Hey you, crazy erv! MarvelousMary says-- erv, you are always singin' about something! What are you singing about in this "It's Saturday"? MarvelousMary, my singing might be ad neuseam to you but did you know that you can't sneeze without closing your eyes? We went and had a bagel at Kolobelli Bagel Cafe this week. You order and then give them your name and they deliver it to your table. I asked bracketbusterheavilytattooedShellywiththestudinherupperlip (i.e. she seemed very nice) what are the two most popular names. She said--Hey you and Crazy. Seeee, I'm not the only Hey You or Crazy.
HighlyTalentedMyFriendTheEngineer, with 3 pencils and pens plus his note book in his shirt pocket, was telling me the other day that he wants to buy a new golf bag. He has been working on this project for a year now (i.e. he's an engineer folks). Hey guy, it's only a golf bag! This guy is very smart! I hope he doesn't screw up in buying the wrong bag. ANYWAY he said to me--I like my old one 'cause I know where all the pockets are and were everything goes. Getting a new bag would be like getting a new wife and learning everything all over again (i.e. he wouldn't want to end up with a bag that didn't work--didn't know where all the pockets are). He's a makeshift entrepreneur I think. But not maybe a real emotional buyer and maybe not toooo spontaneous in his decisions! Such is life.
Happenstance, na, I don't think soooooo folks! I played golf with my buddy John (i.e. anybody can be a John). He won a free round and gave it to me (i.e. nice guy huh!). ANYWAY the other 2 guys in our foursome were a father and son. The father is the Chaplin of Harvard University. I picked his mind. He did tell me that he thought he was pretty smart before he came to Boston (i.e. the Harvard students are very challenging). This guy is smart, very smart. I think he told me that he has a couple of Masters Degrees and a couple of Doctorate Degrees (i.e. a ***** recruit). But smartness and degrees do not necessarily help ya to shoot par golf but it does really help you to become the Chaplin of Harvard. Oh ya! He is going to give me some advice on a project I'm working on (i.e. I think free advice from one smart guy). Such is life.
Don't want to offend you! A pickleball buddy sat next to me during a break. I found out that he isn't married but divorced twice. I asked him what his other hobbies are--I like to dance--wow, you get to meet all those widows and divorces that are looking for a man; are they aggressive--some--actually erv, the pickings really ain't that good for what I'm looking for! I bet if he lowered his expectations the pickings would be better (i.e. broaden the spectrum). He mentioned a certain criteria. He's right, that narrows the playing field. I can't tell you what that criteria is as some of you will be offended. I don't want to offend any of you if I can help it. I might offend enough of you without even trying the way it is! Such is life.
Interesting! I bought a new pair of pickleball shorts at Sports Authority the other night (i.e. I bought my three others at Sunshine Acres 5 years ago for $2 a pair). When I was checking out, the little gal who was the clerk, had on a black arm warmer on her arm. It covered her whole arm from her hand to her upper arm area. I asked her if she was cold! No no she said, it was to cover a tattoo. So is your tattoo offensive? No I don't think so. The company requires us to cover our tattoos. Okay, folks, why would Sports Authority require their little pretty clerk to cover her tattoo? Well, it would appear that they do not want to offend anybody with the tattoo or maybe give a certain image (i. e. maybe). If you offend people, then maybe they might not come back and do business with you. That means you lose money. Does that make any sense to any of you? I just found that quite interesting. I watch a lot of the NCAA basketball tournament. I have not seen one cheerleader with a tattoo! Huh, interesting. I asked our little, pretty waitress at TX Road House what the company's policy is on tattoos--we have to cover them!
An interesting entrepreneur! I have driven past this guy working in his fenced in backyard in his blacksmith shop for several years, many many many times! So the other day I stopped. His name is Richard. He is 84 years old. He started as a musician, then horse trainer, then to entrepreneur. He patented the first portable horse stall and then sold the company. Then he designed other things and sold them off. He also has a patent on a motor that has no moving parts. They want to buy it off of him but he wants a royalty and not a flat fee cash. Most interesting guy. Says he has lived the live of 20 men as far as excitement and adventure goes. He told me part of his life story (i.e. unbelievable and very interesting). He introduced me to his wife, Evi, a very sweet lady. They have compiled three massive huge binders of his stories and pictures that they showed me. Incredible! Richard said to me--I usually don't tell folks about my life--Richard, how come you are telling me--you have an interest in me; you seem to care. Richard is an amazing person. Evi, told me that she does volunteer work and ask folks about their lives--they all have a story and all of them are interesting and very important to them. Bingo! Saturday suggestion--Be an entrepreneur (i.e. full of resourcefulness) and ask folks about their lives. Oh ya, Richard told me that he does not want to die in bed but he wants to die out in his backyard working in his shop!

