I finished reading the NT. Revelations is difficult for me. To me it's a complex, enigmatic letter from a pastor named John filled with scenes of scrolls and robes and angels and plagues and trumpets and horses and dragons and beasts and bowl and prostitutes and horses. I don't understand the divine commands to commit genocide found in the OT either. Maybe I'm not very smart--that could be. ANYWAY death on this earth will be a pretty major change I would think. What do you think?
AverageJoe says--I can't make my wife change if she doesn't want too. I have tried many times with no success. She just doesn't want to change and is just plain not receptive to thinkin' about it. We've never done it that way before. Ya can't teach old dogs new tricks! You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink! Ya, change is hard for many folks unless there is money involved; then they can change. Oh ya! JoeSomebody says--Now that the Christmas season (i.e. a time of joy and peace for some and a time that makes others cranky) is over, I will change back to my ol' self! It's a good thing that Christmas is only once a year! Some people will do things the same no matter what--they are much like the Coriolis Force--water always swirls one way in the Northern Hemisphere and the other way in the Southern Hemisphere. It doesn't change. Saturday question--Do cowlicks always swirl the same way?
PositiveRon says--Life changes with opportunities. We always talk about change with a new year now don't we. Many times nutten really changes. It's all talk and show (i.e. just blowing smoke). I read this little fun article about change in the Denver Post while celebrating Christmas in CO--Eavesdropping was the headline. Eavesdropping on two women attending a performance at the Lincoln Center in Fort Collins after the building's renovation. "The new bathrooms and lobbies are nice, but I don't know why they had to replace the theater seating with these smaller seats. (They) are way too tight, and I barely fit." "Actually, these are the same seats they had before." Soooooooo maybe the gals have changed over the holidays. Ouchy ouchy! I think the change was they ate toooooooo much during the holidays and...! That's what I think. Such is life.
Here is something else I read in the same paper--Headline article: Shows struggle to go on. The Western Stock Show and Rodeo has to change to exist in the future. They are looking at 5 options. #1 is Having the stock show stay put and do nothing which according to the report would force National Western into bankruptcy within seven years. The other part of the article says--To have a future, the Colorado Symphony Orchestra has decided it must relinquish some of its past to have a future.
LuckieEddie says--Ratchet up your life with a change. Put off the old and put on the new (make a radical change that folks can see the difference). Change might make your body hurt and/or you brain hurt! Maybe a simple inexpensive treatment might help. And maybe the adjustment doesn't have to hurt. Here are two places here in the Valley of the Sun that might just make that adjustment for a guy. It's just an idea! TimTheGadgetMan says--Get a gadget and it will fix most anything. I love those gadgets a.k.a. toys. They are good for my ego! They make me feel important. SusieQ says--Gadget folks like change it seems as they are always changing and the market makers know this and are always coming out with a new gadget (i.e. $$$$$$). What is really interesting to me is a person who will be on the razors edge with technology when making money but won't change dealing with other issues (i.e. stay sooooo traditional). That really puzzles me. Maybe it's the $$$$$$$ that affect folks. You think soooooo! Such is life.
Joesixpack says some folks are change makers; they seem to have that sense. It's just like some folks know when to act and when not to act--when to talk and when to be silent--when to be aggressive and when to be passive--when to move and when to stand still--when to react and when not to react. Why do some folks have this sense and others don't. I don't know Joesixpack but I agree. Some folks can get changes done and others can't. Such is life.
KingOfTheCityBob says--It doesn't take Scotland yard to figure ourselves out now does it but for many it's hard to see the forest through the trees. How do you act do you think? ItchieBitchie says--It's really hard to evaluate yourself. You might be different than you think. Now that could be. I once asked a couple of my friends if they would evaluate me. They didn't do it. Maybe they thought I would be offended and wouldn't do business with them (i.e. lose $$$$$). Or maybe I had soooooo maybe defects that they just didn't want to go there. Yabut if you don't know if you have defects, how can you correct them. I'm a big believer in evaluations in business. It can really help folks especially if they don't know they are weak (i.e. usually folks know their weaknesses and strengths). Okay, I know folks who seem to argue a lot, don't say nice things to each other, and are very negative about others. And I know others who are just the opposite. Do you think they know they act that way? Can they change? If you are a parent of a small child, they are probably going to act the same way you treat others or them (i.e. young kids copy somebody and most often it is their parents--we all are programed by someone or something). MissPerfect says--Every body's history has an impact on 'em! Maybe that is the reason why some folks seem to have it all together and others seem to be chronically a mess (i.e. problematic). Such is life. .
