August 31, 2024

wait a minute

Wait a minute, do I understand this right? Aristotle said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Socrates said, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” Tolstoy said, “We can know only that we know nothing, and that is the highest degree of human wisdom.” Dr.J says—"The world around us isn’t wise and cannot even define the term. Wisdom is a biblical concept that represents the viewpoint of God on every aspect.” Soooo take all of this into consideration when reading this It’s Saturday. Saturday question—Are you a wise person?

UncleFredFromYakima, says—Wait a minute, our feelings and reality don’t always match—c’mon, we all know that’s true (i.e. sometimes  our thinking is pie in the sky a.k.a. the Goldilocks mentality). Wait a minute, that might be an itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny amount of wisdom. BigShotBill says—I have a lot of money and that gives me control of a lot of stuff which makes me a big person. Even in our church, I am the biggest contributor, and the church would collapse if it wasn’t for me. I’m a big person all right. I’m sooo big that I forgive people as soon as they give me an apology; if they don’t apologize, I don’t forgive them. Wait a minute BigShotBill, I thought I read in the Book that what you just said makes you a little person. A big person forgives folks even if they don’t apologize. Run that through your noggin folks.  BigShotBill, if we forgive folks, just plain forgive folks unconditionally, who is the winner, who feels the best (i.e. others might not even know they did something to hurt us)?   BigShotBill, how big is your ego anyway! Just remember BigShotBill, we all are just a little bit of news on this earth! Holy gum wrappers!

When talking with the WI entrepreneur under The Grand Teton, we asked him if he plans to continue to build more duplexes and get bigger and bigger. He said he didn’t know for sure. That was a hard decision for him to make he said—when is enough enough he asked. We drove through a WY canyon where the rocks sled down on the side of the mountain and finally stopped where the grade was less steep. Jeanne told me about a hiker she was with that slide down a mountain side and finally stopped just like the rocks did (i.e. not pretty). She said it's called the angle of repose. We thought maybe that is what the WI entrepreneur was struggling with, his internal angle of repose. CoachB says—Sometimes our death (i.e. a nation or an individual) is at a time of our greatest wealth!

Saturday question—Are you content? Advertising, the news, comparing ourselves to others, and soooo many other things tell us not to be content. LuckyEddie says—Enough is never enough for me; I always want more and better; it’s American! Where have you been erv, whatchasmokin’! Ouchy ouchy! Wait a minute LuckyEddie, contentment gives folks a good life it appears to me. I like this statement “You have made us for yourself, O God,” Augustine of Hippo famously wrote in his Confessions, “And our hearts are restless until they find rest in you.” Now that is a whole different ballgame folks! That is like black compared to white, salt to sugar, life to death, love to hate, modern chaos to a peaceful MT mountain stream, etc. But I noticed that in MT if folks don't have a pickup, a horse trailer, horses and a camper, they aren't much! Holy chewing tobacco!

The guy says--I’m confused; do you think our world is changing? John, there are many Johns, says—"What would be the primary traits you would consider essential for effective leadership? Would you include qualities such as vision, courage, determination, perseverance, charisma, communication skills, and intelligence? How about character traits such as honesty, integrity, generosity, and humility?... By corporate culture, I am referring to beliefs that affect behaviors, determining how a company’s employees and management interact. Research has discovered 73% of employees do not believe in their organization's values. Of the remaining 27%, 77% of those who do believe the organization's values cannot apply them to their job. This is a serious employee/employer disconnect limiting productivity.” Soooo what does this all mean? How does it affect us? How does it affect our world we live in? Tell me will you please, I’m very interested to gain some knowledge and wisdom. Let it all hang out! Wait a minute, maybe the bottom line is that it's all about the money?

SusieQ said—"While visiting Hot Springs, Arkansas, I found it fascinating that for years, hundreds of desperately sick people traveled to this city looking for a cure. Owners of bathhouses knew this and hired hucksters to prey on these people to drum up business. People were willing to take a chance that soaking in the 140-degree spring waters would heal them. These waters may have had some relaxing benefits, but they certainly were not a cure-all as the con men claimed”.  As a guy at the gas pump said to me—erv, as long as you think soooo, that’s all that matters! It’s what in our noddle I guess that affects us maybe!

