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The Force has arrived!
The Force has arrived!
Jesus is a special baby, particularly to Christians (i.e. baby Jesus
can really ramp up Christmas as they believe that He is their Savior). ItchieBitchie says--He's the #1 All Time Heisman Trophy winner! If you don’t think that but rather think when you die, you die just like a pig, then Jesus isn’t much of a special baby (i.e. just another baby). For those who believe Jesus is their Savior, then that little babe is a life changer. Isn’t baby Jesus why we celebrate Christmas? Maybe not to all I guess. Such is life.
Some folks aren’t much impressed with Christmas in general
and some aren’t much impressed in celebrating the birth of Jesus. Soooo what are you guys impressed with? Who impresses you? Some folks are impressed with certain stuff and others are not. Some folks are impressed with some folks and
some aren’t. Why is that do you
think. Could it be our environment, our
genetics, and our past experiences?
Could be. Different stokes for
different folks I guess.
I tell you what folks, that DOG can hunt (i.e. my opinion)! I’m being vulnerable and exposing here
folks. Some of you aren’t impressed with
me that I believe Jesus is my Saviour (i.e. some of you think I’m crazy--hey, some of you guys believe in Superman who flies around in his underwear and a cape). You guys might have toooo much of a persnickety attitude! No muss, no fuss, it's just my belief. But you might
be impressed with Hillary or Donald or Obama or Tom Brady or whoever and I might not be. We surely aren’t impressed with the same
folks or the same stuff (e.g. technology impresses me and maybe not you). A big
house might impress some and not others, great athletic ability might impress
some and not others, having a lot of money might impress some and not others,
humility might impress some and not others, great character might impress some
and not others, etc. You understand, we are not all the same and don’t think alike. As our little granddaughter used the expression—In
my mind, the real world is my mind! Quoting a famous line from Hamlet: "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."
Two thousand years ago, Epictetus built a philosophy on recognizing that we can't control every event in our lives. In his long treatise that became know as the The Discourses, he explained that a key to living right is understanding that we have power only over ourselves and our own reactions. People are disturbed not by events but by the views which they take of them, he said. Yikes!
Two thousand years ago, Epictetus built a philosophy on recognizing that we can't control every event in our lives. In his long treatise that became know as the The Discourses, he explained that a key to living right is understanding that we have power only over ourselves and our own reactions. People are disturbed not by events but by the views which they take of them, he said. Yikes!
Egggggh! I read this in the paper soooo it must be right—Diversity is
wonderful if people have the same foundational values; it is a recipe for
disaster if they don’t….When a clash of values exists, there are only three
ways it can be resolved. One side can capitulate, one or both sides can wage
war against the other, or one side can try to convert the other. ItichieBitche
says—Or we can pretend that there is not a diversity. MissPerfect says—It appears that some folks
are great pretenders at Christmas. Ouchy
I believe--“Love suffers long and is kind; love does not
envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely,
does not seek its own.” “True love is found in helping a brother in need.” LuckieEddie says-- Loving those who betray you is "graduate-level Christianity." It is the most difficult and most gut wrenching of all tests.
WorldClassLarry says--We are what we are. We show who we are
by how we treat other folks—how we love the unlovely, care for the needy,
encourage the lonely, and interact with the troublesome. Don’t kid yourself, folks can detect something of our love for
Him. My Mom, Anna, would say—erv,
character is how you act when no one is looking. I had breakfast with a friend before leaving
for AZ. He mentioned something commentary
about someone. I said that I thought the
same about that person as well. I asked
him if we both think that, do you think others do toooo? If they walk like a duck, quack like a duck, they
must be a duck. We both think
sooooo. Abraham Lincoln once said-- You
can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
The globe beneath us is a marvel of God’s
creative genius. As scientists learn more about the interior of our planet,
they can’t mask their amazement. In recent years, they’ve speculated that
temperatures at the core of the earth are hotter than on the surface of the
sun. They’ve also found a vast underground reservoir 400 miles beneath the
surface, and it contains enough water to fill the earth’s oceans three times
over. His understanding I cannot fathom!
He is God and that is just the way it is.
A true gift has no strings attached (e.g. all one must do is to ask for it--that doesn't sound American). That is a
reason why the gift of Jesus is soooo hard for many to accept (i.e. you
don’t have do anything for it other than ask).
