May 25, 2024


Some folks appear that they are gnarled and snarled. Are you?

Gnarled trees are snarled but can be very beautiful, they have a certain beauty of their own. Sorta kinda a mystic beauty to me. Weather can gnarl a tree and/or it is their genetics. I think gnarled trees are soooo impressive to look at. I remember seeing my first real gnarled trees on the Monterey Peninsula. They just fascinated me and still do. Do I look like a gnarled tree?  Jeanne had an electrician do some work for her. She knew him and but knew his aging father better. She asked about Roy. Mark said he was doing well but he is kinda shriveling up. After he left, we had to laugh and wonder if the younger generations think of us as gnarled and shriveled up!? Who what me!

I try to teach my grandkids to always be poised. It appears that poise is a good quality. I know I really enjoy folks who are poised. They just seem to act the right way all the time (i.e. they don’t fly off the handle but keep their poise). A gal that I was told about was described that she always seems to say the right thing at the right time (i.e. or maybe always knows when to talk and when not to talk, could be). Some folks seem to just walk with a positive attitude (e.g. they radiate a positive attitude shown by their body language; walk with an attitude of having a daily victory) which is expressed many times with a smile. WorldClassLarry says--Everyone has issues. C’mon folks we all do. Some are gnarled on the outside and/or inside but still exhibit peace and happiness (i.e. we might never know what is snarling them). I like these folks; they have something that is special. My kind of folks. If they walk like a duck and quack like a duck, they are a duck.

Many of you folks are my kind of folks. You have very good hearts and are real folks; good hearted folks are just great folks; there is no question about it. Saturday question—Do good hearted folks see things differently than folks who don’t have good hearts? I read the following that made me wonder if that is true. In 1961, the Soviet Union sent the first cosmonaut into space. When the cosmonaut returned to earth, the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev declared they’d been to space and didn’t see any god there. About 10 months later, the U.S. sent John Glenn into space. He circled the earth three times on his Mercury mission, came back down, and told the world, “I saw God everywhere! I saw his glory in the galaxy. I saw his splendor in the universe. I saw his majesty in the stars.” Which one was right? Were they both right maybe?

When eating the Japanese meal that I mentioned before, the Buddhist Temple was open for display next door to the hall we ate in (i.e. Buddhism is the major believe of the Japanese I was told by the Rev. Matte who I had the opportunity to have a very nice visit with). He briefly explained Buddhism to me. I learned that Buddhism is a lot about egos. I learned that it’s not really a religion but a philosophy. A teaching of self-introspect. It’s about finding true happiness in finding it in ourselves. They don’t believe in a God or salvation but living a good live on this earth; being good people. That is my snapshot as I understood Buddhism from Rev. Matte. This gnarled tree was outside of the temple. I don’t know if that is of some importance to Buddhism or just ornamental, but it is very interesting, at least to me!

Nils says--Today, I would like to focus on a practice I find myself coming back to over and over again. It’s a practice I can wholeheartedly recommend to anyone looking to support their well-being. The practice is called loving-kindness meditation. Loving-kindness can be defined as a mental state of wanting others to be happy. It is one of four states that Buddhists wish to cultivate. The others are compassion (wanting others to be free from suffering), sympathetic joy (rejoicing in the good fortune of others), and equanimity (regarding every sentient being as equal).

ValvetElvis says—Everybody is following somebody. Everybody has faith in something and somebody.

ItchieBitchie who seems to have a hard time controlling his mind, says--Many or all of us are snarled and gnarled in some way. Do you agree? When in Yakima we had breakfast with a couple of longtime friends of Jeanne who I really like. They are both seniors and single. We shared and talked about events that caused us to have part of our lives gnarled and snarled. I really had a good time starting new relationships. Dr.J says—"The human touch of kindness is our species’ distinguishing mark and something many go without due to all of the world’s technological advances.” Maybe it’s good to sit down face to face, look each other in the eyes, talk and have breakfast together. Relationships are very important for us humans, it appears. CoachB says—Probably the greatest gift we can give will be the words of our mouth encouraging, lifting up and building up people. And you know folks, it doesn’t cost us any money! Ok, we have to buy breakfast sometimes!