Moving from Iowa, a politically Red state it appears to Washington, a politically Blue state it appears it  is quite interesting it appears. It appears that the opinions and views of the majority of folks in each state might somewhat be different. Those opinions and views it appears are not always understood or even listened toooo by others (i.e. like being a Seattle Seahawk fan or a Denver Broncos fan). It appears that the fans and supporters of different political parties or professional football teams don’t even like each other (i.e. it appears that they can even hate each other). But wait a minute, it appears that we are all human and hopefully we want the best for each other, well, maybe not! Jeannie’s family gave us and particularly me welcoming gifts. One gift was a Broncos flag (i.e. I’m a Broncos fan) that was in the front yard. I put it in the back yard as I told Jeanne, I don’t want your house egged by the Seattle Seahawk fans here in Yakima! Such is life. 

Soooo Jeanne and I are in the process of getting a new phones and probably a new service. What a circus that is. All the companies say they are the best and all talk out of both sides of their mouth it seems (i.e. at the same time). We called friends and asked them what they use and why. Some say that is the best recommendation one can get. But then there is the money side if anyone can figure that out they are a wise person (i.e. or just think they are). It appears to me that many folks have no idea what is going on and just keep kicking the same can down the same street (i.e. it’s tooooo overwhelming). But wait a minute, I have to get a new phone as mine is a 7 (i.e. the gal almost fell off her stool) and won’t function with some apps anymore a.k.a. it’s kaput, antiquated! The phone companies call it, we gotcha buddy (i.e. under their breath)! Well here comes the clown out of the circus tent; clowns make me laugh! The clown even told me that if I don’t like my looks in a pic, with their phone I can alter it and make myself look a lot better (i.e. remove the aging process the clown told me)! Holy bananas!

Well flip the pancake; wait a minute! We had the best experience in acquiring new cell phone service and me a new phone. Our associate was quite a young lady. She was very professional, personal, caring and sweet. When we got done, we all hugged; that is the first time I hugged an associate of a cell phone provider! I think we mutually edified each other (i.e. built each other up). We think this young lady will do well in life (i.e. she is studding to be an RN). We told her she will be a good one!

MissPerfect says--One skill that anyone can learn is to help make their relationships better—whether in marriage or in a friendship—it is how to pay attention. When you give someone your attention and focus, it’s like you give them a piece of your life. CrazyMarvin says—If you really want to hurt someone, pay no attention to them; that really hurts them; I can testify to that. CoachB says--The average American spends a little over 5 hours on their phone a day. Wow! To gain a wise heart, it seems to me, I need to slow down and appreciate more and that is hard to do for me. Slow down erv, hold your horses, just wait a minute. I’m really trying to work on it, but it is a real challenge for me. My horses like to run fast (i.e. but not as fast as Secretariat)! Whoa Nellie! A wise friend from IA called and told me--erv, you have only been in Yakima about a week soooo don't start moving the furniture around or Jeanne might put you on the street. Just slow down and just move it an inch at a time!!!

VelvetElvis says—The point of our life stories and our faith journeys is that they are about something really big.

Here is something to maybe think about--Proverbs teaches and actually mentions that wisdom comes from God—“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom." I think that this type of fear is like in awe of God and not being scared of God but it could be that tooooo, I just don't know! But wait a minute, if folks don't believe in God, it doesn't make much difference I would guess. But I don't know for sure!

Saturday question--Did this It's Saturday get into you melon?

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.

August 24, 2024

the easy way

Our 16-year old granddaughter and I were talking about her strong drive to get things done. She said—Grandpa, I do procrastinate but I work well under pressure. It’s her easy way. Saturday question—What is your easy way?

