You might think I'm becoming cynical. I don't think I am but I
could be. Maybe I'm just ricocheting off my life's experiences (e.g like a ball in a pin ball machine). Maybe some things just aren't very important to me anymore; that could be. Maybe I'm finally maturing. Could be. Maybe my dreams have changed. Could be. Maybe my world is different. Could be. Maybe my goals have changed. Could be. Such is life.
I rode my bike over to Silver Ridge 55+ Community to play some pickleball. SamTheGatekeeper opened the gate for me. I said to him--good to see you Slammin'Sam--Good to see you young fella--I don't know about the young fella bit--You're young alright, I have underwear older than you!
A friend from back home sent me this last Saturday--I am doing weight ins for the PeeWee wrestling tourney. Interesting to observe the different kids. I'm in the locker room and a dad and son come in after his match. The boy was crying. They don't know I'm around the corner. Dad says, "stop crying. You did great. You got second place and that is great. I mean that girl was good. She was a very good wrestler. Now stop crying."
An pickleball player acquaintance from last year was at the courts--How come you are not playing--gained 10 pounds and 10 pounds of muscle turned to fat sooooo now I'm over weight with fat of 20 pounds; my wheels can handle that sooooo I can't play. Saturday question--What can a person learn from that story?
I was running up 'er in 'em mts and met a mother and maybe her 18 year old daughter who had a little dog on a lease. I said--hi girls. As I passed them, the girl, said hi in a deep voice. I said hi guy. I was gobsmacked and didn't know if she was a she or a he or something else. She/he had an amorphous look! Man-o-man I learned a lesson. From now on, I'm going to say hi folks. I felt like I made an heel out of myself. I hope I didn't offend those folks. But, I still don't know for sure what that person was. It was really difficult to tell. Such is life.
Joesixpack says--Make kindness a way of life. Give folks the benefit of the doubt. Everyone has a bad day; give them a break. That is kindness. You know what folks, we are all a little screwed up. LuckieEddie says--Don't kid yourself, you are tooooo! If you don't think soooooo, your are naive but think you are exceptionally wise. You have a problem. Ouchy ouchy!

ItchieBitchie says--It's easy to get disconnected when we don't understand. I read the book of James. I like this book. The Bible does seem to have some contradictions like, "you are saved by faith" but in James it says, "faith without action is dead." My study Bible has footnotes and the footnote says there is a difference between genuine saving faith and faith like "even demons believe in God" faith. That seems to explain it that we are not saved by deeds but by genuine saving faith. I had to read the footnotes to have it explained to me. Of course, I realize I'm not very smart; I'm just a little old farm boy from a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN.
A buddy, said to me--erv, we have casual friends, short time friends, seasonal friends, and then we have long time friends. She said--The long time friends are the best. I can vouch for that but I have made some real good friends here in AZ. Another picleball friend told me that he is an introvert; he said--erv, I think you are somewhat toooo. I am. We are friends and appreciate each other for who we are. I think there are many things I don't know about my seasonal friends. I don't need to know either. After playing pb the other day, a buddy asked it I wanted a beer. He then told me that at the age of about 65 he became a vegetarian for his health. It has really changed his numbers for the better. Bingo!
A friend went to the public library here in Sun Valley and was looking up the latest baseball news (i.e. he's a big baseball fan). He clicked on a side pop-up that said--10 hottest baseball wives. A pornography web site shows on the screen with loud music. The librarian came over and told him he can look as such things here in this library. He told her he wasn't trying (i.e. she thought--ya right you dirty old man). Sooo the librarian tried to disconnect the web site but couldn't and it kept showing and playing. My friend finally got up and left! Such is life.
She is connected to her dogs she said. I went to Carriage Manor 55+ Resort to play some pickleball last Saturday with my buddies. I talked to this gal who was giving her dogs a ride to the dog park. I asked her if I could take a picture of her dogs--sure--they seem to have a free ride--they are spoiled rotten! Such is life
I asked a pickleball buddy what he did for an occupation in the real life. in the world did you get in that business--I married the right girl and into the right family (i.e. he got connected). He rode the pony right into the winner's circle. Whoooeee!
I read in the paper soooo it must be right--That for some of you folks, Fitbit might not be soooo good for you. The "unintended consequences of personal quantification" can cause folks to enjoy life less. Some folks are constantly comparing themselves to others. Some folks, when going for a walk, lose their enjoyment because they are always looking how far and fast they are going. It might be doing more harm than good the paper said (i.e. causing stress). Soooo maybe some of you might want to disconnect from your Fitbit. You make the decision. SusieQ says--Don't start tracking for your ego by thinking a pink-colored Fitbit will look good on your arm (i.e. to impress folks). So there you go folks!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The friends we meet on the path of life make the trip worthwhile.