October 27, 2012


GeorgeTheCrook says--Language is the expression of thought. Every time you speak or write, your mind is on parade. O'MY! Start the band as the parade is beginning folks. 

Joesixpack says--Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have.  Are you content with what you have?  Really!  I have to admit that I'm pretty content.  Our neighbor passed away (i.e. she was a nice lady and appeared to be content).  She had a comfortable house and it was furnished comfortably as well.  But much of her stuff and much of our stuff will end up in the same spot.  In the dumpster.  Who wants it.  It was good enough for us but no one wants it.  Our kids don't want it, you can't sell it, and you can't even give it away.  Soooo it goes in the dumpster.  We live in a very affluent society.  If it's not a big screen HD, you can set it on the curb with a sign--free but no one wants it.  Such is life.

It seems we have a massive huge problem here folks.  A gal who works at a clinic told me that in the medical area it appears there is a problem with determining what a need is as compared to what's a want is (i.e. entitlement or a privilege).  There are folks who are given free medical care (i.e. sometimes just a want instead of a need) but have to pay a co-pay of $4 but say they don't have the $4 but have an iPod5 and a $40 nail job.  Sooooo how do we change that dumpster mentality anyway?  I read in the paper sooooo it must be right that Howard Buffet said at the Iowa Hungry Summit--1/6 of all Americans don't know where they're going to get their next meal.  But yet we have sooooo much food thrown away each day and the majority of Americans are obese.  How are we going to change that dumpster mentality anyway. 

He said ya gotta get your mind out of the dumpster.  I talked to a friend who is a caregiver for his wife.  He has been her caregiver for 6 years and has a very limited ability to get out of the house. He and I went for breakfast the other day.  I asked him how he does it.  He said--You got to train your mind.  And then you think you have your mind trained, all of a sudden it ricochets all over the place.  Dreams and reality are not the same. But ya gotta do what you gotta do and then do it.  But!  Sooooo Brother, what's the most difficult?  Not having someone to talk too.  SusieQ says--That is why we like to put things we don't much care for out of site--out of site out of mind.  Now that could be SusieQ.  Could easily be.  The other day I talked to a lady who was recently widowed.  She told me that you learn real quick that it is a couple's world.  You can't live through your kids; you got to learn to adapt and move on the best you can; learn to take care of yourself.  I think this gal will do just fine in spite of her husband dieing.  Soooooo it is in most things as my brother said--you gotta train your mind; you got to do what you have to do and do it.  Such is life.

It said in the paper soooo it must be right--Your chances of reaching age 100 could be better than you think - especially if you get some additional sleep and improve your diet.  To live to 100 they say ya gotta get proper sleep and eat a balance diet.  71% of the centenarians - say they get eight hours or more of sleep each night. By contrast, only 38% of boomers say they get the same amount of rest. And when it comes to eating right, more than eight in 10 centenarians say they regularly consume a balanced meal, compared with just over two-thirds (68%) of baby boomers.  How to reach 100? Centenarians point to social connections, exercise and spiritual activity as some of the keys to successful aging (i.e. attitude).  Such is life. 

Arlene and I had dinner at the TX Road house the other night (i.e. I like eating there).  ANYWAY our waitress came over when we were almost done and asked--one ticket or two.  We both looked at her sorta kinda strange.  In WaitressHolly's eyes, we must of looked like we weren't married for 44 years but were having an affair or dating or just living together or something.  Is that the image the younger generation thinks?  But maybe some married folks each pay for their own (i.e. like a new way of living that we don't know about).  Could be!  Alan, tell us who a guy should marry--Who should you marry? -- You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. -- Alan, age 10  Maybe Alan, that's why sooooo many marriages end up in the dumpster.  Could be.