Happenstance, na, I don't think soooooo folks! I played golf with my buddy John (i.e. anybody can be a John). He won a free round and gave it to me (i.e. nice guy huh!). ANYWAY the other 2 guys in our foursome were a father and son. The father is the Chaplin of Harvard University. I picked his mind. He did tell me that he thought he was pretty smart before he came to Boston (i.e. the Harvard students are very challenging). This guy is smart, very smart. I think he told me that he has a couple of Masters Degrees and a couple of Doctorate Degrees (i.e. a ***** recruit). But smartness and degrees do not necessarily help ya to shoot par golf but it does really help you to become the Chaplin of Harvard. Oh ya! He is going to give me some advice on a project I'm working on (i.e. I think free advice from one smart guy). Such is life.
Don't want to offend you! A pickleball buddy sat next to me during a break. I found out that he isn't married but divorced twice. I asked him what his other hobbies are--I like to dance--wow, you get to meet all those widows and divorces that are looking for a man; are they aggressive--some--actually erv, the pickings really ain't that good for what I'm looking for! I bet if he lowered his expectations the pickings would be better (i.e. broaden the spectrum). He mentioned a certain criteria. He's right, that narrows the playing field. I can't tell you what that criteria is as some of you will be offended. I don't want to offend any of you if I can help it. I might offend enough of you without even trying the way it is! Such is life.
Interesting! I bought a new pair of pickleball shorts at Sports Authority the other night (i.e. I bought my three others at Sunshine Acres 5 years ago for $2 a pair). When I was checking out, the little gal who was the clerk, had on a black arm warmer on her arm. It covered her whole arm from her hand to her upper arm area. I asked her if she was cold! No no she said, it was to cover a tattoo. So is your tattoo offensive? No I don't think so. The company requires us to cover our tattoos. Okay, folks, why would Sports Authority require their little pretty clerk to cover her tattoo? Well, it would appear that they do not want to offend anybody with the tattoo or maybe give a certain image (i. e. maybe). If you offend people, then maybe they might not come back and do business with you. That means you lose money. Does that make any sense to any of you? I just found that quite interesting. I watch a lot of the NCAA basketball tournament. I have not seen one cheerleader with a tattoo! Huh, interesting. I asked our little, pretty waitress at TX Road House what the company's policy is on tattoos--we have to cover them!

Dreamers and wishers! SusieQ noticed the first star of the evening in the sky. She whispered to herself, “Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.” She squeezed her eyes shut and begged that star for a thousand Barbie dolls. When we got home, she dashed to the basement where her Barbies were kept—but alas, no new dolls awaited her. What in the world happened! She wished and wished and wished! But no thousand Barbie dolls. Entrepreneurs are sorta dreamers and wisher I would say. A lot of folks say to entrepreneurs--You're crazy, that will never work. And then it does (i.e. sometimes). To be a true entrepreneur ya gotta be able to take defeats and get up and try something new again. Joesixpack says--Most folks are not willing to do that 'cause failure hurts toooooo much (i.e. don't ever want to have that feeling again).
WhyNewShoesAllThetime? National Sporting Goods Association expected runners and joggers to spend about $3.3 billion on shoes in 2014. Wow! Those entrepreneurs know that as well. They need to develop a product that we just got to have (i.e. can't get along without). It's all about the money folks. The major shoe companies hire the smartest and most imaginative minds to create products that folks just have to have.
MoreMoreMore! A question asked a lot--How do we sell more stuff more often to more people for more money? Business always wants to sell more. Make more money. Be more aggressive. Be at the cutting edge. EntrepreneurWilma says--Moremoremore is the name of the game; always more! Stay the lead dog. If you are always following the lead dog, all you see is the lead dog's butt (i.e. and the lead dog's butt ain't that pretty)! Ya gotta have more so you can be the lead dog. GeorgeTheCrook says--Some things in life are ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous! We had the annual patio sale in our community last Saturday. I asked a guy--how is it going--sold most everything--you must be a good salesman--no no our prices are just good! Bingo. I actually donated more money than I spent. A pretty university gal was selling her string art to fund her aunt's air fare to AZ. She just had a heart transplant and said if she lived through it she would really like to see AZ. Soooo I had to give her some money. Leo and Tamaith were selling some stuff on their patio to raise money for a new adopted sister. They were 10 and 12. I asked them if they were adopted--yes, from Rwanda. I had to give them some money. It felt good and I hope it made them feel good tooooo. Such is life.
