LukcieEddie says--I think it's funny that he thinks he's funny but he's not funny but just thinks he's funny. Dude come on! I have several folks who don't understand my humor. I bet there are many others as well. There are some folks' humor that I don't think is funny either. I just don't understand their humor. It's just not funny to me. I guess we are not on the same page or maybe not compatible as far as humor goes. They say stuff that they think is humorous and I don't see the hummer in it or at least it doesn't touch my funny bone. Sooooooooo Dude, some of my humor in "It's Saturday" you might not think is funny while I do. That's okay I guess. Sooooo don't get soooo excited about it, ok? It's only written stuff. Relax! Come on Dude!
You think sooooo Dude? Last Sunday a guy said to me at church. I only come once a month and that being on communion Sunday. I know there is all there is really to know as I have studied it and read about it. But, I come for Communion just in case I missed something and to cover my tracks! That is what he said. I said--It's good that you are here then!
Hey Dude, if you like it or not some of you are on the backsideofyourlife! Or as a gal said in SS, she is in her sunset years. Just rollin' down the hill to the canyon below. You can have a face lift, paint your toenails, dye your hair, have your cataracts removed, and fix your varicose veins but you are still rollin' down the hill. Be ready for the crash at the bottom of the canyon. It's a coming Dude! We are all terminal. We are at the short end of the stick. Soooo what's your thanatopsis? As LittleBoyPete always asks--Are we there yet? LittleBoyPete, we are not. You will probably hear some ruckus roars and cockeyed stares when we arrive! Oh ya! MissPerfect says--The long and short of it is the longer your waistline the shorter your lifeline.
Dude, come on! I'll have you know, sir, that I cannot be bought. However if you want to rent me for a while, that's another story! Now that we know what you are, all we have to do is negotiate a price for the rent. Dude, I'm cow'nt on ya! Mooooo! And that ain't no bull!
Dude, come on! Why do you, when talking about yourself, maximize your supposedly good stuff about yourself and minimize your supposedly bad stuff?--Well, I like to be accepted by folks and be important soooo I can be part of the elite group (i.e. be the big cheese).--Dude, who is the elite group anyway that you want to be part of?--You know, the social elite, the powerful, the shakers, the folks with all the new clothes, new cars etc.--Sooooo you think that will make you happier? Do you think you will ever be happy Dude. Dude, come on! John Koedyer says--My wife and I like to watch a British program on PBS called Keeping Up Appearances. “The lady of the house,” as she calls herself, is always trying to impress others and cover up the blemishes and blunders of her family. It’s human nature to “keep up appearances” despite what our real circumstances might be. Soooo there you go, we have the answer folks! Such is life.
Dude, I do know that you can't over exaggerate the greatness of God. Impossible.
Step it up Dude! Come on Dude! Ya gotta do better. Hey Dude, I like your heart and your attitude but don't much care for your crazy mannerisms. MissPerfect says--If folks would point out his crazy mannerisms, Dude can change them and get along much better in life. But if no one lets him know, well, he doesn't have the advantage of ever changing (i.e. a pro golfer changed one of his disturbing mannerisms in his pre-swing routine as someone told him about it--MPO, he needs to change a few more). Mannerisms can be changed. I recently saw a gal who I haven't seen for maybe 8 years. I remember her as just a real common looking gal. I couldn't believe my eyes. She had a modern hair cut, lost some weight, and had some attractive cloths on! Wow, has she changed. I couldn't believe my eyes. Well, folks can change their mannerisms too if they want tooo (i.e. if they know they have distracting mannerisms). Mannerisms can be changed.
Joesixpack says--When I see KnowItAllRoy, I run the other direction. Dude, you have proven me wrong. Thanksamillion Dude. Dude proved to me that not everyone sees folks the same. I always thought that everyone sees folks the same but maybe they don't. Example--You take a radical Democrat and racial Republican, they cannot understand how the other can think the way they do. No way! The radical Democrat will be considered a wise person in his circle of other radical Democrats and the same for the radical Republican. A person who is radical in believing a certain position, just can't understand the other but in their racial circles, they are understood. I don't know for sure if they are understood outside their circles. Such is life. IMPO I think the national debt can be compassionately reduced. But there will have to be compromises. BUT you can't get elected by taking things away from folks (i.e. ya got to tell 'em what they want to hear like I'm working to reduce your taxes). If that is true, how in the world will the national debt ever get reduced? No one wants their free lunch taken away from them. They want more free stuff. Soooo it appears Houston, we have a problem. AverageJoe says--It helps to keep life in proper perspective. Your perspective often depends on whom you associate with.
MPO is that the current trek the good ol' U.S. of A is on, we are heading full speed for the cliff (i.e. backsideofournation). I would call our condition of the union abominable. We need to make a change of plans but unless something really majorly bad happens, it ain't going to happen; it just won't Dudes (i.e. as my brother-in-law said to me over the phone the other day--we are on a slippery slope--he just had knee replacement and was all doped up soooo...). And what is really scary, it appears that the good ol' U. S. of A is the prettiest horse in the clue factory. Ouchy ouchy! Hey but listen, many nations, empires, ruling leaders before us failed too. It has happened before. The Persians, Babylonians, Geeks and the Romans thought they had it all figured out one time too. Maybe the U.S. being on the tippy-top is just on a sugar-high! Could be Dudes.
Dude, I have a question for you. I think I had 3 real special experiences with God. But I wonder if I really have. Maybe they were just emotional times when I just thought this feeling. Maybe I just saw the Emperor's Clothes. Maybe the timing was right for me to feel this way. How do I know for sure Dude? I called a friend and asked him if he has ever had special experiences with God. He said--I think soooo but I wonder sometimes if they were just emotional situations. Sooooo I'm not just weird then? He didn't think sooooooo but didn't know for sure!!!!
Dude, come on! I went to see a young friend participate in a school activity recently. I was disappointed in this person's effort (i.e. did not maximize their talent). This person is very talented but used about 70% of their ability. Looked lazy to me. Ouchy ouchy! It hurt me. Maybe its 'cause I'm not a super talented person and had to fight and be a survivor just to be average. Soooo when I see a super talented person not using their ability it makes me mad. Maybe I'm envious. That could be. Dude, come on, get your butt off the couch and get after it. You have been given talent sooooo use it to 110%. Don't be a coaster. Okay? If you have a talented person who has a 110% attitude, wow, you really have something. Then if you add a good heart to that equation, wow, it's dynamite, just dynamite folks. Dynamite!
Hey Dude, have you ever prayed about anything? It was our little grand daughter, Erin's 5th birthday recently. Heather told me that when they were leaving for her party at a park, it looked like it was going to rain. Erin said--Don't worry mom, I prayed to God to not have it lightning, thunder and rain. The faith of a child. Oh ya! Some Dudes think God and prayer are just for kids and folks who are weak in the head. I must be a kid and/or weak in the head. Could be!

Hey Dude, what if the Hokey Pokey really is what it's all about?
Have a FUN day my friend unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The Joy of life is living it and doing things of worth.
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