says—erv, you are sorta kinda odd but I still like you. It appears at times that you are sorta kinda in
left field and are mumbling incoherently.
Like I said, you are rather odd, erv. Well hardy har har! Thanksamillion
for the encouragement MissPerfect. I
like you tooooo! Really folks—My mouth
is open in wonder! You guys really
amaze me. You are rock stars. Really!
You guys are really something.
Thanksamillion guys for being my friends. You guys are full of magic.
You folks are icons today and will be legends tomorrow. Yes you will. Such is life.
Do you want some cheese with your whine? What are you going to do now? ItchieBitchie says—I’m going for the gusto
folks, going for the gusto! That is what
I’m going to do. I’m going to the
bodega and get some wine soooo I can stop my whining and commiserating! That aught to work ItchieBitchie! How much do you think it will take?
Explanation not an excuse! ItchieBitchie says—Many think they should have done
better than what they have. Ya, we have a tendency to convolute reality now
don’t we. I read this in the paper
(i.e. sooo it must be right) about this guy who hit some one and the guy died.
He got 10 years. The judge said that he expressed remorse and was
under the influence at the time of the attack. It was "not an excuse but
an explanation...for a particularly violent senseless assault". Ouchy
ouchy! GeorgeTheCrook says--Alcohol and drugs can even make ugly girls
look good! They also make us think we are better than what we are. They
affect our decisions. We can make some real poor decisions when we are
under the influence (i.e. why do casinos serve free drinks). Da! And
decisions have consequences, which we all know. SusieQ says--It's unlikely
but many folks think they are smarter when under the influence; from my
experience, it surely can affect our senses! Bingo!
things have happened folks. LuckieEddie (i.e. it seems he always looks like he has to take a crap) says--The Bible
pushes/advertises for the Honda Accord! Did you know that? It does,
really! Folks don’t all agree on how Christians should worship but they agree
on that. There was a time when there was only one Christian church. It
was the church in Jerusalem and, immediately after Christ’s ascension, it
appears to have had 120 members. By contrast, today there are more than 40,000
Christian denominations in the world (i.e. folks interpret information
differently I guess). But still all those 40,000 denominations have on
thing in common. That is they are all of “one accord in prayer”. I have evaluated the
information and think the following statement is true (i.e. my opinion)—Be of
good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.
Berry funny! This might
knock the sauce out of you and the socks off of you. WonderingMindFred
asks--You ever wonder what kind of underwear certain folks wear? When I get bored at a meeting or at church
(i.e. when the pastor is boring or the service is rote) I wonder about this
stuff. WonderingMindFred, I think you
might be surprised what their underwear looks like, particular women (i.e. they
might not wear the same kind that you do).
We ate dinner when we were in CO at White Chocolate in Meadows Mall in
Lone Tree. James, little Jimmer and I
were walking to the Lego store and walked by a women’s underwear store
displaying some real wild underwear (i.e. my opinion) in the window (i.e. I
would guess pretty inexpensive as there is nutten to them). Little Jimmer says—Mommy would like
those. He was referring to the flowers
used in the display window next to some real skimpy hot pink undies! What a hoot! Give that little Jimmer a few years when his hormones kick in and
he probably won’t even see the flowers any more I bet. DaddyJames had a good laugh! Such is life.
LadyHessSays--Men Are Just Happier People -- What do
you expect from such simple creatures? The garage is all yours. The world is
your urinal. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because
this one is just too icky. People never stare at your chest when you're talking
to them. One mood all the time. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds
flat. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. Your underwear is
$8.95 for a three-pack. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You can wear
shorts no matter how your legs look.
do I do now? What would you do? On my way to volunteering, I stopped at Kwik
Trip to get a newspaper. As I was
leaving I ran into a former long time female employee who I haven’t seen for
some time. I wanted to hug her but
didn’t think it was appropriate in public and I thought about shaking her hand
(i.e. that would have been cheeseie I thought) soooo I didn’t do either. We talked for a short time and a long time
male friend who I haven’t seen since last fall came by. I shock his hand. Sooooo I do treat woman different than men! You know why? ‘Cause they are women!
