What is going on in your head anyway!

Joesixpack says--Have you ever tried to introduce your old girl friend to your new girlfriend? Howard Monkey introduced his new girl friend Nancy Fart to his old girl friend Karen Nice. It didn't work very well. What was Howard Monkey thinking anyway! Crazy! Have you ever done something stupid that isn't good for anyone? If soooo, why did you do it? Crazy! It does no good (i.e. like a cat chasing it's tail).
This is not a cat chasing it's tail. Encouragement comes in many different ways and yet soooo very important. Here is my favorite Christmas encouragement story. Heather, James and their kiddos went to The Rock's Christmas program in Littleton. The Rock does this every year with skits and music (i.e. very very good). 6 programs in one weekend. ANYWAY at the end they have a candle lighting where folks pass on the light. There was a senior lady behind them who appeared to have a physical problem as she had a hard time standing and shuck a lot. She insisted that our little Erin light her candle; no one else but Erin. It made Erin feel special. This gal had to have a good heart and was an encouragement. Here I am talking about it. She will never know now will she. A friend sent me an encouragement and ended it with this... As an old Marine I salute you with a great big Semper Fi. I asked our son-in-law, who was also a Marine, what that meant. He said--It is an abbreviation of semper fidelis, which is Latin for always faithful. Also known as the Marine Corps motto. I learn soooo much; it's incredible.
Hot tamales! This week I went to the "Arizona Storytellers Project" at the AZ Baltimore (i.e. nice place). They had a sell out of 630 at $13 a pop. 8 folks told a true story mainly about something of Christmas that was entertaining and illuminating (i.e. using humor, family traditions, joys and sadness). They were uplifting but also very real. I bought my ticket on line and they sent me a digital ticket. The day before the event they send me an email telling my about parking etc. They also said that I don't have to show my ticket--we're happy to report that people are honest about these things. AverageJoe says--This is called the "Pygmalion Effect" (i.e. expecting the best of folks). It's a great leadership method as a parent, employer, teacher etc. Try it, you might like it! There is no cost to it. Bingo! But I tell you what folks, after a few beers, some of my golf buddies can tell some incredible, colorful stories toooo!!
MissPerfect says--I sure enjoyed Christmas but I ate way toooo much. My jeans are way toooo tight but before I went to bed I sat on the couch and ate a pint of rocky road ice cream anyway! Ouchy ouchy! Yabut it was way soooo good even though it all went to my hips! I will just buy a bigger size of jeans. I buy the cheapest at Wal Mart. I don't wear them out but out grow them! That will work! Some friends' retirement job was doing bus trips for folks (i.e. mainly white haired folks they said). They were just amazed how much food these folks could put away; if it was free they could tank another 50%. Huh, interesting. This week I saw a road runner while running up 'er in 'em mts. I don't see many. Saturday question--Why do roadrunners always seem to be in good shape? Beep beep!
This is not a cat chasing it's tail. Encouragement comes in many different ways and yet soooo very important. Here is my favorite Christmas encouragement story. Heather, James and their kiddos went to The Rock's Christmas program in Littleton. The Rock does this every year with skits and music (i.e. very very good). 6 programs in one weekend. ANYWAY at the end they have a candle lighting where folks pass on the light. There was a senior lady behind them who appeared to have a physical problem as she had a hard time standing and shuck a lot. She insisted that our little Erin light her candle; no one else but Erin. It made Erin feel special. This gal had to have a good heart and was an encouragement. Here I am talking about it. She will never know now will she. A friend sent me an encouragement and ended it with this... As an old Marine I salute you with a great big Semper Fi. I asked our son-in-law, who was also a Marine, what that meant. He said--It is an abbreviation of semper fidelis, which is Latin for always faithful. Also known as the Marine Corps motto. I learn soooo much; it's incredible.
Hot tamales! This week I went to the "Arizona Storytellers Project" at the AZ Baltimore (i.e. nice place). They had a sell out of 630 at $13 a pop. 8 folks told a true story mainly about something of Christmas that was entertaining and illuminating (i.e. using humor, family traditions, joys and sadness). They were uplifting but also very real. I bought my ticket on line and they sent me a digital ticket. The day before the event they send me an email telling my about parking etc. They also said that I don't have to show my ticket--we're happy to report that people are honest about these things. AverageJoe says--This is called the "Pygmalion Effect" (i.e. expecting the best of folks). It's a great leadership method as a parent, employer, teacher etc. Try it, you might like it! There is no cost to it. Bingo! But I tell you what folks, after a few beers, some of my golf buddies can tell some incredible, colorful stories toooo!!
GeorgeTheCrook says—We are all part of a grand data base if we realize it or not. Every time you go to a web site, you are put in a data base. Internet marketers want to get their product in front of as many customers as possible. It’s big business with the Internet marketers. It’s called data mining. I'm planning to volunteer at a local elementary school. This school has a high population of Hispanic kids. I think it might be interesting. I had to be finger printed, not just my thumb print but every finger. They do it digitally. I don't think I was ever finger printed before. They will check into my life using the massive huge data base. Huh, interesting.