“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson    I enjoy the outside and usually do some type of exercise every day. I think it’s good for our minds and bodies (i.e. there is something about being outside that is good for our souls I think—it seems to take the gnarled part of our mind away). Do you believe in stereotypes? I have found out that the Midwest thinks that the Great Northwest is extremely liberal, and the Northwest thinks the Midwest is extremely conservative!  Are they correct or is that just a stereotype? Is there such a thing as moderates or not? If sooo where do they live?

Life can seem to be gnarled and snarled sometimes. It’s really quite hard to figure it out most of the time. Sooooo do you roll the dice a lot with your life or are you more certain? A friend communicated with us and ended her communique this way--Good for you guys for taking a chance at happiness again. I am a risk taker, but I sure like the odds way in my favor (i.e. but even then, sometimes I win and sometimes I loose). But as my mentor would say to me—erv, you gotta win more than you lose.

We had breakfast at Trout Lodge at White Pass of the Cascade Mountains (i.e. a cute, unique mountain lodge ran by Jeanne’s friends). This pole is a support pole in the lodge that was gnarled. It was from a Lodgepole pine that had burls on it caused by some type of infection that makes the bumps on the tree (i.e. gnarly looking).  An analogy—Maybe we have events in our lives that cause bumps to us which are ugly and/or beautiful (i.e. depends on the viewer). These burls or bumps, probably make us gnarled and snarled. Could be, maybe, I don’t know! Saturday questions—What do your burls look like? What did they come from?

Rembrandt’s final great painting The Return of the Prodigal Son hangs in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia. In the painting, the father’s face is full of compassion as his son kneels at his feet and presses his head into the man’s chest. The father’s hands rest on his son’s shoulders, and the father literally enfolds his son within his red cloak. It’s believed Rembrandt pictured himself as the son and that this painting was a sort of testimony of his own journey. Saturday questions--Which one is snarled and gnarled? Are we the parent or the child; neither or both? I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--It is not our circumstances that create our discontent or contentment. It is us. Do we need to consider changing our attitude maybe!

Ludacris ludacris ludacris! If we get gnarled bad enough, maybe they will think we are beautiful, and they will make a piece of furniture out of us and adore us. You think soooo! The old saying, beauty is only skin deep, has some meaning maybe. There is some true beauty under the skin alright in all of us. But to be Miss America you have to be beautiful outside and inside. The meaning of the saying is—Physical beauty is superficial and is not as important as a person’s intellectual, emotional, and spiritual qualities which is a person’s character. I agree whole heartily. And another saying is—Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Theguydownthestreet has the ugliest and wackiest dog I have ever seen, and he loves it! Ridiculous, just ridiculous!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—The bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn.

May 18, 2024

just flabbergasted

Are you ever astonished?

Slow down, enjoy the game, don’t get sooo excited. I try to make everything a game; it seems to make life much more fun and easier for me. That’s my opinion. But I admit I’m just flabbergasted about the many events that happen to me and in the world (i.e. both seemly good and seemly bad). Yes, I am. My mentor would say to me--erv, things are never as good as they look or as bad as they look!

America’s welcome on the Statue of Liberty reads, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me: I lift my lamp beside the door.” Since the time this was written, America’s welcome to refugees has been muted because of many different reasons. But one welcoming invitation that will never change is that of Jesus, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). Now that is truly hard to comprehend isn’t it. It’s just flabbergasting to me; a life changer it is for sure and it’s free; what a deal but most won’t do it. Flabbergasting to me! I have seen and been told stories of how folks have changed way for the better. Some of you have told me your stories, I’m just flabbergasted! AverageJoe says—For me those stories are really “ahhhh moments!”