It’s sooo easy, oh-oh, sooo dog gone easy to fall in love! RickyRick says—"If you wait for the perfect wife or the perfect husband, you’ll never find them. Let me tell you why: No one is perfect. We’re all broken. And that’s okay. God loves you, despite your brokenness. But you need to understand that anyone you marry will be broken too. Here’s where you need to be careful. Although everyone is broken, some people have a lot more healing to do. They aren’t ready for a relationship. And you need to avoid them as life partners no matter how good-looking, rich, or nice they are. Before you enter into a long-term relationship, you need to understand the emotional health of your potential partner. Study after study has shown that 80 percent of all separations and divorces happen because one or both of the partners are emotionally unhealthy. Drawn from Scripture, here’s a partial checklist of emotional health factors to look out for:  Look for a spouse who tells the truth. Look for a spouse who is generous and kind. Look for a spouse who controls their anger.  Look for a spouse who is not stuck in an addiction.  Look for a spouse who does not harbor bitterness. Look for a spouse who is not selfish or arrogant. Look for a spouse who is not greedy.” ItchieBiticie says—That sounds pretty easy but when I was 19, I didn’t use any of that criteria, my hormones made my decision! What was I thinking!

HikingundertheGrandTeton—We engaged in conversation with a family. Great conversation. When we each were about to go our own way, the father said to us—I hope when I’m as old as you guys, I can still hike. Now he meant it as a compliment we think but it was sorta kinda bitter/sweet as we don’t think we are old; but maybe we are and just don’t know it! Could be, maybe, but we don’t think soooo! Such is life!

I feel sorry for some folks who are stuck and can’t get out of something or don’t want to get out (i.e. it seems like we don’t want to take the risk). It could be a job we have hated forever, a bad martial relationship that we are going to die with, bad beliefs that we won’t change out of, lack of confidence, bad attitude, a bad physical condition that we don’t want to change, etc. Maybe we all have some situation or condition that we can’t change or won’t change. We are just going to live with it. Some might feel that their situation is doable and are afraid that a change could be worse. I guess then we will never know, now will we. It’s pretty easy to play it easy! It sure is the easy way out! Saturday question—Does that thinking come from our heredity or current environment or past environment?

When the folks who came to get my furniture, they couldn’t get a love seat out of the basement as it was toooo heavy. I called a friend, and he came over with his experience, his side grinder, and his muscle and bingo it was done (i.e. there were a lot of sparks flying let me tell ya). Ya gotta have the right friends who have the right tools and the muscle and the experience. It’s the easy way! I told my friend I was going to get me one of those side grinders!  One of those suckers might fix a lot of my problems in life!

HikingundertheGrandTeton—We had conversations with a young man in his middle 20s and his mother. He was heading to WA for more military training as he just graduated as a Ranger. A great young man and we congratulated him on his accomplishment. His mom was very proud of him and said she prays for him a lot. She then told us that she was extremely proud of him as he first graduated from West Point.  We again congratulated him. We asked him if West Point was hard for him—no, not once I found out what they wanted from me; but time management was the hardest (i.e. sounds like all our lives).

BettyLou says—When the path diverges, embrace the detour! I see and can tell you from personal experiences that ageing does change the path we go or how we go down the path. BUT we do have a choice with what attitude we take and that is up to us.  As my deceased friend would say to me—erv, decisions have consequences and guess who makes those decisions! MissPerfect says—If you start now, you will start seeing the result one day earlier than if you wait until tomorrow. WorldClassLarry says—Don’t take the easy way with our attitude; it’s a big part of our life. Don’t kid yourself!

SidTheAnimal used to be different until he got after it; he used to be really different, but then he started to work very hard to change, holy molly did he change. I’m not jumpin’ on anyone, but we have to put in a lot of work to really get minimally better and to really get a lot better most times we have to work very hard and for a long time. LuckieEddie says--It’s not magic folks. Many folks wonder if it’s worth it! Many will stay as they are! I have a burnin’ question—Do any of us really want to change or just talk about it? Flip the pancake. Some of you I applaud, you have really made some changes. Compliment yourself, that is a great accomplishment. My hat goes off to you. You have to really feel great! Way to go! You know who you are!

