Talk about a complete idiot, a golf buddy (i.e. he manages The Mill truck stop here in Grundy Co, IA) was telling my last Saturday on the 3rd tee that a guy asked him for help--how do I get to Chattanooga, TN (i.e. didn't have a clue). He map quested a route for him (i.e. about 800 miles).. Soooo where did you start this morning--Branson, MO (i.e. 480 miles out of the way)! Really! You went the wrong direction. I must have taken a left when I was suppose to take a right somewhere! It's Obama's fault!
A policeman was rushed to the hospital with an inflamed appendix. The doctors operated and advised him that all was well, however, the patrolman kept feeling something pulling at the hairs in his crotch. Worried that it might be a second surgery and the doctors hadn't told him about it, he finally got enough energy to pull his hospital gown up enough so he could look at what was making him so uncomfortable (i.e. went out on a limb). Taped firmly across his pubic hair and private parts were three wide strips of adhesive tape, the kind that doesn't come off easily --- if at all. Written on the tape in large black letters was the sentence, "Get well soon, from the nurse in the Ford Explorer you pulled over last week."
My Daddy, Chester would say to me--erv, don't let your emotions get into your business decisions. I had breakfast with a couple of farmer friends before playing 27 holes of Ridder Cup last Saturday. We talked about the price of corn (i.e. locally currently $3.58). They both told me that they had corn from last year yet. Could have sold it for $6.98. How come you didn't sell it? One said--I fell in love with it! It's Obama's fault! I think they made sooooo much money last year that they didn't want to pay the taxes. My advice to them--Buy a monkey and listen to his advice! You can write the cost of the monkey off as a farm expense. Sooooo the more you pay for the monkey, the more you will save on your taxes! Farmers get all the breaks! Such is life.
More free advice! Robert Jamasy says--When you are wrestling with a dilemma or problem, how willing are you to seek advice? And if you do look for advice, who are the people with whom you choose to consult? Seth Godin, a noted author, entrepreneur, marketer and public speaker, recently offered observations about good advice. He called it "priceless. Not what you want to hear, but what you need to hear.... Not designed to make you feel better, (but) designed to make you better. Seek it out and embrace the true friends that care enough to risk sharing it." Godin says good advice is "priceless" because it is not what we want to hear, but what we need to hear. Too often we seek advice from people we feel confident will tell us what we desire to hear - to reinforce our conclusions or affirm decisions we have already made. But true friends and trusted advisors are not those that "tickle our ears," but those willing to risk - to tell us difficult truths if necessary. ItchieBitchie says--I wish I would have got good advice a lot sooner! Why did I wait soooo long? I have regrets. Probably ItchieBitchie, 'cause you didn't want advice, that is why! Ouchy ouchy!
The mind is sooooo interesting to me! I just read Stephen King's new book Mr. Mercedes (i.e. all 436 pages). I have never read any of his books before 'cause I think they are a little goofy (i.e. my opinion) and they are sooooo long. ANYWAY I read the review in the paper and was interested in this one. It is a detective mystery novel which sorta kinda explains why folks' minds are as they are (i.e. why we do the things we do 'cause of our environment and our genetics). Some times we are goofy and sometimes we are brilliant! It all depends on goofy stuff in our lives and our genes! This might sound goofy to ya! And it might be folks! It's Obama's fault! Such is life.
Do you think through all the possibilities? Or do ya jump to a conclusion 'cause it has always been that way (e.g. like, when you hear hoof beats, you don't think zebras)! I'm going out on a limb here folks, I think most of us think horses! Detective Hodges did in this book. When you try to understand goofy folks, ya got to think goofy! Saturday question--Who is goofy? And remember folks, we all have issues. Everyone of us. SusieQ says--Yabut if you are very self-centered, you don't think you have any; just others do; you're pretty much perfect! It's Obama's fault! Huh, interesting.
Does your life have incremental repetition? I'm going out on a limb and in saying--I bet real money that it does! Maybe, just maybe, it time to crank it up a notch. Do some forward thinkin'. What do you think?
