March 26, 2016

crazily naive

The other day a guy next to me at the driving range said to me--The best returns aren't always measured in $$$$.  Soooo what did he mean by that?  Explain that to me, please. Some of you folks think I'm crazily naive! CrazyMarvin says--Sucker erv, you believe stuff that can't be proven!  You are toooo emotional and believe way tooooo much what others tell you.  Now that could be folks! That could be! WorldClassLarry says--The Bible smacks the supernatural, lest our culture thinks we are foolish and naive.

ItchieBitche says--At Easter we hear a lot about unconditional true love.  What in the world is unconditional true love?  Explain unconditional true love to me.  It sounds absolute, final, for sure and impressive.  Have you ever experienced unconditional true love?

But as for me, I believe...!  I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half banana on it---If man's best friend is a dog, his worst enemy is dogma.  The great thing about the Easter stories is that they contain no dogma. No doctrines. No complicated creeds. No hair-splitting theology. All that stuff, however necessary, came much later. The first Christians were not theologians; they were witnesses. They simply said what they'd seen and heard.  They said that they went to the tomb, and the stone was roiled away from the door, and the tomb was empty.  And for the next seven weeks they kept encountering this man, Jesus, who had died.  Only now, somehow, he wasn't dead anymore. He was alive in a new and glorious way.  He was risen from the dead.

Last Saturday was Patio Sale Day here in the 55+ Fountain of the Sun Community.  I went around a little and and bought some match box cars for Jimmer and Rookie. I can only junk for a short period of time before all the stuff looks the same to me.  BUT I did run into an acquaintance I made this winter. I didn't recognize her right away.  She had a cap on and had her hair in a pony tail etc. The first time I met her she had a swim suit on and the second time hiking getup.  Jesus' acquaintances didn't recognize him after He "up from the grave He arose."  See, I'm not the only one who has a problem!  I think if I would have the opportunity to be around this gal and her husband, I would really like them.  They sure appear to be real folks with good hearts--my kind of folks. But I might not recognize them! Such is life.

Do you know that only about 1/3 of the world population claim to believe that "up from the grave He arose?"  That amazes me but I guess 2/3 must see things differently than I do. Sooooo 2/3 of the world population disagrees with me (i.e. I'm really in the minority, I'm a bit of an oddity). Huh, interesting. GeorgeTheCrook says--I'm one of the 2/3 who believe that Jesus is overrated; I think that "up from the grave He arose" is a fairytale! That story is as belieavalbe as the Easter bunny. Huh, interesting.

Just maybe, those 2/3s of the world population are suffering "from a thousand paper cuts!" You think sooooo! I have no idea. Really, I don't.  Maybe I was just influenced tooooo much as what my Mom, Anna, taught me. Could be but I believe it (i.e. I think she was right).  Yes I do.  LuckieEddie says--Isn't it great to be able to believe in what you what!  Maybe folks, maybe.  If your Mom or Dad don't teach you, who will?  Somebody will for sure.  Such is life.

ItchieBitchie says--Presumption is based on our own reasoning.  Like my mentor would say--erv, we are programed by our past (i.e. both genetically and environmentally).  Do you know the definition of revenant?  I didn't when I went to the movie but I goggled it--A person who has returned, especially supposedly from the dead. Saturday question--Have you ever been dead?  I mean your heart is beating but you seem to be dead.  Then something happens and you come back to life. You have an experience that stimulated you--threw your nets on the other side of the boat--took a chance--did something different--changed your attitude--believed in a Higher Power--got rid of your stinkin' thinkin'--got out of the boat and walked on water--started exercising--matured--got around positive folks--changed the scenery in your life. BenTheGrasshopper says--I am naive but if you think you can keep doing what you’ve always done, the way you’ve always done it, and that somehow, magically, the results will be different—well, now who’s being naive? A friend told me that her husband was emotional recently in telling her that she rescued him (i.e. saved his life in sorts--his savior).  He was an alcoholic and she changed him through being his wife (i.e. new life). Wow! That was a nice compliment. He is a revenant maybe!  What do you think?

