We just got back from the Insight bowl between IA and OK.
I hope you didn't over indulge with eating or/and drinking over the holidays. LuckieEddie says--My bother-in-law GoofyTed is even more obnoxious when he over drinks. ItchieBitchie a.k.a. theol'rosterwhohaslosthistailfeathers was sooooo proud of himself. He was at a holiday party and drank toooooo much and was impaired (i.e. drunk). Being a responsible person, he took a bus home. His wife, PaintedUpMildred, (i.e. who use to be the #1PartyAnimalinherday and now is just a paintedupol'hen) was soooo proud of him tooooo. He told her, it was really quite an experience. I never drove a bus before!
Another year older we are. Sometimes that's good. AverageJoe says--As we get older we can do certain things and we can do certain things better (i.e. age helps us here). But another year older also makes some thing harder for us to do (i.e. hinders our ability). I read it in the paper so it must be right--"Believe me, you don't want to see me hit a shot," Jack Nicklaus joked. "People have always said they want to play like I do. Now they can." Here in the Valley, I see old timers who use to be good at different hobbies but now struggle to do it at the same level of accomplishment that they once did. It's life I guess. Recently Arlene went outside our condo and our neighbor (i.e. maybe middle 80s) was up on the roof and couldn't get down (i.e. it didn't use to be a problem). She said she would get some help for him. As she was going into the condo, the fire truck arrived and helped him get down. Things change folks. I was sitting in the sun in front of our condo reading and a neighbor came over to talk. I asked him how his knees are doing--not really very good; I had three surgeries on this one; if I would have known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself! Such is life.
Oh a new year (i.e. sorta kinda a new beginning). I see folks who have an inner passion. They excite me. They do stuff not for attention but 'cause it gives them a good feeling. They don't try to please others but please themselves by doing what is right. They get an internal "good feeling". They have an internal constant of giving and serving. To some of you this sounds crazy (i.e. not doing it for attention). But visiting with these confident folks, I sense they have a sense of wisdom. This mentality is very self-gratifying, fulfilling, and they are blessed (i.e. blessed to be a blessing). Soooooooo folks, here is my suggestion for 2012. Do something like that. Be innovative, creative, and exciting (i.e. maybe something you have never done but always wanted). Do it without any recognition. Do it to or for someone who can't repay you. Do it 'cause you want to do it and I think you will find it most rewarding (i.e. an inner satisfaction).
I would really encourage you to go to church regularly in 2012. MissPerfect says--The #1 reason why folks don't go to church is 'cuase it boring! Ya, some churches are boring. Find one that isn't. There is a massive huge difference in churches. ANYWAY that is what we found out. The #2 reason why folks don't go to church is 'cause--They see folks who go to church (i.e. some might even be Christians) who are not perfect. And you know what, there are folks like that. In fact most or all (i.e. including me) are that way 'cause we are all human. Ya need to over look that deficiency. Ya need to look past the package and see the gift. You aren't perfect either even if you think you are. You are missing soooooooo much by not being involved in a church (i.e. missing a great opportunity). Again, find a church that you like (i.e. that fits you and your family). Please try! Don't be a Chri-ster (i.e. those who only go on Christmas and Easter). And don't be obnoxious, arrogant, or conceited by not trying. Joesixpack says--1/5 of the people are against everything all the time!
SusieQ says--I would guess a lot of you went to church either Christmas Eve and/or Christmas morning. Some of your probably said--Oh God, thank you for sending your Son to this earth for me. Tomorrow some of you will go to church after parting New Years Eve and say OH GOD!
Oh ya, God doesn't win football games--Tebow says. Tebow also says--It's not Tebow Time but Bronco Time (i.e. he directs the attention away from him). I heard a sports announcer say during the half time of the Sunday night game--Tebow's faith has qualities that are very attractive and add to the chances of winning. It says in the Denver Post (i.e. so it must be right)--Tebow has penchant for doing good things a.k.a. insprational game changer. Soooooooo I really think (i.e. my opinion) that folks who have faith in Jesus (i.e. enriched by going to church) have a different temperament and have a better chance of succeeding in what's important. I really do. I sat next to Charlie (i.e. a die-hard Suns fan) on our flight from Phoenix to Denver. Charlie told me that attitude is what makes things work; a positive attitude is a must and it's contagious. Charlie (i.e. age 25) had a Suns cap on (i.e. straight bill and cocked to the side). He also had an old sweatshirt on and baggy shorts, black Nike socks and an old pair of sneakers. He had a straggly beard and hair to match (i.e. stylish in our culture). We had a great time together. I think this young man will do well--why you ask--'cause of his attitude. GerogeTheCrook says--I don't believe what you're saying and I don't like Tebow at all 'cause I don't have faith in God and don't like to hear anything about such things; it's all a lot of gobbledygook and yada yada to me. Sorry GeorgeTheCrook, but I think you are really missing the boat. Such is life. But some of you still think I'm an idiot! erv, who some of you think is an idiot, says--#1 You cannot stick your tongue out and look up at the ceiling at the same time, a physical impossibility due to the tendons within your neck.
We were getting close to the run way when the captain said--This is your captain speaking--Give your seat belt a tug, your neighbor a huge as this Booing is going! Talk about attitude! I feel like Southwest Airlines is a friend. They portray this sense through their employees, how they do things and even how they make announcements. I really think that attitude can be taught. What do you think? They just make things as pleasant as possible. We went to the Christmas show of the Duttons here in the Valley of the Sun (i.e. some of you might have seen them in Branson). ANYWAY all the performers make you fell like they are your friends or family (i.e. just make you feel good--like your a favorite ol' sweatshirt) except one. She seems to try but doesn't seem to have the charisma--it seems fake to me (i.e. she seems robotic to me). I think (i.e. my opinion) that you can go to a party and sense it sooooo easy in certain hosts and hostesses. Some folks just have this and give you this feeling. The church we have been attending, has a pastor who has this (i.e. everyone seems to just like him when he talks). Not all pastors have this quality. Joesixpack says--If you don't have it it's hard to obtain (i.e. although I think a person can get better at it by working at it--but it might be a natural gift--such folks are genuine and just plain inviting--not stiff and artificial or canned--they are themselves and refreshing). Do you know what I'm talking about? Back to Southwest Airlines--On their Styrofoam coffee cup it says--Southwest Airlines proudly donates to the Guatemala light project, Drink our coffee and LIFT others! Drink coffee, give light! A cup above the rest! That makes me feel oh soooo good! Such is life.
It's really good to get Christmas cards from folks, especially some from folks who you don't communicate with during the year. They bring back such good memories, fun memories of years gone by, memories that will always remain, memories that are soooooo precious. They remind us of good times or something we did with them that just plain makes ya feel good. CadillacJack says--I think of you erv when I pluck my nose hairs? What am I suppose to make of that? At least she thinks of me! Such is life
WildWillie says--Be the kind of person in 2012 that, when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says "Oh Crap, He/She's up!" I'm playing pickle ball at another park. The leader of pickle ball and I were talking. He really likes the park they are in. The park is fun and laid back. The reason being is that we have a lot of activities all led by volunteers. Many parks don't have that--it takes folks to volunteer to make it great, Huh, interesting. Isn't that pretty much the same in our churches and communities and families?
Joesixpack says--Many successful and great folks live their lives in pretty much anonymity (i.e. pretty humble). They just "walkintheirpurpose" and don't want to be on the Champion's Pedestal. I got news about a good friend that something really good happened to him (i.e. a good guy wins--There is something special about this guy--he sorta kinda wears a cape in my eyes--his demeanor is that he never gets to high and never gets tooooo low). We talked to his wife and she said he is soooooo humble about it but it is really a big deal. He just won't talk about it much. Humility! My Daddy, Chester, would say to me--erv, if you are good, you don't have to tell folks about it; they can see and know it. That's just the opposite with DuaneTheWorm. He is constantly telling folks how great he is. He reminds me of mucus and snot! Happenstance, na I don't think sooooooo folks. Many in our church have read the whole Bible in 2011. I read the New Testament. ANYWAY I was reading my assigned chapters and read this--Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus. It was underlined and a line drawn to the caption written on the top which was written by this good friend who I'm writing about. Caption said--My favorite verse...PK 2004. Huh, interesting.
In looking at folks who I think are successful, it seems they all are pretty humble, are confident and have a solid foundation. Many who stumble seem to not handle their power, fame or money very well. Just look around in your community and in the world. It seems very obvious. For many, it appears that it is hard to remain a good person. It appears that when money, power and fame comes their way, trouble is right around the corner (i.e. they get tooooo big for their britches--they screw up--they think they are above the law). There are a few good ones that do well though folks. And some of those few good ones are you. That is why I like to be around you. I like real folks (i.e. folks with massive huge good hearts). Very few folks can handle success. Very few. Most make a mess out of it. MissPerfect says--When I get a massive huge ego, I always get humbled; you would think I would learn! The AZ Republic Paper has a chuckle and a prayer in their newspaper every day. I think that is interesting. ANYWAY the prayer the other day was--Lord, in periods of abundance, help us to become humble and quietly accept good fortunate.
Arlene and I went to the movie Seven Days in Utopia before Christmas (i.e. $1 Tuesday on a rainy day here in the Valley).. It's about golf and faith in God. I suggest you go and see it or soon rent the DVD. Here is the web site to see if he made the putt at the end of the movie to be the champion. It's pretty good; it's about just what I'm writing about. http://www.didhemaketheputt.com/ .
I was walking to the hot tube the other night after a day of pickle ball, biking and hiking (i.e. I have the life of Riley). ANYWAY a gal backs out and on her car she has a bumper sticker that was confusing to me. I asked her what it meant. She said it was a "coexist" sticker. Soooooo what's coexist mean. Soooooo she gave me her explanation (i.e. her opinion). Sooooooooo look at this web site http://www.enochmagazine.com/articles/general/the-coexist-bumper-sticker and see what you think. This is one person's opinion. I might have a different opinion and you might have still another opinion and the reality is maybe none of those opinions are right but are just that--opinions. Coexist! Huh, that's interesting. MissPerfect asks--I wonder if the Shiites and the Sunnis got that email!!!
#2. All idiots, after reading #1 will try it. #3. And discover #1 is a lie. #4. You are smiling now because you are an idiot.
Soooooooo in 2012, aspire to inspire before you expire! LuckieEddie says--Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul! Sooooooo suck it up cupcake and let's get going! We need to press on! We're burning daylight here! I was getting little Erin out of her car seat during our visit to CO at Christmas; I said to her--Let's get going, we're burning daylight here. As I was carrying her to the restaurant, she said to me--Grandpa, it's not daylight, the stars are out! Erin and I made my Mom, Anna's old fashion green/red/coolwhip jello dish (i.e. Erin called it our project). It was sooooooo much fun. Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The best vision is not foresight or hindsight, but insight.
December 31, 2011
December 24, 2011
Dear Friends and Family
When we think of Christmas, we think of--Away in a manger, no room for a bed but little Lord Jesus lay down your sweet head!
Merry Christmas from the desert. We are in CO with part of our family. Heather has their home decorated soooo festive in the Christmas Spirit. And she made her Daddy some of his favorite Christmas treats! Morrison greeted us with about 15 inches of snow Thursday so it will be a very white Christmas here. It feels oh sooooo good. We will be flying back to AZ tomorrow evening.
At Christmas, we can walk away, turn away, be carried away, go away, ship away, take away, waste away, be swept away, sent away, run away, move away, put away, or back away of The Real Christmas story. Christmas question—What are your plans with the Real Christmas Story?
Thanksamillion for being our friends. You are very special to us. Thanks again.
Erv and Arlene
When we think of Christmas, we think of--Away in a manger, no room for a bed but little Lord Jesus lay down your sweet head!
Merry Christmas from the desert. We are in CO with part of our family. Heather has their home decorated soooo festive in the Christmas Spirit. And she made her Daddy some of his favorite Christmas treats! Morrison greeted us with about 15 inches of snow Thursday so it will be a very white Christmas here. It feels oh sooooo good. We will be flying back to AZ tomorrow evening.
At Christmas, we can walk away, turn away, be carried away, go away, ship away, take away, waste away, be swept away, sent away, run away, move away, put away, or back away of The Real Christmas story. Christmas question—What are your plans with the Real Christmas Story?
Thanksamillion for being our friends. You are very special to us. Thanks again.
Erv and Arlene
December 17, 2011
We might suffer disappointment when we can’t get something we think we need and really want (i.e. maybe a certain Christmas present). And while that is natural, it’s also an opportunity for us to ask: “What am I really living for?” Now that is a tough question to answer.
