Disclaimer: This "It's Saturday" has no wasted words, no hyperbole, no flowery quotations from the Bible or Shakespeare, no false emotion, but just nothing but the nuanced flavor of erv. Soooo take that into consideration when reading it. If you are offended in any way, don't let it bother you. Things could me much much worse. Really folks! And besides, I don't mean to offend you. Cut me some slack. Don't be soooo touchy! Come on now!
My Opinion! Hey Big Guy, I really don't believe that there is anyone who does not believe in God. They might not outwardly worship God, they might not outwardly acknowledge God, they might not ever express it but I really think everyone has thoughts and believes in God. Those that don't, act that way for a reason (i.e. they all have a reason I bet even if they don't know what it is). Arealsmartguy sent me this--Another uplifting piece of info from the book I’m reading: Insanity of Unbelief by Max Davis. Christian converts vs atheist defectors. It is from the International Bulletin of Missionary Research – a poll compiled by them in 2011 (i.e. soooo it must be right). They tallied that there are an average of 80,000 new Christians added worldwide every 24 hours, but atheists lose about 300 every 24 hours. Their conclusion as to why this is happening is: 1. More and more evidence doesn’t support an atheists view 2. That eternal longing placed in our hearts for God by God 3.We’re all going to die and have to deal with it. I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Rather than planning and evaluating, practice trusting and thanking Me continually. This is a paradigm shift that will revolutionize your life. I believe that (i.e. my opinion) but you might not--we all have our reasons. I wish all of you the best.
The"otherWarren"inOMaha says--A priest, a minister and a guru sat discussing the best positions for prayer, while a telephone repairman worked nearby. "Kneeling is definitely the best way to pray," the priest said. "No," said the minister. "I get the best results standing with my hands outstretched to Heaven." "You're both wrong," the guru said. "The most effective prayer position is lying down on the floor." The repairman could contain himself no longer. "Hey, fellas," he interrupted. "The best prayin' I ever did was when I was hangin' upside down from a telephone pole."
My Opinion! Hey Big Guy, I really don't believe that there is anyone who does not believe in God. They might not outwardly worship God, they might not outwardly acknowledge God, they might not ever express it but I really think everyone has thoughts and believes in God. Those that don't, act that way for a reason (i.e. they all have a reason I bet even if they don't know what it is). Arealsmartguy sent me this--Another uplifting piece of info from the book I’m reading: Insanity of Unbelief by Max Davis. Christian converts vs atheist defectors. It is from the International Bulletin of Missionary Research – a poll compiled by them in 2011 (i.e. soooo it must be right). They tallied that there are an average of 80,000 new Christians added worldwide every 24 hours, but atheists lose about 300 every 24 hours. Their conclusion as to why this is happening is: 1. More and more evidence doesn’t support an atheists view 2. That eternal longing placed in our hearts for God by God 3.We’re all going to die and have to deal with it. I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Rather than planning and evaluating, practice trusting and thanking Me continually. This is a paradigm shift that will revolutionize your life. I believe that (i.e. my opinion) but you might not--we all have our reasons. I wish all of you the best.
The"otherWarren"inOMaha says--A priest, a minister and a guru sat discussing the best positions for prayer, while a telephone repairman worked nearby. "Kneeling is definitely the best way to pray," the priest said. "No," said the minister. "I get the best results standing with my hands outstretched to Heaven." "You're both wrong," the guru said. "The most effective prayer position is lying down on the floor." The repairman could contain himself no longer. "Hey, fellas," he interrupted. "The best prayin' I ever did was when I was hangin' upside down from a telephone pole."
Are you a big person or little person? DuaneTheWorm says--When ever a friend succeeds, a little something in me dies. Ouchy ouchy! WildWillie says--The other half of envy is feeling gratification in someone else's misfortune. Ouchy ouchy! I'm always pretty hard on DuaneTheWorm but I'm going to give him some praise--One problem DuaneTheWorm doesn't have is occasionally being honest (i.e. many feel that way but hey, wouldn't dare to say it). How do the DuaneTheWorms of life make you feel? SusieQ asks--How do the DuaneTheWorms get their head around their egos? I have no idea SusieQ, you will have to ask them.
