Cadillac Jack says--erv, if I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong. LuckieEddie says--Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. Soooooo, idiots won't listen to any thing. Soooooo it's best to leave them alone. Everyone wishes to have truth on his side, but not everyone wishes to be on the side of truth. Parts of this "It's Saturday" you might think are good 'cause you agree with 'em. Parts you will think are bad 'cause you disagree with 'em. Could you ever be wrong? Could I ever be wrong? Could Joesixpack and his buddies ever be wrong? I think sooooooo folks. Sooooooo what is your demeanor a.k.a. behavior to others--outward manner)? Soooooo don't take this writing soooooo serious as I could be wrong but I could be right, Hey, if some of this stuff seems to apply to you and you are offended, remember, the last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on my list (i.e. just kiddin')! Such is life.
And her demeanor is...? TedThePriest asked Congresswoman Alice--Where will all this lying, misrepresentation, self-centeredness, protecting your butt, greed, attitude of doing anything for re-election, saying whatever it takes to react to public opinion get you? Congresswoman Alice looked at TedThePriest and said--Oh, I think I'll be able to retire in about 8 to 12 years! That's where it will get me. That's her behavior to others--her outward manner. Joesixpack says--Maybe Congresswoman Alice needs a few swift kicks in the seat. Maybe politicians never grow up, they only learn how to act in public. Do you think a all-around, good, down-to-earth person could get elected to Congress?
I called Stanley Steamer to have our carpet cleaned. Do you have any specials (i.e. of course they have specials folks--they always do)--Oh ya we do, she gave me a quote of sooooo much for the great room, dinning room and hall and soooooo much for the bedrooms for a total of $250--Hey wait a minute, I thought you said it was sooooo much for three rooms (i.e. the special) and soooo much for the bedrooms; that doesn't add up?--Let me re-add, how about $146 for the whole thing? Folks, to some that's the nature of the beast! You get what you can when you can (i.e. ItchieBitchie says--that's just good business). If they object then you can always negotiate but if they don't say anything, well...there are suckers born every day! Such is life.
I'm seem sorta kinda moody about this it seems (i.e. I'm much like the stock market--a lot of unpredictable oscillations). Friends and family say that I'm that way every year about going to the Iowa football games. This is what I emailed our friends who we go with: I know I said I wouldn't go to another IA game last year but...I think the two in November (i.e. MI and MS) we will probably not go to as Heather and James baby is due on the 11th but we will make the rest. The 5th might be iffy but surely the 12th won't work so we better not figure going to either but the rest we will make it. Who's Tenn Tech and Louisiana State anyway. In parenthesis it says "wins". Okay, now I know who they are. Ya gotta have sooooooo many wins to get in the bowl deal. It's all about the money. IA knows that us suckers will go to those games--I'm one!!!!! AGAIN
My Daddy, Chester, told me--Personality is how you act around folks and character is how you act when no one is looking. The difference is like the difference between SlickDuane and RealMary! Soooooooooo what do you think the character and personality are of Johnny Ray and Bubba? My Mommy, Anna, told me--erv, don't judge folks by how they look; they might be way different than their appearance. SusieQ says--There is no one, I repeat, no one that you totalling like; there is always something that you don't like about them. That person can be your religious leader, your parents, your kids, your best friend. Even the person who you like the best, 5 years from now you might not like them at all (i.e. it happens folks). Some folks don't even like themselves. My mentor says--Everyone gets better after they die. GerogeTheCrook says--You just can't be liked by everyone no matter how hard you try or what you do; it's impossible soooooo just do your best I guess. MissPerfect says--If a man is poor, he is stupid; if he is rich, he's a crook; if he goes to church, he's a hypocrite; if he stays away, he's a sinner. If he's in politics, he's a grafter; if he takes no interest in politics, he's an unworthy citizen; if he dies young, there was a great future ahead of him; if he lives to a ripe old age, he's a burden to society. The only man who is never criticized is he who has never been born. Such is life.
There are rules like the Constitution of our Good Ol' U.S. of A or the Ten Commandments that set the stage for us. WildWilly says--Those are really only rough guidelines; I don't gotta havta do it dat way! Those are for others but really don't apply to me. Saturday question--What guides your actions, conduct, and behaviour in your life (i.e. forms your demeanor)? I just read in my morning devotions will eating MI blueberries on it, that God tells us that we can't just live anyol'way, but live as He teaches us (i.e. can't be fakers). Do you believe that or is that just a rough guideline?
I was at a friend's house the other day. She has an assortment of bird feeders on a inch metal pole. A squirrel was on the top eating. I asked her how in the world can that squirrel get up that pole--he just adapts some how up he goes; it's no problem for him. The day before I was with a friend and we were talking about the water hemp (i.e. a weed) that is becoming resistant to roundup. It has just adapted some how and now is really growing up so we can see it in the soybean fields. Nature sure seems to adapt. Some how it's in their makeup (i.e. demeanor). Sooooooooo are you adaptive or not?