Saturday question--Who is the majority and who is the minority?  If you are hiring an employee, looking for a mate, selecting a banker, who you would like your children to marry, who you would like for a boss, or selecting a good friend, would you rather have a honest person, a crook, a game player, a person with integrity, a cheater, a person of high moral values, someone with dumpster thinking or a doitrightperson.  Where do you find the folks with high standards?  Someone you can trust?  Do some groups of folks meet the highstandardmarks more than others?  You know, the good ones. You surely can't be interested in being around the folks that have bad moralBO or bad ethicalBO or have a bad meonlyBO or a bad compromisingBO, or acheatingBO.  So are you in the majority or the minority?  Really! What kind of person do you want next to you anyway?

I watched the guy who picked up the dumpster at our neighbors.  I was interested how they load those dumpsters.  But what really got my attention was he sorta kinda went through the dumpster looking for stuff maybe he wanted or could sell.  He set aside a few items.  Soooooo our neighbor's stuff was worth more to him than to others obviously.  Or, FredTheDumpsterguy just has a house and sheds full of stuff that no one wants but he thinks has value (i.e. stuff tooooo good to throw away but no one wants).  Such is life.

WildWillie says--I'm 100% certain that all of my stuff some day will end up in the dumpster.  100% certain.  100% is everything WildWillie.  Are you sure?  My wife says that all my stuff is outdated and out of style but, hey, I like it (i.e. I'm content).  My mentor use to say--You can't tell a guy's net worth by how he dresses but you can by how his wife dresses.  Soooo WildWillie, if you are content, enjoy life.  If 100% of  your stuff some day goes in the dumpster, sooooo be it.  "Ninety-nine percent of failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses."~George Washington Carver~  Not 100% WildWillie but 99% sooooo maybe only 99% of your stuff will go in the dumpster.  100% seems like a lot to me! I think you over exaggerating it by saying 100%.  I can understand 99%!!!!

I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Faith in Jesus Christ--If you demand logic it makes no sense. If you are a cynic you call it “slaughterhouse religion” and throw it in the dumpster. If you’re into self-worship, it’s all too much out there. But if you’re troubled by the evil you find within yourself, or burdened by remembered sins, you fall on your knees in grateful wonder.

ItchieBitchie says--He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. 

October 20, 2012

Ya just know

Socrates was put on trial for treason.  He said I know more than the people who are judging me.  I know nothing and they don't know that they don't know nothing yet!  Such is life.

This reminded me of the presidential debates.  I saw a huge massive billboard by Kearney, Nebraska on I-80 advertising Pioneer Village.  It said--They had 5,000,000 satisfied visitors.  How do they know that.  Sounds sorta kinda speculative to me.  Ya just know they can't be accurate.  Sorta kinda like the promises I hear at the debates.  Somethings you just know stuff  is a bunch of hooey and sometimes you just know stuff is true 'cause you heard it from a cousin of a co-worker's sister's uncle's best friend's son-in-law's niece's hairdresser's neighbor's ex-boyfriend's oldest nephew (i.e. is's gotta be right then).  

After you have been around folks for some time, ya just know what they are going to say and do (i.e. pretty predictable).  No surprise.  That's just the way they are (i.e. and us too).  And if you know folks very well, you know why they act the way they do and say the things they do.  As my mentor use to say--We are programed by our past much like a computer is programed.  AverageJoe asks--Sooooo is that our character then?  Is our character constantly changing do you think?  Can you and I change our character?  Can we change to become more like some one's character that we would like to be more like?  What do you think? 

MissPerfect says--My normal might not (i.e. more than likely) be the same as your normal.  I'm not sure that any of us understand why some folks act the way they do, but they seem to always do the right thing even if it's not what others would do and maybe not the most popular.  Hey, I know folks like that and I really like them.  Sooooo why do they act that way and others react just the opposite.  Two brothers might be just the opposite or two sisters.  Now think about this--you go to a meeting and if you know the folks pretty good, you know who is going to complain, talk, object, criticize, praise, have a solution, go overboard, have wisdom, say things that you will wonder about, drag the meeting on forever without really saying much or knowing much, say nutten, say very little, get it figured out, don't have a clue what's going on etc (i.e. and they know how we are going to act too).  And for the most part, you know that before you go to the meeting.  Ya just know it.  Huh, interesting. 