Have you noticed that there are a lot of "stars" at Christmas time. Both lighted stars and people stars. Sooooo why do folks put lighted stars on top of grain elevators (i.e. in IA), towers, businesses, buildings, houses, poles etc? Soooo what are they saying by hanging a star up high? Why do we put a star on top of the Christmas tree?
Joesixpack asks--erv, what century are you living in anyway--did you forget? My mentor said--When I was a kid, I got only one gift for Christmas and one year I got none. I always remember getting a couple of Christmas presents. How the culture has changed. Wow! WildWillie says it this way--"Hey Dad," one of my kids asked the other day, "What was your favorite fast food when you were growing up?" We didn't have fast food when I was growing up,"' I told him. "All the food was slow." "C'mon, seriously. Where did you eat?" "It was a place called 'at home,'" I explained. "Grandma cooked every day and when Grandpa got home from work, we sat down together at the dining room table, and if I didn't like what she put on my plate I was allowed to sit there until I did like it." Get with it erv, it ain't 1930 any more! It's 2011 and we have 6 different credit cards and a smart phone. Get with it!
GeorgeTheCrook says--The big difference I see is this – in the legend of Santa Claus coming to town, the gift you get from Santa depends on how good you have been. The gift Christ gave us on the cross acknowledges He is good, and we, who cannot be good due to our sinful nature, need Him. Santa brings gifts as a reward of merit; Jesus Christ brings Himself by grace as a ransom for many. Santa’s gifts are material, but the gift Christ brings is eternal. Saturday question: Who will you receive tonight? Santa or Christ or both? SusieQ says--Don't forget who the "Star" at Christmas is!
Do you hear what I hear? Maybe not! MissPerfect says--Indulge in the season--Celebrate the season's cravings. Buy them something sweet--they love it! Buy junk to add to their existing junk--they love it. Spice up Christmas; sugar coat it--they love it. up. Load up the sliegh--Ring it up (i.e. ring ring ring jingle jingle jingle). It's only money which causes money storms later but hey, it's all about having a good time today. Christmas comes once a year----soooooo splurge, eat and be happy; spend some money! Deliver the goodies! Stuff those stocking plump full of everything (i.e. Makin'SpiritsBright). Christmas is captivating to many soooooo get on the train and spend some money. Be a star! This is what you hear from the commercial side of Christmas
Holy Frankincense! Can you imagine Christmas without Jesus? Can you imagine being a Shepard out in the field that night? Can you imagine being Mary or Joseph or a wise man or scared King Herod. Can you imagine seeing the Christmas Star while out in the field? Can you imagine seeing an angel and hearing what it had to say? Can you imagine seeing a host of angels? Can you imagine not feeling the birth of Jesus on Christmas or believing what Jesus did for you and me but just celebrating a commercial Christmas?
There are stars at Christmas and then there are stars at Christmas. LuckieEddie says--As you work on your shopping list this year, brainstorm of ways you could give gifts of your presence. The gifts you give that are “packaged with skin” most reflect God’s gift of Jesus. Soooooo be a star. We went to a Christmas concert recently with our neighbors. It was at a local church (i.e. very nice). ANYWAY their tradition is to invite signers to come up for the last song and sing it together--The Hallelujah Chorus. Arlene and Judy went up to sing. Judy said--Now that made my Christmas.
Did you know that folks really don't like to receive Christmas gifts that they need (i.e. underwear and socks). Or fruit cakes. 47% of fruitcakes are thrown away, 11% are regifted soooo if you add those two figures together it equals 58% of fruitcakes are never used. Did you know that a fruit cake keeps for 25 years! Do you know that 1 of 5 gifts are thrown away, given to Good Will or never used. That's 20 % folks. That 20% is equivalent to $2,500,000,000 each Christmas. This is what the pastor said Sunday at Church. Ouchy ouchy! And you think you're such a star picking out "justtherightgift"! Huh!
Hey kids, look at the deer. Or, The shitter is full. Soooooo movie buffs, what movie is that from. It's my favorite Christmas movie. It just makes me laugh. It's a ***** movie to me! It's soooooo funny but yet sooooooo real. It pokes fun of us as we really are (i.e. sometimes).
This is about the Star of Christmas. It's done in a modern version (i.e. it's digital Steve). I think you will like it. I did. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkHNNPM7pJA
Be a star this Christmas and all your life--Remember, to give a warm hug to those close to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart freely. Say, "I love you" to your loved ones, but most of all mean it. Hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there. Give time to love, time to share the precious thoughts in your mind and remember to forgive no matter how bad the hurt. While eating my oatmeal with a half banana on it, I read this what Paul said--Make the most of every opportunity. Now that is being a star folks! Oh ya.
I hope your Christmas is a Hallmark Christmas instead of a National Lampoon's Christmas! May all God has done in Christ encourage and fill you with joy this Christmas. I hope you are really a star this Christmas pointing to the real Star of Christmas! God has truly blessed us soooooo we can bless others.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that fits another person.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that fits another person.
December 10, 2011
Are you more of a whywhywhy person or butbutbut person?
I'm not talking about your butt or my butt but just but in general. Every person's butt is different but that's just the way it is. I better just stick with the but situation. Sooooo I'm butting out of the butt side of this discussion and just will be talking about the but stuff. Besides I don't know much about the butt stuff other than what I know about DuaneTheWorm who really is a butt head! DuaneTheWarm might look good at first glance but he's greasy, slippery and slimy.
Sooooooo what is the picture of do you think? If you have been in the Valley during Christmas you might have a better guess? BUT if you haven't, you probably don't have a clue. Well folks, when we look out of our back patio window, across Hole #2 fairway, this is what we see. It's Christmas in the Valley. Our neighbors put lights around their palm trees. Actually, it seems to be some sort of tradition. Now that is different BUT it's rather nice (i.e. Jolly Good idea).
RuthieWithAttitude is something BUT she's the hottest gunslinger in town folks. She is not just any old ham and egg operation folks. She makes folks nervous, stirs the pot and makes folks sweat! She can really throw her weight around. She is something to reckoned with. She is a heavy weight alright. I read this in the paper so it must be right--You see many many really heavy kids (i.e. the paper says sooooo it must be right--1/3 of American kids are over weight and 17% are obese). You also see many heavy young folks and many heavy middle ages folks in our culture BUT you really don't see many really heavy old folks! The AZ Republic says (i.e. sooooooo it must be right)--Americans account for 1/2 of their annual weight gains between Thanksgiving and New Year's. Ouchy ouchy! Check out the solution by stayingyourweight*#^$~+Christmasfatnomorebynoteatingsooooooomuchandexcercisingmore! Joesixpack says--It's a "free" gift? SusieQ asks--Aren't all gifts free? No they aren't SusieQ. Some gifts are driven by purely reciprocation! Don't be driven by reciprocation BUT a "thank you" is always nice! Also, look for opportunities to "give things away"! Thanks yous are like dousing a fire with gasoline!
There is nutten wrong with our little grand kids a.k.a. Heisman winners that a few Christmas presents can't fix. BUT if those presents don't work, there is always ice cream. Grandpa might have the Sword of Damocles over his head giving them all the stuff they want. Hey, we just leave them sooooooo their parents can deal with it. Even though their parents give us a draconian warning not to do that we still do. Isn't that what grandpas and grandmas are for--toooooo spoil them rotten! I think sooooo. It's Christmas! Such is life.
BUT he has everything; what in the world can I give him! I think we have an 'Aw, sh*t going one here folks! We sometimes struggle to come up with gift ideas for the person who “has it all". As you try to find the perfect gift for those on your shopping list, remember the story of Zacchaeus (i.e. the guy who had everything). Jesus gifted Zacchaeus with his presence and with salvation. As a result, Zacchaeus was changed. Perhaps the best gift you could give this year is your presence. When you share your time and your life, God may choose to use the moments you give for salvation and transformation—of others and yourself. The gift of Jesus’ presence leads to salvation and transformation. It’s the perfect gift for those who seem to have it all.
GeorgeTheCrook says--It is the nature of man to revere the man who has the most money. It is the nature of God to revere the man who has the most heart. I'm going to try to be merciful, humble, patient and full of grace this Christmas and the rest of my life. The key word here is try. I won't and can't be that way all the time 'cause I'm human BUT I will try. When I don't get what I want, I can be a different cat. Some folks who don't get the present they want for Christmas can become a different cat tooooooooo. Such is life.
I was getting the oil changed in our car and was talking to the guy ahead of us. He was a fishing guide from ND. I told him that I read about the big oil business in ND. He said it is true--big business. There is more work than employees BUT most potential employees can't pass the drug test! Ouchy ouchy! I read in the paper, sooooooo it must be right, that there is some discussion of having folks pass a drug test to get Social Security and any government aid. BUT it won't probably work (i.e. will be dropped like a rock)--the folks don't want that--they don't want any restrictions for drugs! Such is life.
We went to a couple shopping centers here in the Valley. From my catbird seat, if you've seen one shoppin' center, you've seen a mall! LuckieEddie says--It's an unwritten rule in the mall world that you don't criticize the giver at Christmas no matter how bad the gift is! ItchieBitchie says--Unless the gift is really bad a.k.a. a Doo-Wop!!
Last Sunday afternoon, I went for a hike/run around Usery Mt. and Arlene stayed at the condo and watched Zack and Tiger battle it out. I really had a good time but I think I over did it a little. It's about a 7.5 mile hike and I ran toooooo much of it. I was sore but it was a good sore. You know what I mean. ANYWAY when I got back, I asked Arlene if Zack won. She got emotional. He should have won but he didn't; I'm mad at God for letting Tiger, a jerk (i.e. her opinion), win and not Zack, a good guy (i.e. her opinion); it's not right! I tell you what, she was unhappy. But that's life folks. David is one of my favorite Bible folks. He got mad at God toooooooo but he always said--But you are my God who I will always love and obey. He lamented a lot which is expressed in the Psalms. Then David says after expressing his bewilderment--but I love you God. I like the part of David's life when Saul is trying to kill him (i.e. David just doesn't understand this). Then David has the opportunity to kill Saul when he was sleeping in the cave but he doesn't do it. The picture is supposedly of that cave. We saw it when visiting Israel. I really would have like to hiked up in it but it didn't work out. It would have been special to me as I like that "BUT" story soooooooo well. Sooooooooo are you a whywhywhy person, a butbutbut person or some of each?
It's not all perfect in the Valley. You got to remember that the snowbirds are older folks. And older folks have greater chances of heath concerns and death. That's just the way it is folks. BUT as a friend said to me this week--This day in your life is "your" time soooooo use it and enjoy it. I came back from playing ping pong. I ride my bike to Sun Life and play with the boys there. ANYWAY when I got home, the fire truck pulled up behind me (i.e. paramedics). They went to the lady next door. There was this big truck and 5 guys. She must have pressed her button by accident as they left in 10 minutes. I was going to go putt and chip. I was getting my stuff out of our car when Ken came by, then Paul, then Steve, then Judy and then Joe. Hey listen, everyone has health concerns when we get older. Steve said--I was planning to do a lot of things in my retirement but now I have this bad back. Sooooooo folks, enjoy your day and your life. The paper said (i.e. so it must be right) that the new snowbirds are more eclectic group; they demand new pickle ball courts and upscale condos compared to shuffleboard courts and mobile trailer houses. 30 years ago the snowbirds were a largely monolithic folks BUT now they are a richly diverse group (i.e. not the old stereotype where they lie in the sun and golf--they're on the move and seem to spend money). The Canadians have a lot to do with this activity. Their dollar is now about equal to the U.S dollar in value soooooooo there a lot of them here and they have money. BUT there is a large turn over of condos and golf carts every year (i.e. snowbirds get sick and die).
I have no idea what's your life is like right now. It could be you're very excited, very depressed or somewhere in the middle. BUT I bet we all have something that isn't perfect. Arlene and I went to the movie Dolphin Tale Tuesday night (i.e. buck night but we had to pay $2 more for the 3-D glasses). I really like the last song called Safe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YefGYnyjT0 The line I really like is--How are you gonna live your life. Yes, you and I have a choice how we are gonna live our lives no matter what our situations or circumstances are. Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--God's desire is to win our hearts and allegiance with generosity.
I'm not talking about your butt or my butt but just but in general. Every person's butt is different but that's just the way it is. I better just stick with the but situation. Sooooo I'm butting out of the butt side of this discussion and just will be talking about the but stuff. Besides I don't know much about the butt stuff other than what I know about DuaneTheWorm who really is a butt head! DuaneTheWarm might look good at first glance but he's greasy, slippery and slimy.
Sooooooo what is the picture of do you think? If you have been in the Valley during Christmas you might have a better guess? BUT if you haven't, you probably don't have a clue. Well folks, when we look out of our back patio window, across Hole #2 fairway, this is what we see. It's Christmas in the Valley. Our neighbors put lights around their palm trees. Actually, it seems to be some sort of tradition. Now that is different BUT it's rather nice (i.e. Jolly Good idea).
