Some days we walk the razor edge and some days we walk the
sidewalk and say to ourselves—not today but other days we say, today is the
day! Soooo what are going to do today?
Solomon’s wisdom in Proverbs offers
three first steps that apply to any kind of major decision we need to make. So
what are those three steps to get us started?
Before we get anybody else’s perspective on what we’re going to do, we
need to go to God’s Word and get his perspective. The Bible says in Proverbs
2:6-7, “It is the LORD who gives wisdom; from him come knowledge and
understanding. He provides help and protection for those who are righteous and
honest.” Second is to get the facts. Proverbs 18:13 says, “What a
shame—yes, how stupid!—to decide before knowing the facts.” And third, ask for
advice. Proverbs 15:22 says, “Without advice plans go wrong, but with many
advisers they succeed.” I think Solomon’s wisdom might prevent a “mayhem moment!”
Have any of you every had a “mayhem moment?” How did it feel!

Have you ever blown the lead; had the wheels
fall off: just plain blew a situation; really missed an opportunity: like laid
an egg, a real big egg? Various studies have shown that very few people have
multiple genuine friends, and many don’t have one good friend. Yikes, that’s
not good. SlimmySlim says—It seems that not many folks much care to be my
friend and I can’t figure it out. I tell Jeanne that she is my best friend, and
I will really work hard to keep it that way. I mean it. She is my emphasis; my paramount; she gets a lot of my attention. Why not! It doesn’t’ take a rocket
scientist to figure that out. Good friends are worth a fortune. I read recently while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--A good relationship is great for stress reliever. I really like
many of you, but Jeanne gets more attention than you do! Go figure! This is the
reason why I’m in Yakima, WA today where apples and hops and grapes are raised
and yes, the home of my best friend. And this ain’t no yada yada folks but it's the
real deal! But you might think it's a bunch of WA rabbitbrush or WA sagebrush!

British innovators have developed a new type of body armor
that’s lightweight and comfortable yet can stop a bullet traveling at the speed
of sound. Maybe all of us should get this body armor to protect us from all the
crap that gets shot at us; boy there is a lot of it let me tell ya! Recently I purchased
a product from a provider on line, paid for it but they never sent me the codes
I needed to use the product as they said they would. I sometimes become sorta
kinda leery of what folks say they are going to do for me (i.e. in extreme
cases, some folks are called iconoclasts). BUT flip the pancake, I can
tell you of recent situations that folks have treated me like a king and just
over produced; just went way over the top with their effort to please me (i.e.
their parents must’ve of raised 'em right). Go figure.
I hear a lot of yada yada which
many times it’s just begonia but sometimes it isn’t. How do I know? Some folks
think they know everything, and they really don’t. AverageJoe says--Sometimes
it’s better to not give your opinion unless asked for it even if we think we
know the correct solution and we don’t think they do. SallyTheParent says—That
is unless the result of your daughter’s decision will affect us and them in the
future (e.g. having a boyfriend who is not a good person, and the odds are 98%
curtain that he will be nuttin but problems for your daughter and then you have
tooooo deal with the residual effects). Ouchy ouchy! BobTheLoudTrumpet says--In
many groups there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians; folks who think
they are chiefs anyway but really aren’t.
MissPerfect says—That is our culture we live in where everyone knows
everything and think they are in charge (i.e. anyone can google it and have the
answer about anything and everything). Well, flip the pancake~GeorgeTheCrook
says--Maybe the parents are messed up and their truth isn’t the truth! SusieQ
who has been known to get fizzy at times, says-- I just go on social media where
everyone knows the answer and I pick the one I like and agree with it; it works
for me; I’m always right! Bingo!