When traveling to WA recently I got a real taste of how our luggage is handled at the airports. I borrowed Jessica’s roller carryon, one that is hard and it’s the perfect size (i.e. she travels some and knows some tricks). Leaving Dallas, there was not enough room in the overhead compartments soooo the clerk said I had to check it at the gate. As we were boarding while standing in the chute, this guy came along with all the roller carryons, opened a little door and slides them down a steep chute of about twenty feet to a bin at the bottom where they just smashed together and bounced around like bumper cars. It’s not how we would handle our luggage, but it wasn’t his luggage. Anyway, it didn’t make any difference if the luggage was new, old, high end, low end, fancy or not fancy, they all got treated the same. Sooooo there! I should not have been flabbergasted but I was. I was standing with a lady and a guy who traveled all day from FL and OH. We just looked at each other, shook our heads and laughed! Well, hey, it wasn’t my luggage, it was Jessica’s! hahaha

What the Sam hill! I read recently while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Less than 33 percent of family companies survive to the second generation; less than 15 percent make it to the third generation, and only about 4 percent reach the fourth generation with family members at the helm. I heard it said in Butler County this way—One generation makes the money, the second generation maintains the money and the third generation spends the money! Are you just flabbergasted about that? What generation are you in? SusieQ says—I’m in the third generation and I’m loving it; thankyou grandpa and grandma and dad and mom! There is an old saying in Butler County at the grain elevator that goes like this--They made their money the old fashion way, they inherited it!

ValvetElvis says—We have been formed, everyone of us, by a complicated mix of people and places and things!

My first reaction was sorta kinda, the sky is falling! Technology is soooo great but also it can be a pain. When traveling to WA, my flight out of Des Moines was cancelled. I had to retool! Had to do it all online—got a refund, found another flight the next day, cancelled our motel in Seattle and got a new one. It took a lot of time and effort. Actually, the technology was quite friendly, easier than I thought it would be. If we are not our own advocate, how could that have got done! The world we live in expects us to be able to do this. Soooo at Jeanne’s house I wanted to watch the NBA playoffs. She has limited TV coverage as she is not a big TV watcher.  We, with a few clicks, had my YouTubeTV on her TV in no time at all. It was slicker than a whistle. Very friendly. We both just wondered how they know all this information about us!  We were both flabbergasted! Yikes!

In one way or another, pretty much everything a.k.a. stuff is going to fade away. Your cloths wear out or go out of style, your car will go in the junk yard, your house someday will be torn down, your best dinner china some day will no longer be wanted, your tools in your shed will all fade away, you golf clubs are history in just a few years, etc. I have really relearned this while starting to get rid of my stuff in the house. Much of the stuff isn’t worth much as it is fading away (i.e. depreciating or worthless). It’s like the rug in the sun porch that has faded by the sun; not brilliant anymore; it’s a throw away. I’m sorta kinda flabbergasted when I actually face reality! SusieQ says—I looked in the mirror this morning and, wow I discovered I’m fading away tooooo!

I’m flabbergasted about this theory--Sociologists have a theory called “the looking-glass self.” The theory suggests that we become what the most important person in our lives—parent, spouse, child—thinks we are. We live up (or down) to that person’s image of us. How would your life change if just one person truly believed in you and loved you without conditions? Do you like to give gifts? How about receiving gifts? Some sociologists believe that the best gift you can give someone is the gift of encouragement. And that isn’t necessarily money, but it could be! We were at a celebration of life service in the park for a lady who was a friend of Jeanne’s family in  Wenatchee (i.e. beautiful country). She was described as a gracious person who encouraged folks (i.e. not egotistical). I think, my opinion, egotistical folks aren’t very encouraging as they always think about themselves. Soooo how can we be encouraging folks? It doesn’t have to do with money maybe; actually, it might have little to do with money! Maybe more to do with attitude or our soul!

I was flabbergasted about all the fruit trees, hops, and grapes (i.e. majority seem to be apples—they claim to be the apple capital of the world) that are in the Yakima area.  Acres and acres. Also, what amazes me is that this is basically a desert with only 11 inches of rain a year. Yes, every bit of all vegetation is irritated including every lawn or flower garden. I can’t imagine how much water that takes. I understand that there have been fights over water. It’s a way different world than Butler County let me tell ya where we pattern tile our crop land to get rid of moisture. I never seen this drafting done before. These are apple trees with a new variety, or varieties of apples drafted onto old trees. Quite interesting to me. Maybe in the future they will do this with humans (e.g. like drafting a new brain onto an old body)! I never thought I would carry a computer in my pocket either!

