WARNING--Contents of this It's Saturday might explode in your face if immersed in gas and set on fire! It might also set your heart and mind on fire (i.e. very flammable). Sooooooooo be careful folks!!!!
I read it in the paper soooooo it must be right that according to the new census, there are more Hispanic children than white children in AZ (i.e. that's sorta kinda a no fly zone). AND that's not all I read. I read that statewide, the number of non-Hispanic White residents younger than 18 fell by nearly 1,000. By comparison, the state added 211,000 Hispanic children in the same period. AND that's not all I read that the first real superstar of AZ was Geronimo (i.e. everyone knows Geronimo--even the digitally obsessed generation knows his name). Now that's superstardom folks. Many of you know his name and might say--GERONIMO but do you know his story? If not, research it and "Impress your Buds"! I find it to be an interesting part of SW American history. AND that's not all, think about this Sun Valley folks--Wonder if the Roosevelt Dam broke! It's 100 years old the paper said. WildWilie says--that will never happen. I tell you what WildWillie--Never does happen sometimes. Doing my volunteering this week, I talked to a guy who is an alcoholic. He has been dry for 19 years he told me. I asked him how come he changed--I was throwing up (i.e. at the bottom of the barrel) and said--God I need help. I didn't really know that I was asking God in my life but I was. I never had a graving to drink again. Sooooooooo folks never does happen. If you think Geronimo is superstardom, then think what Jesus is! That's a WOW!
Driving east on 60 I saw this desert golf course on the north side by Ironwood Dr. I mean a golf course in the desert with no grass. I always just laughed every time I go by it. I thought that must be an experience to play on that course. Well, I talked to couz Sid who use to live in that park and he told me about it. This is what he said--Hey Erv; The name of the park is "Bonita Vista, on Southern Dr. Apache Jct. The land is leased, not owned by the park. The residents managed it. Fun place. We enjoyed it a lot. Serious golfers however did not enjoy it. We had a great time. Sooooooooo I was coming back from hiking one day and stopped at Bonita Vista. Talked to Ken who, I think is sorta kinda the manager of the course. I told him I wanted to take my golf buddies over some time and play. Ken said he would take us out. AND that's not all Green fees are $2 and an annual membership is $80. I never played on sand greens before. AND there is more The locals write their lot # on their ball. If they loose it and someone finds it, they put it on a rack so the owner can pick it up next time they play. It was a hoot folks. Here is a pic of my friend Paul a.k.a TheNDBeetFarmer.
SmartBigFeetSapGuy said to me--Don't be modest but be honest! We stopped for the red light at Sossaman and Main. A gal about 20 pulled up beside us on her bike. She had a pair of tight, short shorts on (i.e. those that hang on the hips and go just above the crack in the butt). And there is more She had on a stylish top that went to about 3 inches short of her shorts so she could expose her tattoo that was just above her crack in her butt! And there is more She too had to wait for the stop sign so she reached to her butt crack and pulls out her iphone4 and put it to her face to talk! AND that's not all DonFool said to his wife Lizie--I love you better today, yesterday you pissed my off! Holy Guadalupe! AND that's not all I read this in the AZ Republic--Dogs--not girlfriends--love ear scratches, belly rubs! It goes on to say--pretty much any vertebrate--including us--likes to have its back or some other spot rubbed. MissPerfect says--the key is to find the spot. Arlene likes to have her feet rubbed (i.e. very romantic---not for me but maybe for her--but whatever it takes guys--happy wife is a happy life). AND there is more I was looking for a certain RV park the other day. I was going the speed limit and loooooked in my rear view mirror. The guy (i.e. about 40 driving a SUV) was giving me the finger (i.e. road rage). He did it for about a minute it seemed. Then we got to the next intersection and he made an aggressive, dangerous left hand turn. I just laughed. I will bet he has trouble in his life or will! And you think I have a Life of Riley a.k.a made in the shade. I have stress folks right her in Sun Valley! Such is life.
SusieQ asks--What spurs you on? Attitude is one huge massive deal folks just like this plane! I read this in the paper soooooo it must be right--Although radiation escaping from a nuclear plant can increase the risk of cancer and other woes, history has shown that fear and anxiety in many ways end up being a much greater long-term threat, experts say. Saturday question--Do you worry over stuff that makes your life miserable? I just wasn't running 100% the other day. There was either something not right physically or mentally; I didn't know. I told myself that I can take it easy today and be lazy. I was. AND that's not all I went to bed at 9 and slept hard. I woke up the next morning refreshed and had a new attitude. Man does that feel oh soooooo good. Attitude is soooooooo important. Marcus Aurelius said--The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts; therefore, guard accordingly.