HikingundertheGrandTeton—We met a young man who that morning hiked to right below the summit of the Grand Teton. A great young man on a hiking trip from WI and as he said--I'm taking a Sabbath. We asked him what he did for a living—he said he did real estate development; he built 12 duplexes in the last 4 years and he was 26. He said it has really gone well for him; he is making more income than he spends. Are you married—no—maybe you better get married sooo you have some help spending it! 

GeorgeTheCrook says—I’m always looking for the easy way to get good at something like watching a video, eating cake, getting a new pair of shoes, taking a pill, etc. But we all know that to get good at something, almost anything, there is only one way. Benjamin Franklin’s approach to improving his writing wasn’t too different from how many of today’s elite athletes, musicians, average folks, or intellectuals go about improving their respective skills. The approach goes by the name of deliberate practice – known as the most effective method for developing and improving skills rapidly. JoeBlow says—Sitting on the couch eating chips just won’t do much! I know 'cause I tried it. The sign was outside of The Cowboy Bar in Pinedale, WY.

I just learned something that I never realized before. It’s about gifts. I discovered that some folks when receiving a gift are all about what the gift is (i.e. the monetary value of the gift is the what is important; that is what it’s all about) and others are all about having someone thinking about them and appreciating them by giving them a gift;  the thought is much more than what the gift is. Those are two different concepts. The values are in two different thought processes. Why do folks have different thought processes do you think? SusieQ says--It appears that there has to be a reason.

HikingundertheGrandTeaton—We overheard two hikers talking as we met them on the trail. One said to the other—Hot flashes from menopause are no joke!

I know folks who are very consistent with their lives (e.g. like Old Faithful) and some who are very inconsistent. Some I know exactly what they will do and others not soooo much (i.e. some are a real crap shoot a.k.a. a grab bag). Saturday question—Are we a moody person that changes with the wind? Sooo what can make a person moody? How does a moody attitude affect others? Were our parents moody?  If soooo how did that affect us? Or is it a common beast. “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.” ~ Dr. Suess 

It seems to be the easy way for me, but…! Various theories have been propounded as to what might happen to our lives when we put too many fine particles of bad thoughts into our bodies, minds, and souls (e.g. over stimulated with soooo many bad thoughts). But I wonder what happens if we put a lot of good thoughts into our bodies, minds and souls! I have a very good idea! My Daddy, Chester, would say to me—erv, most folks don’t think enough. But I have a friend that says to me—erv, you think toooo much! Soooo there! Such is life.

And MissPerfect says—The finale conclusion of this “It’s Saturday” is that most of our life is up to us sooo quit blaming others will ya please! Cut it out!

ValvetElvis says—The best teachers are the masters of the obvious. They see the same things that others do, but they are aware of so much more. And when they point it out, it changes the way we see everything.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Our strength grows out of our weakness.

PS  This is from a high school buddy of Danube High class of 63--Erv, when I am ready to move out of our home I hope I ONLY have 1/2 of a duffel bag.  At this point of life I don't need NEW and MORE Material THINGS.  I do need a coffee pot and a bathroom that is near.  

August 17, 2024


I, Jeanne, my duffel bag and my Yamaha XL250 are on our way to Yakima, WA, the Apple Capital of the world as they say in Yakima which will be my new home. It’s a great exciting opportunity for me, no question about it. I have written many times that I pray for opportunities, the ability to recognize them and the courage to act on them. Well, I got one, a huge massive big one! It puts some pep in my step!

As an ol’ golf buddy and friend said to me on the course, erv, you are soooo fortunate to have met Jeanne. You seem soooo compatible and enjoy life soooo much together; it just doesn’t happen to that degree at your age very often. We understand that and appreciate it. We say our gratitude many times to God. It’s really incredible. As we say—It’s a miracle, A God wink! It’s way beyond us!