Have you ever seen something run-a-muk? Sometimes I think I have it all planned out to perfection and then it all runs-a-muk! I guess we all have and will experience muk in our lives; it can’t be any different. If you think differently, get your head out of the sand! I guess it’s how we handle the muk. My Daddy, Chester, would say to me—Son, everyone has problems but it’s just that some folks handle them differently. But flip the pancake—Everyone has opportunities but it’s just how we handle them. And my Mom, Anna, would say to me—Son, always do what is right. Yes, life can seem like we live in camp run-a-muk at times. My mentor would say to me—erv, this too shall pass. Patti, not everyone can be a Patti, says--All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. ItchieBitchie says--Soooo don’t get flabbergasted when stuff happens. Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Snowflakes are such fragile things, but look what happens when they stick together.

May 11, 2024


This "It's Saturday" is some clean dirt!

I read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--When you help others you will help yourself. That is very intuitive, very intuitive. JoeBlow, who reminds me of heat lighting, says—But most folks don’t seem to get it! When a person is intuitive, they seem to see the big picture which is also soooo dynamic. We were at an AT&T  store in Yakima and the store employee was Heather. She said she was three years out of high school (i.e. was running the whole store; she did a vey good job). She called herself a fledgling who has been an adult for two years and it sucks already. She told us that she thinks her generation isn’t into consumerism as much as previous generations. Maybe she is quite intuitive!  Could be, maybe, I don’t know! Maybe what she thinks is falsely true!

The plot of land next to Jeanne's house is a small horse pasture owned by a 92 year old woman. A neighbor, Roger, was out there with his tractor cutting the grass. There are large weeds on the property near the fence line that adjoins Jeanne's property which look really bad. We asked Roger how we could cut those weeds out--just do and don't even tell  her he said. The next day Roger cut all the weeds out and burnt them; he just did it!

One day in 1938, Douglas Corrigan presumably intended to fly his plane from New York to California. Instead of going west, he went east and landed in Dublin, Ireland. For that he earned the nickname ‘Wrong Way Corrigan.’ It appears that some folks are directionally challenged, and some are very intuitive with knowing what direction they are going and seem to always go the right direction. Saturday question—Have we ever gone the wrong way driving your vehicle or in our life? WorldClassLarry says--It has been rightly suggested that major warfare takes place “between the ears.” Our minds are something else at times; don’t kid ourselves! How can our minds think that way sometimes anyway! I have no idea! The wires must get crossed or something! And TomSmart, who is an ace in the hole, says--The control center of our life is our attitude. That could be bittersweet!

“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not a sign of weakness BUT of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief.... and unspeakable love.” ~ Washington Irving  I have to admit that I cry easily and often because of happiness or it might be because I’m just an old guy and am more emotional that I use to be!

The completion of a small project such as cleaning the yard makes me feel oh sooo good. A little goes a long way. Actually, that is in anything in life. It feels oh soooo good. Accomplishing something is a good start I seem to think; it seems to work for me anyway. BUT we gotta start; we gotta get after it. Talk is cheap isn’t it. SusieQ, who is a hot mark, says—I’m more the type of person who talks talks talks but never gets much done but I sound really good. I have noticed that the more bureaucracy (i.e. more talking and committees) the less gets done but when a person or a couple of folks get after it, it gets done while the others are still talking about it. Many times, the whole opportunity is missed because of bureaucracy, my opinion. Sooooo when is the best time to do anything—NOW! The completion feels oh soooo good! Soooo start!

Don’t be a Mount St. Helens’ Harry Truman; you remember what happened to him! A warning is cautionary advice about a danger, trap, or problem. ThePreacherMan, who would risk his life for me, says--And God sometimes brings people into our lives to warn us because we’re not listening to God’s warning. Who what me? Have we ever been warned, or have we ever been warned by someone about something? “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” ~ Johann Wolfgang con Goethe – 1749-1832 (i.e. Johann was my best friend in kindergarten—I’m just kidding you, I never went to kindergarten (i.e. Roseland Elementary didn't have such a thing)—how did I ever make it without kindergarten). BUT I was in the top five in my class; of course, there were only five in my class.