I recently had communication with a friend by text messaging--I made mention that I didn't know what was going on about something but another friend thinks I do.  My friend responded--erv, some times it's better when you don't know all the history.  Now isn't that the truth. I admit I don't know much what is going on and probably am quite naive (i.e. in the dark).  And that is ok with me.  That makes life much simpler. The American Indians did not know anything about "up from the grave He arose" but they believed in a Mystery Power!  I guess they didn't have Easter ham or Easter eggs or Easter outfits.  But I really think they had sunrise services quite often.  What do you think? Sooo were they part of the 1/3 or 2/3?  Now that is a good question.  It's over my head! The Mystery Power will have the final say on that maybe.

KnowItAllSallywithanadvancedegree even wonders--Is Easter just smack talk or is there something to it! Hey, if you are a DoubtingThomas about this "up from the grave He arose," (i.e. thinking you are very intelligent and you're not soooo naive to believe that without facts and hard evidence) then you might be much like what OneSmartDoug says--The intelligent man who is proud of his intelligence might be like a condemned man who is proud of his large cell. Swallow your spurs Tex! As for me and my naive belief (i.e. as some of you call it)--I believe what Jesus declared to Martha, "I am the resurrection and the life," But then again, I'm not very smart but just a little old farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN. Not all folks agree with me that the "up from the grave He arose" as convertibly true.

What in the Sam Hill! I suggest that you try something else, something new, something different. I know it sounds naive to say that if you just do something different, your life will be changed. But it might be more exciting. Try it, you might like it! The best to you all; if I could snap my fingers and make everything good in your life, I would.  Unfortunately I can't.  Aw Shucks! I wish I could but the only magical thing I have is box of Magic Markers. ANYWAY that would be a mess hearing what you think would be good in your life and me giving it to you!  Crazy! You think you are messed up now! I could really mess you up giving you what you want. Dag-Nabbit! I can't even imagine! Saturday question--What would be your first request? Now don't give me that "darned if I know!"

Joesixpack a.k.a. a very tough out says--We have to take huge risks to be the people we want to be!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Blowing out the other guys candle, will not make yours any brighter.

March 19, 2016

whoopie doo

SusieQ says--Many folks say--It's only on paper when their net worth goes up. Whoopie doo! I live in an agricultural area (i.e. Iowa) and I hear farmers say that a lot.  But, when their net worth goes down, they don't say, "it's only on paper" as much (i.e. it seems to be much more real).  Well whoopie doo! When the corn price is $3.30 that is just as real as when the corn price is $7.20 I think.  Sooooo in the last 12 months, has your net worth gone up or down?  How much?  AverageJoe says--I don't like to know sooooo I don't look at it!!!!  SusieQ says--Misery likes company--It said in the paper that 12 companies in Warren Buffet's Berkshire stock went down $13 billion over the last 12 months.  And Berkshire shares are down 11% in the last 12 months.  LuckieEddie says--Yabut, it's only on paper. Yes that is true LuckieEddie but if you had a net worth of ????, and then subtract 11% from the value from 12 months ago, it might get a little of your attention.  Just maybe. AverageJoe says--Hey, if you are worth $20 million and you lose a couple of million, it's probably not much of a big deal.  Or is it? Okay, if your net worth is $1,000 and it goes down a couple of hundred dollar, it's probably not a big deal either. Or is it? I talked to a guy the other day who lost all of his net worth trying to help his wife with her mental illness and had no success (i.e. he said he's dead broke).  Is that a big deal? Or is it not?

It's NCAA tournament time folks.  It appears that some coaches are better at getting into their players' heads to play well (i.e. peak their team and players at the right time).  History proves this.  They do something to make it a team concept and less individual--centric. Those coaches who can do that on a regular bases--"dazzle and dominate."  That is why they are the best year after year.  I'm sure it takes a lot of work and management and recruiting of good talent (i.e. maybe talent as a coach toooo). What do you think? The good ones go to the big dance with enthusiasm and the others stay home and pick their nose!  Such is life.

When BudBoyAttorney was here, he and I talked about technology and future technology--Stuff like gene modified bodies and minds a.k.a super humans, lab produced meat, artificial general intelligence, computer driven cars, sending folks to Mars, and medical nanotechnology. Interesting stuff to us. This stuff is happening now and will be part of our future we think (i.e. if we like it or not). Things are really going to change we think.  Think about all the ramifications those advances in technology will create.  And those are just some we are aware of. Whoopie doo!

