aren't newbies but...! In the five years from 2005 to 2009, the number of
reported cases of syphilis and chlamydia among those 55 and older increased 43
percent, according to an Orlando Sentinel analysis of provided by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the Sunbelt where
retires have formed large communities, the rise was even more
dramatic. For instance, in Arizona's Maricopa and Pima counties — home to
large retirement communities just outside Phoenix — the percent of
reported cases of syphilis and chlamydia increased twice as fast as the
national average from 2005 to 2009. Reported cases were up 87 percent among
those 55 and older in those counties. In Central Florida, where The
Villages and other retirement communities sprawl across several counties,
reported cases of syphilis and chlamydia increased 71 percent among those 55
and older in that same period. And South Florida saw a 60 percent rise in those
two sexually transmitted infections among the same age group, according to the Florida
Department of Health. What do you think is the cause of that?
LuckieEddie says--Probably bad sex education as a kid in school I bet!
Wish wish wish--We all wish for...now don't we. A pickleball buddy was telling me that this is probably his last year of softball--how come--I can't run very well and when I do it hurts; I can't throw anymore, I bend over to field a grounder and it goes right underneath my glove, I can't gauge fly balls any more, I have no power in hitting. There isn't much left. It ain't always easy getting older (i.e. I think he's 69). The mind says I can do it but the body says I can't. MN-Denny (i.e. who just got fined $25 for going 16 in a 10 mph zone in another 55+ community going to play pickleball--he's a real hellion), you just need to buy more stuff like I do (i.e. also he needs to slow down). I was going to play pickleball the other day and Arlene thought I looked like an OldIowanPickleballPlayer (i.e. that is what it says on the sign on my bike soooo it must be right)--2 knee supports, a glove for my calluses on my hand that cracks and bleeds, and my old hikin' hat for protection from the hot sun. Ya gotta do what you gotta do! Besides, most of the game is in the shoes and the shirt anyway! I'm not a talent evaluator or a brain surgeon MN-Denny, but I suggest you try new shoes and a new shirt first before deciding if you are going to quite!!! If they don't work, try the slip screen. It seems to really work tooooo. ItchieBitchie says--erv, I think you have a crazy noggin if you think they will work. I know 'cause I have tried them all. Oh my goodness!

Jim'sCreamofthe...Joke! I have a friend who is most interesting (i.e. one great guy). ANYWAY he is going to give me a "Jim'sCreamofthe..Joke" each week. I sent him this email--Jim, probably about 30 years ago I was at a golf outing of one of our auto insurance companies. After the outing the president got up and gave his little speech. This company had actually two insurance companies. One company for standard drivers and one was for substandard drivers. He told us that we as agents were to send him not the shit of the substandard but the cream of the shit. So, just don't send me your jokes, I want the cream of the jokes! Ha ha God only knows what I'll get. But the price is right! Bingo Here is his first one--The Lawyer says to the wealthy art collector tycoon, "I have some good news and I have some bad news." The Tycoon replies, "I've had an awful day; let’s hear the good news first." The lawyer says, "Well, your wife invested $5,000 in two pictures this week that she feels are worth a minimum of $2-3 million dollars." The tycoon replies enthusiastically, "Wow! Well done! That's very good news indeed. You’ve made my day! Now, what’s the bad news?" The lawyer answers, "The pictures are of you with your secretary."
Newbie to managing money? ItchieBitchie says--A good way to learn is to ask questions. It's cheap toooo. And most folks will give you their advice (i.e. good and bad). You then have to decide what you are going to do. Get around good, smart folks. Ask them what they do and how they manage their money. Get different opinions. Just because your parents did it a certain way, or your brother-in-law does it a certain way, doesn't mean it's the best way (i.e. but it might be). If married, talk about money, share information, ideas, and opinions. Know what is going on (i.e. don't put your head in the sand). Read, study etc. In other words, learn. MoneyBagsEd says--Be careful about the advice of folks who will be making money off you (i.e. some advice might be good and some might just be good for them). Remember, if you follow their advice (i.e. their advice maybe might be to make them money only--the good ones will not have that approach). Oh mercy be!