My Mom, Anna, would say to me--erv, personality is how you act when folks are around and character is how you act when folks aren't around. She was right, there is a difference. Our culture seems to like to impress folks (e.g. girls impress their peers, guys impress the girls with their body or their money etc). Senior ladies try to impress the bridge ladies with their gossip and dress and guys with their cars and tools etc. You know what I mean. Many folks seem to be always impressing others. Not all though; there are some real folks (i.e.with good hearts). Joesixpack says--If it stinks a little on the surface, usually it stinks a whole lot more when you get to the bottom of it. Soooo true Joesixpack, soooo true. I was around a guy this winter and sorta kinda wondered about him 'cause of some of his little actions. Then one day I found out about his character when those little actions were magnified to one big action. He totally exposed his real self. Bingo. Another person I thought was rather strange and as I got to know this person, they were strange (i.e. my opinion). AverageJoe says--Come one erv, we are all a little strange; you could be talking about all of us, including you. Could be! Have you ever experienced that in folks? Do we ever hide our weaknesses and our strengths and our different personalities? I really like real folks. I have said that many times. Phonies and fakers just don't much interest me. And folks, there are some DuaneTheWorms around (i.e. some real cowboys--real chowder-heads). Oh ha!
Maybe she needs to check her sense of smell (i.e. my opinion)! One of our favorite breakfast waitress in AZ was 58, attractive, nice and divorced 3 times. I asked her how come? She said--They were all jerks! I think she needs to redo her pre-flight check list folks. If it stinks a little on the surface, it will really stink when you get to the bottom of it (i.e. ya can't hide your dirty underwear for ever). ItchieBitchie says--A woman marries a man with the belief that she can change him, and she can't. A man marries a woman with the belief that she won't change, and she does. Hey folks, we all can get fooled once in a while. Oh ya. His name is Art and he's a sculpture, a very lifelike sculpture that have duped several. Legend has it Michael Jordan walked into the Bucks practice facility, said hello to Art, was ignored and complained to Bucks' management that the security guard didn't acknowledge him. Such is life.
Parents/kids! What do you think of your parents? What do you think of your kids? I wished soooooo many times that my parents, Chester and Anna, could have experienced my adult life with me. Got to know Arlene, their grandchildren, and their great grandchildren. They would have sooooo much enjoyed it and I would have sooooo much enjoyed having them around. Not to be. Died toooo young. Never got to experience it. Soooo how do your children, grandchildren, and parents make you feel? You ever wonder how they feel about you? GeorgeTheCrook says--My kids don't give a rat's patoot out us! Really! Why I wonder. And some of you get verklempt when you think of your parents. Are you appreciative of all the effort your parents put in for you (i.e. it takes a lot of effort to be parents and even more to be exceptional)? I wonder if they would appreciate you telling them that. I read Grey Mountain by John Gresham (i.e. fiction folks). One of the character talks about her parents (i.e. divorced) that really didn't spend much time with her when she was young but were more concerned about their careers and money but gave her everything growing up. Now as a young adult, they try to give her advice and she thinks they really only think about themselves (i.e. parents seem to have clawed fingers sometimes) . The relationship is strained to say the lest (i.e. fiction). I sorta kinda get a kick out of some of her statements. Like--Her father was a lapsed Catholic, her mother an indifferent Protestant, and Samantha had not been raised in any faith. I read this while waiting for Arlene having her hair done by Judy (i.e. she is such a nice lady). I was having a beer next door at What the Hell Bar and Grill. It just made me laugh. Such is life. LuceyGoosie says--Everyone likes their parents when they leave them a big inheritance or at least they like the inheritance! Such is life.
"A chip off the old block" or "where did that come from"? Joshua says--But as for me and my household, we will serve...! Ya, Joshua, you can say that when your kids are under your control but when they leave your control (i.e. out on their own), they will do what they want and you have no control over them (i.e. parenting is sometimes sorta kinda like herding squirrels). How does that make you feel when they accept some of your training? How does it feel when they rebel against your training and teaching? There has to to some super happy parents when they look at their adult kids and also some super disappointed parents when they look at their adult kids (i.e. and they tried sooooo hard). Joshua, maybe it is better to says--But as for me, I will serve...and I have no idea what my kids will serve. Yes, we are in CO on our way home to Ia. Heather is
our daughter and their family. Three generations of chips off the old block (i.e. Mature/Silents, Generations X, and Z/Boomlets) . Maybe some good chips and some bad chips! And some chips, only God knows where they came from! Saturday question--Do you want to be like your parents? Do you want your kids to be like you? Think about that a little. Such is life.
I must admit I have had a blast with the grand kids. I got to walk Erin to the bus stop along with little Jimmer. And then little Jimmer and I hand in hand walked up the street to Cara, his day care provider. He hugged me and said--I love your grandpa. It doesn't get any better than this. Man I like that. All the money in the world can't buy that. As I was getting them ready, Erin was helping Jimmer. She used the same words that her parents use (i.e. a chip off the old block maybe). That's just the way it is folks.
