I wonder (i.e. like a pure innocent child, a natural contemplative) as I wander! I like to travel and explore and learn. It makes me more contemplative. Ya, some of the stuff is sorta kinda a repeat (i.e. been there done that) but there is soooo much out there that makes me sooooo excited. I wonder more the more I travel and experience. T.S. Eliot said--We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. That is what he said folks. I understand more by not understanding than by understanding. Oh ya! Soooo I hope I continue to have the desire and ability to travel. I learned this trip that bears really don't hibernate but are in a deep sleep. I also learned that the Aspen is the second largest living organism. The Aspens share one root system. I learned a lot about gold and silver mining. I was reminded once again that there was an ice age age and the mountains were covered with ice and sea. That is hard for me to understand with my puny little mind. How great is God anyway? Huh, interesting.
He's a loaded semi let me tell ya. Ya that little guy looks like a semi load alright. When I was hiking/running in'em'remountains I met this couple. CO folks are much different that most IA folks. CO folks seem to exercise more while more IA folks seem to like to sit on the couch and eat chips. Maybe that's why CO has the lowest percentage of obese folks. Could be. This couple had a different accent soooooo I asked them where they were from--Russia. They live and work in Denver. Huh, interesting.
Sooooooo...When James, Chet and I were going to Batman, we were running a little late. Chet told me (i.e. I was driving) we need less pantie and more jock strap at the wheel! We got there 2 minutes before it started. James and Chet almost ran up the ramp to theater #9. I told them--You guys are never this excited to go to church! Hey, I actually could hear every word of the movie. It was loud folks. Really loud. Talking about panties and jock straps--Chet and Jessica are having a little boy in December. Sooooo that will even out the panties and jock straps in our family. Sooooo that's a big deal. Such is life.
I read in the Durango Herald, soooo it must be right, what Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke said--Once basic material needs are met, more wealth doesn't necessarily make people happier...Or, as your parents always said, money doesn't buy happiness...Well, an economist might reply, at least not by itself...Economics isn't just about money and material benefits, it is also about understanding and promoting 'the enhancement of well-being'". Sooooo there you go. Ben wants to know if you are happy? Yabut Ben, it takes money to travel!
We spent the week in SW CO. I really like this country. It was a fun-licious trip. It use to be that the cowboys would go to town to get a bath, sleep in a bed, drink some whiskey, gamble and maybe spend some money at the brothels. Now the cowboys go to town for a super-sized value meal at Wendy's. His name is Henry, Cowboy Henry. He has been a cowboy, rancher, and rodeo man for all his life he said (i.e. he was a true gentleman cowboy let me tell ya). Soooooo there you go. We spent some time in the Durango area. Durango was developed by the railroad hauling coal for the mining industry in the late 1800s. There is very little mining now and the biggest industry is tourism. Soooo there you go, we added to the local economy. Did you know (i.e. pretty typical) that very few of the miners made money? The suppliers, saloons, and brothels made the money (i.e. mining the miners). It's all about the money folks. Were there are bucks to be made, they will show up. It's called capitalism. Such is life.
Chief Ouray says--She's the one! I already know that Chief Ouray. Have you ever looked at a world you know well but have never seen from such an angle before (i.e. from 9,000 feet)! Sooooo it sure looks different now doesn't it. GeorgeTheCrook says--I use to look at life rather matter-of-factly but now it looks sooooooo different. Sooooo different. Soooo what's your 9,000 feet experience that makes your world look oh soooooo different. Have you ever been to Ouray, CO?
Here is the bumper sticker I saw on this trip that made me laugh the most--"Jesus" loves you but everyone else thinks you are an...!
I was getting a Denver Post at the Corner Store in Morrison the other morning. Their digitally advertising screen for the lottery said--Your luck is just a dollar away. Ya right. I read in the paper, soooooo it must be right, that the IA lottery revenues were up 14.5% from last year for a total of 310.0 million in which the state made 88.7 million a.k.a. State of Iowa capitalism.. Sooooo it looks like that dollar will not make you lucky. It's a hoax folks a.k.a. colossal deception! Soooo suck it up cupcake, you are being taken. It's sorta kinda like what a senior guy said coming out of the bathroom in Donut Hut when we bought Erin a donut--It sounds like that darn thing is going to blow up; I wouldn't go in there if I were you! ItchieBitchie says--Can you shift gears...or are you stuck in stupid lotteryticketbuyer!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The steam that blows the whistle can't be used to turn the wheels.
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