Talk about money! This last week I visited with an acquaintance I made here in AZ some 5 years ago through some mutual friends. He is 80 and his name is John (i.e. anybody can be a JohnfromIowa). He told me he should have kept 5% ownership in his business that he sold to his children. I run short on cash flow sometimes. We build all our grandchildren a new house when they get to be about 21. I sometimes run a little short on $$$$$ (i.e. they must manage their money quite well)! These folks' story is a Cinderella story (i.e. rags to riches). They were very fortunate but I think they worked very hard and where innovative and aggressive. They are also very appreciative and thankful for being sooooo blessed. They are also very generous. They have good hearts (i.e. my kind of folks). I kidded John--You are a multi-millionaire but you winter in a park model when you could afford any house you want. John said--We just love it here and our park model. I think they get value for their dollar folks.
Baaaa! Are you pretty much like everyone else do you think? Recently I read a brief account about a sheep in Istanbul, Turkey that jumped off a cliff. What made the story especially tragic was nearly 1,500 other sheep followed, about one-third of those dying as a result. Most of the others suffered injuries, and all must have sheepishly wondered, "What was I thinking?" Saturday question--Do you think for yourself? Are you a crowd pleaser? WolfManBill says--The wolf doesn't really care what the sheep think? Ouchy ouchy!
What do you think? I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Albert Schweitzer with multiple doctorate degrees enjoyed the honors and comforts of European life. Then early one spring morning he determined to leave it all. He went off to Lambarene, Africa, where, in service to God, he practiced medicine among the needy. You say, why would he do that? Why do you think? Was he crazy as a pet coon? Maybe if we coondog it we might figure out his motive. But for some, it might take a coon's age to figure it out and for others of you, you have it already figured out. Bingo! Such is life.
I want it my way! Yes I do! What is the royal pain in your butt? What is really bothering you? How can I fix it? Well, the most common "fix it" is to throw some money at it (i.e. money it right--buy them out--get rid of the problem--Trump does that). What do you think? Yabut, I don't have that kind of money! Well, you can exclude the royal pain (i.e. get away from the problem--delete the problem--David tried that). Tell them "up yours" and move one. That might work! What do you think of those ideas? Saturday question--Do you think folks with a lot of money handle problems differently than folks who have little or no money? Why do you think about that? Do folks with more money rely more on fixing their problems on their own (i.e. not using God) compared to folks who have lessor money? I wonder. When we are very ill, have a financial collapse, have a tragedy (e.g. 911), or looking death in the face, things seem different maybe. What do you think?
The Pythagorean theorem a² + b² = c² seems to be accurate all the time. It's as good as gold! You can hang your hat on it! You can take it to the bank! I sat next to a pickle ball buddy the other day. She told me that she prefers to be around men much more than women. I asked her why. She said--You can't always believe what other women say. Some are catty! What! Girls are catty! MissPerfect says--I don't know if that statement is as valid as the Pythagorean theorem but maybe it has some validity to it! But, I think if I were you erv, I would sweep her opinion into the closet below the stairs and forget about it. Hey folks, don't get all excited, I'm only telling ya what she said and she is a woman and only
one woman. I have no idea if her evaluation is as accurate as the Pythagorean theorem. What do you think? SusieQ says--erv, a cautionary reminder, there is a difference between a cat fight and a dog fight! I am not an expert about cat fighting soooo I asked around. BridgeChampSally says--In cat flights there's the inevitable front-runner (i.e. based on past fights and reputation). That inevitable front-runner is inevitable right up until she is no longer inevitable! When that happens, there is a new lead, dominant mare. What do you think of that? Such is life.
I was playing pickleball with 3 other gals recently until I hit one of the girls in the nose (i.e. I didn't mean too--It's different when it's a nice, pretty gal or just some guy). Game over! I didn't mean toooo! Really. We sat down and another nice gal of our group sat next to me. She said she had to leave. I thought she said she had to put the cloths in the dryer. When she got back, I asked her if she got the cloths in the dryer. That wasn't it at all. She didn't feel well. We checked her pulse which was quite normal (i.e. a couple of days earlier she said she had a high pulse rate and couldn't get it down--it was hot). I told her she shouldn't play any more. ANYWAY she said they have been having a lot of company and more are coming. It is stressful for her. Bingo! I checked on her by email later in the day. She said--Hi Erv. Yes I'm fine, just too busy right now . Paul says I have to learn how to say no. It's a huge learning curve for me. Things settle down for a week then we have family here for our last week in Arizona. Saturday question--What do you think about the stress of entertaining?
