don’t get harmony when everyone is singing the same note.

PS  You who have the Cedar Falls utility server, last week's It's Saturday was declined as it said--Message blocked due to spam content.  I didn't think there was any smut in it but they did. Touchy touchy!  Maybe you Cedar Falls folks need special attention. haha!

July 8, 2023


My nephew-in-law says--I Just found out the company that produces yardsticks won’t be making them any longer. 

When I think of frisky, I think of my horse, Queen back on the farm a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN as a kid. Queen was excited and spunky and energetic and ready to go. Now I think of another Queen with the same qualities.

This friend buys her microgreens from Whitney at a farmers’ market in a church parking lot who raises them.  My friend is a big green eater and believes they are very good for us (i.e. she is probably right—probably better for us than Big Macs or junk foods from the convenient store). ANYWAY, she has met some new acquaintances and maybe might make new friends by going there to buy her greens.  I think that is really neat to make new friends and increase her horizon with new folks in her life. I believe it makes us way better folks, my opinion. Besides the greens and the new acquaintances makes us frisky in our lives. That is my opinion. She buys many greens that I can’t even pronounce! Today she bought some garlic scapes (i.e. stems that grow out of garlic bulbs in the earth) which might make a person jump like a kangaroo, just maybe! Now they are something new to me! They might make her feel really good or give her diarrhea! I’m guessing it’s about a 50-50 toss up!

I golfed in an old goats outing with a friend. Also in our sixsome was a guy who played basketball on a team I coached in high school like 55 years ago. He is a local farmer who remained a friend all these years. We were looking at a patch of Canadian thistles on the golf course. He said—He and his father had been spraying a patch they have in the pasture for 60 years with all kinds of concoctions of spray and still haven’t exterminated them. They are frisky he said.   Those Canadian thistles just adapt.  I was told that the coyotes are a nuisance in our area.  They have been eating cats and dogs.  They toooo have really learned to adapt.  Just like humans it seems; some animals adapt, and some don’t!  Ya got to be tough in this world now don’t ja! Oh by the way--IA-FarmerJoe from Butler County says--You Canadians can keep your thistles!  But the AZ-Merchants say--We sure like your money you bring down in the winter! Keep it comin'!

I want and plan to live a full, happy, and peaceful life.  That is my goal.  But I have to admit that last year I was ready to live the rest of my life in a funk and coast on out! An event that happened to me really has changed my life; it just fell in my lap; I was in the right spot at the right time; a God sent.  Why was I soooo blessed? I have no idea, but it made my life frisky a.k.a. a life changer. I pray that all of you may have the experience I have had. Soooo don’t give up folks. I really gave up and quit trying to make it happen and then it happened. Go figure. His understanding I cannot fathom! I’m not special but I’m just another bozo on the bus soooo it might happen to you as well. But now I have a different driver of the bus! Sooo folks, give it all you got to the end; you gotta finish strong. Yagottafinish it off! Yagotta keep your foot on the gas peddle! Here is an idea that I have used in my life that you might have an interest in—I pray for opportunities, I pray that I may recognize them and I pray that I might have the courage to act on them.

I read this in the paper soooo it must be right—"A Gallup poll showed that U.S. adults are rating their own mental health the lowest in twenty years. Less than a third consider themselves in excellent mental health.”  I was talking to a person who I really respect, and they told me that the three things that are very important to them: exercise, good diet and helping others.  I toooo believe that they are very important for good mental health. In fact, I think it will make and keep a person frisky! What do you think?  That is what I thought. 

Many of you are very “dynamic,” a.k.a. frisky. Dynamic folks are energetic and productive. It has a kind of life force that leads to change. That describes many of you (i.e. you are confident and humble).  It does. Some days, some weeks, some months, and maybe some years we are more dynamic than others, at least it appears I am. How about you. But we need to keep charging to the end. You hear folks say—I thought I had it in the bag but I let it get away.  I should not have coasted that little bit which resulted in me losing it. Soooo stick to the fight folks. You can do it.

Meditation or being quiet seems to be very useful for many folks. We can meditate about the stock market but I doubt if that will give us much peace of mind, we can meditate about politics but I doubt if that will give us much peace of mind, we can meditate on all our personal issues but I doubt if that will give us much peace of mind.  I find for me that when I meditate on God’s truths, I can find peace of mind. For some of you, you might prefer a couple pieces of chocolate cake instead; that’s an option too! OneSmartPerson says—It might be quite surprising to some of you, but meditation can make us frisky! Not soooo much the chocolate cake!

WorldClassLarry says—You are free to make your own choices, but you are not free to make the consequence of those choices. But choices do help in the probability of the consequences. Da! Soooo choose wisely folks.  It will make your life much friskier.  That is a high probability! Da! erv, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out! Da! Yabut it is hard to make the decision to make the right choices some of the time! Da! JoeBlow says—It is sobering when we make the bad decisions and get the bad consequences.  ItchieBitchie says--What do we expect when we make bad decisions anyway, a Mountain Dew! Da!