Negative folks are just negative folks and positive folks are just positive folks.  No getting around it. Ya just know who they are.  Complainers are just complainers and doers are just doers.  Folks who do little just do little and folks who do a lot just plain do a lot. Some folks just talk about it while the others have it done before the others get done talking.  Ya know that.  Ya just know who all those folks are. 

And ya just know who the fakers, phonies, and smoke blowers are (i.e. DuaneTheWorms of the world).  It doesn't take no brain scientist to figure those folks out.  Ya just know!  Ya know who the real folks are with the huge massive hearts (i.e. my kind of folks).  Ya just know!  Abraham Lincoln said--You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

Ya just know it.  We were in Costco in Littleton, CO last weekend.  I was waiting for our family (i.e. patiently).  There was a gal standing beside me waiting too (i.e. about 30 or soooo).  I said to her--you have some important cargo in your cart (i.e. she had her little baby boy).  She said--I sure do; he is sooooo precious--how old is he--6 months--what's his name--Benjamen--that's a nice name; is there a special reason why you named him that?--it's a Bible name and we liked it--Are you a Christian?--yes we are--Are you--yes we are--do you have family--yes, those over there are our family; children are frustrating at times but parenting is the most joyous think we have ever done--we just are soooo blessed with little Benjamen and are sooooo happy.  Then her husband came and I said--I am soooo happy for you guys.  I said I had to go.  The gal stuck out her hand and shock my hand.  Huh, interesting.

SusieQ says--Some folks seem like they are always living in Pleasentville and others are always living in Dumbsville). Ya just know when tragedy (i.e.speed bumps) strikes how folks will react (i.e. pretty much anyway).  Ya just know when good stuff happens to folks how they will react (i.e. pretty much anyway).  If you know folks well enough, you probably won't be surprised.  Our character, what we believe in, our personality, our heart, our mind are all developed through the years by many things (i.e. genetics and environment).

Change is hard.  All change is hard.  Ya all know that.  JoeBlow says--It's hard to change your spouse, child, pastor, president, neighbor, self, parents, siblings, besides trying to change folks from a a different culture or part of the world.  It can be done.  Money, power, world success seem to get folk's attention to change them.  With jr high girls, it's being in the group (i.e. the elite group considers themselves the best, but we know they aren't!).  I guess that works for women of all ages even when they are seniors.  Many who want to be the elite group and will change to be there (i.e. will almost do anything to be popular and be part of the so called elite group).  Ya just know who they are.  But I think folks (i.e me included) can change).  I think if we really want to change we can but we really really have to want to.  If we really don't want to, we won't.  That's my opinion. 

I know folks who are very powerful and rich who are very good folks.  I know folks who are powerful and rich who are jerks.  I know folks who are not very powerful nor rich who are very good folks.  I know folks who are not very powerful nor rich who are jerks.  Soooooo folks, power and money does not make the person who they are.  It has to be something inside of them.  Inside their heart and mind.  There is something intangible that make those folks good and not sooooo good.  Ya just know jerks and ya just know the good folks. It doesn't take to long to figure that out.  But again ya have to be careful as everyone has a different measuring stick as to who is a jerk and who is a good person (i.e. or do they).  Such is life.

Sometimes we get to a point where we think we know everything and plan our lives that way (i.e. ya just know it all).  But then something happens which we have no control over that reminds us once again that we are not in charge of the universe.  JaneTheOlsen says--My parents remember the letters that used to follow announcements in the church bulletin: "The church picnic will be next Saturday, DV. "DV" stood for Deo volente, "God willing."  Arlene's Mom, Cora, use to say to me a lot--If God is willing.  I sorta kinda laughed at that.  But now I understand it more.  That is what age does maybe.  Does wisdom come with age?  Socrates once said--True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.  Huh, interesting.