I was running up 'er in 'em mts and met Karl and Precious his mule. He told me that he breed his huge massive quarter horse to BigJackFromTennessee (i.e. a male donkey) which produced Precious the mule. She was imprinted--she never smelt her mom, never toched her mom and never saw her mom. He took her before she left the amniotic sac.  She only knows me and everything about me. Soooo she's a lot like you. I guess sorta kinda.  She is what I taught her. Now that is scary!!! She is like my little puppy dog!  How did you learn that--from some smart mule folks; it works.  Soooo can humans be imprinted--probably. Well woopie doo! Did you ever hear the story of Balaam and his talking donkey?  It's a funny story (i.e. my opinion). Goggle it.

A friend offered me the opportunity to read a book he owns called Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari. Very interesting book I thought. His final words are: 'Humans are more powerful than ever before but have very little idea to know what to do with that power. Worse still, humans seem to be more irresponsible than ever.We are consequently wreaking havoc on our fellow animals and on the surrounding ecosystem, seeking little more than our own comfort and amusement, yet never finding satisfaction.  Is there anything more dangerous than dissatisfied and irresponsible gods who don't know what they want?" Hey, that is his opinion.  Saturday question--Do you think the sapiens will self destruct?  The Bible says there will be an end (i.e. it says it very straight forwardly).  Do you believe that? If you don't believe the Bible and you are going to die like a pig, you might say "well whoopie doo!" Okay, I want your opinion. What did Adam and Eve look like? Where are the dinosaurs? Was there an ice age and glaciers and huge massive volcanic eruptions? My friend JimTheEngineerFromMI told us on our moon light hike that something hit the earth and chipped off a large part which is now the moon. Wow! Do you think Adam and Eve looked like you?  There must have been some mutations as we have black folks, white folks, slant eyed folks, short folks, tall folks etc. Do you think Eve was a suburban schlumpadinka tooling around in her SUV? MissPerfect says--erv, she surely wasn't at first as she didn't have any cloths (i.e. she was a nudie)!

When SlipperyAndSlimyPatty (i.e. who calls herself--I''m-licious) says something, LuckieEddie says--I don't believe her, she lies half the time and the other half of the time she doesn't tell the truth; Don't kid yourself, I know she is lying 'cause her lips are moving! Shut her down; turn her off; I've heard enough of her! Her sister DebTheYakWoman is always yakking about something (i.e. yaks a lot but says nothing). GeorgeTheCrook says--It's soooooo hard to know when folks are telling you the truth or just trying to sell you something.  Sometimes we never know for sure.  Are we suckers sometimes. I know I have been already.  Such is life.

Believe me folks, I can't make this stuff up!  I woke up one morning recently feeling different.  Crazy huh!  I didn't manufacture this feeling; it just came upon me it appears (i.e. got a bee in my bonnet).  I was much more relaxed, more confident, and felt more poised, Great feeling.  Something got in my head or belly or heart or mind or soul. Was it something I ate?  Is this feeling just for a few hours, a few days or will I always have this feeling? What do you think?  How long will the lights stay on? This is what I read while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Out in the world it may appear that money reigns supreme, or political power, or cancer. But when we understand Easter, "we get it" as to what the true power is. That makes the demons quake! Whoopie doo!

Sometimes things just happen and ya have to just say--wow!  LuckieEddie says--Sometimes it's just down right amazing! Danny Hamlin probably said "wow" when winning the Dayton 500.  He drove the 500 miles at 157.549 miles a hour and then 'cause of freakish, crazy events at the finish line, gets a surprising win by a nose. Wow! Believe me, you can't make this stuff up! It just happens folks. Why, I have no idea! Good things just happen sometimes and all you can say is "wow!" Sometimes you don't make it happen or deserve it but it still happens (i.e. falls in your lap--it's like someone did you a big favor). Some folks just say--whoopie doo! LuckieEddie asks--Are those events just random or are they supernatural? What do you think?

