Are you arrogant, selfish, and rude? Chris, Jen and family also traveled to my sister's place (i.e. Jen's parents) in Byron Center, MI. My other sister lives in Wyoming, MI. Both are southern suburbs of Grand Rapids. ANYWAY They are from Oosburg, WI so they have to travel through Milwaukee, Chicago, Gary, IN and up the east side of Lake Michigan. They were on Interstate 196 near Benton Harbors and there were several bridges being worked on. Traffic was very heavy as many were heading up to northern MI for the 4th. These bridge projects would cause traffic to back up maybe 5 miles, then about 3 miles out a sign would say--work zone ahead. Then maybe 2 miles it would say--left lane closed ahead. Then maybe a mile away from the bridge there was a merge sign telling folks to merge to the right lane. They were in the right lane even before the merge sign (i.e. they are really nice folks). Some folks didn't merge exactly at the merge sign but went a little farther. Jen was soooooooo upset with those arrogant selfish and rude folks. She said--Illinois car, Illinois car, Texas car, Illinois car, Iowa car. Hey that gray Avalon has a bike on the back and has Butler County plates--It's uncle erv! Please give me your answer please. Well, I soon got a telephone call with the answer (i.e. a kick in the fanny--I was not an excuse maker--it was an ooooops). Man after that, I was the first one merging over let me tell you. Someone is always keeping an eye on me wherever I go. Such is life.
Are you a mugrumper? We were on the 7th tee and there is a mulberry bush in in the fence line. Another guy and I ate some mulberries--they were really good. We were like a couple of bears coming out of hibernation. ANYWAY do you know why many mulberry bushes/trees are in fence lines? Well, I will tell you. Birds like mulberries too soooooo they eat them and sit on the fence and become MugRumpers (i.e. mug on one side of the fence and their rump on the other--they yack with one side and crap with the other). When the wind blows a different direction they put their head on the other side of the fence and their rump on the other (i.e. sorta kinda like slick Duane--you know him toooooo). Soooooo when the birds craps on the fence, it deposits seeds for a potential new mulberry bush/tree. Soooooo please give me your answer if you are a mugrumper?
Give me your answer please. I recently had a most exciting, influential, challenging, open hearted, important conversation. It just happen between 4 guys (i.e. good guys with good hearts) after church. It really was a God thing I believe. A friend asked another--Sooooooooooo what's important to you today? Timing was just right I think sooooooo the clouds opened and he had an opportunity to express himself. Then he asked him--Soooooooo how are you going to make this decision? This whole conversation was God centered but very real (i.e. no phony talk here folks). We all exposed ourselves some. I think most folks after church were talking about sports, weather or some other unimportant stuff and we were talking about the "meatoflife". Huh, interesting. This conversation affected me. This conversation and these guys makes a decision we are contemplating much harder. And my answer is?
Playing league golf the other night, we played against 29 and 31 year old guys. ANYWAY they play bare back, drink a lot of beer, smoke a lot of smokes and play good golf. Soooooo on the 7th tee box I asked them if they have girl friends. The 29 year old said he has one--pretty serious gal--I hope so, she's moving in with me but when my two previous girl friends moved in, it was the death of our relationships soooo we'll see (i.e. they wiggled their way out)!! Sooooo I asked the the 31 year old if he has a girl friend--Ya I do, we have lived together for 3 years and have a kid together--soooooo you going to get married--I hope not but maybe! Soooooo a little later I asked them how many beers do they usually drink during the 9 holes of league (i.e. give me your answer please)--don't count them; quite a few tonight as it's playing slow--how many is quite a few; like 6?--don't count them!!!!! Joesixpack says--It's a free for all! MissPerfect says--It's a new generation erv a.k.a the new normal. My playing partner is in his 60s and told me he has two sisters. One has been divorced 2 times and the other 3 times. Sooooooo Arlene and I have been married for 42 years (i.e. sorta kinda abnormal maybe. Such is life.
Most of us are devastated by the stuff that happens inside of our personal hearts and lives (i.e. our castles). We really can't hire soldiers or personal body guards to protect us against that type of stuff. That type requires a different type of guard. Our money won't guard us against it. Our alarm systems won't. Our gated communities won't. Watching the news won't. The fastest internet connections, the most TV channels, the highest definition screens, the fanciest or most fuel efficient cars won't either. There are some things in life, which just so happen to be most of the really important things, that only we can guard against. And much of that guarding depends upon whom you choose to ally yourself with to watch over you. Soooooooo who are you going to ally with? Perhaps it's time for a changing of the guard. And your answer please! Suck it up cupcake!