CadillacJack says--Ya just know it's time to quite something or give it up (i.e. make a change).  Or you know it's time to start something or move on.  Ya just know.  It's just not working out the way you are currently doing it (i.e. self-evaluation).  Sorta kinda knowing when it's time to have knee or hip replacement.  They say ya just know it.

Ya just know that you have no idea what Joesixpack is going to do next (i.e. he's a real character).  He is sooooo unpredictable.  One thing you do know is that you don't know what he is going to do.  You know that 'cause that the way he has always been.  I had a friend say to me in church recently--I like being a little different than all the others a.k.a being a little weird! 

You just know the answer already but...Who/what dominates the presidential election?  The paper says that about $1,000,000,000 will be spent on campaigning.  Now that's a lot of money.  Where does that money come from?  1. Poor black folks 2. Poor white folks 3.  Middle class Americans 4. The rich white folks.  Well it doesn't take no rocket scientist to figure that out.  Why do the big givers give to both parties?  Da! 

Talent is God-given, be humble. Fame is man-given, be grateful. Conceit is self-given, be careful.
~John Wooden~  You just know!  GeorgeTheCrook said this about his wife--I married Miss Right but didn't know her first name was Always!  It didn't take long to flush that out of her let me tell ya! 

ItchieBitichie says--I can't understand some one's character who is a big advocate for saving all the pets but is pro-abortion.  That person's character seems a little shallow to me.  What do you think?  Maybe they have a peek-a-boo character. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans.  (-:


MyFriendJean says--There plenty of rules for attaining success, but none of them works unless you do.

October 13, 2012

Dude, come on!

Joesixpack says--erv, your "It's Saturday" is both good and original, but the part that is good is not original and the part that is original is not good.  Soooooo just remember, you get what you pay for folks.  Here is a cavalcade of thoughts. 

LukcieEddie says--I think it's funny that he thinks he's funny but he's not funny but just thinks he's funny.  Dude come on! I have several folks who don't understand my humor. I bet there are many others as well. There are some folks' humor that I don't think is funny either. I just don't understand their humor. It's just not funny to me. I guess we are not on the same page or maybe not compatible as far as humor goes. They say stuff that they think is humorous and I don't see the hummer in it or at least it doesn't touch my funny bone. Sooooooooo Dude, some of my humor in "It's Saturday" you might not think is funny while I do. That's okay I guess. Sooooo don't get soooo excited about it, ok? It's only written stuff. Relax! Come on Dude!

You think sooooo Dude?  Last Sunday a guy said to me at church.  I only come once a month and that being on communion Sunday.  I know there is all there is really to know as I have studied it and read about it.  But, I come for Communion just in case I missed something and to cover my tracks!  That is what he said.  I said--It's good that you are here then!

Hey Dude, if you like it or not some of you are on the backsideofyourlife!  Or as a gal said in SS, she is in her sunset years.  Just rollin' down the hill to the canyon below.  You can have a face lift, paint your toenails, dye your hair, have your cataracts removed, and fix your varicose veins but you are still rollin' down the hill.   Be ready for the crash at the bottom of the canyon.  It's a coming Dude!  We are all terminal. We are at the short end of the stick.  Soooo what's your thanatopsis?  As LittleBoyPete always asks--Are we there yet?  LittleBoyPete, we are not.  You will probably hear some ruckus roars and cockeyed stares when we arrive!  Oh ya!  MissPerfect says--The long and short of it is the longer your waistline the shorter your lifeline.

Dude, come on! I'll have you know, sir, that I cannot be bought.  However if you want to rent me for a while, that's another story!  Now that we know what you are, all we have to do is negotiate a price for the rent.  Dude, I'm cow'nt on ya!  Mooooo!  And that ain't no bull!