I leave Aplington with soooo many great memories especially related to Arlene and our kids. I will never forget those memories and they will always be a big part of my great life; they are soooo important, enduring and lasting (i.e. many of those are connected with you folks). I will never forget those many memories and experiences. Some of them are funny ones and some are heart-breaking ones. You folks have been soooo good to me and our family and have impacted us. Yes, you have (i.e. many of you have given us great opportunities and have supported me and our family). I’m really not capable of expressing what you have been to me. All I can say is, thanksamillion! I have soooo many great friends. You are just incredible! I hope I have been half as good to you as you folks have been to me and our family!

A motto that I had above my desk is this:  “OPPORTUNITY I shall pass through this world but once, any good therefore that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” My suggestion to all of you, whatever you want to do, and can do, do it now. Do it. Life is short and time is a tickin’! And Tina, there aren’t many Tinas, says—You don’t wanna be like the kid standing at the top of the waterside, over thinking it, you got to go down the chute!

Jeanne was recently listening to a book, a mystery murder and one of the characters said (i.e. that really means the author said it)--The things that ask the most of us are the things most worth having. If we don’t do anything then not much happens the way it looks to me. Anybody can do nuttin and complain (i.e. average is average folks, and it really doesn’t take much effort to be average). It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Actually, I have really done my kids a favor, I cleaned out our house and I actually have only a duffel bag of personal property left. Some of you kids, I really feel sorry for you as how much stuff your parents have. I found out and they don’t know that most of it isn’t worth much monetarily although we think it is. And, let me tell ya, it’s a lot of work. Soooo I don’t have hardly any personal property and I own no real estate. I’m a renter basically both in WA and in AZ, just paying my rent. That’s a wow! It will be a blast!

Yesterday was yesterday, this is today, and tomorrow is tomorrow!

Yes, change can be difficult for many folks. A few people thrive on change, but for most folks, change threatens them because it shakes the little sense of security we have. But flip the pancake, change is very exciting as well. Change can be a great opportunity.

Dr.J says--In 1961, President John F. Kennedy quoted a phrase from the Puritan John Winthrop’s 1630 sermon in which he referenced “a city upon a hill,” referring to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in colonial America. In 1980, President Ronald Reagan used the same phrase in his campaign speeches. While Kennedy and Reagan were quoting John Winthrop, Winthrop himself was quoting Jesus: “A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.” It is interesting to me that some Presidents and other great folks quoted the Bible; there must be a reason. Abraham Lincoln did it often. I read this in the Bible—Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders, make the most of every opportunity. Here is another—Make the most of every opportunity. And another—Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people.

Jeanne also shared another statement by a character in the book with me—I’m a believer and you aren’t, and it seems we think differently; I hope for the best. You prepare for the worst.  That seems like a strange statement in a murder mystery novel doesn’t it.

VelvetElvis says—Never miss an opportunity to spread the word even if it is in an unusual way.

To sum up this “It’s Saturday,” my mind is peaceful, and it is well with my soul!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.

August 10, 2024


BettyLou, who is a big time crowd pleaser, a regular rock star, says--Don't do what I do but what I say and that is: Don’t be deceptive but be real. As a friend says about herself—erv, you get what you see; I'm just who I am! And she is just that, real! A mechanical machine is programed and does the same thing every time which is not like us humans who are soooo fickle. A machine is immutable once it is programmed, but we are not. We can change like the wind (i.e. by the minute or by the second). Our culture we live in changes very fast about almost everything it seems. Here is a question I thought about: Does right or wrong every change? Pretty deep thought! Saturday question--Sooo are we real or bogus? YakimaClem says—When I am lackadaisical and mess up, I just have to get back on the horse and try again; that’s all I can do! That was then and this is now! That is all I can say! Such is life.

It appears that when we are lackadaisical with our important relationships they do not do well. But flip the pancake, when we really work hard on our important relationships they result in a bond of intimacy and trust. It appears to me that when we are real, like really sincerely caring about someone, and do things for others with a good motive, intimacy and trust can be obtained but if we don’t, it cannot be obtained. Those relationships are just wish washy relationships. MissPerfect says--There seems to be many bunches of nobodies who are just floundering around. That is my opinion.