35 act score and a 160 iq says you are mega smart! Many entrepreneurs are very smart. Very! But they still don't know the answers to everything just like a little kid doesn't know all the answers sooooo maybe they aren't as smart as they think. Could be. Huh, interesting. A child asks Einstein the question--How old is God. Einstein said--"The answer is something like- as Christians we believe in a self-existent Being who is outside of time – a Cause Agent. But since we can’t even understand that with our finite minds, how could a kid." Now that is pretty deep folks. Einstein had an iq of 160 and he couldn't even answer the question. ItchieBitchie says--Most folks think they are smarter than what they are and think they know all the answers. But they don't. They just think they do! Really? Really! SmartAssKaren says--At some point in life we just get kicked to the curb if we think we know all the answers! LuckieEddie says--A person becomes very smart when they realize they don't know all the answers. Such is life.
WhyNewShoesAllThetime? National Sporting Goods Association expected runners and joggers to spend about $3.3 billion on shoes in 2014. Wow! Those entrepreneurs know that as well. They need to develop a product that we just got to have (i.e. can't get along without). It's all about the money folks. The major shoe companies hire the smartest and most imaginative minds to create products that folks just have to have.
MoreMoreMore! A question asked a lot--How do we sell more stuff more often to more people for more money? Business always wants to sell more. Make more money. Be more aggressive. Be at the cutting edge. EntrepreneurWilma says--Moremoremore is the name of the game; always more! Stay the lead dog. If you are always following the lead dog, all you see is the lead dog's butt (i.e. and the lead dog's butt ain't that pretty)! Ya gotta have more so you can be the lead dog. GeorgeTheCrook says--Some things in life are ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous! We had the annual patio sale in our community last Saturday. I asked a guy--how is it going--sold most everything--you must be a good salesman--no no our prices are just good! Bingo. I actually donated more money than I spent. A pretty university gal was selling her string art to fund her aunt's air fare to AZ. She just had a heart transplant and said if she lived through it she would really like to see AZ. Soooo I had to give her some money. Leo and Tamaith were selling some stuff on their patio to raise money for a new adopted sister. They were 10 and 12. I asked them if they were adopted--yes, from Rwanda. I had to give them some money. It felt good and I hope it made them feel good tooooo. Such is life.
OldclassmateJim (i.e. anybody can be a Jim) of 63 of Danube, MN sent me this--Recently I overheard a father and daughter in their last moments together at the airport. They had announced the departure. Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the father said, 'I love you, and I wish you enough.' The daughter replied, 'Dad, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Dad.' They kissed and the daughter left. The father walked over to the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see he wanted and needed to cry. I tried not to intrude on his privacy, but he welcomed me in by asking, 'Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?' 'Yes, I have,' I replied. 'Forgive me for asking, but why is this a forever good-bye?' 'I am old, and she lives so far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is - the next trip back will be for my funeral,' he said. 'When you were saying good-bye, I heard you say, 'I wish you enough.' May I ask what that means? He began to smile. 'That's a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone...' He paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail, and he smiled even more. 'When we said, 'I wish you enough,' we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them.' Then turning toward me, he shared the following as if he were reciting it from memory. I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger. I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting. I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess. I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye. He then began to cry and walked away.
Suggestion from BobTheLeader--Don't let folks feel like they are just a grunt. Empower them. Challenge them! Let them make the decisions and let them have success and let them have failures (i.e. children). Let them figure it out on their own--don't micromanage them. Good leaders are resourceful--they figure it out and get it done--they think through things. Hip hip hooray! SusieQ says--I don't like to think for myself, I like folks to think for me. And I don't like risk. And I like everyone to like me! Baaaa! Quit foisting me into something I don't want to do! I like to flounder!
Unbroken. I went to the movie this week (i.e. Tuesday is dollar night at Superstition Picture Show). I liked the book better but did enjoy the movie. Louie Zamperini was truly an entrepreneur, he had tooooo be (i.e. both physically and mentally) to stay alive. Louie had an ordinary look but an extraordinary ability which he used through out his life (i.e. not just his military life). Extraordinary ability folks. How come he found it and others don't. Is it luck, fate, or what? I don't know. Some folks seem to find it and others don't seem to find it. Louie rode his life way past where his luck should have allowed him toooo. He lived to be 97 and used a lot of his being a Christan inspirational speaker with the help of Billy Graham with forgiveness being his recurring theme. Huh, interesting.