Dude, come on!  Why do you, when talking about yourself, maximize your supposedly good stuff about yourself and minimize your supposedly bad stuff?--Well, I like to be accepted by folks and be important soooo I can be part of the elite group (i.e. be the big cheese).--Dude, who is the elite group anyway that you want to  be part of?--You know, the social elite, the powerful, the shakers, the folks with all the new clothes, new cars etc.--Sooooo you think that will make you happier?  Do you think you will ever be happy Dude.  Dude, come on!  John Koedyer says--My wife and I like to watch a British program on PBS called Keeping Up Appearances. “The lady of the house,” as she calls herself, is always trying to impress others and cover up the blemishes and blunders of her family. It’s human nature to “keep up appearances” despite what our real circumstances might be.  Soooo there you go, we have the answer folks!  Such is life.

Dude, I do know that you can't over exaggerate the greatness of God. Impossible.

Step it up Dude! Come on Dude! Ya gotta do better.  Hey Dude, I like your heart and your attitude but don't much care for your crazy mannerisms.  MissPerfect says--If folks would point out his crazy mannerisms, Dude can change them and get along much better in life.  But if no one lets him know, well, he doesn't have the advantage of ever changing (i.e. a pro golfer changed one of his disturbing mannerisms in his pre-swing routine as someone told him about it--MPO, he needs to change a few more).  Mannerisms can be changed.  I recently saw a gal who I haven't seen for maybe 8 years.  I remember her as just a real common looking gal.  I couldn't believe my eyes.  She had a modern hair cut, lost some weight, and had some attractive cloths on! Wow, has she changed.  I couldn't believe my eyes.  Well, folks can change their mannerisms too if they want tooo (i.e. if they know they have distracting mannerisms).  Mannerisms can be changed.   

Joesixpack says--When I see KnowItAllRoy, I run the other direction.  Dude, you have proven me wrong.  Thanksamillion Dude.  Dude proved to me that not everyone sees folks the same.  I always thought that everyone sees folks the same but maybe they don't. Example--You take a radical Democrat and racial Republican, they cannot understand how the other can think the way they do.  No way!  The radical Democrat will be considered a wise person in his circle of other radical Democrats and the same for the radical Republican.  A person who is radical in believing a certain position, just can't understand the other but in their racial circles, they are understood.  I don't know for sure if they are understood outside their circles. Such is life.  IMPO I think the national debt can be compassionately reduced.  But there will have to be compromises.  BUT you can't get elected by taking things away from folks (i.e. ya got to tell 'em what they want to hear like I'm working to reduce your taxes).  If that is true, how in the world will the national debt ever get reduced?  No one wants their free lunch taken away from them.  They want more free stuff.  Soooo it appears Houston, we have a problem.  AverageJoe says--It helps to keep life in proper perspective.  Your perspective often depends on whom you associate with.

MPO is that the current trek the good ol' U.S. of A is on, we are heading full speed for the cliff (i.e. backsideofournation).  I would call our condition of the union abominable.  We need to make a change of plans but unless something really majorly bad happens, it ain't going to happen; it just won't Dudes (i.e. as my brother-in-law said to me over the phone the other day--we are on a slippery slope--he just had knee replacement and was all doped up soooo...).  And what is really scary, it appears that the good ol' U. S. of A is the prettiest horse in the clue factory.  Ouchy ouchy!  Hey but listen, many nations, empires, ruling leaders before us failed too.  It has happened before.  The Persians, Babylonians, Geeks and the Romans thought they had it all figured out one time too.  Maybe the U.S. being on the tippy-top is just on a sugar-high!  Could be Dudes.

Dude, I have a question for you.  I think I had 3 real special experiences with God.  But I wonder if I really have.  Maybe they were just emotional times when I just thought this feeling.  Maybe I just saw the Emperor's Clothes.  Maybe the timing was right for me to feel this way.  How do I know for sure Dude?  I called a friend and asked him if he has ever had special experiences with God.  He said--I think soooo but I wonder sometimes if they were just emotional situations.  Sooooo I'm not just weird then?  He didn't think sooooooo but didn't know for sure!!!!