My Daddy, Chester, would say to me--erv, the best discipline is self-discipline. GeorgeTheCrook asks--Have your ever had a life changing event or know someone who has (e.g. a heart attack). They change their habits like eating differently and exercising. They do it for maybe 6 months and then they are back to the Big Macks super sized. Soooooo maybe it wasn't really a life changing event! MissPerfect says--If you take action you can change; without action you probably won't change; it's reality. One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. "One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. "The other is Good - It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith." The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one we feed the most."
SusieQ says--I'm in a rut, in a rut wearing grooves in a familiar path that is easier and easier to take. SusieQ, you need a new life a.k.a a change of heart! CadillacJack says--Why do ya think suddenly someone wakes up one day and decides to head in the completely opposite direction? I wonder if it's a God thing. I don't doubt God's ability to do anything.
Joesixpack says--Catching on can lead to change maybe--This video is about change. It was used during Christmas morning service at the The Rock of the SW in Littleton, CO which we had the opportunity to attend with James, Heather, Erin and Easton. It's about 1.5 minutes but it's sorta kinda funny but has a point. http://www.sermonspice.com/product/36960/skit-guys-christmas-connection
The fear of failure is main motivational piece for most folks. Sooooooo instead of failing, most folks won't even try anything 'cause they fear they will fail. Instead they just sit on the couch and eat chips . They know they can be a success at that. I have heard this statement during the Christmas time--If you don't behave, Santa won't bring you any presents. Ya right! The fear of failure!!! If you don't be good you're going to hell! What!!! I just read the Love Wins by Rob Bell (i.e. it's controversial book as he thinks everyone will have many opportunities to accept Jesus even after death--most will eventually get into heaven). He thinks that after "you are laid to rest" a.k.a. die, you will will have the opportunity to see the Light--Heaven will not just be for a few elite. It was a good read for me. Maybe I'm open minded or maybe I'm just gullible but it was very stimulating to me. My response is--His understanding I cannot fathom--God is God and thats just the way it is. Such is life.
Covet! It's a great motivator too! DuaneTheWorm says--I don't covet. If someone has something that I want, I just go and buy it. Covet is not a thing, not a one time event, but it's an attitude. And if you have it, you are a mess. SusieQ says--If you have that attitude, I would suggest you get rid of it (i.e. change). It will, I repeat, make you a constant unhappy person. Don't think of stuff you don't have but think of the little things you really enjoy. If your life is about stuff, you will never have enough or the latest stuff or the best stuff and you will really never be truly happy. It takes a strong person to manage this attitude as the world keeps seducing us. Some can and others can not. Saturday question--What do you really like to do? I mean something you do that you just loose track of time (i.e. something I could do forever)? If you don't have such a thing, I feel sorry for you.
Soooooo what is ervie going to change in 2012? It's really not a change but something I'm going to do more of. I'm going to live one day at a time. And live it the best I can. I asked for advice from someone who I admire and this was his suggestion. I also have been told this by others and have read this advice by others who I don't know (pastor John said it Sunday too). Sooooo that is what I'm going to try to get better at. Try to make my life and other folks' life more enjoyable and useful. Sooooooo folks--Wherever you go, there you are. Maximize every minute of every day to the fullest. Throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch and do something for someone else or even yourself. Must admit--This is how the table in front of me looked while I watched the Rose Bowl sittin' on the couch!!!! Ouchy ouchy!!!!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--A simple life in the fear of God is better than a rich life with a ton of headaches.
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