In our world, we need to think we need to earn it or buy it (i.e. the more we pay for it the better the quality). A true gift is hard to accept for many. Christianity is the only religion, I think, that you
don’t have a check list (i.e. like works).
It’s a gift of grace. That is hard
to accept for many. It’s hard for many
to comprehend. Even some Christians struggle with this thought. Such is life.
Jesus said, “The thief does not come except
to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and
that they may have it more abundantly.” Crazy erv believes that! I think Jesus
is a nettle mover! If you are one who
thinks you are going to die like a pig, you might want to reconsider. I read this while eating my oatmeal with half
a banana on it--The first sign that one needs salvation is thinking, “That’s
for others, not me.” Maybe, just maybe, believing in Jesus is like reading the
word "ambulance" through your rear view mirror (i.e. on the ambulance
it says ecnalubma), the Christian life makes more sense when you look at it
backwards. It’s called Lateral Inversion
or Refraction of an image.
LuckieEddie says--This Jesus can really put on a show! Talking about shows; Arlene and I went to the $2 show and saw Woodlawn. It's a movie based on a true story about football and how Jesus changed a high school and the city Birmingham, AL during the integration height. Another movie based on a true story that we enjoyed for $2 was My All American. Goggle them, you might like them. And maybe not. They are not Star Wars folks.
LuckieEddie says--This Jesus can really put on a show! Talking about shows; Arlene and I went to the $2 show and saw Woodlawn. It's a movie based on a true story about football and how Jesus changed a high school and the city Birmingham, AL during the integration height. Another movie based on a true story that we enjoyed for $2 was My All American. Goggle them, you might like them. And maybe not. They are not Star Wars folks.

Chester and Anna did not encourage me to read soooo I did
not read a lot as a kid (i.e. I got to blame somebody!). Yes, I did have to
read to get my degrees and yes, I did have to read in my business but I was not
what folks would call a reader. Then one
day at a continuing education class, a guy next to me asked me if I was a
reader—no not really--you should be; you are missing out a lot on life—what
book should I read—stop at the library on the way home and check out the
classic Pilgrim’s Progress—I did and have been a reader since. John Bunyan’s
story is the story of the Gospel. It is the story of Christ taking upon Himself
the burden of the Law so we do not have to carry that burden any longer.
Religious leaders in Jesus’ day loved to increase the burden of broken laws
upon the people without showing them how to be free. But Jesus came and said,
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).
Crazy huh! If you have never read Pilgrim’s Progress, give it a read; it's part
fact and part fiction with some interesting characters.
I went to Trump's political rally this week at the Mesa Getaway Airport (i.e. I like experiences and have never attended such an event). It was a hoot! He says what he thinks alright (i.e. no hem-haw). Sorta kinda what I just did about Jesus. It's Donald's opinion and erv's opinion I guess. He called the media con artists (i.e. don't tell the truth but spin it the way they want tooooo) but he says he tells the truth. He said--That is why my lead is sooooo large. I do think (i.e. my opinion) that more folks might support him with their vote than they publicly say. Our children asked me if I will vote for him--Don't know! How about you? The conclusion of the matter is--Either Trump and I are both wrong, both are right or one is right and one is wrong. How are you betting?
I went to Trump's political rally this week at the Mesa Getaway Airport (i.e. I like experiences and have never attended such an event). It was a hoot! He says what he thinks alright (i.e. no hem-haw). Sorta kinda what I just did about Jesus. It's Donald's opinion and erv's opinion I guess. He called the media con artists (i.e. don't tell the truth but spin it the way they want tooooo) but he says he tells the truth. He said--That is why my lead is sooooo large. I do think (i.e. my opinion) that more folks might support him with their vote than they publicly say. Our children asked me if I will vote for him--Don't know! How about you? The conclusion of the matter is--Either Trump and I are both wrong, both are right or one is right and one is wrong. How are you betting?
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Cheerfulness oils the machinery of life.
P.S. If this Jesus talk bothers you, just delete it or think about it; I will never know. It's like getting a "junk" gift for Christmas, you can throw it away, sell it on a garage sale or give it to a street person. The giver will never know. I hope it didn't scare the bejesus out of you!
P.S. If this Jesus talk bothers you, just delete it or think about it; I will never know. It's like getting a "junk" gift for Christmas, you can throw it away, sell it on a garage sale or give it to a street person. The giver will never know. I hope it didn't scare the bejesus out of you!
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