That is why. They even smell different than men! ha ha
Wyatt Earp had a presence in himself like–I will gun you down! Some folks can walk into a room and the
thermostat rises. Others go unnoticed
or folks just turn their heads. Why is
that do you think? It could be, maybe,
‘cause that person is abnormal in some way (i.e. physically or mentally, both
good or bad). Some folks just light up the room and others turn out the
lights. In many cases, the light
brighteners don’t even know they do that and the light dimmers, in many cases,
don’t know they are the light dimmers but think they are the brighteners (i.e.
false impression of themselves). Huh,
interesting. In some cases, this
attitude might be jangling to them when they find out the correct impression
others have of them (i.e. if they ever do)!
I wonder if some folks have an extraordinary incongruity of themselves.
They think they have the folks in their hip pocket but they really don’t (i.e.
a total mis-conception). I wonder. GerorgeTheCrook says—Numbers don’t lie
folks—the proof is in the pudding—those are the facts! Such is life.
Ya, I write a lot
about money (i.e. it’s all about the money). Yes, it
definitely does matter but not as much as Americans think. The
psychological studies have shown that once a person earns $75,000.00 a
year, there is no real appreciable difference in happiness beyond that
amount. Increasing money does not increase happiness, but the lack of
money can cause extreme woes. Yes, there is a huge
difference in happiness between a person who earns $5,000 a year and a
person who earns $50,000 a year. There is basically no difference in
happiness between a person who earns $50,000 a year and one who earns 50
million a year. It is the illusion of riches and the mistaken belief that
it will bring joy. It won't. Money absolutely does not buy happiness. I
read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--In the words of Jesus, "and the cares of this
world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things entering
in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful." CrazyMarvin says—Put
that in your pipe and smoke it!
I read this in the paper soooo it must be
right--Environmental engineers call China one of the most smog-polluted nations
on earth, with only 3 of its 74 largest cities meeting air quality standards.
In Beijing, for example, the smog is so heavy that residents sometimes can’t
see the end of the block. Now the government is teaming up with innovators to
bottle air from the distant Laojun Mountains and transport it to urban areas.
Residents can now stop at breathing stations, don an air mask, and breathe the
atmosphere of another land. China’s president, Xi Jinping, has endorsed the
idea, saying, “Air quality is now a deciding factor in people’s perception of
happiness.” Huh, interesting. Saturday
question—Are you a happy person? How
come? Really? Really!
(i.e. who is bikini friendly) stops at nutten except stops signs. Ya, her mouth does the talking but her bladder calls the shots! She just blew
a kiss to conservatism. She leads with
her personal selfish desires and not with her heart (i.e. she throws rockets
and darts with accuracy). She does what
ever it takes; she has no limits. Sorta
kinda like the NCAA football playoff.
They made the schools $500,000,000 this last year. $200,000,000 more under the new plan. It’s all about the money folks just like
SlickBridgeLaddySally’s actions. And
let me tell ya what folks, she is real good at it! A real animal. Real good!
Very slick!
Everyone wants to be like Jordan. Under Armour just hit the jackpot with Jordan Speith. He, by winning the Masters, will make them
billions as he has a contract to wear their clothing. Yes billions folks. And
it will make him many millions just with Under Armour. Isn’t that really something how money
works? I’m just amazed. How in a year Jordan’s life has changed. And
also his caddy Michael (i.e. from teacher to inside the ropes with a champion). It’s the dream of many and only a few get to
live it. Amazing. But remember folks, as my mentor would say—erv,
it’s never as good as it looks and never as bad as it looks. ItchieBitchie says—With more money and
talent and empowerment, comes more responsibility and more expectations; there are
a world of deals out there folks, a world of them. Those world deals are out there for everyone but folks with much money
and fame comes more deals and more decisions!
Ask Tiger if you don’t believe me!

“I will be back!” Remember
what movie that was in? Of course you
do. I will be back next Saturday folks
if you like it or not. I’m like a bad
cold; you can’t get rid of me! Resilient like Anna and Anna’s ivy!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other
plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says—May your troubles be less and your
blessings be more, and nothing but happiness comes through your door.