RuthieWithAttitude is something BUT she's the hottest gunslinger in town folks. She is not just any old ham and egg operation folks. She makes folks nervous, stirs the pot and makes folks sweat! She can really throw her weight around. She is something to reckoned with. She is a heavy weight alright. I read this in the paper so it must be right--You see many many really heavy kids (i.e. the paper says sooooo it must be right--1/3 of American kids are over weight and 17% are obese). You also see many heavy young folks and many heavy middle ages folks in our culture BUT you really don't see many really heavy old folks! The AZ Republic says (i.e. sooooooo it must be right)--Americans account for 1/2 of their annual weight gains between Thanksgiving and New Year's. Ouchy ouchy! Check out the solution by stayingyourweight*#^$~+Christmasfatnomorebynoteatingsooooooomuchandexcercisingmore! Joesixpack says--It's a "free" gift? SusieQ asks--Aren't all gifts free? No they aren't SusieQ. Some gifts are driven by purely reciprocation! Don't be driven by reciprocation BUT a "thank you" is always nice! Also, look for opportunities to "give things away"! Thanks yous are like dousing a fire with gasoline!
There is nutten wrong with our little grand kids a.k.a. Heisman winners that a few Christmas presents can't fix. BUT if those presents don't work, there is always ice cream. Grandpa might have the Sword of Damocles over his head giving them all the stuff they want. Hey, we just leave them sooooooo their parents can deal with it. Even though their parents give us a draconian warning not to do that we still do. Isn't that what grandpas and grandmas are for--toooooo spoil them rotten! I think sooooo. It's Christmas! Such is life.
BUT he has everything; what in the world can I give him! I think we have an 'Aw, sh*t going one here folks! We sometimes struggle to come up with gift ideas for the person who “has it all". As you try to find the perfect gift for those on your shopping list, remember the story of Zacchaeus (i.e. the guy who had everything). Jesus gifted Zacchaeus with his presence and with salvation. As a result, Zacchaeus was changed. Perhaps the best gift you could give this year is your presence. When you share your time and your life, God may choose to use the moments you give for salvation and transformation—of others and yourself. The gift of Jesus’ presence leads to salvation and transformation. It’s the perfect gift for those who seem to have it all.
GeorgeTheCrook says--It is the nature of man to revere the man who has the most money. It is the nature of God to revere the man who has the most heart. I'm going to try to be merciful, humble, patient and full of grace this Christmas and the rest of my life. The key word here is try. I won't and can't be that way all the time 'cause I'm human BUT I will try. When I don't get what I want, I can be a different cat. Some folks who don't get the present they want for Christmas can become a different cat tooooooooo. Such is life.
I was getting the oil changed in our car and was talking to the guy ahead of us. He was a fishing guide from ND. I told him that I read about the big oil business in ND. He said it is true--big business. There is more work than employees BUT most potential employees can't pass the drug test! Ouchy ouchy! I read in the paper, sooooooo it must be right, that there is some discussion of having folks pass a drug test to get Social Security and any government aid. BUT it won't probably work (i.e. will be dropped like a rock)--the folks don't want that--they don't want any restrictions for drugs! Such is life.
We went to a couple shopping centers here in the Valley. From my catbird seat, if you've seen one shoppin' center, you've seen a mall! LuckieEddie says--It's an unwritten rule in the mall world that you don't criticize the giver at Christmas no matter how bad the gift is! ItchieBitchie says--Unless the gift is really bad a.k.a. a Doo-Wop!!
Last Sunday afternoon, I went for a hike/run around Usery Mt. and Arlene stayed at the condo and watched Zack and Tiger battle it out. I really had a good time but I think I over did it a little. It's about a 7.5 mile hike and I ran toooooo much of it. I was sore but it was a good sore. You know what I mean. ANYWAY when I got back, I asked Arlene if Zack won. She got emotional. He should have won but he didn't; I'm mad at God for letting Tiger, a jerk (i.e. her opinion), win and not Zack, a good guy (i.e. her opinion); it's not right! I tell you what, she was unhappy. But that's life folks. David is one of my favorite Bible folks. He got mad at God toooooooo but he always said--But you are my God who I will always love and obey. He lamented a lot which is expressed in the Psalms. Then David says after expressing his bewilderment--but I love you God. I like the part of David's life when Saul is trying to kill him (i.e. David just doesn't understand this). Then David has the opportunity to kill Saul when he was sleeping in the cave but he doesn't do it. The picture is supposedly of that cave. We saw it when visiting Israel. I really would have like to hiked up in it but it didn't work out. It would have been special to me as I like that "BUT" story soooooooo well. Sooooooooo are you a whywhywhy person, a butbutbut person or some of each?
It's not all perfect in the Valley. You got to remember that the snowbirds are older folks. And older folks have greater chances of heath concerns and death. That's just the way it is folks. BUT as a friend said to me this week--This day in your life is "your" time soooooo use it and enjoy it. I came back from playing ping pong. I ride my bike to Sun Life and play with the boys there. ANYWAY when I got home, the fire truck pulled up behind me (i.e. paramedics). They went to the lady next door. There was this big truck and 5 guys. She must have pressed her button by accident as they left in 10 minutes. I was going to go putt and chip. I was getting my stuff out of our car when Ken came by, then Paul, then Steve, then Judy and then Joe. Hey listen, everyone has health concerns when we get older. Steve said--I was planning to do a lot of things in my retirement but now I have this bad back. Sooooooo folks, enjoy your day and your life. The paper said (i.e. so it must be right) that the new snowbirds are more eclectic group; they demand new pickle ball courts and upscale condos compared to shuffleboard courts and mobile trailer houses. 30 years ago the snowbirds were a largely monolithic folks BUT now they are a richly diverse group (i.e. not the old stereotype where they lie in the sun and golf--they're on the move and seem to spend money). The Canadians have a lot to do with this activity. Their dollar is now about equal to the U.S dollar in value soooooooo there a lot of them here and they have money. BUT there is a large turn over of condos and golf carts every year (i.e. snowbirds get sick and die).
I have no idea what's your life is like right now. It could be you're very excited, very depressed or somewhere in the middle. BUT I bet we all have something that isn't perfect. Arlene and I went to the movie Dolphin Tale Tuesday night (i.e. buck night but we had to pay $2 more for the 3-D glasses). I really like the last song called Safe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YefGYnyjT0 The line I really like is--How are you gonna live your life. Yes, you and I have a choice how we are gonna live our lives no matter what our situations or circumstances are. Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--God's desire is to win our hearts and allegiance with generosity.
December 3, 2011
HO-HO-HO! And not Ho-HO-HUM! Don't have such high expectations about this "It's Saturday". It just like Christmas, if your expectations aren't soooooo high, then you won't be disappointed. Joesixpack says--Christmas Expectations are many times different than Christmas Realities. It seems like everyone has expectations for Christmas. Some of these expectations are realistic, many are not. Kids and lots of adults are expecting – presents. Sometimes they are expecting something that is just never going to happen. One child put on her list that she wanted a chimpanzee. Not gonna' happen! One woman staying at a shelter was adopted by a church for Christmas. She put on her Christmas list: bath towels, wash cloths and a karaoke machine. Not gonna' happen! Many families are expecting family unity, reconciliation and behavioral change. May happen, but probably not. CadillacJack says--If you don’t get what you want for Christmas, you shouldn’t be all up set. It ain’t your birthday anyway! SusieQ says--Being Santa "big responsibility"!
LuckieEddie says--A picture is worth a thousand words. ItchieBitchie says--You really have to be careful with how you word your emails/Christmas cards as the readers don't not have the opportunity to see your facial expressions, body language, etc to know if you are joking around or not. It's sorta kinda like when we were in CO last week. Heather had on Easton the little outfit we gave him. Heather says--I can smell Von Maur when I put it on him! What! You believe that? SusieQ says--We believe what's convenient to believe and believe what fits our own thoughts! You think sooooooo? Personally, I think some gals can smell Von Maur. And you know what, Heather might be one of those gals! HO-HO-HO! ByTheWay--I think I already got my Christmas present--How can that not just melt Grandpa erv's heart. That's good enough for me. The picture says it all. No faking it there folks. They really like to look at pictures that I take of them through the years. That is what we are looking at. Such is life.
I realize that what I write, many times might bore you (i.e. HO-HO-HUM!). Some times what's important to me is not important to you. Sometimes you misinterpret me, sometimes you don't really understand what I'm trying to express, sometimes you just plain disagree with me, sometimes you don't want to hear what I'm saying, sometimes you are in a bad mood, sometimes you don't want to face reality, sometimes you are tooooo busy with your own thoughts, sometimes you think I'm crazy and sometimes you have no idea what you think. I understand. For the times you do read "It's Saturday", I appreciate you reading it and am always open to comments and suggestions a.k.a. Christmas presents to me. Such is life.
Sometimes we read toooooo much between the lines. It happens folks. The average college graduate does not read one serious book a year (i.e. HO-HO-HUM!). If you read one book a week you will be considered over the years one of the greatest thinkers of your generation. If you read one hour a day on any given subject you will be considered an expert on that subject in five years." ~Dr. David L. Baldwin from the course The Theology of Serving~
Dr. Rick Warren says--Keep your character by treating everybody like an angel. “Never…refuse to extend your hospitality…sometimes men have entertained angels unawares” (Hebrews 13:2). You never know who will end up being your boss. There is a saying that we should be careful who we step on as we climb up the corporate ladder – they might pass us on our way back down! Never fret when people that use others get ahead, because they usually end up losing their head. “I once knew a wicked man who was like a tyrant; he towered over everyone…but later I passed by, and he wasn’t there; I looked for him, but couldn’t find him.” HO-HO-HO!
Before we left for AZ, I had the opportunity to read test questions to four 6th graders for the Iowa Assessment Test (i.e. a few who have a hard time reading). These tests are hard for them sooooooo many times they just guess at the answers (i.e. I remember doing that). By doing this, it doesn't take very long to do the tests sometimes. I have to sit with them for the rest of the test period. Sooooooo one day I brought along our old connect four game and we played a double elimination tournament. They liked it. It was really fun to see how some were sooooo much more competitive that others. It gave me a great opportunity to talk about being a gracious winner and not a sore looser (i.e. what's humility). We played for the championship and for the cellar (i.e. one kid didn't know what the cellar was). When playing for the championship, one of the guys said--this if for life or death! I asked them if they could keep secrets--they said--ya somewhat. Now that is a classic! Such is life.
Put me in, Coach... I'm ready to play. I heard a sports figure respond to Joe Paterno's situation this way--In the culture of a 84 year old person, many things were done differently than they are in our culture today. Think about that folks. What was an acceptable way of handling something years ago, might not be acceptable today. LuckieEddie says--There is not easy off ramp on this one folks. I asked about how the troubled Country Club is going here at the Fountain of the Sun. Our RE gal told use--It won't change until they go broke (i.e. the old culture of the old folks ain't going to work in our current culture). I wonder if that applies to our churches and church denominations? What do you think?
I was reminded a while back by a neighbor. She took a elderly gal from our community shopping. That was very nice of her especially as my neighbor said--she doesn't have one friend. Now that's a HO-HO-HO! What if you didn't have one friend? Uhhhhh! That would not be good. I just can't imagine that. Maybe this lady has caused her situation. And maybe because of her mental health this has occurred. Or maybe because of her husband's past has caused this. What ever the deal--What if you didn't have one friend. Ouchy ouchy! Maybe you and I need to show some attention to someone who doesn't have one friend. You think soooooo?!
It's beginning to look like Christmas every where you go! I laugh at the TV ads from Kay and Jerad Jewelers. They try to make a guy think that everything can be fixed by throwing some money at them for some jewelry for HO-HO-HO Christmas. Kay Jewelry ad says--Every kiss begins with Kay! I bet more kisses start with a Budweiser than by Kay. I remember what one of my fishing buddies told me maybe 25 years ago while fishing in Canada. He said--Before we were married my wife wanted to kiss all the time. Then we got married and it's been down hill ever since. I think my fishing buddy either needs to go to Kay's or Joe's Bar. Probably a few Buds would be cheaper! BigBertha says--I'm always a step ahead of Ol'Jake. He can't confuse me likePeggyTheCreditCardGuy does to his customers? I won't fall for the ol' few Buds trick! Such is life.