Do you believe in miracles?  I know some of you do ‘cause you have told me you have seen and experienced them in your life even though some folks are sorta kinda scared to share them as they don’t want others to think they are goofy!  Shannon wrote this—"One of the things that attracted people to Christ the most was His miracles.  People came from far and wide to see His wonders of healing and transformation.  His miracles can still leave us flabbergasted today!”  I have experienced God’s miracles in my life.  The most recent one is just amazing (i.e. I didn't expect anything and then Jesus came to town). Changed my life; made me frisky! Yes Shannon, I’m flabbergasted and very thankful. It is common for folks to have many new, advanced medical procedures done now a days. They make folks good for another 100,000 miles. My Daddy, Chester, died at age 56 back when they didn’t have these new, medical procedures.  Do we appreciate these miracles or just expect them? What in the world is going on anyway? I have no idea.

I know a person who once shared with me that they believe in miracles. They are not a regular church attender, might not believe in Jesus the same as some of you do (i.e. big on the might), probably don't share their faith in God or their experiences publicly but totally believe in the power of God. They experienced several miracles.  They would go to a certain church in their city and talk to God in asking and also thanking God privately. They shared this with me in a very compelling way. Pretty interesting and powerful to me. This person is a good person with a good heart.  No question.

I had a friend help me reshape me into who “I am” and who “I want to be.”  They didn’t even know they did it, but I did. Actually, it took a little of my friskiness out of me which I think was good a.k.a. humbled me. I felt I was a little overboard with my actions.  I felt I needed to rein my friskiness in a little bit a.k.a. cool the jets a tad.  I was a little out of control I felt! I was a little too excited. Toooo energetic. Tooo enthusiastic. Tooooo ecstatic. Toooo exuberant. Toooo elated.  Okay, there are somethings we can control and somethings about ourselves we can’t.  This life quality I can control but I can’t control such things that are genetic (e.g. my bald head, my feet size, my bone structure etc.) Those things are just what they are genetically. A senior lady from our church told me this week—erv, you are toooo skinny!  At least she didn’t say—erv, you have tooo big of a head!  Now that I could have taken two ways! One way I would have no control of and the other way I do!

TheMI-Engineer/friend says—100 years ago everyone had a horse, and the rich had a car. Now everyone has a car, and the rich have a horse.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Enthusiasm is contagious, and so is the lack of it.

July 1, 2023


My niece says--What do you get when you mix holy water with a laxative? A religious movement.

I have a friend who when ordering his steak says--I want it as rare as you dare! He’s an animal alright! Make no mistake about it, he’s rare! haha

I was walking on the golf course early the other Sunday morning and ran into a couple of friends who I played golf with since they were maybe 12 and now they are in their mid 20s. One is divorced and the other is getting married (i.e. life changes now doesn’t it). They were setting up a golf tournament for the day. They called it “The Heaven and Hell Tournament.” It was a four-man best shot with the first nine very easy and the second nine very hard. Both of these guys were raised by God-fearing parents and in the church sooo they know the concept of heaven and hell (i.e. that is becoming more rare in the American culture). Soooooo those who don’t believe in God and think that when they die, they are going to die like a pig at a slaughter plant, that heaven and hell concept of the golf tournament format doesn’t’ really mean much, I guess. I just can’t believe how anyone can’t believe in God! That really baffles me! I must be a rare bird!

In the American black community, according to CoachB, it’s quite rare that a family has a father present. About 70% don’t he says. I don’t know what the percentage is for other families. That doesn’t sound good to me. My friend at breakfast recently told me that over 50% of all marriages end up in divorce in America. That doesn’t sound good to me either. And then we wonder why our culture and families are all messed up! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. A solid family is very important to everyone, my opinion. But who cares about my opinion?

Saturday question—Do you tell folks who you love that you love them?  If not, why not?  That is a great gift and for you Dutch folks, it doesn’t cost you anything! Or do you just give them a gift at Christmas and their birthday and for some of you guys, you don’t have a clue what that gift is that you gave your kids! How crazy is that. Be special (i.e. and for some folks rare) and tell your wife, your husband, friend, kids, etc. that you love them. And even more important, show them. For some of you, you might knock them off the chair if you did that. An old golf buddy was telling us that his wife was complaining that he doesn’t ever tell her that he loves her.  I don’t get it, he told us. I told her three years ago on our anniversary! Now that gets the first prize for sure!

