July 10, 2010


It’s not anything special maybe but to us it’s different—we’re in Europe. We had the opportunity to have dinner last Friday night with Chet, Jess and Charlie and spend the night before we left. We revel in these opportunities. Like Chet says—No one really cares about their little girl Charlotte doing all her new tricks except for us. When other parents told me about their kids doing all the new tricks like rolling over, smiling, etc. I just blew it off. But now when our little Charlotte does them, it’s different. Chet told me one time—They all do it Dad! But Chet has found out that when it’s your little girl, things are different. Yes they are. So our little trip is really nothing to you but it’s fun for us. We are traveling with my two sisters and their husbands for three weeks. Many of you have done this and much more but to us—it is fun (i.e. an adventure, an opportunity). So I can’t compare to you guys nor are we trying. We are just ourselves doing stuff that we like to do. To me, that’s when life is the most fun (i.e. being yourself). Comparing makes life not fun. Such is life.

One of our local banks, Iowa State Bank, gives kids $100 if they get all As. I like that. ANYWAY Arlene saw the name of a young friend of mine (i.e. going into 8th grade) on the sign so I sent him this email—SweetSwingRoss a.k.a. thebighammer Arlene says on the flashing sign in P'burg that Ross Cooper got all As! Wow, that's impressive. A lot more impressive than making a 3 foot putt let me tell you (i.e. he’s a pretty good little golfer). A friend just told me that his grand son’s girlfriend just got 3 years paid at Northwestern Law School. That's $60,000 a year of three years. Keep your butt in the books young man. Don't let others tell you it's all about football 'cause it isn't. That's my opinion. Remember, decisions have consequences. And you get to make the decisions. headcoacherv ~ Northwestern University fans chat this when there team gets beat in football and basketball—That’s all right…that’s OK…You’re gonaa work for us someday! I realize that maybe some of you don’t like to hear this, you want everyone to have the same stuff, same pay, same advantages and do no work (i.e. isn’t that a lot like socialism). Joesixpack says—Yabut when it affects you personally it’s different. Thomas Jefferson once said—My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government…The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not…To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. That is his opinion. Such is life.

Many folks have accomplished great things but no one knows about them. Only themselves. These great accomplishments are only be known by the person themselves (i.e. others don’t care and might not consider them much of an accomplishment). Examples might be a person getting a college degree, learning to walk after an accident, climb some mountain, run a certain distance in a certain time, become self sufficient, over coming an addiction, raising, a child, grandchild, or being a care giver. I believe the greatest satisfaction is knowing what you have accomplished something with the ability you have been given and the situation you are or were in. That is a great feeling. But many times no one really cares about it expect you. No one can really appreciate it fully except you. That’s ok, revel in your accomplishment. Thank the Lord for it.

I hope I could accomplish much more in my life. There might be some opportunities that I have not seen and maybe some I have messed up in the past. I can’t change that but the only thing I can do is look for current opportunities and do with them what I can. I have to find peace in my heart and soul with what I’m doing with my life. I think the same applies to you. Soooooooooooo let’s throw away those chips away, get our butts of the couch and do something meaningful. Let’s do it now!!!

Happy folks are happy folks generally what ever their situation is. Unhappy folks are unhappy generally no mater what their situation is. That is what my buddy seems to think anyway. Our neighbor Henry Groenveld, has a maybe life treating disease (i.e. cancer). He has had always the sweetest attitude and does even with his challenge he faces. I wonder if folks who have a sour attitude when things are normal continue to have the same type of attitude when things go south. We were waiting at gate C20 at O’Hare so I started visiting with Jun Li. She was a sweet, happy, pretty gal (i.e. age 25) studying for her PhD in Penn U and traveling to see her boyfriend in Ames who is studying engineering. I asked her about this happy stuff and grouchy stuff. She seems to agree that attitude is very important. I told her that when we visited China, I observed that many Chinese don’t seem very happy. She agreed. I said I think it’s because they have no Hope (i.e. don’t believe in God). She seemed to agree to some degree but said it also has a lot to do with not having any hope to improve their life. Some happiness also has to do with social financial class. I asked her what she liked best about America—freedom (i.e. decide what she wants to do—like do stuff from her heart not just for the money—she wanted to study dance but her parents insisted she study science and math as that is where the money is—hope ). Her favorite food is probably Subway!). We talked about some personal stuff about what she thinks. It was a most invigorating conversation. I really liked her. She said her parents came to see her and they wanted to take some American souvenirs back—most of the stuff was made in China! When we said our good byes, I asked her if I could give her a hug—she said I could so I gave her a hug. There are a lot of good folks all over the world folks. I think she will do well in life. On the plane to London I sat next to gal from Poland (i.e. age 35 who spoke poor English). She didn’t seem very happy. After about 6.5 hours I asked her if she had children. She got a smile on her face and said two. I asked her if she had a picture of them—of course she did and now was my friend (i.e. everyone loves their children and grandchildren). I asked her if she was a happy person—she gave me this shaky hand movement which means so so! Such is life.

Joesixpack says—some things are worth taking the time for! I enjoyed London more than I thought—I really enjoyed it! Positivo. The Queen said—It takes a lot of money to live the life that I do but I enjoy it a lot—I have the life of Riley. I think I’m giving the Queen a run for her money. There are a lot of old buildings here all right with a lot of history. We toured the Westminster Abbey—pretty old—pretty elaborate—much history—not all about God in there either folks, much to do with money. Positivo! MyHistoricalBrother-In-Law (i.e. not hysterical) said that the king took over the religion in England for two reasons—money and he couldn’t get a divorce with Rome in charge! Everyone of our little group went to the London Tower but I wasn’t interested so I went walking by the Thames River, The London Eye, Parliament, and Big Ben etc. I sat about an hour sitting overlooking the above by Westminster Bridge. I think folks on vacation (i.e. holiday) are happier—make no bones about it, I also think Europeans are thinner ‘cause they eat less and exercise more (i.e. a-ha! no big surprise there folks, that will do it all right—Positivo). I walked a long ways but enjoyed it immensely (i.e. got tired on the way back so I laid down in Hyde Park and took a nap—many folks in the park doing lots of things). I almost got killed once—only once (i.e. not bad)—ya gotta look to your right crossing the streets as the cars drive on the opposite side—a lady almost hit me in her BMW, she gave me this wiggly hand motion which LoadMiller says means – you dumb…! She was not happy. I was as I didn’t get hit.

I read this while waiting for Arlene to get ready eating a muffin and coffee—So here’s a simple suggestion that is guaranteed to bring you happiness: fill your heart with God’s love, God’s promises, and God’s Son…and when you do so, leave no room for envy, hatred, bitterness, or regret. I can’t compare my enjoyment in London with your enjoyment you have this day ‘cause I don’t know how happy you are. I hope you are as happy as me. I only can compare my happiness with Riley! Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


KR’s thought of the day—You have the right to less than perfect!
TheProfessor’sPithySaying—A wasted mind results in a premature death.

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