I read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it—Prosocial spending makes folks happy! Research shows that folks who spend money on others are much happier (i.e. extremely happy) compared to folks who just spend money on themselves. AllAboutMeBetty says—Yikes, I spend all my money and time on me; maybe that is why I’m not happy. AllAboutMeBetty, you don’t have to be intuitive to figure that out. Related to that, sociologists have found that folks who volunteer are extremely happier than those who don’t. The world doesn’t seem to preach that much. There seems to be a big red flag here folks!

I will say sometimes when folks tell me something, “well, that makes sense.” BUT I never say, well, that doesn’t make any sense although I think it doesn’t make sense to me. A friend and I were talking that there are different kinds of intelligence, we think (e.g. book intelligence compared to common sense intelligence). Soooo I checked in for my boarding passes when flying. I told our son that I only got my first boarding pass but my connecting flight boarding pass didn’t show up. He said, it did Dad; it’s an erv error. Sure enough it came but I had to side it over to see it. Da! I must lack intuition in technology or lack this type of intelligence or no intelligence at all! Could be!

I think cosplay is very interesting!  The psychologists say—"It’s a psychological transformation of dressing like a character you've adored since childhood is a motivating form of self-acceptance and self-actualization. Cosplayers say it is one reason playing with costume is fulfilling, the exploration of the identity of a fictional character.”  I find it soooo interesting to see how we dress in our normal lives; I think it tells a lot about us. CrazyMarvin, who is titled thunder, says—I can’t tell when folks are pretending, living their dream, actually showing some emotions they have, or there is something going on in their heads! We all express ourselves differently now don’t we. It’s really crazy, my opinion. Look around folks, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out! Seriously funny!

DancingMatilda at times can think differently than what she says.  Many of us are like DancingMatilda and would have to confess that we aren’t anxious about nuttin except our worries. Or as Oscar Wilde quipped, “I can resist anything except temptation.” I wonder as I wander if I have many miracles in my life but I miss them sometimes; I think I do! Maybe I’m not always intuitive!  Could be, maybe, I don’t know. Same difference.

Many of you are very intuitive in certain areas. It could be mechanically, or seeing the future, or with technology or with some form of art or with business or writing, or understanding feelings etc. It’s quite amazing that folks are all talented differently. And it appears that we can’t make ourselves intuitive; we either got it or we don’t; we can’t read how to get it in a self-help book. We are just blessed with it. It appears to me, if we can find where our special talent is, that is what we should pursue and use it and not waste it. I wonder as I wander if we do waste it sometimes. What do you think? That is what I wonder! “The best portion of a good man's life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love.” ~ William Wordsworth

According to MyUncleGeorge, the statement that he would say to me almost every time he saw me when I was a lad and then as a teenager was almost intuitive to him (i.e. he really believed his statement). His chief, important statement was—erv, it’s not what you make but what you save.   The King George Trumpeter says—There are three types of folks, savers, spenders and the somewheres in the middle. King George Trumpeter says, I spend my money as fast as I can make it as I’m only going to live once; if things go bad for me the government will bail me out; just tax the folks who were savers; they got the means. It seems to work. I learned who the King George Trumpeters are while sitting on the patio the other late afternoon sipping wine. Jeanne, who is award winning, described her daffodils as not being the King George Trumpeters. Now you gardeners know what I’m talking about and the rest of you still don’t know. GeorgeTheCrook says--Success isn't about how your life looks to others. It's about how it feels to you. Such is life.

I was communicating with an acquaintance recently about a controversial issue, I reminded myself  too keep my mouth shut and change the subject. That way I will not hurt our relationship. I learned that from an intuitive friend years ago (i.e. he won’t discuss an issue if we disagree with it because, as he says—Our relationship is toooo important to have it dissipate or lessen because sharing my opinion over something that isn’t very important or has no sure answer. Makes sense to me. ItchieBitchie says—Besides being intuitive it's wisdom!