I have an idea after reading about them in the paper.  Sports Authority files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.  The paper said the reason is--Failure to keep up with consumer trends.  Shopping in their stores is uninspiring and dull!  Ouchy ouchy!  We went to the Cubs new spring training facility here in Mesa when Chet was here.  People like new and inspiring stuff. If you are not inspiring and dull, folks are not near as interested.  You like old bathrooms? You like new new bathrooms?  You like new new trend stuff?  Bingo! In the 55+ communities here in the Valley of the Sun, pickleball is gaining popularity by leaps and bounds.  If the 55+ communities say--You can play shuffle board and pitch horse shoes, you don't need pickleball!  Guess what folks, folks won't come to those communities.  They want the modern trend--pickleball!  That is not rocket science folks.  ItchieBitchie says--Folks like new and exciting stuff.  Not old and boring stuff! Whoopie doo!

OldTom says--Yabut, the folks are all old!  When Heather was here, we went to church (i.e. the 8 o'clock service).  The head pastor did not speak but an assistant pastor did. Heather said--I looked around and half the folks were sleeping or not paying attention (i.e. they had the Sports Authority look).  Ouchy ouchy!  Even senior folks like uplifting stuff, exciting stuff and trendy stuff.  If you don't give it to them, they won't show up.  That is not rocket science folks.  Woopie doo!

SusieQ says--Your sins will find you out!  Is that true do you think? It seems like a lot of companies want you to do a survey as to how they are doing.  CadillacJack says--You can't make any money if folks don't like your service or product; they want to know.  Pat at Walgreen's said to me the other day--We would like you to go on line or call this 800 # and complete a survey which gives you a chance to win money.  If you can say something nice about me, that would be nice; if you can't, please keep your mouth shut!  ha ha We had lunch at the Olive Garden (i.e. Arlene's favorite place). They have small computers on each table where you can pay and also complete a survey.  Our server told us that the servers are evaluated by costumer response.  MissPerfect says--If you don't give folks what they want, they will go elsewhere.  Such is life.

I read in the paper soooo it must be right--Neighborhood bars closing in droves.  Why? You figure it out!  Next article in the paper--Hotel rooms beginning to forgo closets, desks. Why? You figure it out! AverageJoe says--And there is no place to tie up my horse!

Two boys were walking home from Sunday school after hearing a strong preaching on the devil. One said to the other, 'What do you think about all this Satan stuff?' The other boy replied, 'Well, you know how Santa Claus turned out. It's probably just your Dad.' Whoopie doo!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--A party without cake is just a meeting.

March 12, 2016

the truth is

ItchieBitchie says--The truth is different to different folks.  That's just the way it is!  You can't do anything about it.  Ya ItchieBitche, it does seem that way. It's really hard to change someone if they are sure they are right (e.g. an obnoxious Democrat or an obnoxious Republican).  And then again, folks can massage the truth any way they want to match their truth definition.  Huh, interesting.

Demand-based pricing is used a lot.  I read in the paper, sooooo it must be right, that Disney (i.e. land of the $5 Cokes and $9 hot dogs) is now going to do that. Demand-based pricing is done a lot here in the Valley of the Sun. Green fees are what the public is willing to pay on a given day.  Winter housing is worth what the snowbirds are willing to pay for ownership or rent.  It's sorta kinda supply and demand (i.e. a simple economical truth).

I think this is the truth but I have no way of proving it.  Soooo that makes it a hypothesis, I think. Yabut I read it in the newspaper sooooo it must be right!  Important folks have others read books for them and just give them the highlights (i.e. saves them a lot of time). Well, That is just what I have done for you guys (i.e. you important folks).

The Book—The Gratitude Diaries by Janice Kaplan:  Like all of us, she gets so busy concentrating on what she wants that she forgets to be happy for what she has. 94% of Americans thought folks who are grateful are also more fulfilled and lead richer lives. Being grateful is a great idea—a nice replacement for resentment, indignation, and pique. One study after another has connected gratitude to higher levels of happiness and lower levels of depression and stress. Giving appreciation can be as good as getting it. Whether it’s learned or inherited, a sense of gratitude clearly runs in families. Gratitude doesn’t need an immediate reply.  You do it for yourself as much as for others. To raise grateful kids, be grateful for your kids. Announce too often that you’re miserable, and you begin to believe you really are. When we appreciate what we have, we are more likely to be satisfied and less likely to be unhappy. Gratitude may be the secret sauce for happiness, but the recipe works for a lot of us only if it still allows for ambition and resolve. "We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." ~ Thornton Wilder ~ Grateful…to learn that I don’t need “stuff” to make me happy. Folks who are depressed, hopeless, and suicidal—writing a letter of gratitude was the single most effective positive intervention found. She suggested that we keep a journal and write in it each day, three things that you are thankful for.  I have tried to do this (i.e. something different--something positive)! The truth is, it seems to me that when I write my feelings/emotions out, they seem different.  