If you are not thankful, well then you are not grateful--gracias gracias! I read this in the paper sooooooo it must be right--Why it's great to be grateful: It makes us happier and healthier. Gratitude has a powerful ripple effect. 'It removes our "stinkin' thinkin'. In marriages and other romantic relationships, for instance, expressing sincere appreciation for all the little (i.e. and big) things your mate has done for you today translates into more happiness and connectedness for both of you tomorrow...People who practice gratitude feel 25% happier...saying "thanks" turbo-charges your energy and enthusiasm, and even protests against illness...And do express thanks to God (i.e. gracias God). And that's not all GeorgeTheCrook says--Gratitude makes the heart very joyful. LuckieIddie says--Some things ya just gotta believe! Here is a very good new way to show gratitude. It's very simple, it will make someone feel very good (i.e. And there is more) it will make you feel oh so good. Watch this short clip. http://www.gratitudecampaign.org/shortmovie.php
D-Back Fan Ed from MN was driving his new Lincoln Town Car back from the Salt River Fields at Talking Stick (i.e. brand new home of the Rockies and D-Backs playing in the Cactus League) to Sun City Grand where he and his wife, Nellie, winter. He watched the D-Backs beat the Dodgers (i.e. hey, the D-Backs haven't won tooooooo many this spring). ANYWAY He picks up a hitchhiker, a beautiful girl. Suddenly she faints inside his car and he takes her to the Bannor Del E Webb Medical Center in Sun City West. Now that's stressful! AND there is more But at the hospital they say she is pregnant and congratulated him that he was going to be a father. He said that he was not the father, but the girl said he was. This is getting very stressful! AND there is more So then......he requested a DNA test to prove that he was not the father. After the tests are completed, the doctor told him that he was infertile, and probably have been since birth. He was extremely stressed but relieved. AND there is more On his way back to Sun City Grand, he thinks about his 3 kids! Holy Guadalupe!
AND that's not all Here is more stress for the average American Snowbird here in Sun Valley. Rick Warren says--Here is another fact about values: They can cause us tremendous amounts of stress. Stress occurs when what we claim to believe and what we truly do believe do not line up. For instance: When we SAY, "My family is important to me." But we are always too busy or too tired to enjoy them. When we SAY, "I value my health." But we overwork, overeat or eat poorly, and rarely or never exercise. When we SAY, "I'm not materialistic." But we become so heavily in debt that we worry constantly about our personal finances. When two of your values conflict, that's called a dilemma. Dilemmas causes stress. Yes they do. Such is life.
Soooooooooo MyThunderbayGolfBuddy says--Pick us up at 8:15--what, our tee time isn't till 9:50--Oh, I'll get us off when we get there. Soooooooo we get there and he tells the starter that he has a doctor's appointment soooooo the starter tells our foursome to go ahead. AND there is more Sooooo about on hole 5 I said to MyThunderbayGolfBuddy--looks like you will make your doctor's appointment--Ya, it's not until April 26th in Thunderbay!!!!! AND there is more So we played for a dollar a putt--I happened to win so I wanted to give MyThunderbayGolfBuddy some of my winnings to pay for his confession (i.e it was worth the couple of bucks for the earlier tee time). He wouldn't take it--it wasn't really a lie he said, I just didn't tell the starter everything. AND there is more Sooooooooooo folks, my faith says I can confess my sins to God and He promises me that he will forgive me (i.e. no $$$$$$$$$). Maybe one of us has it wrong or maybe we both have it right or is it all about the $$$$$$$. What do you think? Help me here. Such is life.
AND this it, the all of it--Arlene and I were hiking up 'er in 'em mountains on a blue bird day (i.e. absolutely gorgeous) another day in paradise. We met another senior couple and I said to them--It's a great day Aye (i.e. acted like a Canadian)--a great day for the race--what race--the human race!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Today is the tomorrow we worreid about yesterday.
AtipfromKipspecializingingolfrelatedmentaldisorders--Putt: 1 and 2--open and close putter face
Your "AND there is more"'s had me laughing - loved them!