We spent Christmas with James, Heather, Erin and Jimmer in Morrison, CO (i.e. Heather is our daughter). Christmas is really fun for children. Little Jimmer kept saying--firtuc firtuck wow wow wow! Firetrucks and dolls seem to work at Christmas! They got DVDs from their dad (i.e. actually, I think the gift was really for him but just camouflaged as to them) of three Star War movies. I have never watched a Star War movie soooo I watched the original (i.e. #4) with the grand kids. I always thought it was a waste of time but now I have time to waste!!!! The movie entertained a 2 year old and a 68 year old. As James said--How can you not like it with all the stuff in it! That's a "five by five"! "Five by five" is an military term of the 50s that means--radio reception is loud and clear and it is as good as it can get (i.e. well and good). Huh, interesting.
Joesixpack asks--What's the difference between being weird (i.e. unusual or strange) and nuts? I was putting a few on the practice green before our round the other day. I said to Rod--I see your buddy Garth is back from IA--Ya, he's like a pimple, he just poops up! Hey, it's just another day at the office down her in the Salt River Valley!
1/1 means one of a kind!
The new rule is weird alright but...! New golf rule for seniors in AZ Rule 8.k.9 (S) Advertisements claim that golf scores can be improved by purchasing new golf equipment. Since this is financially impractical for many senior golfers, one-half stroke per hole may be subtracted for using old equipment.
1/1 Weird is good sometimes folks. 1/1 can make folks very good. Mendela said, "A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination." He also said, "I like friends who have independent minds because they tend to make you see problems from all angles." Those two descriptions of folks are descriptions of weird folks (i.e. unusual and strange). CadillacJack says--That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am (i.e. 1/1 folks).
I read it in the AZ Republic soooo it must be right. A couple of snowbirds from MN called 911 at a Mesa McDonald's 'cause they didn't get hash browns with their breakfast order. Now is that weird or nuts? Snowbirds from MN also like to go around in shorts and t-shirts in December while the AZ natives folks are freezing! Maybe the AZ residents think some snowbirds are nuts or weird! SusieQ says--I think more snowbirds act weirder after the holidays. It sure seems that way to me. Be careful SusieQ in judging those snowbirds, you have no idea how big the other fellow's troubles are! Or they might just have been weirded out by Christmas! Could be! They just might need their naps and get back in their routine!
Are you weird 'cause you are not in tune of society or weird 'cause you do what is right? Maybe it's time to do a "Image Change" of our life. Sorta kinda like what McDonald's is doing. Maybe you think it's weird but I bet they know what they are doing (i.e. it's all about the $$$$ folks). They have remodeled many of their stores to give them a more friendly atmosphere in tune with the times. They removed Ronald and have put digital menu boards showing calorie listings on their entries. They added flat screen TVs and memorabilia. They have wi-fi and have given their stores a feeling of a modern-trendy coffee shop (i.e. glitz).

his golf cart. Many of the residents of the retirement communities in the south use golf carts for their transportation (i.e. very big in the Villages). Most of the hurts and deaths are folks who are thrown out of cart. Ya got to remember, some of these folks are old and there are many many carts. Accidents will happen. It seems weird but...buckle up in your golf cart! Such is life.
1/1! I was checking out at our local Walgreen's the other day. CheckoutPeggy (i.e. maybe 53) had her hair done up nice but was a rugged, physically tough looking gal (i.e. I would hate to fight her folks). She had a pack of cigarettes in his breast pocket of her shirt. Sooooo I says--You smoke--ya, I have smoked most of my life--when did you start--11!
1/1 This might be hard to understand folks. John The Baptist was rather a unique guy (i.e. forerunner of Jesus). He lived in the desert and dressed rather different (i.e. probably looked like a homeless person), ate bugs and proclaimed the coming of Jesus. Not the kind of guy you would want your daughter to bring home for Christmas probably. Probably most of us would call him weird (i.e. 1/1). ANYWAY Jesus called him "the greatest man to ever be born of a woman:! Huh, interesting.
Love different folks! Do some weirdos have class? MissPerfect says--Class can not be bought! Many classy folks are different kind of folks alright. Maybe, just maybe, some classy weirdos see things other folks don't! Could be guys. IitchieBitchie says--Run of the mill folks are just that, run of the mill folks (i.e. generic). Most top rung folks are not in the majority. Probably sorta kinda weird (i.e. unusual and strange). I would guess some folks would call them different (i.e. unique). Some of the real nice folks are sorta kinda weird as they do stuff that 'run of the mill guys' don't do (i.e. unusual and strange). Saturday question--Are you a little weird or just a 'run of a mill person'? I love our little grand daughter Erin. She is a 1/1!
Some of you guys think you have high maintenance females in your life. Maybe not. It's all relevant guys. I read in the paper that a milking cow needs up to 100 pounds of feed and 35 gallons of water a day. She also has have a baby every year for maximum production! Now that is high maintenance. Shamrock Milk Company has 10,000 heard of milking cows. Now that is a lot of females to keep happy guys.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Success is simple--do what's right, the right way, at the right time.
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