I had one interesting day Monday. Oh ya! I had breakfast/inspiring conversation with a friend, went and volunteered at Wheaten Franciscan Health Care, changed into my bikin' cloths (i.e. wore a pickle ball tee shirt that says--Kiss me, I might be Irish!), and stopped at McDonald's for a burger while reading the Des Moines paper. While doing sudoku this super senior babe came to my table and laid a huge massive smacker on me--then said--there you go! What a hoot! Went on a 15 mile bike ride and on that ride I met a gal and three children. Two little girls, maybe 8, yelled at me as I approached--Ya ever kiss a red head? No, I don't think sooooooo! Crazy! On my bike ride I went and looked up (i.e. literally as they are on top of a building) the 4 goddesses over looking the Cedar River on a bike trial that I like to ride in Waterloo. I especially wanted the goddess of knowledge to "look down on me" to be a harbinger of more knowledge. I can't tell the difference but maybe it hasn't kicked in yet (i.e. maybe I have to activate it with a password). Could be. They were made in 1907 as goddesses of science, agriculture, justice and knowledge. Maybe they are just arty farty!
I don't think I'm gong out on a limb here folks in saying, I don't think we have a clue! ItchieBitchie says--The earth really doesn't travel that fast. Only does one spin every 24 hours. I can't even feel it. Are you sure it spins on it's axis every day? Yes it does ItchieBitchie and it goes around the sun once a year. Pretty slow, right? Ya, uh-huh, right! Really folks, and really it wasn't that many years ago when the folks thought the earth was flat! Now we can look in space and think there might be endless galaxies! We just don't know. And we think we are soooooo smart. Huh, interesting. His understanding I cannot fathom!
JoeBlow sorta kinda looks like a robot with dead batteries. It's Obama's fault! I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Most people don't get enough exercise; most people who join gyms don't visit them; most home exercise equipment sits unused. There is a difference between purchasing a home treadmill and using it to increase your health. There is a difference between making a commitment and following through on that commitment. Just like there is a difference between believing in God and actually doing something with your belief. Huh, interesting. The same day I read this--A Purdue University study found that executives who work out regularly are better decision makers. The study tested the decision-making capabilities of 80 people over a nine-month period. Results showed that the exercisers' ability to make complex decisions had increased 70% over the non-exercisers. Have been beating yourself over the head because you've made a few bad decisions lately? The Purdue study shows that bad decisions are actually related to being out of shape. If your body is not in shape, then your mind MAY be out of shape too. So take the bait of the Purdue researchers and go out on a limb by try to workout and feel better and THINK better. Joesixpack asks--Are you the fisherman or the fish?
LuckieEddie says--Let me refresh your memory (i.e. as the lawyers say). My dogs are Dumb and Dumber. Aside from Dumber being insane – really – and Dumb being dumb, they are good old dogs. We understand each other! LuckieEddie is like the cherry on top of the sundae.
You're not putting yourself toooo much out on the limb when you talk about stuff that has no answers (e.g. how many angels can dance on a point of pin?). CrazyMarvin says--That is pretty much just "simply a debating exercise"! Ya just are exercising your jaw; that is about all that gets accomplished. To me it's a waste of time. Holy smokes! I had breakfast with a friend this week. He said that his church says often that 1 out of 5 folks have a broken heart! 1 out of 5 folks. MY OPINION--I think churches should talk more about healing broken hearts than arguing about how many angels can fit on a point of a pin (i.e. be positive encouragers). And you know what folks, I will go out on a limb and bet real money that many folks who have broken hearts don't come to church (i.e. they hurt tooooo bad). MissPerfect says--If you have never had a broken heart, you don't have a clue! What do you think? I stopped after having breakfast with my friend and saw another friend. She told me that an old health problem poked it's ugly head up again. She thinks it returned 'cause (i.e. in her opinion) of the tremendous stress she has had recently in her life (i.e. broken heart). I will go out on a limb and agree that stress can do that folks. What do you think?