GeorgeTheCrook says--Ya can't make a jackass a thoroughbred no matter how many times you tell me. He's still a jackass! DuaneTheWorm is full of all kinds of deceit and trickery (i.e. a lot of HO-HO-HUM!). GeorgeTheCrook says--He makes me sweat bullets. Christmas season (i.e. consumerism) uses jealousy as it's best buying trick. And you know what, it works in many cases. The commercial media is designed to make us feel unhappy and dissatisfied with our lives so that we buy whatever the advertisers are trying to sell. Just like folks fall for DuaneTheWorm's tricks and deceit soooooo do many consumers fall for the jealousy trick. Both prey on the weak (i.e. they go duck hunin' where the ducks are). Ya gotta find those suckers! CadillacJack says--I want to remind you that one of the laws of nature is that the stupid usually remove themselves from the gene pool. A financial tip from JoeThe FinancialWizard for Christmas--I heard on the TV that one airline says--Bags fly free! Soooooo if your mother-in-law is flying in for Christmas and she qualifies, make sure you tell her about it! Ouchy ouchy!
We are in Mesa via Bryce National Park and Zion National Park in Southern UT. They were pretty but not as pretty as Arlene! Oh no. From Grand Junction, CO to I-15 (i.e. middle of UT), there is nutten but pretty scenery. That's maybe a couple of hundred miles. There was a stretch of maybe 150 miles that there were only 2 exits and they said "Ranch Exit". But the scenery was pretty--beautiful! When we got on I-15 the speed limit was 80 soooooo I drove about 82. Everyone else was passing my going about 90 or 90+. Such is life. I was reminded that erosion and time can really change the landscape--much like it does to our lives, our values, our morals, our churches, our believes, our families, and our country. HO-HO-HUM!
When we were driving through the little towns out by the National Parks, I was reminded again about expectations. Many of those little towns are in such scenic areas. In those little towns are cute little businesses that are closed, being foreclosed on, boarded up, and just didn't make it. The expectations were probably greater than actual reality. It takes folks with money to make money. There just weren't enough to make the expectation of the original cash flow of dreams. This happens all over America--The business ideas sound oh soooooo good but they just don't generate enough cash. HO-HO-HUM! It says in the paper, so it must be right, that house prices have gone down another 1.2% for the quarter here in the Valley--If you bought a house 5 years ago, it would be worth 50% less or maybe even a lesser amount. Our RE gal said that there is not as much demand for rental units this year. Sooooooo...!
Saturday question--When is the last time you thought about what you think about? Your thoughts can be HO-HO-HO or HO-HO-HUM! AverageJoe says--What you think is what you'll be! Such is life.
"Have we not groveled here long enough, eating and drinking like mere brutes?" ~Walt Whitman~ MissPerfect says--The barbarians are at the gate! It's time to close this week's "It's Saturday". Oh ya!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Nothing is opened more by mistake than the mouth!
I realize that what I write, many times might bore you (i.e. HO-HO-HUM!). Some times what's important to me is not important to you. Sometimes you misinterpret me, sometimes you don't really understand what I'm trying to express, sometimes you just plain disagree with me, sometimes you don't want to hear what I'm saying, sometimes you are in a bad mood, sometimes you don't want to face reality, sometimes you are tooooo busy with your own thoughts, sometimes you think I'm crazy and sometimes you have no idea what you think. I understand. For the times you do read "It's Saturday", I appreciate you reading it and am always open to comments and suggestions a.k.a. Christmas presents to me. Such is life.
Sometimes we read toooooo much between the lines. It happens folks. The average college graduate does not read one serious book a year (i.e. HO-HO-HUM!). If you read one book a week you will be considered over the years one of the greatest thinkers of your generation. If you read one hour a day on any given subject you will be considered an expert on that subject in five years." ~Dr. David L. Baldwin from the course The Theology of Serving~
Dr. Rick Warren says--Keep your character by treating everybody like an angel. “Never…refuse to extend your hospitality…sometimes men have entertained angels unawares” (Hebrews 13:2). You never know who will end up being your boss. There is a saying that we should be careful who we step on as we climb up the corporate ladder – they might pass us on our way back down! Never fret when people that use others get ahead, because they usually end up losing their head. “I once knew a wicked man who was like a tyrant; he towered over everyone…but later I passed by, and he wasn’t there; I looked for him, but couldn’t find him.” HO-HO-HO!
Before we left for AZ, I had the opportunity to read test questions to four 6th graders for the Iowa Assessment Test (i.e. a few who have a hard time reading). These tests are hard for them sooooooo many times they just guess at the answers (i.e. I remember doing that). By doing this, it doesn't take very long to do the tests sometimes. I have to sit with them for the rest of the test period. Sooooooo one day I brought along our old connect four game and we played a double elimination tournament. They liked it. It was really fun to see how some were sooooo much more competitive that others. It gave me a great opportunity to talk about being a gracious winner and not a sore looser (i.e. what's humility). We played for the championship and for the cellar (i.e. one kid didn't know what the cellar was). When playing for the championship, one of the guys said--this if for life or death! I asked them if they could keep secrets--they said--ya somewhat. Now that is a classic! Such is life.
Put me in, Coach... I'm ready to play. I heard a sports figure respond to Joe Paterno's situation this way--In the culture of a 84 year old person, many things were done differently than they are in our culture today. Think about that folks. What was an acceptable way of handling something years ago, might not be acceptable today. LuckieEddie says--There is not easy off ramp on this one folks. I asked about how the troubled Country Club is going here at the Fountain of the Sun. Our RE gal told use--It won't change until they go broke (i.e. the old culture of the old folks ain't going to work in our current culture). I wonder if that applies to our churches and church denominations? What do you think?
I was reminded a while back by a neighbor. She took a elderly gal from our community shopping. That was very nice of her especially as my neighbor said--she doesn't have one friend. Now that's a HO-HO-HO! What if you didn't have one friend? Uhhhhh! That would not be good. I just can't imagine that. Maybe this lady has caused her situation. And maybe because of her mental health this has occurred. Or maybe because of her husband's past has caused this. What ever the deal--What if you didn't have one friend. Ouchy ouchy! Maybe you and I need to show some attention to someone who doesn't have one friend. You think soooooo?!
It's beginning to look like Christmas every where you go! I laugh at the TV ads from Kay and Jerad Jewelers. They try to make a guy think that everything can be fixed by throwing some money at them for some jewelry for HO-HO-HO Christmas. Kay Jewelry ad says--Every kiss begins with Kay! I bet more kisses start with a Budweiser than by Kay. I remember what one of my fishing buddies told me maybe 25 years ago while fishing in Canada. He said--Before we were married my wife wanted to kiss all the time. Then we got married and it's been down hill ever since. I think my fishing buddy either needs to go to Kay's or Joe's Bar. Probably a few Buds would be cheaper! BigBertha says--I'm always a step ahead of Ol'Jake. He can't confuse me likePeggyTheCreditCardGuy does to his customers? I won't fall for the ol' few Buds trick! Such is life.
GeorgeTheCrook says--Ya can't make a jackass a thoroughbred no matter how many times you tell me. He's still a jackass! DuaneTheWorm is full of all kinds of deceit and trickery (i.e. a lot of HO-HO-HUM!). GeorgeTheCrook says--He makes me sweat bullets. Christmas season (i.e. consumerism) uses jealousy as it's best buying trick. And you know what, it works in many cases. The commercial media is designed to make us feel unhappy and dissatisfied with our lives so that we buy whatever the advertisers are trying to sell. Just like folks fall for DuaneTheWorm's tricks and deceit soooooo do many consumers fall for the jealousy trick. Both prey on the weak (i.e. they go duck hunin' where the ducks are). Ya gotta find those suckers! CadillacJack says--I want to remind you that one of the laws of nature is that the stupid usually remove themselves from the gene pool. A financial tip from JoeThe FinancialWizard for Christmas--I heard on the TV that one airline says--Bags fly free! Soooooo if your mother-in-law is flying in for Christmas and she qualifies, make sure you tell her about it! Ouchy ouchy!
We are in Mesa via Bryce National Park and Zion National Park in Southern UT. They were pretty but not as pretty as Arlene! Oh no. From Grand Junction, CO to I-15 (i.e. middle of UT), there is nutten but pretty scenery. That's maybe a couple of hundred miles. There was a stretch of maybe 150 miles that there were only 2 exits and they said "Ranch Exit". But the scenery was pretty--beautiful! When we got on I-15 the speed limit was 80 soooooo I drove about 82. Everyone else was passing my going about 90 or 90+. Such is life. I was reminded that erosion and time can really change the landscape--much like it does to our lives, our values, our morals, our churches, our believes, our families, and our country. HO-HO-HUM!
When we were driving through the little towns out by the National Parks, I was reminded again about expectations. Many of those little towns are in such scenic areas. In those little towns are cute little businesses that are closed, being foreclosed on, boarded up, and just didn't make it. The expectations were probably greater than actual reality. It takes folks with money to make money. There just weren't enough to make the expectation of the original cash flow of dreams. This happens all over America--The business ideas sound oh soooooo good but they just don't generate enough cash. HO-HO-HUM! It says in the paper, so it must be right, that house prices have gone down another 1.2% for the quarter here in the Valley--If you bought a house 5 years ago, it would be worth 50% less or maybe even a lesser amount. Our RE gal said that there is not as much demand for rental units this year. Sooooooo...!
Saturday question--When is the last time you thought about what you think about? Your thoughts can be HO-HO-HO or HO-HO-HUM! AverageJoe says--What you think is what you'll be! Such is life.
"Have we not groveled here long enough, eating and drinking like mere brutes?" ~Walt Whitman~ MissPerfect says--The barbarians are at the gate! It's time to close this week's "It's Saturday". Oh ya!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Nothing is opened more by mistake than the mouth!
November 26, 2011
the flow--Thnaksgiving
The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart ~ Benjamin Franklin ~ I must be a fool as I sure ate a lot at our Thanksgiving dinner. Soooooo did you go with the flow at Thanksgiving? I mean did you eat pie? We had a chocolate pie, and a pumpkin pie. Oh! My! Pie! I read in the paper, so it must be right, that 1 in 5 Americans have eaten an entire pie by themselves! Are you one of the 5? I hope I'm thankful for all the blessings I have. I think I am but sometimes it's hard to analyze myself (i.e. typically, folks think they are better than what they are). Surely you understand, don'tja?!
MildredTheWildTurkey says--Let’s be honest: sometimes it’s hard to be thankful because we are self-absorbed. It’s easy to think that our problems are more urgent and serious than other people’s. But serving others is a practical way to become more thankful and less selfish. Reflect: If you find it difficult this year to be thankful, take time off from thinking about yourself. Instead, think of one way to serve those around you. Use it as an act of thanksgiving and praise. SusieQ says--My thankfulness is sorta kinda an ebb and flow!
ItchieBitchie says--Run now, eat later. I'm very thankful for our family. We have had the opportunity to be together here in Morrison, CO (i.e. three grand kids and a dog). Well, I did it. I ran a 5K (i.e. 3.12 miles) Thanksgiving morning at Clement Park in Littleton. The run/walk is called The Clement Park Gobble Wobble. I had the opportunity to run with our family (i.e. James, Chet (i.e. Mable their dog ran with him), Jessica, and I ran while Arlene and Heather walked--Heather is a runner but couldn't run soooooo sooooooon after childbirth). Now that is something that I'm thankful for and it will be a great memory. I guess some of you would think that's going against the flow of most families. Maybe soooooooo and maybe not! Surely you understand my feelings, don'tja!
Runner magazines say you got to get in the flow a.k.a. the grove. I seem to get in the flow but my flooooooow is a slooooooooow flow. Arlene says--erv, you gotta remember your old! What! I'm not old compared to some folks who are 100. LuckieEddie says--When your memories outweigh your dreams, then you are old. I ran my 5k in a time of 34.51. I really don't know if I will be "really" a runner. I'm just a half-ass runner at this point I think. Surely some of you understand. Hey, when I started training, I didn't know if I could run 3.12 miles. Sooooo now I can do it but I think I should run faster. What's gong on anyway erv! And you know what folks--no one really cares except me (i.e. it all goes for naught). TomTheWildGobbler says--erv, take it easy on yourself "you'rejustoneoldbaldturkey", just go with the flow. Relax a little bit! Yabut, the slowest turkey gets his head cut off--usually!!!!! A friend told me to just enjoy the moment and remember it. Another friend said--Remember it's not about the time you get, it's about the time you're having. Enjoy your time with your family. I did not see another runner my age of the approximately 600 folks in the GobbleWobble. I thought one lady who ran by me for a little while was my age. I said to a lady--Not many runners in our age group--she said, how old are you--65--oh, I'm 57 (i.e. ouchy ouchy--never guess a woman's age). I tell you what--it felt good to be able to do it. FYI James--26.45 ~ Chet--28.45 ~ Jessica--33.58
We had a most delightful Thanksgiving dinner late afternoon. It was just plain delicious. James and Heather invited a couple of their couplefriendsandfamiles plus a neighbor who's husband was gone for Thanksgiving. They all brought their favorite dishes. All the 5 adult guests were not native of CO. They were from IL, MD, NY, NJ, and CT. They all came for the Rockies and stayed. JennfromNewEngland brought a creamed onion dish that was really different and good (i.e. I like onions). She said they have that a lot in CT area. I made a couple of my Mom's favorite salads too (i.e. they were good and also made me think of Anna). Their neighbor, IL-Erica age 38, actually ran in the Gobble Wobbly tooooo. Se has been running for about a year and ran her personal best--35.57. She was excited.