Jim'sCreamofthe...Joke--At one point during a game, the coach called one of his 9-year-old baseball players aside and asked, "Do you understand what co-operation is? What a team is?" "Yes, coach", replied the little boy. " Do you understand that what matters is whether we win or lose together as a team?" The little boy nodded in the affirmative. "So," the coach continued, "I'm sure you know, when an out is called, you shouldn't argue, curse, attack the umpire, or call him a pecker-head, dickhead or asshole. Do you understand all that?" Again, the little boy nodded in the affirmative. The coach continued, "And when I take you out of the game so that another boy gets a chance to play, it's not good sportsmanship to call your coach a dumb ass or shithead is it?" "No,coach." "Good", said the coach. "Now go over there and explain all that to your grandmother.
Book Readers! Maybe 4 years ago I was looking for a book of historical fiction of early west in AZ. A librarian at Red Rock Mesa Library suggested Blood Brothers. It was about Cochise and Tom Jeffers and the Butterfield Stagecoach trail and station. After reading the book Arlen, I, Larry and Doris went to southern AZ and hiked those trails and visited the ruins of the station A couple of years later I went back and hiked Chochise's Stronghold. I really enjoyed this. The other day I was at the library and this same librarian helped me. I thanked her for suggesting that book and told her of what I did. Of course she didn't remember me but was excited that she helped me. When I left she once again said--thank you for thanking me. People like to be remembered and thanked (i.e. my opinion).
Enrepreneurish book thing maybe! Our friend Blondie gave me the book East Side of the Mountains by David Guterson and said do with the book whatever you want when done reading it. I really liked it and would suggest you give it a read. ANYWAY this is what I put into the cover of the book. I have no idea what will happen. We will see friends! Crazy huh!
Entrepreneur? I don't think sooo but still very interesting. I was riding my bike back from pickleball the other day and saw this soooo I went and talked to Raymond. Is this yours--ya--wow, that's quite a machine; how much do you want for her--$24,000; she sold new in 2006 for $125,000--you're shitting me--no no that's the truth--how come you are selling her--the FBI is after me--for what--murder--who do they claim you murdered--my wife about 10 years ago but they can't prove it; I buried her in the desert--you're shitting me--ya I am--but I have been married 4 times--are you married now--no, haven't since 1985--so why didn't your marriages work out--the women always wanted to be in charge; the only thing women should be in charge of is cooking and cleaning--that's probably why you have no wife I would guess--ya, probably--nice machine!!--ya, I like her but she's toooo expensive to have around just like the other 4 were. Such is life.
Sometimes you just have be a Bruce! And act like you know what you are doing! Bingo! I did a Bruce! There was a story in the Arizona Republic Sunday paper about Power's War screening at Superstition Springs theater. It's a documentary film about Arizona's deadest shootout on February 10, 1918. It was very controversial. The last old west shoot out. www.powerswar.com It said that it was sold out. So I go to the theater Monday night and said to the ticket guy, I'm Bruce and I want to see the documentary. He said go inside and talk to customer relations. So I went inside and I said I'm Bruce, I want to see the documentary Power's War (i.e. all I did was ask). He says go on in. Theater 14. I sat next to the sheriff's grandson that was killed in the shootout. We had a very nice visit. I asked him how much his tickets cost. He said all tickets are $15. I said I'm Bruce, I got in free! He didn't know what to say. Jeff Power, who was the father, was a old west entrepreneur (i.e. maybe one of the last). In the old west, if you were not an entrepreneur, you didn't live very long. Such is life.
Is being an entrepreneur an attitude? I went for an early morning run one day this week. Esther from Worthington, MN stopped me and asked if I was from MN (i.e. I had my purple Vikings cap on). Esther had a digital device on her arm monitoring her walk (i.e. she's at the cutting edge). ANYWAY she told me that she has been wintering in AZ for 30 years but her husband Jiggs died after 8 years of pancreatic cancer. Soooo you have been doing this by yourself for 22 years?--ya, I have--you must be one tough, old buzzard? (i.e. I could tell she was gritty by her body language and her talk)--ya got to be if you want to live by yourself--how old are you anyway--91--if you keep up your attitude you will be coming for another 30 years--I figure on 5 more!!! Bingo.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (:-
MyFriendJean says--Take a minute to give your imagination a work out.