You want to make God laugh?
Tell him your plans (i.e. your strategic planning)! ItchieBtchie
says—Many folks think they know a lot (i.e. and maybe they do) but folks know very little, not even close, compared to God and his divine providence. We have an earthly mind folks, just an
earthly mind and we only use 10% of it--that is what it says in the paper (i.e. so it must be
right). WorldClassLarry says--Maybe we
need to put up our divine antenna and see what reception we get. You think soooo. Of course if you think there is no God and
you are going to die like a pig, you probably don’t think you need to. We all get to make decisions and decisions
have consequences. I hope I have good
acumen about this and I hope you do tooooo.
Such is life.
This is not very complicated (i.e. not hard to understand)—it will not make your brain
hurt. I promise! This is simple but I didn’t
know it! When playing tic-tac-toe, why
do they call a tie “cat?” While, maybe tic-tac-toe
a.k.a. “the cats game” – is a fairly pointless endeavor which most likely to end in
a tie. In other words, like a cat
chasing it’s tail. Soooo I guess that is
why they call a tie in tic-tac-toe “cat!”
Make sense to me. Soooo do you
ever act like a cat chasing it’s tail, a pointless endeavor? Really!
Here is something else I didn’t know. I went to a Christmas pageant where they had
live camels in the show (i.e. quite impressive). I told an “onesmartguy” (i.e. a guy with a good heart--a real person) about this and this is
what he told me--I would have enjoyed the performance you explained, especially
the live camels. Camel dung has ancient medicinal properties, it neutralizes
brown spots when rubbed on ones hands, with only minor side effects. I read
that camel waste, due to their unique digestive system, is odorless and
tasteless and therefore used as a base of many Nomadic menu items. Wow, it
might be in my oatmeal and I don’t even know it! Could be! Talking about real folks, we had Sunday breakfast and our favorite waitress helped us. Good to see you again she said--you tooo; got some new stylish glasses since last year--ya, someone left them on their table; they are just cheaters!
A magical Christmas it was. SusieQ says--I really tried to impress my boyfriend, HandsomeBilly, with a little black dress that was just a little too
little, and I couldn’t wait to get home and take off the Spanx. I have no idea if I impressed him or not but I think I did! But I tell you what, I'm not going to do that again. It wasn't worth it! He better like me like I am! Such is life.
MissPerfect says--Life is full of disappointments. I read
this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--When life doesn't add
up, it leaves the heart sick. When we have done all we know to do and the
formula has not worked, it leaves us questioning. These are times that try the
very souls of men. There is no human sense to be made of it (i.e. like a cat chasing it's tale). We are left with a
choice: to cling or not to cling.
Were not obtained by sudden flight;
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night.
Standing on what too long we bore,
With shoulders bent and downcast eyes,
We may discern-unseen before-
A path to higher destinies!
I am amazed that the AZ Republic Newspaper has a prayer in it
ever day—Lord, help us to accept with grace the limitations that added years can bring to our lives. Thank you for offering kindness. Amen. SusieQ says--I think prayer is like a cat chasing it's tail. Could be SusieQ, could be. JoeTheHike and I were having breakfast and a female realtor (i.e. in her 30s) talked with us. She didn't remember my name but said--I went through chemotherapy and lost some memory. Also my hair turned color. How are you doing--fine--it was a tough time. I have no idea how folks get through that with out faith in God.
ever day—Lord, help us to accept with grace the limitations that added years can bring to our lives. Thank you for offering kindness. Amen. SusieQ says--I think prayer is like a cat chasing it's tail. Could be SusieQ, could be. JoeTheHike and I were having breakfast and a female realtor (i.e. in her 30s) talked with us. She didn't remember my name but said--I went through chemotherapy and lost some memory. Also my hair turned color. How are you doing--fine--it was a tough time. I have no idea how folks get through that with out faith in God.
Friends invited me to go with them to a Christmas concert. Probably not one kid in Aplington (i.e. the town we life in) can play the strings. We went to a Christmas orchestra performance of Highland High School. 5 orchestras with a total of 300 kids. There might be more to life than football! I was amazed of the talent and also that they played so much religious music. The Hallelujah chorus was my favorite. Our friends taught me why we stand up during the chorus. I thought it was to honor the Lord, which is true but...legend has it that in 1743, the British monarch King George II was so moved by Handel’s Hallelujah chorus that he stood out of respect for the “Lord of Lords,” the only authority above his own. When the king stands, everybody stands. And since then everyone has followed suit. I would guess that maybe 95% of the folks stood. Maybe not all believed that Jesus was "Lord of Lords." This is a public school and probably folks have different religions or no religion. That could be. The lady ahead of us asked us why is everyone standing up? She didn't have a clue. But she did stand up. Our friends goggled it and showed her. Huh, interesting.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Take a lesson from the clock; it passes the time by keeping its hands busy.
P.S. There are truly some really nice folks in this world and we had breakfast with some recently.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Take a lesson from the clock; it passes the time by keeping its hands busy.
P.S. There are truly some really nice folks in this world and we had breakfast with some recently.