How about we kick
some stuff around and then toss it around the horn. Most of this stuff
that we kick around and toss around is just nickel-dine stuff soooo don't get
excited if you don't agree with any of this stuff. We aren't talking about
important stuff like chocolate!
Our nice, sweet neighbor is outside a lot. I asked her about that and she said--In the summer I like to be outside and just piddle around! Soooo lets start piddling around folks! Or like they are saying at The Open at St. Andrews in Scotland--Let's spin some yarns!
Our nice, sweet neighbor is outside a lot. I asked her about that and she said--In the summer I like to be outside and just piddle around! Soooo lets start piddling around folks! Or like they are saying at The Open at St. Andrews in Scotland--Let's spin some yarns!
The gap! Have you ever rode the Tube in
London? When you get on or off they say--Mind the gap! Every time I heard
them say that, it made me smile. I thought it was funny. The gap being
the space between the car and the platform. You might miss “the gap” part
between what my mind is saying here in this “It’s Saturday” and what your mind
reads (i.e. the formulation of your thoughts). It’s the back hole
effect! God only knows what happens in the gap. It just

A pickle ball player said the other night--I have a gap between my brain and my hands; I want to do something in my brain but my hands don't do it (i.e. they aren't married). The answer is rather
complicated to why that is but there is one.The answer is--Sometimes my pickleball buddy's mind could be like
Friday rush hour traffic. Could be!
There seems to be a gap here folks! SusieQ says--People sometimes ask
me, whats new? I answer by telling them, Not much, but if I tell you what I know, you'll know as much as me! And
that ain't much! Makes sense? Probably not but it seems life goes on anyway, right? I saw a long time Aplingtonite the other day. I asked him—What’s new? He said--Nothing, just the same but in another
day! What! That would be terrible to me but I think he likes it that way. I don't think he knows any different. Such is life.
Reminiscing! I really have learned to learn to learn and I really like it. I'm tellin’ ya I enjoy learning. I try to learn something each day. Recently at our WHO meeting I learned the Latin word for modus operandi (i.e. Judy taught me this). I never knew that before. Did you? They also told me “a horse is a horse of course”! I didn’t remember where that came from. Do you? Ed, the talking horse show (i.e. Mister Ed) they told me. I remember the show but not the song. But I agree, a horse is a horse of course. BigMike is a horse! No question. Do you know BigMike? ~ They also triggered my thoughts about my youth. Al reminded me when, as kids, we would use to throw corn cobs at each other. We would put feathers (i.e. pheasant tail feathers in the fall) in the corn cobs to make them throw like a missile or something. What fun we had until someone caught a direct, hard hit to the face and started crying (i.e. girls didn’t like this activity as well as us boys). ~ We talked about playing ante ante over, pigtails. Have you played that as a kid? Hey, we didn’t have a smart phone or digital games. Life was different.
More Reminiscing! When
having a beverage after playing golf recently, we talked about how the movie
ads and ads for digital games on TV seem to be all about shooting, bombing,
running over folks etc. DownTheMiddleRon said—It’s a
modern version of our cowboys and Indians that we played. A WHO person (i.e. I can’t remember which
one) said—we use to call it cops and robbers.
Paul said—we played war. It was all about the same but just
different! Just a gap in time.
SusieQ says--The
gap is much smaller when the stuff applies to us personally. Once there was a little boy who lived
in the country. The family still used an outhouse, and the little boy hated it
because it was so hot in the summer, freezing cold in the winter and stank all
the time. The outhouse was sitting on the bank of a creek and the boy was
determined that one day he would push that old outhouse straight into the
creek. So, one day after a spring
rain, the creek was swollen and the little boy decided today was the day to
push the outhouse into the creek. He found a large pole and started pushing.
Finally, after much effort, the outhouse toppled into the creek and floated
away. That night his dad told him they were going to the woodshed after supper.
The boy knew that meant a spanking, so he asked why. The dad replied,
"Someone pushed the outhouse into the creek today. It was you,
wasn't it son?" The boy answered yes. Then he thought a moment and said,
"Dad, I read in school today that George Washington chopped down a cherry
tree and didn't get into trouble because he told the truth..." The dad
replied, "Well, son, George Washington's father probably wasn't in the
cherry tree."

The gap in their head might have caused a gap in their
score. They seemed to “get ahead of
themselves!” Maybe counting their score before they were done or maybe they just messed up (i.e. clanked it) . A golf buddy was telling us that he was
laying even par and was 100 yards out on a par five on his last hole. He screwed it up! Another buddy in our foursome the week before was around par going into the last hole.
He hit a great drive and his second was maybe the best 3 metal I ever saw
him hit (i.e. maybe a career shot). He
was maybe 60 yards out on the par 5. He
screwed it up! I have got the horse
before the cart already. Oh ya! Ya just
can’t count the chickens before their hatched.
Ya just can’t. Usually when a
person does, it’s disaster (i.e. a screw up).
Anyway, that has been my ugly experience. But my buddies maybe weren't adding up their score; I don't know for sure. Anyway, those screw ups might give a person flashbacks! Such is life.

In baseball when the hitter hit a ball between a couple of outfielders it's called a gapper (i.e. a hit ball in the alley). MissPerfect says--It appears that I'm in a gap sometimes with my thinking. Both sides of the gap are tugging at my mind to think the way they want me to think. CadillacJack's LifeLesson#8,654--Block out
distractions—start with 60 seconds. Sit down in a quite place and block out all distractions for 60 seconds. That might be hard at first. Then as you work on it, do it for 90 seconds etc. The gap is a lot easier to manage. Now think only about something positive. Don't let anything negative creep into your thoughts (i.e. negative thoughts are killers folks). Bingo!
ItchieBitchie says--Parents and grandparents are in the the
gap sometimes as it appears to some.
They are soooo proud of their grand kids or kids. Sometimes, maybe, it would be better for
them to say—I’m soooo thankful for them instead of I’m soooo proud of
them. What do you think. Just something to think about. ItchieBitchie goes on to say. Maybe something not quite soooo
“overthetop” (i.e. fills the gap more comfortably to some). Just an idea. I realize that we all have egos that need to be feed (i.e. some more than others). I just read--Pride always goes before a fall. Does that make any sense to any of you or does it just fall in the gap? Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--A philosopher is someone who always knows what to do, until it happens to him.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--A philosopher is someone who always knows what to do, until it happens to him.
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