Have you ever laid an egg! I like Zack Johnson's quote that was in the paper (i.e. sooooo it must be right) before he teed it up at the John Deere Classic--Obviously I've got some confidence here and that sort of thing. But heck, that's happened many times, and I've come out and laid an egg. Well, he didn't come out and laid an egg. He shot 8 under and was a co-leader after the first round. Ended up ended in second place and a cool half a mill!
Saturday question--Have you ever really flubbed something? Really screwed it up? Really made a mess of something? Like blew it, bumbled it, butchered it, botched it, mucked it up, muffed it, or murdered it? There is nutten like the feeling of getting it back on the track somehow (i.e. getting if off your chest). It's a wild ride to carry that ugly feeling around all the time. It's Obama's fault! MissPerfect says--What works best for me is to admit I made a poor judgement and accept it and seek help in getting it going the right direction. I will go out on a limb and bet real money that the folks who do, will end up happier and do better in life. What do you think?
I'm going out on a limb here but I bet real money that some of you don't know what a limerick is. I didn't. A limerick is a five-line poem in which the first, second and fifth lines rhyme and the third and fourth lines rhyme, like such: AABBA. And it has a certain cadence. Here's an example:There once was a man in Tempe / Whose leg melted off at the knee. / When asked, "Are you hot?" / He said," I am not / For we don't call this hot in Tempe." Can any of you write one for me. I would like to see yours! ByTheWay, it's going to be 108 degrees in Tempe tomorrow! Ouchy ouchy! YaBut it's dry heat!!!!!!!
In the paper it says Lance Armstrong might start a new foundation (i.e. soooo it must be right). He says, "I'm a big believer in the whole (author) Jim Collins theory of 'Who's on the bus? Who wanted to get off the bus? Who wants to get off the bus now?' So we might have to look at who's on the bus." GoffyHerman, you might not understand this. It might be over your head. Don't worry about it! It's Obama's fault! Such is life.
I gotta go but maybe not as fast as my friend KenThePung (i.e. who says he's not Santa Claus but I think he's a big Obama fan). He sent me an email saying--By the way erv, I have a whole banana, all bran and raisin bran for breakfast, how's that for a fast moving start? KenThePungMyFriend, you better stay close to I don't think you are as fast as when you played college football! It's Obama's fault!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice.
Do you think through all the possibilities? Or do ya jump to a conclusion 'cause it has always been that way (e.g. like, when you hear hoof beats, you don't think zebras)! I'm going out on a limb here folks, I think most of us think horses! Detective Hodges did in this book. When you try to understand goofy folks, ya got to think goofy! Saturday question--Who is goofy? And remember folks, we all have issues. Everyone of us. SusieQ says--Yabut if you are very self-centered, you don't think you have any; just others do; you're pretty much perfect! It's Obama's fault! Huh, interesting.
Does your life have incremental repetition? I'm going out on a limb and in saying--I bet real money that it does! Maybe, just maybe, it time to crank it up a notch. Do some forward thinkin'. What do you think?

I don't think I'm gong out on a limb here folks in saying, I don't think we have a clue! ItchieBitchie says--The earth really doesn't travel that fast. Only does one spin every 24 hours. I can't even feel it. Are you sure it spins on it's axis every day? Yes it does ItchieBitchie and it goes around the sun once a year. Pretty slow, right? Ya, uh-huh, right! Really folks, and really it wasn't that many years ago when the folks thought the earth was flat! Now we can look in space and think there might be endless galaxies! We just don't know. And we think we are soooooo smart. Huh, interesting. His understanding I cannot fathom!
JoeBlow sorta kinda looks like a robot with dead batteries. It's Obama's fault! I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Most people don't get enough exercise; most people who join gyms don't visit them; most home exercise equipment sits unused. There is a difference between purchasing a home treadmill and using it to increase your health. There is a difference between making a commitment and following through on that commitment. Just like there is a difference between believing in God and actually doing something with your belief. Huh, interesting. The same day I read this--A Purdue University study found that executives who work out regularly are better decision makers. The study tested the decision-making capabilities of 80 people over a nine-month period. Results showed that the exercisers' ability to make complex decisions had increased 70% over the non-exercisers. Have been beating yourself over the head because you've made a few bad decisions lately? The Purdue study shows that bad decisions are actually related to being out of shape. If your body is not in shape, then your mind MAY be out of shape too. So take the bait of the Purdue researchers and go out on a limb by try to workout and feel better and THINK better. Joesixpack asks--Are you the fisherman or the fish?