Sometimes the flow hits a snag (i.e. like the flow of the river having a ice dam). Those snags make us wonder sometimes. We have the choice to concentrate on the snag or be thankful for all the times the flow goes oh sooooo well. And there will be snags in life, oh ya. Soooooo don't be surprised when they happen. My deceased neighbor (i.e. a guy with a good massive huge heart--a real person) responded to his wife when he was very ill after she asked him, why him--why not me? Soooooo folks, be thankful for all the good that you experience. And there is a lot of good to be thankful for (i.e. my opinion). Maybe some of you think I'm too much of a Pollyanna. While running around Clement Lake on our 5K run there is a sign that says--Pick up your dog's poop, there is no poop fairy. Sooooo maybe we think we deserve a fairy on our side all the time. Such is life.
EasyFlowWilma says--It's easy to go with the flow. You don't cause any ripples, challenges, additional work, change, or advancement. Some folks' flow is very ridged and has a very narrow range (i.e. their interest range is very small). Changing the flow sometimes takes someone to light a fire under the satus quo! Ya need to take a look under the hood to see what's making the flow run! It takes some audacious folks with some mantra to change the flow that has been runnin' for ever! Generally someone comes along who is a bundle of feistiness and has strong notions a.k.a. a renegade or an entrepreneur. When that change in the flow happens, it's like a breadth of fresh air for some and others, it's a pain in the butt. Sometimes it takes a Luther to play the boggy woggy in the strangest kind of way to get the adrenalin going! That Luther can do it folks!
Surely Jesus wasn't a flowmaster now was He. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Then Pilate announced to the chief priests and crowd, "I find no basis for a charge against this man." But they insisted, "He stirs up the people all over Judea by his teaching. He started in Galilee and has come all the way here."...But they kept shouting. Crucify him! Crucify him! Man, he was a real radical alright!
Flow says--Many folks who seem thankful also seem strong and humble and real (i.e. surely you know some of these folks). They don't want their names mentioned. As the saying goes--Fools' names like fools' faces, Are often seen in public places! Joesixpack says--Yabut if you drink enough Coors, you can loose your thankful attitude and become a fool. Talking about drinking Coors, I was going to do the tour of their brewery when we were in Morrison for the birth of Easton. I have done it before but thought it would be fun to do it again. I went to their web site to get information about the tour and it read--No Troublemakers, Fakers, Phonies, or Frauds. Certified Beer Drinkers Only! Well, I not much of a beer drinker sooooo that makes me all of the above! Soooooo instead, I went for a hike on Red Rock Trial (i.e. I did the Morrison Loop) just a little NW of the Red Rock Amphitheatre (i.e. I bet some of you have hiked it). Besides, LuckieEddie says--Love and liquor can make you weak at the knees! Surely some of you can understand that. Such is life.
Surely some of you understand what AverageJoe is saying. AverageJoe says--Sometimes we’re tempted to can the Christian life because it feels unrewarding. Growth seems painfully slow: the same sins tempt us, character flaws depress us, our spiritual life feels stale. We begin to wonder, “What’s the point of it all?” During these spiritual dry spells, thanksgiving is difficult because we feel hopeless and discouraged. One of the first habits of the thankful heart is to remember—to spend time reflecting on the past and the ways in which God has been at work in our lives. LuckieEddie says--One of the best "builderupers-of-the-mind" is to be thankful. Thankful folks are much better off in sooooo many ways. Soooooo train your mind to be THANKFUL even if it is hard. Reflect: How has God changed you and challenged you over this last year? Thank God for the areas in your life that are under construction.
Last Saturday I stopped by a neighbor. She uses my binoculars to look at the thermometer I have in the window of our house each day to see if the heat is on. ANYWAY She was chewing on something. She said--I couldn't get the last half of the bar in the container sooooooo I was eating it. Ya sure! Surely I believe that!!!! Actually another neighbor passed away and she was bringing some food over to the family. She lost her husband this last year and said--Folks really don't understand the emotions of losing a mate until it happens. We probably don't understand the flow of emotions until it happens to us.
Just go with the flow! What movie is this from movie buffs? -- Rumack: I won't deceive you, Mr. Striker. We're running out of time. Ted Striker: Surely there must be something you can do. Rumack: I'm doing everything I can... and stop calling me Shirley! Soooooooo movie buffs, what movie is that from.
MissPerfect says--I hope your Thanksgiving pie eating stays off your thighs and butt!
Have a FUN time my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbor.
MildredTheWildTurkey says--Let’s be honest: sometimes it’s hard to be thankful because we are self-absorbed. It’s easy to think that our problems are more urgent and serious than other people’s. But serving others is a practical way to become more thankful and less selfish. Reflect: If you find it difficult this year to be thankful, take time off from thinking about yourself. Instead, think of one way to serve those around you. Use it as an act of thanksgiving and praise. SusieQ says--My thankfulness is sorta kinda an ebb and flow!
ItchieBitchie says--Run now, eat later. I'm very thankful for our family. We have had the opportunity to be together here in Morrison, CO (i.e. three grand kids and a dog). Well, I did it. I ran a 5K (i.e. 3.12 miles) Thanksgiving morning at Clement Park in Littleton. The run/walk is called The Clement Park Gobble Wobble. I had the opportunity to run with our family (i.e. James, Chet (i.e. Mable their dog ran with him), Jessica, and I ran while Arlene and Heather walked--Heather is a runner but couldn't run soooooo sooooooon after childbirth). Now that is something that I'm thankful for and it will be a great memory. I guess some of you would think that's going against the flow of most families. Maybe soooooooo and maybe not! Surely you understand my feelings, don'tja!
Runner magazines say you got to get in the flow a.k.a. the grove. I seem to get in the flow but my flooooooow is a slooooooooow flow. Arlene says--erv, you gotta remember your old! What! I'm not old compared to some folks who are 100. LuckieEddie says--When your memories outweigh your dreams, then you are old. I ran my 5k in a time of 34.51. I really don't know if I will be "really" a runner. I'm just a half-ass runner at this point I think. Surely some of you understand. Hey, when I started training, I didn't know if I could run 3.12 miles. Sooooo now I can do it but I think I should run faster. What's gong on anyway erv! And you know what folks--no one really cares except me (i.e. it all goes for naught). TomTheWildGobbler says--erv, take it easy on yourself "you'rejustoneoldbaldturkey", just go with the flow. Relax a little bit! Yabut, the slowest turkey gets his head cut off--usually!!!!! A friend told me to just enjoy the moment and remember it. Another friend said--Remember it's not about the time you get, it's about the time you're having. Enjoy your time with your family. I did not see another runner my age of the approximately 600 folks in the GobbleWobble. I thought one lady who ran by me for a little while was my age. I said to a lady--Not many runners in our age group--she said, how old are you--65--oh, I'm 57 (i.e. ouchy ouchy--never guess a woman's age). I tell you what--it felt good to be able to do it. FYI James--26.45 ~ Chet--28.45 ~ Jessica--33.58
We had a most delightful Thanksgiving dinner late afternoon. It was just plain delicious. James and Heather invited a couple of their couplefriendsandfamiles plus a neighbor who's husband was gone for Thanksgiving. They all brought their favorite dishes. All the 5 adult guests were not native of CO. They were from IL, MD, NY, NJ, and CT. They all came for the Rockies and stayed. JennfromNewEngland brought a creamed onion dish that was really different and good (i.e. I like onions). She said they have that a lot in CT area. I made a couple of my Mom's favorite salads too (i.e. they were good and also made me think of Anna). Their neighbor, IL-Erica age 38, actually ran in the Gobble Wobbly tooooo. Se has been running for about a year and ran her personal best--35.57. She was excited.
Sometimes the flow hits a snag (i.e. like the flow of the river having a ice dam). Those snags make us wonder sometimes. We have the choice to concentrate on the snag or be thankful for all the times the flow goes oh sooooo well. And there will be snags in life, oh ya. Soooooo don't be surprised when they happen. My deceased neighbor (i.e. a guy with a good massive huge heart--a real person) responded to his wife when he was very ill after she asked him, why him--why not me? Soooooo folks, be thankful for all the good that you experience. And there is a lot of good to be thankful for (i.e. my opinion). Maybe some of you think I'm too much of a Pollyanna. While running around Clement Lake on our 5K run there is a sign that says--Pick up your dog's poop, there is no poop fairy. Sooooo maybe we think we deserve a fairy on our side all the time. Such is life.
EasyFlowWilma says--It's easy to go with the flow. You don't cause any ripples, challenges, additional work, change, or advancement. Some folks' flow is very ridged and has a very narrow range (i.e. their interest range is very small). Changing the flow sometimes takes someone to light a fire under the satus quo! Ya need to take a look under the hood to see what's making the flow run! It takes some audacious folks with some mantra to change the flow that has been runnin' for ever! Generally someone comes along who is a bundle of feistiness and has strong notions a.k.a. a renegade or an entrepreneur. When that change in the flow happens, it's like a breadth of fresh air for some and others, it's a pain in the butt. Sometimes it takes a Luther to play the boggy woggy in the strangest kind of way to get the adrenalin going! That Luther can do it folks!
Surely Jesus wasn't a flowmaster now was He. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Then Pilate announced to the chief priests and crowd, "I find no basis for a charge against this man." But they insisted, "He stirs up the people all over Judea by his teaching. He started in Galilee and has come all the way here."...But they kept shouting. Crucify him! Crucify him! Man, he was a real radical alright!
Flow says--Many folks who seem thankful also seem strong and humble and real (i.e. surely you know some of these folks). They don't want their names mentioned. As the saying goes--Fools' names like fools' faces, Are often seen in public places! Joesixpack says--Yabut if you drink enough Coors, you can loose your thankful attitude and become a fool. Talking about drinking Coors, I was going to do the tour of their brewery when we were in Morrison for the birth of Easton. I have done it before but thought it would be fun to do it again. I went to their web site to get information about the tour and it read--No Troublemakers, Fakers, Phonies, or Frauds. Certified Beer Drinkers Only! Well, I not much of a beer drinker sooooo that makes me all of the above! Soooooo instead, I went for a hike on Red Rock Trial (i.e. I did the Morrison Loop) just a little NW of the Red Rock Amphitheatre (i.e. I bet some of you have hiked it). Besides, LuckieEddie says--Love and liquor can make you weak at the knees! Surely some of you can understand that. Such is life.
Surely some of you understand what AverageJoe is saying. AverageJoe says--Sometimes we’re tempted to can the Christian life because it feels unrewarding. Growth seems painfully slow: the same sins tempt us, character flaws depress us, our spiritual life feels stale. We begin to wonder, “What’s the point of it all?” During these spiritual dry spells, thanksgiving is difficult because we feel hopeless and discouraged. One of the first habits of the thankful heart is to remember—to spend time reflecting on the past and the ways in which God has been at work in our lives. LuckieEddie says--One of the best "builderupers-of-the-mind" is to be thankful. Thankful folks are much better off in sooooo many ways. Soooooo train your mind to be THANKFUL even if it is hard. Reflect: How has God changed you and challenged you over this last year? Thank God for the areas in your life that are under construction.
Last Saturday I stopped by a neighbor. She uses my binoculars to look at the thermometer I have in the window of our house each day to see if the heat is on. ANYWAY She was chewing on something. She said--I couldn't get the last half of the bar in the container sooooooo I was eating it. Ya sure! Surely I believe that!!!! Actually another neighbor passed away and she was bringing some food over to the family. She lost her husband this last year and said--Folks really don't understand the emotions of losing a mate until it happens. We probably don't understand the flow of emotions until it happens to us.
Just go with the flow! What movie is this from movie buffs? -- Rumack: I won't deceive you, Mr. Striker. We're running out of time. Ted Striker: Surely there must be something you can do. Rumack: I'm doing everything I can... and stop calling me Shirley! Soooooooo movie buffs, what movie is that from.
MissPerfect says--I hope your Thanksgiving pie eating stays off your thighs and butt!
Have a FUN time my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbor.