Have any of you had your mouth washed out
with soap as a kid. I think I did once by my Mom, Anna, but I really don’t
remember what I said that was soooo bad; but it must have been bad, but anyway,
it must of worked (i.e. probably I didn’t want to have my mouth washed out with
soap again)! When I listen to some folks talk, I wonder if they should have
their mouth washed out with soap (i.e. they use very bad trash talk I think).
Of course that is my opinion. It seems that bad language is very popular in some sectors of
society it appears; even females use such language I have been told. It used to
be just the drunken sailors used such language, but now pretty girls do
tooooo (i.e. maybe part of equality)! If you have had your mouth washed out
with Ivory soap, you will remember it; it doesn’t taste very good at all, very
bad after taste let me tell ya!

What do you think is/was the
biggest opportunity of your lifetime? How about in the last year? I have told
you this many times and I want toooooo tell you again. You might think it’s
just yada yada but it works for me. It might not be for you, and you might not
want it to work for you. I understand, yes, I do.
We always don’t really like opportunities as they
are more work and responsibility, and we would rather just sit on the couch and
eat chips.
Sometimes our culture is
pretty lazy and more specifically I’m talking about one of you in particular,
you know who you are. hahaha Ok, here is what I pray for—I pray for
opportunities, I pray I can recognize them, and I pray that I have the courage
to act on them. I also pray for wisdom as we many times have really no idea
what to pray for (i.e. many times maybe we pray for how it best fits our life
which makes us feel good) but with wisdom everything seems to work better (i.e.
part of the big picture). That is my opinion. You might think this toooooo is a
bunch of yada yada! I understand. JoeSixPack says—I prefer a six pack of Bud
Light and some chips; it seems to work for me!
I read a lot that it is good to make my live simpler like being
the curator of my life. Slowly cut things out until I’m left with what I love,
with what's necessary, and with what makes me happy. I developed a new method
of driving that I put in place while driving from AZ to CO (i.e. 13 hour drive
in one day). When in heavy fast traffic I would go in the left lane and drive
as fast as the traffic was going. Usually about 85 but my fastest was 93. Hey,
less stress and I made better time (i.e. made my life simple)!
I think the corner has been turned! I’m talking about the
difference I have observed a difference in some people: one young person, one teenager and two adults
and one senior person. You believe that. I’m talking about some very positive
changes which might be making them into more dynamic folks. Actually, these
changes are answered prayers of mine (i.e. or is it just my imagination, could be but I
have been praying for them for a long time and I will continue to pray for
them). Do you believe in prayer? I’m praying for more folks (i.e. maybe even
you) but I haven’t seen any change yet, but I have hope! A visiting
minister was attending a men's breakfast in Ohio farm country. He asked one of
the impressive older farmers in attendance to say grace that morning. After all
were seated, the older farmer began "Lord, I hate buttermilk." The
minister opened one eye and wondered to himself where this was going. Then
the farmer loudly proclaimed, "Lord, I hate lard." Now the
minister was overly worried. However without missing a beat, the farmer
prayed on, "And Lord, you know I don't care much for raw white
flour." Just as the minister was ready to stand and stop everything,
the farmer continued, "But Lord, when you mix 'em all together and
bake 'em up, I do love fresh biscuits. So Lord, when things come up we
don't like, when life gets hard, when we just don't understand what you are
sayin' to us, we just need to relax and wait 'till You are done mixin', and
probably it will be somethin' even better than biscuits. Amen.”

I know some folks that it appears they think
that when they die everything will stop and who think that because of how great
they think they are that nobody will go forward.
What are they thinking anyway!
Robert Frost said—In three words I can sum up
everything I’ve learned about life and those three words are; life goes on.
Jeanne and I have discussed this a lot. We
plan to go forward! Saturday question—Is that an attitude? If soooo, who decides our
attitude? Bingo! Soooo suck it up sweetheart and let’s get going!
Well folks, it feels like you have heard enough of my yada
yada for today! There is a limit as toooooo what a person can handle! If any of
you believe any of this yada yada, I have some swamp land in FL to sell ya,
it’s waterfront property and has great fishing!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said—No matter what may be your lot in life,
build something on it.