We might suffer disappointment when we can’t get something we think we need and really want (i.e. maybe a certain Christmas present). And while that is natural, it’s also an opportunity for us to ask: “What am I really living for?” Now that is a tough question to answer.
Have you noticed that there are a lot of "stars" at Christmas time. Both lighted stars and people stars. Sooooo why do folks put lighted stars on top of grain elevators (i.e. in IA), towers, businesses, buildings, houses, poles etc? Soooo what are they saying by hanging a star up high? Why do we put a star on top of the Christmas tree?
Joesixpack asks--erv, what century are you living in anyway--did you forget? My mentor said--When I was a kid, I got only one gift for Christmas and one year I got none. I always remember getting a couple of Christmas presents. How the culture has changed. Wow! WildWillie says it this way--"Hey Dad," one of my kids asked the other day, "What was your favorite fast food when you were growing up?" We didn't have fast food when I was growing up,"' I told him. "All the food was slow." "C'mon, seriously. Where did you eat?" "It was a place called 'at home,'" I explained. "Grandma cooked every day and when Grandpa got home from work, we sat down together at the dining room table, and if I didn't like what she put on my plate I was allowed to sit there until I did like it." Get with it erv, it ain't 1930 any more! It's 2011 and we have 6 different credit cards and a smart phone. Get with it!
GeorgeTheCrook says--The big difference I see is this – in the legend of Santa Claus coming to town, the gift you get from Santa depends on how good you have been. The gift Christ gave us on the cross acknowledges He is good, and we, who cannot be good due to our sinful nature, need Him. Santa brings gifts as a reward of merit; Jesus Christ brings Himself by grace as a ransom for many. Santa’s gifts are material, but the gift Christ brings is eternal. Saturday question: Who will you receive tonight? Santa or Christ or both? SusieQ says--Don't forget who the "Star" at Christmas is!
Do you hear what I hear? Maybe not! MissPerfect says--Indulge in the season--Celebrate the season's cravings. Buy them something sweet--they love it! Buy junk to add to their existing junk--they love it. Spice up Christmas; sugar coat it--they love it. up. Load up the sliegh--Ring it up (i.e. ring ring ring jingle jingle jingle). It's only money which causes money storms later but hey, it's all about having a good time today. Christmas comes once a year----soooooo splurge, eat and be happy; spend some money! Deliver the goodies! Stuff those stocking plump full of everything (i.e. Makin'SpiritsBright). Christmas is captivating to many soooooo get on the train and spend some money. Be a star! This is what you hear from the commercial side of Christmas
Holy Frankincense! Can you imagine Christmas without Jesus? Can you imagine being a Shepard out in the field that night? Can you imagine being Mary or Joseph or a wise man or scared King Herod. Can you imagine seeing the Christmas Star while out in the field? Can you imagine seeing an angel and hearing what it had to say? Can you imagine seeing a host of angels? Can you imagine not feeling the birth of Jesus on Christmas or believing what Jesus did for you and me but just celebrating a commercial Christmas?
There are stars at Christmas and then there are stars at Christmas. LuckieEddie says--As you work on your shopping list this year, brainstorm of ways you could give gifts of your presence. The gifts you give that are “packaged with skin” most reflect God’s gift of Jesus. Soooooo be a star. We went to a Christmas concert recently with our neighbors. It was at a local church (i.e. very nice). ANYWAY their tradition is to invite signers to come up for the last song and sing it together--The Hallelujah Chorus. Arlene and Judy went up to sing. Judy said--Now that made my Christmas.
Did you know that folks really don't like to receive Christmas gifts that they need (i.e. underwear and socks). Or fruit cakes. 47% of fruitcakes are thrown away, 11% are regifted soooo if you add those two figures together it equals 58% of fruitcakes are never used. Did you know that a fruit cake keeps for 25 years! Do you know that 1 of 5 gifts are thrown away, given to Good Will or never used. That's 20 % folks. That 20% is equivalent to $2,500,000,000 each Christmas. This is what the pastor said Sunday at Church. Ouchy ouchy! And you think you're such a star picking out "justtherightgift"! Huh!
Hey kids, look at the deer. Or, The shitter is full. Soooooo movie buffs, what movie is that from. It's my favorite Christmas movie. It just makes me laugh. It's a ***** movie to me! It's soooooo funny but yet sooooooo real. It pokes fun of us as we really are (i.e. sometimes).
This is about the Star of Christmas. It's done in a modern version (i.e. it's digital Steve). I think you will like it. I did. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkHNNPM7pJA
Be a star this Christmas and all your life--Remember, to give a warm hug to those close to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart freely. Say, "I love you" to your loved ones, but most of all mean it. Hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there. Give time to love, time to share the precious thoughts in your mind and remember to forgive no matter how bad the hurt. While eating my oatmeal with a half banana on it, I read this what Paul said--Make the most of every opportunity. Now that is being a star folks! Oh ya.
I hope your Christmas is a Hallmark Christmas instead of a National Lampoon's Christmas! May all God has done in Christ encourage and fill you with joy this Christmas. I hope you are really a star this Christmas pointing to the real Star of Christmas! God has truly blessed us soooooo we can bless others.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that fits another person.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that fits another person.
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