A friend was telling me that their daughter has dated some guys who are narcissists, all about themselves.  Not good folks. She was really turned off with them.  I had a gal tell me once that her first husband was very egotistical, and he didn’t change which resulted in their divorce. Can you imagine two narcissists together in a relationship; I bet that is a battle with no one winning. I would guess it’s rare that a narcissist can get along with many unless it’s a real push over and even a push over gets tired of a narcissist. Now the opposite person of a narcissist is a loving, kind, gentle, sweet, humble, capable, confident person. SusieQ says--Now that kind of person rings my bells. MissPerfect said--My fourth ex-husband I knew had a bad temper and always thought he was right before we got married (i.e. a regular know it all); I should have known that he was not going to be a keeper!  I now have a lot of experience let me tell ya! I'm now trolling for #5. I got some new lures! SusieQ, that's one way to get out of the fix you were in!

This seems rare but…remember those probation officers/golfers I talked about last week?  We asked them what was the most successful method that they have in helping criminals.  They said—"By being respectful to them and treating them like fellow humans.  They have been told they are useless forever; a piece of shit by many for a long time.  They really respond usually by being treated with respect.” I learned a similar lesson when on the mission trip to FL. Our team members treated our clients with respect, dignity, and love. Many of these folks are probably called down and outers by society, riff-raff, bottom dwellers, low income folks, drag on society etc.  Almost without exception, after spending about an hour with them we developed a relationship that we showed them that we really cared for them and they responded when leaving with great happiness shown by thank yous, hugs, and tears. Sooooo what have I learned from these two examples—Try to show everyone respect and love; don’t think I am better than someone else. That is my opinion.  Maybe that is rare in our society today.  I don’t know! TheGuyDownTheStreet says—We all know what to do, it’s just if we will do it or not! Who what me!

Well, I must admit that I don’t pay much attention to some folks’ opinions but will to others. How come you ask?  Some folks are way out in left field or right field, my opinion. A friend told me while golfing the other day that we live under the new covenant of the New Testament and not under the old covenant of the Old Testament.  He used the example of how Jesus treaded the woman (i.e. a huge massive difference than of the Pharisees’ legalized method of treading woman like chattel property). Jesus treated them equally and with respect. Some opinions of some churches and denotations still live under the Old Testament covenant, that is my opinion. But I could be wrong, that is for sure. I try to be right at least 52% of the time. If a money manager is right 52% of the time, they will be very successful. Just 52% of the time! Ya gotta be right more than you are wrong; that’s for sure. AverageJoe says--I have a friend who is right 42.3% of the time, at best. I suggested he should do just the opposite of what he thinks. Life has not been easy for him. He's about as good at making decisions as a skunk with rabies!

It seems be rare to not to take things personal in our society. It appears that many folks do and it ruins relationships.  BUT it takes strong folks to not to take stuff personal; it’s really hard to be open minded isn’t it, as least for me it is.  And related to that, it appears that folks are a lot better if they can communicate with each other about differences. Most times we misunderstand the situation and react to our emotions which might be way out in right field or left field.  And that comes from our genetics, past environment or current environment which affects how we react. We are rather programed now aren’t we if we like it or not.  OneSmartPerson says--There are some really solid folks (i.e. I'm talking about many of you folks)! Such is life.  

WorldClassLarry, who is as smart as a hill county fox, says—You cannot lead from a stuck place.  Soooo if we are stuck and want to lead we need to get around others who are unstuck. They are the folks we want to be around. Of course, if we want to just talk about it and stay stuck, we don’t want to be around unstuck folks as they will drive us crazy as they want to move on and we don’t.  I think I know who I want to be around.  AvergeJoe says--Ya gotta be around good folks; that is pretty much who you will become. That is AverageJoe’s opinion.  That is why I like to be around you folks. All of you except for one of you and you know who you are! haha

Did you know that the lie detector does not reveal the truth but only what you believe. We all believe some stuff that just isn’t true. Mark Twain said—It’s not the lies that really mess us up but it’s the things we think are true that just ain’t so! It is said—Only the truth can really set us free.  Think about that folks. I think we all need to really think about what is the real truth and not just what we believe is the truth.  ItchieBitchie says—I don’t think any radical will change! No I don’t! Impossible!  They are radically crazy! Completely brainwashed! And my sister-in-law is one good example let me tell ya!

“If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not right, I will happily change, for I seek the truth, by which no one was ever truly harmed. It is the person who continues in his self-deception and ignorance who is harmed.” ― Marcus Aurelius   Doesn’t everyone seek the truth, I mean the real truth?  Or are there folks who really don’t want to know the truth but just want what they think is the truth as it fits good in their life. I wonder if I do sometimes.  Yes I do. 

A friend told me a story about an old acquaintance who has now been deceased for many years.  He told him that he really liked to fish and would go fishing a week every year and did that for years. He would anticipate the trip for months, go fishing for a week and then remember the good memories of the trip for months. Pretty neat I thought. Soooo a friend sent me a text saying—"It’s shocking to see the age, but gratifying to see a good life ahead.” Both of those comments are full of wisdom I think; reality and appreciation and a positive thinking, maybe. Not all folks have this type of mentality I don’t think.  It might be rare a.k.a. a top notch person.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--A pessimist is someone who complains about the noise when opportunity knocks.