CadillacJack says—If we become lackadaisical, the bad guys will win and destroy. And it looks like the bad guys are winning right now. WildWillie says—Yabut erv, I don’t know who the bad guys are. One group thinks I’m the bad guy and anther group thinks I’m the good guy. There just aren’t many folks who agree it appears to me. Soooo maybe no one knows. Wow! I wonder if that thinking has ever existed before to this degree. Oh, I bet it has. Sure, it has! No question about that (e.g. the Civil War).

My Mom, Anna, said—erv, always do what is right. She also said--The truth can really hurt! It appears that many times in America we don’t want to hear the truth, we just don’t. We sidestep the truth (i.e. it ain’t politically correct). We don’t call a spade a spade. BUT, not everyone thinks the truth is the same. Now that is a problem. Soooo we just become lackadaisical! We even make up our own truth in our brain.  Dr.J says—"Pontius Pilate scoffed at Him, saying, “What is truth?”  That’s what people are saying today as well. When we hear phrases like “Your truth, my truth, and his truth,” it comes from a belief that there is no absolute truth. Everything is subject to opinions. Everything is relative.” What is your opinion on that? That is what I thought. We all can’t be the valedictorian but I was in the top 5 of my class at Roseland Elementary, but there were only 5 in my class! And what do I know, I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN!

SweetMary says—What we do makes a difference (i.e. even though at times we wonder if it does) and we have to decide what kind of difference we want to try to make (i.e. and sometimes our effort doesn’t seem it makes one bit of difference). I had such a feeling of disappointment with some effort I put into a opportunity and didn’t get the result that I wanted from the folks (i.e. pity party for little ol’ ervie). A friend explained to me that this feeling is not uncommon, and the results might be big “but not today” but maybe sometime in the future it might be (i.e. maybe our actions might be like the little mustard seeds). We must be resilient when it appears that we are not appreciated or treated in the way we think we should. Even when it feels like we are going nowhere fast! This feeling might make us lackadaisical maybe in trying again! JoeThePlumber says—That it can, that it can but we need to pull up our plumber pants and try again (i.e. don't let our crack show)! JoeThePlumber's assistant, JaneThePlumber says--Give without remembering and always receive without forgetting!

We pulled into the parking lot and the attendant looked like a college girl doing her summer job. She was very pleasant and had a big pretty smile. I said—great smile. She said--My parents paid a lot of money for it!  She seemed very appreciative of what her parents did for her.  Not all teenagers are soooo appreciative of their parents’ efforts the way it looks to me. And I don’t think it makes any difference if they are privileged kids or non-privileged kids. Many kids just don’t appreciate the efforts of their parents. And some of those kids are adult kids. It appears that they are very lackadaisical about it. Ouchy ouchy!

JoeBlow says—I used to be full of joy but I don’t know what happened to me; I don’t seem to be as joyful any more. Saturday questions—Are you always full of joy?  Has your joy become more or less? I try to be joyful in all situations; although sometimes it is harder than others for sure. BUT I try to rejoice always! C. S. Lewis once wrote: “The ultimate purpose of God in all his work is to increase joy.” I don’t think God is lackadaisical about that! Oh no!

RickyRick says—"When someone hurts you, it’s because they’ve been hurt. Unkind people don’t feel kindness themselves. Unloving people feel unloved. When someone is rude, bitter, unkind, sarcastic, mean-spirited, or arrogant, they are shouting with all of their behaviors, ‘I am in pain! I need massive doses of love! I do not feel secure!’ Secure, loved people don’t act that way. The person who feels deeply loved and deeply secure is generous and gracious to other people.” If RickyRick is right, which I think he is, how important is it to love someone and be loved. I can tell you, it is very important (i.e. I can testify that to love someone and be loved by someone is the greatest). Soooo don’t be lackadaisical about this. I suggest we spend more time and effort on this than about our stuff. AverageRay says—erv, I like my stuff a lot and have a lot of stuff let me tell ya!