November 10, 2011
Forks in the road
If you do the things when you need to do them--then someday--you can do the things you want to do when you want to do them. Missperfect says--Take the right forks in the road of life folks. Yogi Berra says--When you come to a fork in the road...Take it! LuckieEddie says--Life is complicated but it's simple! I saw the ad on TV this week for the last race of NASCAR this season. I guess the point standing is very close and this last race will determine the winner. The ad said--Nothing beats "First Place"! Sooooooo there you go, ya gotta take the right fork (i.e. groove in track or be lucky and have the other guy get a flat tire) in the road to be #1 in the point standings folks.
DuaneTheWorm says--I take the forks in the road to make myself look good (i.e. it's important to me). They might not necessarily be the best for others but they are the best for me. It's a diversion from reality. I really don't care much of others; I'm just concerned about myself. Actually folks, DuaneTheWorm affects everyone the same..he makes every one's life worse! And what's worse, guys like that never seems to figure it out. Know what I mean! DuaneTheWorm isn't on the same road as most of you folks who have massive huge hearts (i.e. good real folks). Soooooo we all need to think about the forks in the road that we are about ready to take in life.
Arlene and I have crossed some rough waters together--like oceans it seems at times (i.e. no different than any of you)! We get to choose our attitude about the rough waters. That's sorta kinda like choosing the fork in the road. Life is much more fun/productive when we play like our hair is on fire! My mentor/professor says--The past is the past but what we do in the future is what's important (i.e. in other words, move forward taking the right fork in the road). CadillacJack says--Attitude seems to help with fork selection. What do you think? How is your attitude? Does it need an attitude adjustment? Here is a sure source of adjusting your attitude. EXERCISE! LuckieEddie says--Every one's thinkin' is better when they exercise. It stimulates the mind (i.e. developes a whole different thinkin' process). Soooooo there you go folks. And you know what--It costs you nutten. Now that's a deal!
Sometimes we have outrageous fortune (i.e. good and bad). I don't like it when things don't go my way but I guess things happen that way! Now isn't that the truth. SusieQ says--Many times I call the "end around play" (i.e. a play around end to avoid the mess, congestion, and the masses). Do you ever do that? Sometimes it appears that things just fall in my lap (i.e. both good and bad). I seem to have no control over events and stuff in my life. That's when life gives you no choice! Stuff just happens. It seems like it's just luck. Jean de La Fontaine, a 17th century French poet, believed; Luck is always to blame! GeorgeTheCrook asks--What else does life have in store for me? Funny how life just keeps on changing, huh! Now I'm an old guy all of sudden! Life seems to go sooooo fast. It's real life folks.
He just wrote his third book The Crooked Number. I just finished the book of my favorite author, Nathan Jorgenson. It's about a young MN man who goes to dental school at the U of M who loves baseball, the Twins and comes from a small MN town. It's about family, friends, relationships, feelings, amateur baseball, sadness, fun times using many funny stories and sayings. There is sex and some colorful language in it also sooooooo if that bothers you...! Here is something from the book about forks in our roads--"Grant was thinking about his life the night before his surgery--Nobody knew about him or his problem. And if they knew, they wouldn't care. Not really. Even his best friends would greet the news of his sickness or death with indifference, just like Carol's plane crash. Oh, Grant Thorson died of cancer. That's too bad, they'd say. Then they'd shake their heads in a show of regret, and go on with their lives without him" And here is a phrase on the lighter side from the book--Clark, the obnoxious dental professor that everyone hated, said to Grant when giving him his final grade--"There. You're done at last," Clark sneered. "I'll bet when I die you'll come back and piss on my grave." "Nope," Grant started, then he made a point to stare directly into Clark's eyes. "I took a vow that when I left this place I'd never stand in line again." This would be a great Christmas gift for a guy in your life (i.e. my opinion--but just 'cause I like it, you might not).
So be it! I seem to like to take the fork in the road that many others take. The ones who have esprit de corps! These folks seem to emerge as catalysts for great transformations. I like to hang around with these folks. I guess everyone gets to decide who they want to hang around with (i.e. which fork in the road we want to take). Enthusiasm is infectious but apathy is infectious too. ItchieBitchie seems nonplussed about this--he just doesn't get it folks! Will he ever "getit" do you think? I have have had good things happen to me 'cause of the forks in the road I chose and I have had bad things happen to me 'cause of the forks in the road I chose and I have had some outrageous fortune (i.e. things I have had no control over both good and bad) happened to me. This I do not understand while on this earth. A gal of our support staff at our office some years ago (i.e. a gal with a massive huge good heart) use to say--erv, shit just happens! His understanding I cannot fathom--God is God--And that's just the way it is.
ChancesR you want it your way! But sometimes the fork in the road does not take you that way (i.e. not what we want but what we get). Sometimes it's good to take the road less traveled. Life's like traveling and traveling is like reading a book. St. Augustine once said-- The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. Have you ever taken the wrong fork in the road? Or are you on the wrong fork now? If soooo, turn around immediately--like NOW! The sooner you do the better you will be. You will say--I can just see it now; I should have turned around earlier. Yes I should have. I read this on facebook what a friend wrote--I am aware that I am less than some people prefer me to be but most people are unaware that I am so much more than what they see. Isn't that the truth, we seem not to see sooooooo much good in others and just think they took the wrong fork in the road. Like a friend says--erv, it's none of your business what others do. I think he is saying, erv, you just pay attention to the forks in the road for yourself and don't try to fix others. Another friend says to me about some outrageous fortune that is happening to me--erv, you are a fixer and you can't fix this sooooo it's very hard on you. Maybe he's is right.
MissPerfect says--When we look back at the forks in the our lives that we were forced to take, we say "thankyouGod" for forcing me to take the one I didn't really want to. MissPerfect goes on to say--2004 was a disappointing year for me. I spent countless hours (and $1,500 I could ill afford) applying to graduate schools, only to be rejected. I wondered what good could come from such failure. Years later, it’s clear to me that God used those circumstances to answer prayers I didn’t even know I had. If I hadn’t been rejected by Notre Dame, I wouldn’t have met my husband in California. Soooooooo folks, just think about all the good that has happened to you 'cause you took a certain fork in the road. If you would have taken the other fork, we all wonder about the miserable results that might have happened. Is that luck or happenstance? Na, I don't think sooooooo. For those of you who believe in total predestination, you don't have to worry about anything now do ya!!!!! You don't have to worry about any forks in the road of your life--it's all predestined for you. I must admit, I think we all have decisions in deciding which fork in the road we take (i.e. that's my opinion). I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (i.e. this was in red sooooooo...).
Different forks in the road for different folks. ItchieBitchie asks--Do you hear the Bible stories and parables of Jesus different than the poor folks in the third world countries? How about if you lived 100 A.D or 500 A.D. or 1,000 A.D. or 2011 A.D.? It might be egregious how we interpret them compared to how they were meant to be understood. Sooooooo, maybe my chequered past might have programed me to understand them in a way which someone else might not understand (i.e. 'cause I decided to take a different fork, was forced to take a differnt fork or that fork just happened).
I think I have read all of John Grisham's 27 books (i.e. that's pretty good for a guy who really didn't care to read until he was about 35--took a different fork in the road). I really like his new one The Litigators. I read it in a few sittings (i.e. I read while watching football--multi taskin'). I think it's more refreshing than some of his others--lighter (i.e. down right funny at times). A great read (i.e. my opinion).
Turkeys must even take forks in the road. One of our little grand daughters, Erin, sings this song--Five fat turkeys are we We slept all night in the tree When the cook came around, we couldn't be found And that is why we are here, you see Chop Four fat turkeys are we..... Three fat turkey are we..... Two fat turkeys are we..... One little turkey ran away. Ran away from home today, gobble gobble gobble gobble said he. A thanksgiving turkey I will not be. No sir e.
MissPerfect says--When you do what you did, you get what you got! In some cases, it might be the forks in the road you took that resulted in the place you are today. Soooooooooooo take the right forks folks! Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The prayer of a righteoues man is poewerful and effective.
DuaneTheWorm says--I take the forks in the road to make myself look good (i.e. it's important to me). They might not necessarily be the best for others but they are the best for me. It's a diversion from reality. I really don't care much of others; I'm just concerned about myself. Actually folks, DuaneTheWorm affects everyone the same..he makes every one's life worse! And what's worse, guys like that never seems to figure it out. Know what I mean! DuaneTheWorm isn't on the same road as most of you folks who have massive huge hearts (i.e. good real folks). Soooooo we all need to think about the forks in the road that we are about ready to take in life.
Arlene and I have crossed some rough waters together--like oceans it seems at times (i.e. no different than any of you)! We get to choose our attitude about the rough waters. That's sorta kinda like choosing the fork in the road. Life is much more fun/productive when we play like our hair is on fire! My mentor/professor says--The past is the past but what we do in the future is what's important (i.e. in other words, move forward taking the right fork in the road). CadillacJack says--Attitude seems to help with fork selection. What do you think? How is your attitude? Does it need an attitude adjustment? Here is a sure source of adjusting your attitude. EXERCISE! LuckieEddie says--Every one's thinkin' is better when they exercise. It stimulates the mind (i.e. developes a whole different thinkin' process). Soooooo there you go folks. And you know what--It costs you nutten. Now that's a deal!
Sometimes we have outrageous fortune (i.e. good and bad). I don't like it when things don't go my way but I guess things happen that way! Now isn't that the truth. SusieQ says--Many times I call the "end around play" (i.e. a play around end to avoid the mess, congestion, and the masses). Do you ever do that? Sometimes it appears that things just fall in my lap (i.e. both good and bad). I seem to have no control over events and stuff in my life. That's when life gives you no choice! Stuff just happens. It seems like it's just luck. Jean de La Fontaine, a 17th century French poet, believed; Luck is always to blame! GeorgeTheCrook asks--What else does life have in store for me? Funny how life just keeps on changing, huh! Now I'm an old guy all of sudden! Life seems to go sooooo fast. It's real life folks.
He just wrote his third book The Crooked Number. I just finished the book of my favorite author, Nathan Jorgenson. It's about a young MN man who goes to dental school at the U of M who loves baseball, the Twins and comes from a small MN town. It's about family, friends, relationships, feelings, amateur baseball, sadness, fun times using many funny stories and sayings. There is sex and some colorful language in it also sooooooo if that bothers you...! Here is something from the book about forks in our roads--"Grant was thinking about his life the night before his surgery--Nobody knew about him or his problem. And if they knew, they wouldn't care. Not really. Even his best friends would greet the news of his sickness or death with indifference, just like Carol's plane crash. Oh, Grant Thorson died of cancer. That's too bad, they'd say. Then they'd shake their heads in a show of regret, and go on with their lives without him" And here is a phrase on the lighter side from the book--Clark, the obnoxious dental professor that everyone hated, said to Grant when giving him his final grade--"There. You're done at last," Clark sneered. "I'll bet when I die you'll come back and piss on my grave." "Nope," Grant started, then he made a point to stare directly into Clark's eyes. "I took a vow that when I left this place I'd never stand in line again." This would be a great Christmas gift for a guy in your life (i.e. my opinion--but just 'cause I like it, you might not).
So be it! I seem to like to take the fork in the road that many others take. The ones who have esprit de corps! These folks seem to emerge as catalysts for great transformations. I like to hang around with these folks. I guess everyone gets to decide who they want to hang around with (i.e. which fork in the road we want to take). Enthusiasm is infectious but apathy is infectious too. ItchieBitchie seems nonplussed about this--he just doesn't get it folks! Will he ever "getit" do you think? I have have had good things happen to me 'cause of the forks in the road I chose and I have had bad things happen to me 'cause of the forks in the road I chose and I have had some outrageous fortune (i.e. things I have had no control over both good and bad) happened to me. This I do not understand while on this earth. A gal of our support staff at our office some years ago (i.e. a gal with a massive huge good heart) use to say--erv, shit just happens! His understanding I cannot fathom--God is God--And that's just the way it is.
ChancesR you want it your way! But sometimes the fork in the road does not take you that way (i.e. not what we want but what we get). Sometimes it's good to take the road less traveled. Life's like traveling and traveling is like reading a book. St. Augustine once said-- The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. Have you ever taken the wrong fork in the road? Or are you on the wrong fork now? If soooo, turn around immediately--like NOW! The sooner you do the better you will be. You will say--I can just see it now; I should have turned around earlier. Yes I should have. I read this on facebook what a friend wrote--I am aware that I am less than some people prefer me to be but most people are unaware that I am so much more than what they see. Isn't that the truth, we seem not to see sooooooo much good in others and just think they took the wrong fork in the road. Like a friend says--erv, it's none of your business what others do. I think he is saying, erv, you just pay attention to the forks in the road for yourself and don't try to fix others. Another friend says to me about some outrageous fortune that is happening to me--erv, you are a fixer and you can't fix this sooooo it's very hard on you. Maybe he's is right.