Many parents brag about their kids (i.e. it's their persona a.k.a demeanor). Joesixpack says--Many parents think their kids are better than they really are (i.e. it's the nature of a parent). One of my little friends (i.e. age 9) called me and asked him if I would get him started in golf. Soooooo I picked him up on my golf cart and let him drive to the golf course (i.e. he never did this before and liked it). I taught him a proper grip and swing. I let him hit maybe 12 of my practice balls. He only missed maybe 2 times (i.e. he has good eye/hand coordination it appears). We went back to my house and I gave him 10 practice balls and told him to go to the range and hit those 10 balls 5 times--do that 3 times and call me again and we will have another lesson. The reason why I did that is I helped some other kids (i.e. they get a set of clubs for Christmas) and they think after one session they will be a Tiger Woods without ever practicing. Ya gotta practice, have the proper mentality, and have some ability to get to some degree of play. Golf is not easy nor are other things. But ya gotta work at it to be a Navy Seal, a medical doctor, a good musician, an architect, a successful business person, etc (i.e. most anything). It's easy to be below average and even average but to be above average takes work and to be excellent it takes a lot of work (i.e. most won't be excellent as they don't have the right temperament a.k.a disposition and work ethic to accomplish an excellent level (i.e. my opinion). Harvey Penick in his book Little Red Book tells this story--A parent came up to him and said his kid is really a good golfer as he just shot a par round. Mr. Penick response was: When he shoots a par round on a course other than his home course playing with players he doesn't know in competition come an tell me (i.e. what he was saying is playing by USGA rules a.k.a. real golf with no give-mes, mulligans, foot wedges, no rolling the balls for preferred lies and keeping an accurate score). A friend who usually shoots in the 30s for nine holes told me about his brother. His brother was going to learn to play golf but my friend told him--it isn't as easy as it looks on tv. Sooooooo his brother plays a year with his scores in the 60s. Next year he plays in the 50s and tells my friend--Next year in the 40s. and then the following year I'll be in the 30s like you. It's been four years and his brother is still in the 50s. Such is life.
Our frame of mind can be like a roller coaster a.k.a a wild ride (i.e. sorta kinda up and down) which can affect our demeanor maybe. By changing what we think and do, we might change our frame of mind. What do you think? LuckieEddie says--Straighten out the kink in you life by using these suggestions: Remember the five simple rules to be happy: Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less. I got this return message from a friend: If the good Lord’s willing and the creeks don’t rise; he’ll be there. What do you think her frame of mind is folks?
It's just his demeanor folks. JoeTheWessel is sitting at home alone when he hears a knock on the front door. There are two sheriff's deputies there; he asks if there is a problem. One of the deputies asks if he is married, and if so, can he see a picture of his wife. The guy says "sure " and shows him a picture of his wife. The deputy says, "I'm sorry to inform you sir, but it looks like your wife's been hit by a truck." "I know, but she has a great personality , she's good with kids and is an excellent cook."
HumbleHilda has such a pleasing, wonderful demeanor. It's always the same. You can't tell if she is winning or loosing (i.e. she doesn't fizzle out). She is very a gifted person and does not show off. It's like she's in a comma. She's a good candidate for the most steady person I know. She's a rock. Saturday question--Who does this description remind you of?
I received several responses from you guys about your memories of parents and your growing up. They were touching and interesting. I asked Bruce this: Your parents back on the farm taught you guys well--I'm happy for you. Sooooooooo what did they do to make your lives sooooooo good do you think? Here is part of his response: Erv, Exactly the same thing you learned...Mental toughness is a key! Hard work mixed in. Hard work, honesty, church right beside the school is still going by the way. Mental toughness, sports when we were not farming, year we had 33 steers and heifers at the Jasper county fair. Education was important, mom also taught school until the family started. grandparents, aunts, uncles who we were close to. Traditions at Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July...Neighbors who really cared for each other. A mom that took us to all the practices, we never missed any. In high school we played our best after a day of hay bailing first. We would go to baseball practice and then come home to practice some more. Many times we all worked together on the farm together. Zero bragging because that is the way we were taught...We never worked on Sunday except for chores twice a day. That is when we would visit friends and relatives or they would come to our house for dinner. Played tackle football..when we got to JR High, that was a piece of cake, we got to wear helmets.and pads...Hard work, mental toughness. I keep coming back to that. Honest communication is a requirement. That's enough. could write a book.... Sincerely, Bruce ~ My mentor says--We are programed by our past. Sooooooo can environment define our demeanor do you think? The Debt Ceiling: A Perspective--Another way to look at the Debt Ceiling: Let's say You come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in your house, and you have sewage up to your ceilings. What do you think you should do……raise the ceilings, or pump out the sewage? Your choice.
I read it in the paper so it must be right. You cannot control the contour of your countenance, but you can control its expressions and what it communicates to others. Does this mean we inherit our demeanor but do have control how we express our demeanor? What do you think? An old woman was sipping on a glass of wine while sitting on the patio with her husband and she says, "I love you so much. I don't know how I could ever live without you." Her husband asks, "Is that you or the wine talking?" She replies, "It's me... talking to the wine."
Soooooo did I change your mind at all about anything? I doubt it. You folks don't change very easily. Most of the human race is stiff--necked and stubborn (i.e. don't and won't change their thinking very easily). I was in JamesTheGunsmith's shop this week asking about a bolt for my trail blazer. He had this saying above his work bench--It's too late to agree with me, I've all ready changed my mind!!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFreindJean says--Be at peace with yourself.
August 20, 2011
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