Dude, come on!  I went to see a young friend participate in a school activity recently.  I was disappointed in this person's effort (i.e. did not maximize their talent).  This person is very talented but used about 70% of their ability.  Looked lazy to me.  Ouchy ouchy!  It hurt me.  Maybe its 'cause I'm not a super talented person and had to fight and be a survivor just to be average.  Soooo when I see a super talented person not using their ability it makes me mad.  Maybe I'm envious.  That could be.  Dude, come on, get your butt off the couch and get after it.  You have been given talent sooooo use it to 110%.  Don't be a coaster.  Okay?  If you have a talented person who has a 110% attitude, wow, you really have something.  Then if you add a good heart to that equation, wow, it's dynamite, just dynamite folks.  Dynamite!

Hey Dude, have you ever prayed about anything?  It was our little grand daughter, Erin's 5th birthday recently.  Heather told me that when they were leaving for her party at a park, it looked like it was going to rain.  Erin said--Don't worry mom, I prayed to God to not have it lightning, thunder and rain.  The faith of a child.  Oh ya!  Some Dudes think God and prayer are just for kids and folks who are weak in the head.  I must be a kid and/or weak in the head.  Could be!

Last weekend we along with Tom and Missy (i.e. Jessica's parents) painted the nursery for the future BudBoyMellema or as Charlie calls him, Frank.  This weekend we are in CO (i.e. front range) buying pumpkins.  Dudes, it doesn't get any better than this.  Heather says, "Well according to Erin 'arock o bammie is going to change the world'.  Erin said she heard it on TV.  Sooo it must be right!

Hey Dude, what if the Hokey Pokey really is what it's all about?

Have a FUN day my friend unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--The Joy of life is living it and doing things of worth.

October 6, 2012

Kenny Salwey a.k.a. the last river rat

Maybe a month ago I read an article in the paper of a self-described 'river rat' a.k.a. Kenny Salwey touting his new book Muskrat for Supper.  It was about his life along the Mississippi River.  I really like the Mississippi 'cause as a kid I spent some time with my Uncle Jim and Aunt Grace at Alma, WI.  Our family would visit occasionally and a couple of times I took the train from Willmar, MN to St. Paul, change trains and then arrived in Alma. I remember the conductor waking me up and telling me I had to get off.  Then I would walk the maybe 200 yards to their house.  Another time my kid sister, Doris, and I went alone.  We were young.  I was maybe 14 and she was maybe 8.  We just did it. Didn't think a thing of it back then.

I really liked Mr. River.  Their house was just across from Dam #4.  I watched the barges go through the lock and wanted to be the captain of one of those tug boats some day.  In their back yard was maybe a 500 foot bluff.  In front of their house was 6 feet of sidewalk, highway, 2 railroad tracks, and the river and the dam.  Uncle Jim would take me fishing along the wing dams of the Miss, rattle snake hunting (i.e. never found any) along the bluff and boating on the mighty Mississippi.  He also had a commercial fishing license for set lines.  We would go out in the back waters in the evening and put out set lines and then in the morning take the john boat and see what we caught.  The catfish that we caught we took to a fish buyer in Nelson.  Uncle Jim insisted on buying me some smoked carp.  I didn't like it and when he wasn't looking I through it away.  When Arlene and I went to Uncle Jim's funeral, there were maybe 8 people there.  Us 2, my uncle Sam Mellema, his wife Aunt Edna there son Earl, a couple of neighbors and a priest who he drank beer with.  The priest said a few words and we went and buried Uncle Jim.  I said to Arlene, the grave marker was a waste of money as no one will ever look at it again.  Wrong!  We were there again.  I said over Uncle Jim's grave--I'm sorry for stepping on your fishing pole in the boat and breaking the tip off.  I did that some 50+ years ago.  I still fell bad about that.  Sorry Uncle Jim!