When the lady who I sold all my household furnishings toooooo was removing them. She said—erv, I see you must like to write notes as you have note pads and pens different places—yes, I do—I write a lot of notes tooooo but I’m not near as proficient as my helper as she has a note pad next to her bed and during the middle of the night while it’s completely dark, she writes notes to herself and can read them in the morning. Maybe all three of us are lackadaisical and need to write notes to ourselves. But in the middle of the night and in the dark that she can read in the morning: now that is pretty good, I would say!

It used to be different, I think. Roughly 25% of the children in America grow up without their father in the home, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Yikes! “Unfortunately, many judges, lawyers, state agencies for children and youth, other county and state agencies, and the welfare system are culpable for or at least exasperating with this very serious problem,” says Dads’ Resource Center founder Dr. Joel N. Myers. It appears the result of this change in our culture is very very bad. How in the world will this change? It sure puts a lot of pressure on many mothers. Has the responsibility of mothers changed through the years? Are you the same type of mom as your mother? Some of you are really really great moms. Really great. Keep it up even if it’s really tough! And you dads, be good dads! Don’t be lackadaisical, this is my advice. Parents are soooo important.

VelvetElvis says—Does being a good missionary mean having really good eyesight? Or maybe it means teaching others to use their eyes to see things that has always been there; they just don’t realize it. You see God where others don’t. And then you point Him out.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—When faced with a challenge, look for a way, not for a way out.

August 3, 2024

it is what it is

Chris Simpson, President of CBMC International, expresses it this way: “Creating human influence is cheap and easy – tell people what they want to hear.” Saturday question—Soooo what do you want to hear? Be careful, this “It’s Saturday” might not do that! Ouchy ouchy!

When folks receive compliments of their abilities and talents many times folks will question the giver of such compliments as if they are sincere or are just saying them to win them over (i.e. taking advantage of them). This method has been used a lot and it works for many folks and in many cases. Soooo, how do we know? Good question. Time sure can help determining this I think but even then some folks are really fooled. Many times we become very suspicious of other folks' compliments as maybe we should. Especially if we have heard such stories or have been taken advantage of before. HattieFromYakima says--It ain't always what it is!

The first time I met Jeanne in our AZ 55+ park's chapel service one Sunday morning, I saw some amazing things about her; I was just amazed. After we got to know each other some, I really got to see and experience her amazing qualities. I would tell her about them. She told me later she didn't totally believe what I was saying but wondered if I was just saying that stuff to win her over. Her amazing qualities never went away but just grew. But what is really interesting is that she doesn't even know most of the time that she is amazing! That makes her even more amazing!

I was telling a female friend from church that I had a nasty, tough tooth pulled this week. It was soooo nasty and tough I told her, that my female dentist had to crawl up on my lap and put both of her knees on my shoulders to get enough leverage to jerk it out. My female friend from church said--erv, did you tell her that you are married!

“I mean it, mister!” “I’m not kidding this time!” “Don’t make me pull this car over! I mean business!” Maybe you heard some of those expressions when you were growing up. Or perhaps you even used some of them raising your own children. In any case, these expressions are “parent-speak” for emphasizing the fact that you “really, really” mean something. If you don’t behave you aren’t going to get out of this house for a year! And the kid thinks, Ya right! I heard all of this before! It is what it is!

The Westminster Shorter Catechism was written in 1646–1647 in an effort to reform the Church of England. I really don't know if it did the trick or not. The first question and answer are noteworthy: Q. What is the chief end of man? A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever. Today, we might say, “What is God’s purpose for man?” We might not all agree what the answer is now in 2024 I would guess.  It is what it is in our mind, I guess! I sorta kinda got to know a guy a little by accident through Marketplace. He made mention that when he got home from church he would contact me—I texted him and said—Sooo are you toooo a believer and here is his response--Yes sir! Since 1995! My wife helped me open my eyes, mind, and heart to the Lord.