Does it matter what you think? Really! How about 100 years from now, will it matter what you think today? For those of you who don't believe in God, go and get a beer and just laugh at me (i.e. or maybe read this as you might find this entertaining). You already have everything figured out. You have a immortal mind. You might be Godly smart. I'm not very smart (i.e. I'm just a little old farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN); maybe that is why I believe in God. Could be. ANYWAY This is what I read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it. Dr. Dave (i.e. anyone can be a Dave) says--Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God…will guard your hearts and minds. Philippians 4:6-7 -- What’s the most popular verse in the Bible? Last fall, the retailer Amazon released a list of the most popular passages from its most popular books, and the most commonly highlighted portion of the Bible was Philippians 4:6-7. Readers of e-Bibles underlined that passage more often than any other in Scripture. When we look around at our anxious world and our fretful lives, we can understand why people are drawn to the promises of Philippians 4. But notice the context of the passage. The Lord tells us here to rejoice in Him (verse 4); to be gentle in our dealings with others (verse 5a); to remember how near He is to us (verse 5b); to pray earnestly about our concerns (verse 6a); to count our blessings with thankfulness (verse 6b); and to focus our minds on what is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and praiseworthy (verse 8). NON BELIEVERS IN GOD That advice might be be good for your life even if you don't believe in God; it might just even make you some money as well (i.e. for some, it's all about the money). I don't know. What do you think? I want it my way! Yes I do! What is the royal pain in your butt? What is really bothering you? How can I fix it? Well, the most common "fix it" is to throw some money at it (i.e. money it right--buy them out--get rid of the problem--Trump does that). What do you think? Yabut, I don't have that kind of money! Well, you can exclude the royal pain (i.e. get away from the problem--delete the problem--David tried that). Tell them "up yours" and move one. That might work! What do you think of those ideas? Saturday question--Do you think folks with a lot of money handle problems differently than folks who have little or no money? Why do you think about that? Do folks with more money rely more on fixing their problems on their own (i.e. not using God) compared to folks who have lessor money? I wonder. When we are very ill, have a financial collapse, have a tragedy (e.g. 911), or looking death in the face, things seem different maybe. What do you think?
one woman. I have no idea if her evaluation is as accurate as the Pythagorean theorem. What do you think? SusieQ says--erv, a cautionary reminder, there is a difference between a cat fight and a dog fight! I am not an expert about cat fighting soooo I asked around. BridgeChampSally says--In cat flights there's the inevitable front-runner (i.e. based on past fights and reputation). That inevitable front-runner is inevitable right up until she is no longer inevitable! When that happens, there is a new lead, dominant mare. What do you think of that? Such is life.
I was playing pickleball with 3 other gals recently until I hit one of the girls in the nose (i.e. I didn't mean too--It's different when it's a nice, pretty gal or just some guy). Game over! I didn't mean toooo! Really. We sat down and another nice gal of our group sat next to me. She said she had to leave. I thought she said she had to put the cloths in the dryer. When she got back, I asked her if she got the cloths in the dryer. That wasn't it at all. She didn't feel well. We checked her pulse which was quite normal (i.e. a couple of days earlier she said she had a high pulse rate and couldn't get it down--it was hot). I told her she shouldn't play any more. ANYWAY she said they have been having a lot of company and more are coming. It is stressful for her. Bingo! I checked on her by email later in the day. She said--Hi Erv. Yes I'm fine, just too busy right now . Paul says I have to learn how to say no. It's a huge learning curve for me. Things settle down for a week then we have family here for our last week in Arizona. Saturday question--What do you think about the stress of entertaining?
I hear the question from some of you--Are you talking about me? It seems like you are. It seems like you know exactly what's going on in my head. Am I ItchieBitchie or LuckieEddie or Crazy Marvin etc? No no no you aren't. I use those names just randomly and they are not you. Really! GeorgeTheCrook says--You better not be talking about me. Don't give me any crap or I will send my hound dogs on you. I suggest you just jettison your crazy thinking as I have the firm of Dowe, Screwem, and How on retainer. Soooo be careful what you say to me. BigManFred says--The circumstances of life, the events of life, and the people around me in life, do not make me the way I am, but reveal the way I am. What do you think of that comment of BigManFred?
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.
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