Soooo I looked on Amazon and saw that Mr. Salwey had written 4 books and I bought his first, The Last River Rat.  What a surprise.  He was a river rat in the swamp just south of Alma near Buffalo City/Cochrane.  I know that area some.  I really got interested then.  I really enjoyed the book.  It said in the back cover that Mr. Salwey lived in Buffalo City soooo I called the city clerk and asked if she knew him.  She said she was new in town but would find out if she could get his phone number for me.  She contacted me back.  He lived in Alma area.  What!  Soooooo I called him and had a very delightful conversation.  I asked him if we came down to visit Alma if we could buy him lunch.  He said--fine if I'm in town.  We did just that recently.  Great experience.  Just great. 

How the River Rat's life changed.  He was in his Big Lake Shack back in the swamp (i.e. back waters of the Great River) one day when the game warren came to his shack by air boat.  He thought he did something wrong.  But, he wanted him to do a talk at the school in Wabasha as he couldn't make it.  Kenny said he was a river rat and not a talker.  The guy told him that he has been a taker all his life and it was time for him to be a giver.  Besides it was worth $20 and free lunch.  That "giver and taker" statement really hit Kenny hard.  Sooooo he took some snake skins, turtle shells, traps and alike and did the talk. He was very well received in his slow but pleasing delivery.  He was asked to do another talk and the rest is history.  Kenny now does 100 talks a year in a 5 state area, has written 4 books, taught a class at Winona State, and done a film by the BCC which won an Emmy.  It can seen in  5 clips on you tube titled Last of the River Rats 
Watch his first clip and see what you think.  They are all about 9 minutes. Each clip goes through a season in the swamp of the Mississippi.  Kenny told me it took 18 months to put it together. 

When visiting with Kenny, we found him to be a real person with a massive huge heart (i.e. my kind of person).  He does everything slow as he states in his book and again told us.  I had all my lunch done and Kenny hardly was started.  ANYWAY we had such a good time.  He said he dropped out of country school but is married to a PHD!  He is just a neat, enjoyable guy.  A real alive Mississippi River Rat.  Maybe the last one alive. 

I asked him for some advice for my life.  Here is what he said--erv, Be like a child (i.e. always curious and excited about nature); Do different things and appreciate life around you (i.e. familiarity breeds contempt); Learn manners (i.e. manners change folks); Slow down (i.e. always have time to talk to folks in an unhurried manner); Be neighborly to everyone; Treat all folks nice and respectfully; Have a good attitude (i.e. attitude and values develop behavior); Enjoy nature having quiet time to mediate (i.e. very important); Don't miss a window of opportunity (i.e. it might never happen again); Stuff does not make a person happy (i.e. was hired to guide rich folks on hunting trips, fishing trips. bird watching trips and 8 out of 10 are unhappy--happiness is in the heart); Always be a giver (i.e. givers are always happy folks and it's the right thing to do); Be yourself (i.e. don't be a faker).

I asked him what if anything he would do over in his life.  He told me that is the most often asked question by the film folks, book producers and the like.  His answer--I wish I would have been more like a dog.  A dog is always happy to see ya no matter who you are or what your condition is.  Dogs give you their utmost love and ask very little in return.

I have a little river rat in me I think.  When I was a kid I thought it would be a great life to live by a lake, have a dog and horse, fish and hunt.  That was my dream.  Then along came girls, cars, money, sports, etc and messed up my paradise dream.  Such is life.   I really don't think I could have been a real river rat like Kenny (i.e. lived off the land).  I think I would have died the first winter.  I'm not near as tough as I think I am.  Really!  I'm really a wimp! 

I suggest you might read one of his books.  He said they are selling well.  There must be a reason folks.  All of his books have a 5-star rating on Amazon. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans.  (-:


MyFriendJean says--When God takes something from your grasp, He is opening your hands to receive something better.