MissPerfect says--When we look back at the forks in the our lives that we were forced to take, we say "thankyouGod" for forcing me to take the one I didn't really want to. MissPerfect goes on to say--2004 was a disappointing year for me. I spent countless hours (and $1,500 I could ill afford) applying to graduate schools, only to be rejected. I wondered what good could come from such failure. Years later, it’s clear to me that God used those circumstances to answer prayers I didn’t even know I had. If I hadn’t been rejected by Notre Dame, I wouldn’t have met my husband in California. Soooooooo folks, just think about all the good that has happened to you 'cause you took a certain fork in the road. If you would have taken the other fork, we all wonder about the miserable results that might have happened. Is that luck or happenstance? Na, I don't think sooooooo. For those of you who believe in total predestination, you don't have to worry about anything now do ya!!!!! You don't have to worry about any forks in the road of your life--it's all predestined for you. I must admit, I think we all have decisions in deciding which fork in the road we take (i.e. that's my opinion). I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (i.e. this was in red sooooooo...).
Different forks in the road for different folks. ItchieBitchie asks--Do you hear the Bible stories and parables of Jesus different than the poor folks in the third world countries? How about if you lived 100 A.D or 500 A.D. or 1,000 A.D. or 2011 A.D.? It might be egregious how we interpret them compared to how they were meant to be understood. Sooooooo, maybe my chequered past might have programed me to understand them in a way which someone else might not understand (i.e. 'cause I decided to take a different fork, was forced to take a differnt fork or that fork just happened).
I think I have read all of John Grisham's 27 books (i.e. that's pretty good for a guy who really didn't care to read until he was about 35--took a different fork in the road). I really like his new one The Litigators. I read it in a few sittings (i.e. I read while watching football--multi taskin'). I think it's more refreshing than some of his others--lighter (i.e. down right funny at times). A great read (i.e. my opinion).
Turkeys must even take forks in the road. One of our little grand daughters, Erin, sings this song--Five fat turkeys are we We slept all night in the tree When the cook came around, we couldn't be found And that is why we are here, you see Chop Four fat turkeys are we..... Three fat turkey are we..... Two fat turkeys are we..... One little turkey ran away. Ran away from home today, gobble gobble gobble gobble said he. A thanksgiving turkey I will not be. No sir e.
MissPerfect says--When you do what you did, you get what you got! In some cases, it might be the forks in the road you took that resulted in the place you are today. Soooooooooooo take the right forks folks! Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The prayer of a righteoues man is poewerful and effective.
November 9, 2011
She doesn't have to live that way...
She doesn't have to live that way but she chooses to! Do you understand that boy? I do I do! Yabut my wife doesn't see it that way nor does she understand it.! Ouchy ouchy! "It is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted" ~Aeschylus (525-456 B.C), Greek poet and dramatist~ Arlene and I were out one day doing some fun stuff. We were in an "trinket place" a.k.a. women's gift shoppe (i.e. a fancy one--high end stuff). I heard three woman talking so I eve dropped as it was interesting to me what they were talking about. They were talking about their mothers and how they live their lives. One gal was saying that her mom lives quite frugal. She seems to really enjoy life but doesn't spend a lot of money to make her house a fashion show. The others commented that they couldn't understand why she would live that way. The daughter said--She doesn't have to live that way but she chooses too! The way these gals were dressed and talked, I don't think any of them have the same attitude. But flip the pancake--There are many who can't understand why these gals choose to live the way they do--They don't have to live that way but choose to! Choices and decisions we all must make. And remember, choices and decisions have consequences. MissPerfect says--Sometimes ugliness goes undetected! Such is life.
Some might think her side of the moon is pretty dark! Ouchy ouchy! Joexixpack says--My mother-in-law, BettyLou, is glitzy, showy, egotistical, self-centered and thinks she's the Queen of the Nile. She thinks she's -- Dry clean only! I bet she thinks her...doesn't stink! She thinks she's God's gift to men! She doesn't have to live that way but she chooses too! I always wonder why she is that way! Is that a learned behavior do you think or is it competition amongst her so-called friends that she thinks she's higher up the social food chain if she acts that way. There is an image factor you know. Some folks really buy into that. I think women do it more than men (i.e. I see young gals put on the dog to gain an advantage). But I know some men who think they are God, a king or the Pope too! GeorgeTheCrook says--None of us have to live with the attitude we have, but we choose to do it. InsecureSally with the sparkles on her shoes says--I think BettyLou's side of the moon is very bright just like mine! I like glitz and bling! Such is life.
CadillacJack says--I'm jealous sometimes. Ya, I'm human. I get jealous sometimes but...after I sleep on it...! We could afford to have a more expensive house, more expensive car, better golf clubs, better remodeled interior house design, better and fancier clothes, better food but we chose not too. ItchieBitchie says--Why in the world would you chose not too? I don't get it. Well, ItchieBitchie, if you don't get it, I would be wasting my time telling you! MissPerfect says--My mom could afford a much better house, of course, but that's where her family has always lived. She feels very comfortable in her surroundings. She doesn't crave to have something more glamorous! Some of you think that her attitude is asinine and stupid. For those of you who think that, you really don't understand her mentality, do ya. If you don't get it, I would be wasting my time telling you!
I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--But because of the Pharisees, they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; for they loved praise from men more than praise from God. Huh, interesting. They didn't have to live their lives that way but chose to. Such is life.
She doesn't have to live that way but she chooses to! Yes she does. In our current economical challenging times, many folks have concerns about their financial future. My big sister (i.e. not bigger in size but bigger in age--she always wants me to say that--with a huge massive good heart sent me some stuff that is called "You're worth more than your balance sheet". As she says--you write a lot about money. Here are some excerpts--God, now that this is happening to me, will you stay with me, help me to see myself as a whole worthy and lovable person? Will you help me get up each day with a sense of gratitude for what I have.--Interestingly, feeling compassion for others is the most reliable way to increase our own self worth--Don't confuse "net worth" with "self worth"--Often, our most important long-term investment has been with our partners, children and friends--Can you thank God for what you have and seek ways to help those who have less? Those thoughts are not like inventing penicillin or something folks (i.e. they have been around for many years but...) Sooooooooo folks, I guess we have choices and decisions. And choices and decisions have consequences!!!! Oh ya! LuckieEddie says--Sheep run with sheep and wolfs run with wolfs! Such is life.
My little sister (i.e. by age and not by size -- but she is littler than me) has been an inspiration to me. She called recently and was wondering how my training is going. She is, I think 60, started running 3 years ago and runs 3 miles about 5 days a week (i.e. I'm really proud of her). She is tough and nice with a good heart (i.e. a good combination). She is a retired teacher. ANYWAY we talked about children in elementary who are shy, little, not contentious, polite, quiet, with an inner sense of goodness. These are usually not the loud, arrogant, obnoxious, or cocky ones. You know who we are talking about. These will be the ones who will be the successful folks most often when they blossom. You can just pick them out even at that age. Not always but many times. They are not always the biggest, most aggressive, or the pushiest. They seem to have that inner confidence. Those thoughts are not like inventing penicillin or something folks--it's always been that way.
I was visiting with my 84 year old friend the other day. On her muted TV was the highlights of the World Series game. Her late husband was a big Cardinal fan. She reminded me that she watched a lot of Cardinal games with him. Sooooo do you watch football--no, he, being her late husband, never would teach me about the game of football; I always worked during those games while he watched them. I said--Now there's a smart man not teaching you about football so you worked all the time! He manipulated you and you didn't even know it! She just laughed and laughed! She didn't have to work but she chooses to do that. Why, 'cause she would do anything and everything for her hubby. She didn't have tooooo live that way but she choose toooooooooo! Well flip the pancake. My friend is 180 degrees different than BigHeadTille. Oh ya! AverageJoe says this about his sister-in-law BigHeadTille--If you bought her for what she's worth and sell her for what she thinks she's worth, you'd make a whale of a deal. Such is life.
They don't have to live that way but choose too! Bud Wilkinson, former coach of the Oklahoma Sooners, once was asked if he thought football was a positive influence on Americans to become physically fit. He responded: "In football, you have 60,000 fans in the stands in desperate need of exercise, watching twenty-two players on the field in desperate need of rest." Exercise is the #1 controllable factor of health. Get out of the stands and onto some type of field. Move your body! Throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch and do something. SusieQ says--Be a winner--Winner winner chicken dinner! Joesixpack asks--Does runnin' late count as exercise?!
CadillacJack says--I constantly need brownie points! I think Sigmund Freud or some other dream expert needs to explain the meaning of all this to him. SusieQ says, I think it will take someone even smarter than Sigmund Freud to figure out my friend CadillacJack! He's off the charts. CadillacJack thinks--Life is what your drive. It really doesn't matter, life will go on and he won't ever catch on (i.e. it will go right over his head).
Joesixpack asks--Do you live beneath your means or above your means? Greed and comparison are friends and both are good for the economy (i.e. they are ruthless and effective). It's easy today with ebay and the alike. All a person has to do is click and your wish is fulfilled! But folks, sometimes it best that some things just remain dreams! It's sometimes better that way instead of getting in over your head when you have to be a Houdini to get out of your mess, you know. That's life folks. LucikieEddie says--Just beware of living your life for the thrills and missing the real meat (i.e. center cut). We don't have to live our lives that way but we choose to! Oh ya!
They didn't have to live that way but chose to. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half of banana on it--Everything they do is done for men to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them 'Rabbi' (i.e. this was in red). It sounds to me like they were puffin' themselves up! What do you think?
James didn't have to but chose to. The first Saturday of each month, Home Depot has a kids' workshop. They build neat little things. James and Erin go quite often. There seems to be many things that we don't have to do but choose to do now isn't there. I had the opportunity to go along last Saturday. It was interesting. Sooooo on the way back from CO, we had the opportunity to take care of little Charlie on Monday as her day care provider was not working that day. It was really a lot of fun (i.e. spoiled her rotten). ANYWAY we got to go with Chet, Jessica and Charlie to her swimming lesson at the Y after work. They don't have to do this but choose to. They work hard and are busy. It probably would be easier not to do it but they choose to. Such is life.
We all choose how we live our lives now don't we. A friend responded about the comment I made last week--It isn't if we win or loose but how we play the game. He says--Winning in very important--that is why we keep score, keep the time etc. I have started to watch many of the "all time funniest" movies. Here is a quote from the one I watched in CO--Bernie Focker: It's not about winning or losing. It's about passion. You know what I mean, Jack. Jack Byrnes: Not really, Bernard. I think personal competitive drive is the essential key that makes America what it is today. Bernie Focker: Well, whatever works. Sooo do you know what movie that is from and have you watched it? LuckieEddie says--Passion helps keep you young, in both mind and body. It usually shows on the outside when you have passion on the inside about something good. To be able to do something each day that you are passionate about is a blessing beyond price. It is like being paid to play.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans.
MyFriendJean says--Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference.
Bonus coverage if you have time--We choose how we think now don't we! Do we judge others by the way they look? Watch this short video--This is like canded camera The producers of this beer commercial borrowed a small, 150-seat cinema playing a popular film, and filled 148 of it's seats with rough-looking, tattooed bikers, leaving only two free seats in the middle of the theater. They then allowed theater management to sell tickets for the last pair of tickets to several young couples. What would you do? Watch till the end ..... http://www.theinspiration.com/2011/09/carlsberg-stunt-in-cinema/
Some might think her side of the moon is pretty dark! Ouchy ouchy! Joexixpack says--My mother-in-law, BettyLou, is glitzy, showy, egotistical, self-centered and thinks she's the Queen of the Nile. She thinks she's -- Dry clean only! I bet she thinks her...doesn't stink! She thinks she's God's gift to men! She doesn't have to live that way but she chooses too! I always wonder why she is that way! Is that a learned behavior do you think or is it competition amongst her so-called friends that she thinks she's higher up the social food chain if she acts that way. There is an image factor you know. Some folks really buy into that. I think women do it more than men (i.e. I see young gals put on the dog to gain an advantage). But I know some men who think they are God, a king or the Pope too! GeorgeTheCrook says--None of us have to live with the attitude we have, but we choose to do it. InsecureSally with the sparkles on her shoes says--I think BettyLou's side of the moon is very bright just like mine! I like glitz and bling! Such is life.
