POW! You might think this stuff in this “It’s Saturday” is just weak tea! If you do, try not to worry about it. I’m just wingsuiting! Listen folks, I’m not trying to get in your head. I’m not that smart to do that. I’m just a little old farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN.
A PechaKucha is a speaking format – a Japanese phrase meaning,
“sound of conversation.” It is akin to
TED Talks, only in an abbreviated format, utilizing images. Speakers extemporaneously narriate 20
images, each on screen for just 20seconds.
Each discourse runs 6 minutes and 40 seconds—about a third of a
traditional Ted Talk. Sound interesting! ItchieBitchie says--Long, boring talks just don't cut it anymore!
A pickle buddy who is a widow seems to be an aggressive, capable person (i.e. in charge type of person) who appears to have some bucks.
I said—It’s probably an advantage to be knowledgeable and aggressive now
that you have to do everying—in some ways that is true and others it is not;
I’m not very attractive to some men as I appear to be too aggressive to 'em and I appear toooo be
bossy! We went to the movie
Intern. Part of the storyline was about
this. We really enjoyed the movie. It's funny!
I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--God sometimes brings each of us to a "Red Sea" (i.e. that's not the Cardinals' Red Sea of fans) in our life. It may be a work problem that can't be solved. It may be a marriage that seems to be failing. It may be a debilitating disease. Whatever your Red Sea, God tells us one thing: "Keep moving." Saturday question--Have you ever had a crucible?
I read in the paper sooo it must be right--Stop watching soooo much "&%^&^" news. It's a downer. MissPerfect says--If you're talking back to the TV, it might be tooo late! You know who you are! Such is life.
The St. Louis Rams are going to Los Angeles where the glitz and glamor is. Also big bucks (i.e. it's all about the money folks). Don't kid yourself.
Starting a Live Healthy challenge with my colleagues on Monday...so I brought us all some Dunkin' Donuts munchkins for breakfast today. Strategic.
A guy has to be a real bear to think like this (i.e. a friend wrote this in their Christmas letter--shared with permission)--Waking up every day with the gift of live, and my wife by my side; Learning to be content with less; Simple pleasures are best; Savoring my everyday relationships; A grateful heart!
I have a lot of time to reflect about my life. I have had a good life. I have experienced many things, some wonderful and some not sooooo wonderful (i.e. I like experiences and I got 'em). Now I have time of leisure and freedom, freed from factitious urgencies of earlier days, free to explore whatever I wish, and to bind the thoughts and feelings of a lifetime together. I am very grateful. Yes I am. I had a friend ask me--erv, would you have made different decisions on your career or family knowing what you know now? My answer--no, not really. I'm comfortable.
I had a client call me years ago and asked if we could carry him as he had no money to pay his insurance premium. He asked if I had any ideas of how he could make some money. I suggested (i.e. I thought humorously)--Try the lottery. He said--I have already tried that but it didn't work! I did carry him. I don't know if he really appreciated it but I think he did. A company that I was affiliated with had the philosophy that if you continue to have a relationship with a debtor, they will try to pay you but if you discontinue the relationship (i.e. disconnect), they probably won't try to pay you. By the way--this guy did pay us when he got some bucks. From where he got his money, I have no idea and I didn't ask!!!
A friend from MN says she can tell the difference between peanut butters. Ya right! She said that she can be blind folded and and can tell the difference. Soooo what's the best one? Jiff brand is the best without a doubt. Really!
We all have a personal brand (i.e. like a company has a brand). I was talking to Cutback about this. Sometimes our brand that we think we have might be different than the brand that others have branded us (i.e. better or worse). Maybe our brand goes back to our personal foundation. Maybe sometimes we have to "cutback" from where the pressure is coming from. What do you think?
Some days it seems you have it and sometimes it seems you don't! Why is that anyway? It seems soooo easy some days and the next it seems soooo hard. Crazy huh! Even the top folks in their expertise don't perform at their best everyday. Ya just can't be 100% all the time. If we like it or not, it's just the way it is. Soooo cut everyone some slack when they are not at their best. Such is life.
There is no incentive so great and no tonic so powerful as the expectation of something better tomorrow!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Rain is a reminder of how our attitude can affect everything. Some folks let it destroy their day--others consider it a blessing.
I read in the paper sooo it must be right--Stop watching soooo much "&%^&^" news. It's a downer. MissPerfect says--If you're talking back to the TV, it might be tooo late! You know who you are! Such is life.
The St. Louis Rams are going to Los Angeles where the glitz and glamor is. Also big bucks (i.e. it's all about the money folks). Don't kid yourself.
Starting a Live Healthy challenge with my colleagues on Monday...so I brought us all some Dunkin' Donuts munchkins for breakfast today. Strategic.
A guy has to be a real bear to think like this (i.e. a friend wrote this in their Christmas letter--shared with permission)--Waking up every day with the gift of live, and my wife by my side; Learning to be content with less; Simple pleasures are best; Savoring my everyday relationships; A grateful heart!
I have a lot of time to reflect about my life. I have had a good life. I have experienced many things, some wonderful and some not sooooo wonderful (i.e. I like experiences and I got 'em). Now I have time of leisure and freedom, freed from factitious urgencies of earlier days, free to explore whatever I wish, and to bind the thoughts and feelings of a lifetime together. I am very grateful. Yes I am. I had a friend ask me--erv, would you have made different decisions on your career or family knowing what you know now? My answer--no, not really. I'm comfortable.
I had a client call me years ago and asked if we could carry him as he had no money to pay his insurance premium. He asked if I had any ideas of how he could make some money. I suggested (i.e. I thought humorously)--Try the lottery. He said--I have already tried that but it didn't work! I did carry him. I don't know if he really appreciated it but I think he did. A company that I was affiliated with had the philosophy that if you continue to have a relationship with a debtor, they will try to pay you but if you discontinue the relationship (i.e. disconnect), they probably won't try to pay you. By the way--this guy did pay us when he got some bucks. From where he got his money, I have no idea and I didn't ask!!!
A friend from MN says she can tell the difference between peanut butters. Ya right! She said that she can be blind folded and and can tell the difference. Soooo what's the best one? Jiff brand is the best without a doubt. Really!

Some days it seems you have it and sometimes it seems you don't! Why is that anyway? It seems soooo easy some days and the next it seems soooo hard. Crazy huh! Even the top folks in their expertise don't perform at their best everyday. Ya just can't be 100% all the time. If we like it or not, it's just the way it is. Soooo cut everyone some slack when they are not at their best. Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Rain is a reminder of how our attitude can affect everything. Some folks let it destroy their day--others consider it a blessing.
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