Our little Peanut a.k.a. daddy's little girl was here last week-end.  She is and always will be our little Peanut in more ways than one (i.e. always--the truth is she is very special in soooo many ways). I asked Heather at breakfast what her best quality is--flexibility!  I would agree that is one of them.  I asked Arlene what her best quality is--I don't get excited.  I would agree that is one of them.  They asked me what my best quality was--patience.  They both said in unison--Ya right! I got to run up 'er in 'em mts with my little Peanut early Saturday morning (i.e. I really enjoy the desert and the mountains).  What a fun experience I had.  Of course MyLittlePeanut ran 3x faster (i.e. I trotted 3 miles and she ran maybe 8). Such is life.

I relearned this week that the "truth of the matter" (i.e. in my opinion) is not the same for others as it might be for me.  I am the only person who interprets an experience the way I do.  Others might sorta kinda experience the same event but don't have the same experience (e.g. like looking at the Grand Canyon or hiking on an AZ mountain trail).  CadillacJack says--Ya, some folks' emotions are different than others for a lot of different reasons (i.e. some we will never know).  One person hugs another and it's very emotional and another person gets a hug from the same person and the emotional reaction is way different (i.e. like no emotion but a procedure). LuckieEddie says--Now, that's the truth!  Such is life.

I/we had such a good time with Chet and Heather the last two weekends. I just keep rerunning the weekends in my mind (i.e. chewing on them).  I enjoyed them that much.  You ever do that?  Their visits were such good respites for me.  Such a good change.  Such uplifting times for Arlene and I.  I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Time dulls our memories.  I don't want to forget anything about these weekends--unfortunately the corners will be rounded and I will forget some--especially the emotions. Such is life.

I went to the movie Revenant (i.e. I went late one night after Arlene went to bed as she had no interest--toooo gruesome for her).  It is based on a book that is based partly on a true story (i.e. a friend says--every good story is embellished some!). I wonder if any person could be that tough--I realize some of you folks are really tough--I'm not that tough, I know that. Yes I do. Soooo how much was true or how much is not the truth to sell the book and movie, I don't know.  Super tough frontier folks didn't seem to care if they were popular or respected (i.e. they didn't care how many likes they got on Facebook). I was at a super senior friend's place the other day to do our "Annual Meeting." During of our conversation he brought up the question--"erv, will folks remember us." Let's be realistic, unless we become a historical memory (i.e. like being an ubiquitous Elvis Presley or Dark Vader), we are soon forgotten no matter how many likes we get on Facebook. Saturday question--Sooooo what do we put the most of our emphases on during our life on this earth? Really! Why?

Now according to the Book, The Truth is the truth and it is the truth.  And Salvation is not acquired by demand-based pricing and it doesn't matter if you are liked (i.e. if you have 258 likes on Facebook) or respected or if you are a super tough person as Glass was portrayed in the Revenant.  It is just a simple truth a.k.a. a simple gift. You see at a lot of sporting events where some guy is holding a sign saying John 3:16.  CrazyMarvin says--Why does he do that? Is it the truth?  He thinks soooo I guess. Do you? A friend says--When the gonger gongs it will all make sense!  If John 3:16 is the Truth, it will be like the song goes--What a day of rejoicing that will be. Bingo! There will be a lot of "cutting the nets down" and "fist pumping!"

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Some of the best memories are made in flip-flops.

March 5, 2016

any any anyway

Any any anyway!  Am I forthright or am I just using gamesmanship a.k.a. gimmickry (i.e. messing with your head)? AverageJoe says--This "It's Saturday" could be a know what I mean!