Many of you have read about when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor that the contingencies of Japanese folks in the U.S. were told that in 10 days they would be taken to holding areas in certain states. They were taken away from their communities, had to leave all their possessions and leave their businesses. That happened to a group in an area near Yakima who were part of the community. Many of the locals kept their possessions, both personal and real assets, and even kept their business operating until they would get back, but not knowing if they ever would or what the future held. I think that was very admirable of these folks. Well, many did come back after the war and the locals got them started again with some of their past possessions and support. Very kind. The Japanese contingencies and their friends each year have a sukiyaki dinner to raise money for their temple and also as a reminder. It is well supported by a wide range of folks. We were invited by friends to go and felt a unique spirit within the crowd and the group putting the dinner on. It was touching (i.e. very hard to explain). It was a great experience for us, and I think for many. We sensed intuition, an unspoken and unwritten feeling that was an undercurrent. Ya couldn’t experience this in Butler County IA let me tell ya! FYI I didn’t use the chopsticks!

While hiking alone together in Waterworks Canyon of Mt Clemons, I found an nonindigenous gold nugget amongst the indigenous basalt rocks up 're in 'em mountains!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Past experience should be a guidepost, not a hitching post.

May 4, 2024

yada yada

Some days we walk the razor edge and some days we walk the sidewalk and say to ourselves—not today but other days we say, today is the day!  Soooo what are going to do today?

Solomon’s wisdom in Proverbs offers three first steps that apply to any kind of major decision we need to make. So what are those three steps to get us started?  Before we get anybody else’s perspective on what we’re going to do, we need to go to God’s Word and get his perspective. The Bible says in Proverbs 2:6-7, “It is the LORD who gives wisdom; from him come knowledge and understanding. He provides help and protection for those who are righteous and honest.” Second is to get the facts. Proverbs 18:13 says, “What a shame—yes, how stupid!—to decide before knowing the facts.” And third, ask for advice. Proverbs 15:22 says, “Without advice plans go wrong, but with many advisers they succeed.” I think Solomon’s wisdom might prevent a “mayhem moment!” Have any of you every had a “mayhem moment?” How did it feel!

Have you ever blown the lead; had the wheels fall off: just plain blew a situation; really missed an opportunity: like laid an egg, a real big egg? Various studies have shown that very few people have multiple genuine friends, and many don’t have one good friend. Yikes, that’s not good. SlimmySlim says—It seems that not many folks much care to be my friend and I can’t figure it out. I tell Jeanne that she is my best friend, and I will really work hard to keep it that way. I mean it. She is my emphasis; my paramount; she gets a lot of my attention. Why not! It doesn’t’ take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Good friends are worth a fortune. I read recently while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--A good relationship is great for stress reliever.  I really like many of you, but Jeanne gets more attention than you do! Go figure! This is the reason why I’m in Yakima, WA today where apples and hops and grapes are raised and yes, the home of my best friend. And this ain’t no yada yada folks but it's the real deal! But you might think it's a bunch of WA rabbitbrush or WA sagebrush!

British innovators have developed a new type of body armor that’s lightweight and comfortable yet can stop a bullet traveling at the speed of sound. Maybe all of us should get this body armor to protect us from all the crap that gets shot at us; boy there is a lot of it let me tell ya! Recently I purchased a product from a provider on line, paid for it but they never sent me the codes I needed to use the product as they said they would. I sometimes become sorta kinda leery of what folks say they are going to do for me (i.e. in extreme cases, some folks are called iconoclasts). BUT flip the pancake, I can tell you of recent situations that folks have treated me like a king and just over produced; just went way over the top with their effort to please me (i.e. their parents must’ve of raised 'em right). Go figure.

I hear a lot of yada yada which many times it’s just begonia but sometimes it isn’t. How do I know? Some folks think they know everything, and they really don’t. AverageJoe says--Sometimes it’s better to not give your opinion unless asked for it even if we think we know the correct solution and we don’t think they do. SallyTheParent says—That is unless the result of your daughter’s decision will affect us and them in the future (e.g. having a boyfriend who is not a good person, and the odds are 98% curtain that he will be nuttin but problems for your daughter and then you have tooooo deal with the residual effects). Ouchy ouchy! BobTheLoudTrumpet says--In many groups there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians; folks who think they are chiefs anyway but really aren’t.  MissPerfect says—That is our culture we live in where everyone knows everything and think they are in charge (i.e. anyone can google it and have the answer about anything and everything). Well, flip the pancake~GeorgeTheCrook says--Maybe the parents are messed up and their truth isn’t the truth! SusieQ who has been known to get fizzy at times, says-- I just go on social media where everyone knows the answer and I pick the one I like and agree with it; it works for me; I’m always right! Bingo!