“I have also learned why people work so hard to succeed: it is because they envy the things their neighbors have. But it is useless. It is like chasing the wind.” Ecclesiastes 4:4 (GNT) ItchieBitchie says—That is bologna, those who don’t work hard are lazy and just want to live off the government and complain that they don’t have as much as I do.  We can’t have it both ways, or can we? And there are some who inherit huge, massive amounts of money for just being born in a certain family. Hey, life isn’t fair! The only thing that’s fair is the Butler County Fair and that’s in June! It is what it is!

The horse is here to stay, but the automobile is only a novelty — a fad. Advice given to Henry Ford's lawyer, Horace Rackam, by an unnamed president of Michigan Savings Bank in 1903. I have learned again by getting rid of my personal property of our house that our culture has changed (i.e. folks don’t want same stuff that they used to). It ain’t nuttin new folks, it has always been that way and will continue that way. Soooo why are we sooo surprised. We have natural events that happen; hey, they have happened many times before (e.g. glaciers, hurricanes, droughts, fires, floods etc.). It appears to me that the one major event can change our world.  History shows us that it can. Maybe we won’t change until that happens (i.e. something that we have no control over). It sorta kinda looks that way to me maybe!  The only thing we can say is, it is what it is!

A friend told me that she reconnected with an old friend (i.e. old friend in two ways).  They really enjoyed being together as they were on neutral ground and her friend wasn’t around her peer group in which she usually always tries to impress. Huh, interesting. It is what it is folks! Saturday question—Do we act differently when we are around different folks or in a different group?  If we do, then we are a fake, a phony, not the real deal. Ouchy ouchy! GeorgeTheCrook says—My wife can be that way; she is actually quite good at acting! She learned it from her mother I think. She sure fooled me! It is what it is!

Three friends told me the same story soooo it must be factual!  They both hired an arborist to come and trim their trees as they weren’t doing very well.  He came and trimmed them to a point where you could throw a cat through the trees and the cat wouldn’t hit anything. They looked bad; looked like they wouldn’t make it, that bad. This spring they started to grow and now the trees are beautiful. I guess we gotta get rid of some of the old stuff to give new growth a chance to show how great it is. MissPerfect says—YaBut it is soooo hard to get rid of the old stuff now isn’t it. It is what it is!

A 16-year-old friend told me that she and a friend usually work out at Planet Earth nearly every morning. It is near their homes, and they let teenagers use the facility for free during the summer. ANYWAY, her friend is a little overweight and told her that she doesn’t want to be like her mother who smokes and is obese! It is what it is.

We like convenience and will pay big bucks to have it. Look around folks, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. We want it easy and fast from fast food to fast internet service and we will pay for it.  We want it at our fingertips and user friendly. I was with a friend golfing recently and someone was mowing the hay next to the golf course with a very nice hay cutter and a very nice tractor. My friend who is a retired farmer said—Boy, it would be fun farming now with all the convenient and fun equipment. BUT they are expensive! AverageJoe says—BUT they all seem to have the latest and the best! It is what it is!

I just heard and confirmed that we spend 93% of our time of life inside! That seems to be crazy to me but that is what they say. 93%! It must feel good to be inside! I wonder what percent of the 93% sit on the couch, eat chips, and are watching TV? Huh, interesting! It is what it is!

Chris also says—" Some influences we should emulate. Who are the people around you who seem to make life better, for you and for others? We should seek to learn from them…Some influences we should avoid. Sometimes we are not even aware of the influence people have on us. The best way to temper negative influences is to stay away from people who are toxic, who tend to poison the atmosphere wherever they go.” Myneighblordownthestreet says—"Sooooo be around good folks, they will make our lives soooo much better (i.e. don’t kid yourself). Choose wisely! I always don’t do what I say though!” Anotherneighbordownthestreet has a tee shirt that says—Can’t throw stones while washing feet. She said she got the tee shirt at a Buccees truck stop. It is what it is!

VelvetElvis said—Anybody anywhere who is doing all they can to point people to the deeper realities of God is doing a beautiful thing.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.