Any any anyway!  I had a little dent taken out of our car by Magic Dent, yep that was his name.  I kidded him--it seems the more money I pay, the more magic I get!  He really did do magic. I was impressed. This also impressed me--I bought a pair of running shoes from Sport Authority on line in October or November.  The soles were coming off (i.e. not 'cause I run soooo fast that they were burning off).  Soooo I took them into the local store and explained the situation.  The young man says--there is a 30 day store warranty and then you have to deal with the manufacture--let me talk to my manager--he must be sick today or something; he says go and pick out a pair about the same price and we will swap them out. Holy molly!

ItchieBitchie says--It is impossible to solve the problem if you don't know what the problem is. WorldClassLarry says--We all pretty much know what we need to do. Yabut WorldClassLarry, those deeply ingrained habits are sooooo hard to change (i.e. such a steep climb).  Ouchy ouchy! NotAlwaysWillingToBeWillingSam says--And something else I have a problem with--I always don't do what I think I should do. Any any anyway, we probably don't need any more advice but just need to do it!

There is a lot of competition amongst the seniors here in the Valley.  Oh yes, don't kid yourself.  Seniors like to win.  Any any anyway--How do you get a sweet little 80-year-old lady to say the 'F' word here in the Valley of the Sun? Get another sweet little 80-year-old lady to yell, 'BINGO!' CompetitiveHarriot says--When you get to be 80+, that gracious loser bit expires! Such is life.

I read it in the paper sooooo it must be right.  Headlines--"Is the pope political? You betcha."  Hey, that is what the paper said.  Is the pope Catholic?  When we were touring Rome, I think our tour guide said that the Vatican is the smallest sovereign country and worth about 15 billion to trillions--God only knows and God can't really figure out their books (i.e. probably depends how bingo went the last week)!  The Vatican makes more money without paying taxes than the Indian Tribes do in NM off their casinos! Any any anyway, when the pope talks about the rich there is a saying like--When you point a finger at someone, there are 3 pointing back at you.  Sooooo maybe the newspaper is correct, he is political. Maybe but I really don't know! What do you think? Joesixpack says--Any words from the critics?  There are always critics? Critics always have words. LuckieEddie says--Folks seem to like the pope; he's sorta kinda a rock star (i.e. it said that in the paper tooooo). Saturday question--Where did/does the Vatican get all their money? Any any anyway, what does this have to do with the price of tea in China!

I also read this in the paper sooooo it must be right--Chris Archer, Tampa Bay Rays All-Star pitcher said--"I've learned that when you do things from your heart and be your normal self, you can make the greatest impact."  Any any anyway, AverageJoe says--When you are a phony and try to impress folks, nutten good comes out of it (i.e. that is my opinion). SusieQ says--Folks can see right through a phony. The phony might not get it but...!  Jackie Gleason once said--If you have it and you know you have it, then you have it.  If you have it and don't know you have it, you don't have it.  If you don't have it but you think you have it, then you have it." Crazy mind we have!  Just crazy!  I told IN-Dan at pickleball the other day--I'm not sharp today (i.e. I thought I was a little ragged)--IN-Dan said--That is just your perception! So there you go! JakeSmart says--Self evaluation is oh sooooo hard (i.e. maybe sometimes we think we are better than we actually are and sometimes maybe we think aren't as good as we sctually are). Crazy, right!

Tyrel Sackett said in Louis L'Amour's book The Daybreakers--A man can learn a lot if he listens and if I didn't learn anything else I was learning how much I didn't know. I like to read one of L'Amour's books once in a while.  Sorta kinda SW historical fiction--sorta kinda.  Louis wrote a lot of them. How many have you guys read?

Our son, Chet, visited us last weekend.  Mommy's little boy has grown up! Chet, as a little boy, was a good mimicker of golf swings.  I always told him to mimic the good folks and not the bad folks (i.e. the key is to ascertain who the good folks are and who the bad folks are).  He has always been sooooo loving and tender to his mom, and was again last weekend. Hey folks, I got some advice from a Good Source to mimic via a friend a.k.a. theconduitwiththegoodheart--Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Any any anyway, it appears that this advice would be good to mimic! ChampionJill says--Oh ya. That attitude will produce a lot of net swishing--move the neddle---bring the house down--light up the scoreboard!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--If you stop dreaming, you are just sleeping.