CadillacJack says—erv, I flippantly read what you write! In my head it’s like striking it out! Hold the phone
Chuck! I try but probably don’t succeed
very well! How about you? Does that ever
happen to you?
Well hold the phone, Chuck! Have you ever been around folks
that say one thing but do another. I
mean they want to impress folks by saying something but are living their life
just the opposite (e.g. when in business folks would say they wanted only to look at a ranch style house but ended up buying a tri-level)! Go figure! Joesixpack
says—Businesses, churches, parents, boy friends/girl friends, coaches, bosses, friends
etc. seem to do that sometimes. Soooo be
careful what folks say; it isn’t what they always mean.

Our daughter-in-law travels some
for business. She was gone for three
days recently and our son was sooooo glad to see her return. He said—I have no idea how single parents do that
every day 24/7/365. He had to get them
up real early one morning as he had an early morning commitment. Rookie pouted and cried and said—I want my
mommy! Well, hold the phone Chuck. About 25% of all children in America are in a
single parent situation (i.e. blacks over 70%).
Interesting that all other industrialized countries are well below our
percentage. Why is that do you think?
I emailed a friend and said--I want to hear about you. The response I got was--Hear about me or from me. Ha! Talk to others to hear about me. I'd be interested to hear what they say too. Well hold the phone Chuck! Ya, it would be interesting what others say about us, wouldn't it? ItchieBitchie says--I don't know for sure if I want to know. Does it really make any difference do you think? I have no idea. What do you think? Is there a possibility that others have different thoughts about me than I do of myself? Could be. We will never know. Like I said earlier, folks always don't say what they mean!
I emailed a friend and said--I want to hear about you. The response I got was--Hear about me or from me. Ha! Talk to others to hear about me. I'd be interested to hear what they say too. Well hold the phone Chuck! Ya, it would be interesting what others say about us, wouldn't it? ItchieBitchie says--I don't know for sure if I want to know. Does it really make any difference do you think? I have no idea. What do you think? Is there a possibility that others have different thoughts about me than I do of myself? Could be. We will never know. Like I said earlier, folks always don't say what they mean!

SusieQ says--I want my mommy a.k.a the government. Focus groups say the candidate that can buy
the most votes a.k.a promise the
majority of folks what they want, will win (e.g. free education, free health
care, forgiveness of college debt, higher wages). It’s just a bidding war for
votes. It’s magic or Santa Claus it appears.
Really folks, it’s all about the money and how it affects folks
personally. GeorgeTheCrook says—We all
can be seduced by filthy lucre! My
mentor would say—erv, we all have warts but maybe just hidden from the public. He also told me this story several times—Pete
asks Hilda to have sex with him for $100—what do you think I am—how about
$200—I’m not that type of person—how about $500—money can’t seduce me—how about
$10,000 for one roll in the hay—that will work—Now that we found out who you
are, we just need to negotiate a price!
Bingo. ItchieBitchie says—Folks are funny about money; I mean
crazy! If you are a “Steinfield” fan,
George epitomizes this. He is cheap and
picky unless it’s his idea. LuckyEddie
says—Whenever folks say, “It’s not the money, it’s the principle.” It’s usually
the money! Such is life.
A host of tangled reasons is why SweetAnnas are as they are. Just a host of reasons. It appears that sooooo many times we spend
tooooo much time on the "supposedly super-heroes" but in reality the neatest
folks are the Annas. They don’t get much
attention and don’t want any. They are
just SweetAnnas. Sooooo hold the phone
Chuck before you decide who is a great person in our world we live in. In my opinion, my Mom, Anna, was a
SweetAnna. I am one lucky guy to have
had her as my mom. I want my mommy!
Sooooo why was I soooo lucky? I
have no idea. What do you think?
GolfBuddyJim (i.e. anybody can be a Jim) told us that they
went and saw Mel Tillis show in Branson. He
told the story of when they had three young girls with the oldest, Pam, being four. His wife made the three girls
matching dresses. They went to small Methodist church
where they just got a new pastor. During
the service, the pastor asked Pam if she would like to sing as he heard she
liked to do that. Pam said yes and
sang. When she got done the pastor told her
she did real well. You have a pretty
dress. Did your mommy make that for
you? Yes and it’s a bitch to iron!
The city hired a tree trimming company to trim our trees in our back yard to get the tree limbs away from the electrical lines. They gave those trees a good hair cut alright. AverageJoe says--Who would ever plant a pin oak soooo close to a electrical line anyway? Hold the phone Chuck! It was I, erv! I never thought that little sapling I planted 40 years ago would get that big!. Besides, I'm just a little old farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN. Ouchy ouchy!
If you are change-averse, you would like to live in Butler County (i.e. the county we live in). Butler County is the least diverse county in Iowa and maybe the nation (i.e. very homogeneous). Really! There are 98.85% whites. CrazyMarvin says--Some maybe could even be inbreed. Many think alike and don't like change (i.e. unless it will affect them financially). It's a Republican stronghold. Hold the phone Chuck! Joesixpack says--Many folks seem to like it that way! Maybe sooo or maybe don't know any different! http://www.desmoinesregister. com/story/news/2014/10/22/ changing-face-butler-county/ 17702967/
But hold the phone Chuck. We had Stanley Steamer clean our carpet. When I was paying them I asked if they ever have to deal with rude folks. They said--The folks in Waterloo are a 100 times ruder than folks in small town Butler County! Huh, interesting.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans, (-:
MyFriendJean says--An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
A golf buddy/friend manages a business that does some retail
sales. An employee called him and told
him that they caught a shoplifter red handed.
She, another employee, and a neutral customer saw a lady leave when a
decoration fell out of her pocket. All
three of them saw it. They reported it
to the sheriff and had a report filled out.
The sheriff called the manager in the morning and asked if he wanted to
press charges. Hold the phone
Chuck! No he didn’t. Sheriff asked why not? I looked at the video from the surveillance
camera in slow motion and actually what happened was that the gal had on a long
scarf and as she was walking out, the scarf caught on the decoration on the
table and sorta kinda carried it along until it dropped appearing if fell from
her pocket. Sooooo folks, if my golf
buddy/friend would not have taken the time to study the video real close, she
would have probably been found guilty of shoplifting! Ouchy ouchy!
Three eye witnesses! What!
But hold the phone Chuck. We had Stanley Steamer clean our carpet. When I was paying them I asked if they ever have to deal with rude folks. They said--The folks in Waterloo are a 100 times ruder than folks in small town Butler County! Huh, interesting.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans, (-:
MyFriendJean says--An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
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