Have any of you had your mouth washed out with soap as a kid. I think I did once by my Mom, Anna, but I really don’t remember what I said that was soooo bad; but it must have been bad, but anyway, it must of worked (i.e. probably I didn’t want to have my mouth washed out with soap again)! When I listen to some folks talk, I wonder if they should have their mouth washed out with soap (i.e. they use very bad trash talk I think). Of course that is my opinion. It seems that bad language is very popular in some sectors of society it appears; even females use such language I have been told. It used to be just the drunken sailors used such language, but now pretty girls do tooooo (i.e. maybe part of equality)! If you have had your mouth washed out with Ivory soap, you will remember it; it doesn’t taste very good at all, very bad after taste let me tell ya!

What do you think is/was the biggest opportunity of your lifetime? How about in the last year? I have told you this many times and I want toooooo tell you again. You might think it’s just yada yada but it works for me. It might not be for you, and you might not want it to work for you. I understand, yes, I do.  We always don’t really like opportunities as they are more work and responsibility, and we would rather just sit on the couch and eat chips.  Sometimes our culture is pretty lazy and more specifically I’m talking about one of you in particular, you know who you are. hahaha Ok, here is what I pray for—I pray for opportunities, I pray I can recognize them, and I pray that I have the courage to act on them. I also pray for wisdom as we many times have really no idea what to pray for (i.e. many times maybe we pray for how it best fits our life which makes us feel good) but with wisdom everything seems to work better (i.e. part of the big picture). That is my opinion. You might think this toooooo is a bunch of yada yada! I understand. JoeSixPack says—I prefer a six pack of Bud Light and some chips; it seems to work for me!

I read a lot that it is good to make my live simpler like being the curator of my life. Slowly cut things out until I’m left with what I love, with what's necessary, and with what makes me happy. I developed a new method of driving that I put in place while driving from AZ to CO (i.e. 13 hour drive in one day). When in heavy fast traffic I would go in the left lane and drive as fast as the traffic was going. Usually about 85 but my fastest was 93. Hey, less stress and I made better time (i.e. made my life simple)!

I think the corner has been turned! I’m talking about the difference I have observed a difference in some people:  one young person, one teenager and two adults and one senior person. You believe that. I’m talking about some very positive changes which might be making them into more dynamic folks. Actually, these changes are answered prayers of mine (i.e. or is it just my imagination, could be but I have been praying for them for a long time and I will continue to pray for them). Do you believe in prayer? I’m praying for more folks (i.e. maybe even you) but I haven’t seen any change yet, but I have hope! A visiting minister was attending a men's breakfast in Ohio farm country. He asked one of the impressive older farmers in attendance to say grace that morning. After all were seated, the older farmer began "Lord, I hate buttermilk."  The minister opened one eye and wondered to himself where this was going. Then the farmer loudly proclaimed, "Lord, I hate lard." Now the minister was overly worried. However without missing a beat, the farmer prayed on, "And Lord, you know I don't care much for raw white flour." Just as the minister was ready to stand and stop everything, the farmer continued, "But Lord, when you mix 'em all together and bake 'em up, I do love fresh biscuits. So Lord, when things come up we don't like, when life gets hard, when we just don't understand what you are sayin' to us, we just need to relax and wait 'till You are done mixin', and probably it will be somethin' even better than biscuits. Amen.”

I know some folks that it appears they think that when they die everything will stop and who think that because of how great they think they are that nobody will go forward.  What are they thinking anyway!  Robert Frost said—In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life and those three words are; life goes on.  Jeanne and I have discussed this a lot. We plan to go forward! Saturday question—Is that an attitude? If soooo, who decides our attitude? Bingo! Soooo suck it up sweetheart and let’s get going!

Well folks, it feels like you have heard enough of my yada yada for today! There is a limit as toooooo what a person can handle! If any of you believe any of this yada yada, I have some swamp land in FL to sell ya, it’s waterfront property and has great fishing!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—No matter what may be your lot in life, build something on it.