Do you every need a day to recalibrate? Please give me your answer. I had such a day recently. Yes I did. I just did some thinking and recalibrated my life. It was a day that I just figured some things out, sorta kinda took it easy, thought through some stuff. I took some time to slow down (i.e. to recalibrate my life). I needed some time to get away from some folks (i.e. discouraging folks). I made some decisions and I hope they are good. Time will tell. ANYWAY a friend told me how good it made him feel when he accomplished a small task that he normally doesn't do (i.e. learned something new). I did just that and it made me feel real good (i.e. something I have put off for some time--something different). Soooooooo I think I'm recalibrated! Such is life.
Do you really care about other folks or just care about yourself? Please give me your answer. "If I seem insensitive to what you're going through Captain, understand, it's the way I am." ~Mr. Spock, Star Trek, The Enemy Within~ This is a quote from the popular TV series, Star Trek. Mr. Spock was a Vulcan. Vulcan's were lacking emotions more or less. Mr. Spock was simply trying to tell Captain Kirk that it was nothing personal, but that he just wasn't an emotionally sensitive being. Not even in the least bit. It's not just Vulcans. So are you a sensitive person? Please give me your answer? GeorgeTheCrook says--Don't be afraid to give extravagantly to those in need. Be one who is "content" regardless of a financial situation (Philippians 4:11-12). Love the needy as much as yourself. See them as Christ and joyfully give. Don't be like many other American churchgoers who are more concerned about their standard of living than anyone else's. Set the example in loving the less fortunate. Sooooooo how would you rate yourself as a giver? Give me your answer please!
I have had the same glasses for maybe 10 years but I lost them. Can't find them. Soooooo have you every lost your glasses? Please give me your answer. Soooooo I bought a couple of pairs at Dollar General. A guy needs glasses or he might sign something that could get him in trouble like LuckyEddie (i.e. age 73) did when he forgot his glasses. Yesterday my daughter asked me why I didn't do something useful with my time (i.e. don't die with your teeth in a glass). She suggested I go down to the senior center and hang out with the guys. I did this and when I got home last night I told her that I had joined a parachute club. She said, "Are you nuts? You're almost 74 years old and you're going to start jumping out of airplanes?" I proudly showed her that I even got a membership card. She said to me, "For heaven's sake, where are your glasses! This is a membership to a Prostitute Club, not a Parachute Club!" I'm in trouble again and don't know what to do! I signed up for five jumps a week!
Things change folks. Has your community changed. Please give me your answer. When we were in Wichert, Illinois (i.e. were Arlene grew up her brother and sister-in-law still live) we again saw the changes that have happened and are happening right now. Witchert is a settlement of small farms, acreages, and houses in a rural setting. Years ago there were many Dutch who had names like Schaafsmas, Hokestras, DeGrootes, DeJongs, Sikmas etc. There are still some but Craig, Arlene's brother, says he doesn't know half the folks any more. At the peak there were maybe 50 gladiola farmers and now there are 2. First Reformed Church use to worships with maybe 300 and now there about 75. No one use to work on Sunday but now everyone does (i.e. it's all about the money folks a.k.a. your ticket to the party). Pucker up to the world sweetie! ItchieBitche says--A bend in the road is not the end of the road...unless you fail to make the turn. Such is life.
Soooo are they really that conservative or just think soooooooo? And your answer please. Tuesday morning we had breakfast with my sisters and their husbands before heading to Wichert, IL. Do you think I look like my sisters? Your answer please? ANYWAY I took a bike ride from Wyoming to Byron Center on a beautiful bike trail (i.e. maybe 5 to 6 miles each way). I stopped in Byron Center at a park for a break. There were 4 seniors playing tennis (i.e. ages 69 to 74). They played quite well for some old farts. They told me they play twice a week and go to FL and play there as well (i.e. don't want to die with their teeth in a glass). Soooooooo are you CRCs or RCAs--3 of us are on track being CRSs and one is RCA! We went to the Granville 4th of July parade and there seemed to be a lot of floats for Christian schools. Soooooo do you think 30% of the kids in Byron Center go to Christian schools? Oh no, it's more like over 50%. We're real conservative here in Byron Center. Lyle, if you think NW Iowa is little Jerusalem then this is Jerusalem 2 let me tell ya! Soooooo do you CRCs drink beer in front of each other?--you go and get a 6-pack and we well show you! Sooooo I took a public street back to the trail that took me through a nice neighborhood. In the middle of the street was a pair of men's Hanes gray underwear. Maybe they aren't as conservative as they think. God only knows how that underwear got there but...! My goodness gracious!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Watch your step. Everyone else does.
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