LuckieEddie says--Let me refresh your memory (i.e. as the lawyers say). My dogs are Dumb and Dumber. Aside from Dumber being insane – really – and Dumb being dumb, they are good old dogs. We understand each other! LuckieEddie is like the cherry on top of the sundae.
You're not putting yourself toooo much out on the limb when you talk about stuff that has no answers (e.g. how many angels can dance on a point of pin?). CrazyMarvin says--That is pretty much just "simply a debating exercise"! Ya just are exercising your jaw; that is about all that gets accomplished. To me it's a waste of time. Holy smokes! I had breakfast with a friend this week. He said that his church says often that 1 out of 5 folks have a broken heart! 1 out of 5 folks. MY OPINION--I think churches should talk more about healing broken hearts than arguing about how many angels can fit on a point of a pin (i.e. be positive encouragers). And you know what folks, I will go out on a limb and bet real money that many folks who have broken hearts don't come to church (i.e. they hurt tooooo bad). MissPerfect says--If you have never had a broken heart, you don't have a clue! What do you think? I stopped after having breakfast with my friend and saw another friend. She told me that an old health problem poked it's ugly head up again. She thinks it returned 'cause (i.e. in her opinion) of the tremendous stress she has had recently in her life (i.e. broken heart). I will go out on a limb and agree that stress can do that folks. What do you think?
Have you ever laid an egg! I like Zack Johnson's quote that was in the paper (i.e. sooooo it must be right) before he teed it up at the John Deere Classic--Obviously I've got some confidence here and that sort of thing. But heck, that's happened many times, and I've come out and laid an egg. Well, he didn't come out and laid an egg. He shot 8 under and was a co-leader after the first round. Ended up ended in second place and a cool half a mill!
Saturday question--Have you ever really flubbed something? Really screwed it up? Really made a mess of something? Like blew it, bumbled it, butchered it, botched it, mucked it up, muffed it, or murdered it? There is nutten like the feeling of getting it back on the track somehow (i.e. getting if off your chest). It's a wild ride to carry that ugly feeling around all the time. It's Obama's fault! MissPerfect says--What works best for me is to admit I made a poor judgement and accept it and seek help in getting it going the right direction. I will go out on a limb and bet real money that the folks who do, will end up happier and do better in life. What do you think?
I'm going out on a limb here but I bet real money that some of you don't know what a limerick is. I didn't. A limerick is a five-line poem in which the first, second and fifth lines rhyme and the third and fourth lines rhyme, like such: AABBA. And it has a certain cadence. Here's an example:There once was a man in Tempe / Whose leg melted off at the knee. / When asked, "Are you hot?" / He said," I am not / For we don't call this hot in Tempe." Can any of you write one for me. I would like to see yours! ByTheWay, it's going to be 108 degrees in Tempe tomorrow! Ouchy ouchy! YaBut it's dry heat!!!!!!!
In the paper it says Lance Armstrong might start a new foundation (i.e. soooo it must be right). He says, "I'm a big believer in the whole (author) Jim Collins theory of 'Who's on the bus? Who wanted to get off the bus? Who wants to get off the bus now?' So we might have to look at who's on the bus." GoffyHerman, you might not understand this. It might be over your head. Don't worry about it! It's Obama's fault! Such is life.
I gotta go but maybe not as fast as my friend KenThePung (i.e. who says he's not Santa Claus but I think he's a big Obama fan). He sent me an email saying--By the way erv, I have a whole banana, all bran and raisin bran for breakfast, how's that for a fast moving start? KenThePungMyFriend, you better stay close to I don't think you are as fast as when you played college football! It's Obama's fault!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice.
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