CadillacJack says--I'm jealous sometimes. Ya, I'm human. I get jealous sometimes but...after I sleep on it...! We could afford to have a more expensive house, more expensive car, better golf clubs, better remodeled interior house design, better and fancier clothes, better food but we chose not too. ItchieBitchie says--Why in the world would you chose not too? I don't get it. Well, ItchieBitchie, if you don't get it, I would be wasting my time telling you! MissPerfect says--My mom could afford a much better house, of course, but that's where her family has always lived. She feels very comfortable in her surroundings. She doesn't crave to have something more glamorous! Some of you think that her attitude is asinine and stupid. For those of you who think that, you really don't understand her mentality, do ya. If you don't get it, I would be wasting my time telling you!
I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--But because of the Pharisees, they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; for they loved praise from men more than praise from God. Huh, interesting. They didn't have to live their lives that way but chose to. Such is life.
She doesn't have to live that way but she chooses to! Yes she does. In our current economical challenging times, many folks have concerns about their financial future. My big sister (i.e. not bigger in size but bigger in age--she always wants me to say that--with a huge massive good heart sent me some stuff that is called "You're worth more than your balance sheet". As she says--you write a lot about money. Here are some excerpts--God, now that this is happening to me, will you stay with me, help me to see myself as a whole worthy and lovable person? Will you help me get up each day with a sense of gratitude for what I have.--Interestingly, feeling compassion for others is the most reliable way to increase our own self worth--Don't confuse "net worth" with "self worth"--Often, our most important long-term investment has been with our partners, children and friends--Can you thank God for what you have and seek ways to help those who have less? Those thoughts are not like inventing penicillin or something folks (i.e. they have been around for many years but...) Sooooooooo folks, I guess we have choices and decisions. And choices and decisions have consequences!!!! Oh ya! LuckieEddie says--Sheep run with sheep and wolfs run with wolfs! Such is life.
My little sister (i.e. by age and not by size -- but she is littler than me) has been an inspiration to me. She called recently and was wondering how my training is going. She is, I think 60, started running 3 years ago and runs 3 miles about 5 days a week (i.e. I'm really proud of her). She is tough and nice with a good heart (i.e. a good combination). She is a retired teacher. ANYWAY we talked about children in elementary who are shy, little, not contentious, polite, quiet, with an inner sense of goodness. These are usually not the loud, arrogant, obnoxious, or cocky ones. You know who we are talking about. These will be the ones who will be the successful folks most often when they blossom. You can just pick them out even at that age. Not always but many times. They are not always the biggest, most aggressive, or the pushiest. They seem to have that inner confidence. Those thoughts are not like inventing penicillin or something folks--it's always been that way.
I was visiting with my 84 year old friend the other day. On her muted TV was the highlights of the World Series game. Her late husband was a big Cardinal fan. She reminded me that she watched a lot of Cardinal games with him. Sooooo do you watch football--no, he, being her late husband, never would teach me about the game of football; I always worked during those games while he watched them. I said--Now there's a smart man not teaching you about football so you worked all the time! He manipulated you and you didn't even know it! She just laughed and laughed! She didn't have to work but she chooses to do that. Why, 'cause she would do anything and everything for her hubby. She didn't have tooooo live that way but she choose toooooooooo! Well flip the pancake. My friend is 180 degrees different than BigHeadTille. Oh ya! AverageJoe says this about his sister-in-law BigHeadTille--If you bought her for what she's worth and sell her for what she thinks she's worth, you'd make a whale of a deal. Such is life.
They don't have to live that way but choose too! Bud Wilkinson, former coach of the Oklahoma Sooners, once was asked if he thought football was a positive influence on Americans to become physically fit. He responded: "In football, you have 60,000 fans in the stands in desperate need of exercise, watching twenty-two players on the field in desperate need of rest." Exercise is the #1 controllable factor of health. Get out of the stands and onto some type of field. Move your body! Throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch and do something. SusieQ says--Be a winner--Winner winner chicken dinner! Joesixpack asks--Does runnin' late count as exercise?!
CadillacJack says--I constantly need brownie points! I think Sigmund Freud or some other dream expert needs to explain the meaning of all this to him. SusieQ says, I think it will take someone even smarter than Sigmund Freud to figure out my friend CadillacJack! He's off the charts. CadillacJack thinks--Life is what your drive. It really doesn't matter, life will go on and he won't ever catch on (i.e. it will go right over his head).
Joesixpack asks--Do you live beneath your means or above your means? Greed and comparison are friends and both are good for the economy (i.e. they are ruthless and effective). It's easy today with ebay and the alike. All a person has to do is click and your wish is fulfilled! But folks, sometimes it best that some things just remain dreams! It's sometimes better that way instead of getting in over your head when you have to be a Houdini to get out of your mess, you know. That's life folks. LucikieEddie says--Just beware of living your life for the thrills and missing the real meat (i.e. center cut). We don't have to live our lives that way but we choose to! Oh ya!
They didn't have to live that way but chose to. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half of banana on it--Everything they do is done for men to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them 'Rabbi' (i.e. this was in red). It sounds to me like they were puffin' themselves up! What do you think?
James didn't have to but chose to. The first Saturday of each month, Home Depot has a kids' workshop. They build neat little things. James and Erin go quite often. There seems to be many things that we don't have to do but choose to do now isn't there. I had the opportunity to go along last Saturday. It was interesting. Sooooo on the way back from CO, we had the opportunity to take care of little Charlie on Monday as her day care provider was not working that day. It was really a lot of fun (i.e. spoiled her rotten). ANYWAY we got to go with Chet, Jessica and Charlie to her swimming lesson at the Y after work. They don't have to do this but choose to. They work hard and are busy. It probably would be easier not to do it but they choose to. Such is life.
We all choose how we live our lives now don't we. A friend responded about the comment I made last week--It isn't if we win or loose but how we play the game. He says--Winning in very important--that is why we keep score, keep the time etc. I have started to watch many of the "all time funniest" movies. Here is a quote from the one I watched in CO--Bernie Focker: It's not about winning or losing. It's about passion. You know what I mean, Jack. Jack Byrnes: Not really, Bernard. I think personal competitive drive is the essential key that makes America what it is today. Bernie Focker: Well, whatever works. Sooo do you know what movie that is from and have you watched it? LuckieEddie says--Passion helps keep you young, in both mind and body. It usually shows on the outside when you have passion on the inside about something good. To be able to do something each day that you are passionate about is a blessing beyond price. It is like being paid to play.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans.
MyFriendJean says--Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference.
Bonus coverage if you have time--We choose how we think now don't we! Do we judge others by the way they look? Watch this short video--This is like canded camera The producers of this beer commercial borrowed a small, 150-seat cinema playing a popular film, and filled 148 of it's seats with rough-looking, tattooed bikers, leaving only two free seats in the middle of the theater. They then allowed theater management to sell tickets for the last pair of tickets to several young couples. What would you do? Watch till the end ..... http://www.theinspiration.com/2011/09/carlsberg-stunt-in-cinema/
November 5, 2011
It does matter...
I took this picture on I-80 in the middle of Nebraska. It wasn't tooooo many years ago Heather was like the gal in the picture. She wasn't Tahoe Bound but Denver Bound. Now she has a husband, a couple of kids, house payments, car payments and work. It's called the race of life. It does matter how she handles all those areas of her life. Yes it does. BUT she has great opportunities. She is very fortunate (i.e. my opinion).
It doesn't matter...! What you think doesn't matter, just do it anyway (e.g. it's cold and dark outside and I don't want to go exercise). It does matter--throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch and do it (i.e. a guy has to be relentless persistant)! Here is stuff from the book I read about running--I'm warning you, some of you won't like what I'm about to write--those of you who don't have self-discipline, don't like motivation and those of you who would rather not look at reality probably will find this unpleasant so.... This stuff does matter, here it is (i.e. this stuff is proven stuff--it's not if it works, it does work). Ideas from the book The Non-Runner’s Marathon Trainer by Whitsett, Dolgener, and Kole--Your mind does influence your experience in profound ways and it does so all day, every day. -- What you believe is what you’ll be. I believe I am in control of the events in my life. -- Realty is not a “one and for all" thing. It’s something that we constantly recreate through our beliefs and behaviors. Change your thoughts or actions and you change your reality. -- Focusing on the Positive; “…”But it doesn’t matter.” When you catch yourself thinking something negative say “ but it doesn’t matter"! (e.g. I’m tooooo tired—it doesn’t matter, do it anyway). That’s attitude. -- Talk to myself. I can do this. Yes I can and I will! My body will react to my mind. -- Have fun! I have chosen to do this. I don’t have to do this but I want to. I'm fortunate to be able to do this. I want to do this. Sooooo relax and enjoy. It’s an attitude. JoeBow says--run the race, you can do it. Yes you can.
Do confident children most often have confident parents, mentors or a good examples? I think sooooo! If a parent is not confident and not positive, there is probably a much higher probability that the children will not be confident and will be negative. Not always, there are exceptions and those exceptions are really champions--I know some of these champions. GeorgeTheCrook says--The prize doesn't always go to the most deserving--some of these champions who are confident and positive win the horse race. Oh ya. My hat really goes off to these kind of folks. BUT I really do think that children who are raised in a positive, confident environment have a huge massive advantage (i.e. my opinion).
ItchieBitchie says--It doesn't matter! What? You know better than that, don'tcha? Everybody worships something or someone. Whether it is a hero, possessions, success, pleasure, a political cause, a carved idol or oneself, the way we live and behave makes evident the things we love and give ourselves to. Saturday question--Who or what do you worship? I read it in the paper soooooo it must be right--Folks spend their money on their passion! Sooooooooo what makes a good point guard, a good quarterback, a good leader, a good parent, a good CEO, a good employee, a good family leader, etc.? And the answer is--A person with a lot of confidence but humble. I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions (i.e. it was in red). Huh, interesting. Yabut ItchieBitchie says--The world measures success by how much stuff you have! Such is life.
Listen up: Hold your horses! WildWilly says--Saying it never happened or it will never happen is being an idiot (i.e. getting caught up in the horse race of being important, having more money, having more power, being the biggest McDreamer, etc.)! It's a horse race to the finish. MissPerfect says--Who ever can talk the fastest and loudest wins the race! You really think so MissPerfect? AverageJoe says--Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand. Yabut not everyone can win the horse race. GeorgeTheCrook says--We can't all play a winning game...Some one is sure to lose. Yet we can play so that our name No one may dare accuse; For when the Master Referee Scores against our name, It won't be whether we've won or lost, But how we've played the game. Talk about winning the horse race--When Dan Wheldon go killed in the firey crash in Las Vegas racing at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway at about 220 miles an hour, a fellow driver, Darlo Franchitti said this--We put so much pressure on ourselves to win races and championships, and that's what we love to do, what we live for. LuckieEddies says--Everyone loves a winner! Soooooooo in many circles of our social world, winning does make a difference (i.e. very important).
Peakin' out at the right times does matter. Oh ya. I was talking to our high school football coach recently and he hopes the team peaks out during the playoffs (i.e. hope we didn't peak out tooooo early). Have you peaked out yet? To win the race ya gotta peak out at the right time. TheWackoKid has said for many years--It's who ends up the most toys is the winner of the horse race (i.e. the prime cut). The most toys is like money in the bank! Yabut, a favorite saying of a friend is--When the gonger gongs.....there is only one thing that will matter. And I bet it isn't who has the most toys or money! What do you think?
The race I'm running is pretty exciting. I have speed bumps and detours and canyons and mountains and special times and special beauty. I'm probably not much different than any of you. It appears it makes a huge massive difference on my attitude of life, my relationship with God, the folks I'm around, etc. And you know what, I can't control some of the stuff that happens to me but I can control my attitude as to how I react to it (i.e. the race of life will continue). That is my decision and decisions have consequences.
Here are some kids from church who we like. These are good kids 'cause maybe they have good parents. These kids have a huge massive start-up advantage. Yes they do. They have parents who love them, care for them, and spend time with them. It's like they have a head start in the race of life. It does matter. That's my opinion. Our little Erin sang this Halloween song to us many times this last week--Three little pumpkins sittin' on a fence. Witch come riddin' by AhHa AhHa AhHa! I'll take you and make a pumpkin pie. Ah Ha! She's the little 4-year old who told me where to turn in Littleton to get to McDonalds for ice cream!!!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. ~ Abraham Lincoln
PS Bonus Coverage at no additional cost--This video is about 17 minutes sent to me by a freind. It's about the American Race. Many of you won't have time to watch it--It's the Americal Race folks. It's quite revealing about the American Race. http://www.ted.com/talks/richard_wilkinson.html#.Tq8Z2Llfnt0.email
Isn't there a song that goes something like this--Now the race is on and here comes pride up the backstretch
Heartaches are going to the inside My tears are holding back they're tryin' not to fall...The race is on and it looks like heartaches and the winner loses all
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