Walking his bird! He didn't give me the bird but was walking the bird. Soooo I go and talk to him. I have never ever seen anyone walking a bird. He just laughed. It's easier than walking your dog; you don't have to pick up the poop! Soooo what's the story about your bird anyway--my name is Kimo meaning James in Hawaii, I'm from Maui and the bird's name is Mango which is a Conjure--how long have you have had your bird--Mango is 25 years old and we got it when it was 2--I bought it for my daughter to teach her responsibility; I have taken care of the bird most of the time--I guess that teaching her responsibility didn't work like I thought; us Baby Bommers really taught our Y/Millenniums well now didn't we!
Mature/Silents generation (i.e. 1927-1945 a.k.a. dinosaurs). We stopped in Payson, AZ at McDonald's for breakfast when heading out of Dodge. Waited in line with an old insurance client who I haven't seen for some years. They asked us to have breakfast with them. He introduced his friend. He got divorced about 5 years ago and has a livein (i.e. age about 73). Soooo how long have you be shacking up--about 5 years--how did you meet--4-wheeling in the AZ desert/mountains--we aren't married 'cause she will lose her husband's pension and also change her SS benefits (i.e. it's all about the money folks)--but we gave each other commitment rings--what does that mean--like we are engaged I guess. The old west is becoming the new west folks! Old time abnormal is now new time normal in now time. LuckieEddie says--It makes the snot dry up in my nose! But what those dinosaurs do is NOYDB (i.e. noneofyourdarnbusiness) erv, you just need to take care of yourself. Now if she becomes pregnant that would be crazy (i.e. look what happened to Abraham and Sarah)! But at that age they should be old enough to prevent it! Yabut, a warm summer evening sitting on the porch drinking a six pack of Bud Light and...bingo! LiveinRita says--Hey, 70% of Americans are cohabiting before marriage (i.e. sooooo it must be alright) and did you know that your chance of divorce is greater if you cohabit before marriage? Hey, it's 2015 erv, get use to it! Such is life.
Caring! SusieQ says--Joesixpack appears to be devoid of compassion. He hurts folks (i.e. puts vinegar into their punch). He hurts folks sooooo bad and they leave with his heartlessness with them. Boooo Joesixpack! That is how he makes folks feel. Ouchy ouchy! I received an email from an old friend recently (i.e. not that she is old but we haven't been around each other for some time). It was unexpected and simple--How are you and Arlene doing. It was great to hear from her and know she is concerned and cares. Encouragement is such a great thing (i.e. my opinion). It's a gift I think. And a gift that you don't expect is much more fun than a gift that is expected (i.e. my opinion). My suggestion--Give someone a gift. It doesn't have to be a costly gift, maybe a little gift of encouragement (e.g. email, text, phone call). Or it could be a $1,000! ItchieBitchie says--If you are a multi-millionaire, what's a $1,000. Saturday question--What is the most money you every gave someone (i.e. no strings attached--no tax deduction)? Really? Really! I know our largest figure we gave to a person other than a family member. How did that make us feel? A couple of missionaries who we know said in their email--Sometimes the smallest gift can make a huge impact. It can be a way to show someone that they are cared for and that they are special. A small gift can help to relay the love of God. Saturday question--How does it make you feel when someone cares about you?
Motivation! It appears that some folks can motivate better than others. The top coaches seem like they can do that. Somehow and someway! Top parents, employers, band leaders, CEOs, teachers, preachers, mentors, friends, etc all have that same quality of "being a good motivator". They might have different styles but they seem to get it done. Just look around folks! Ya, in the NCAA tournament, talent helps but if you can't motivate your team, you loose. Some appear to be low key but under the water, their feet are churning folks (i.e. day and night). Underneath their schlubby sweatsuit they get more out of their rosters than most. Don't kid yourself. They have a ferocious attitude, psyche-shattering harassing competitive attitude, confidence building qualities, and they know how to win. Some seem to have it more than others. Good motivators know when to act and when not to act. They seem to see the big picture. They don't over react at the wrong time. It's calculated! And they have a knack in not letting folks get the big head (i.e. a huge massive nemesis--a huge massive enigma for many). Bingo!
I hope you enjoy Easter no matter how you celebrate it. By going to church and celebrating Jesus' Resurrection or eating ham dinner with the family, or hunting jelly beans with grand kids, or dying eggs with the children. Just enjoy your day and your life. Just don't get "egged on" my friends. Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--A friend is one you can do, "nothing with," and enjoy it.
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