ItchieBitche says--At Easter we hear a lot about unconditional true love. What in the world is unconditional true love? Explain unconditional true love to me. It sounds absolute, final, for sure and impressive. Have you ever experienced unconditional true love?
But as for me, I believe...! I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half banana on it---If man's best friend is a dog, his worst enemy is dogma. The great thing about the Easter stories is that they contain no dogma. No doctrines. No complicated creeds. No hair-splitting theology. All that stuff, however necessary, came much later. The first Christians were not theologians; they were witnesses. They simply said what they'd seen and heard. They said that they went to the tomb, and the stone was roiled away from the door, and the tomb was empty. And for the next seven weeks they kept encountering this man, Jesus, who had died. Only now, somehow, he wasn't dead anymore. He was alive in a new and glorious way. He was risen from the dead.
Last Saturday was Patio Sale Day here in the 55+ Fountain of the Sun Community. I went around a little and and bought some match box cars for Jimmer and Rookie. I can only junk for a short period of time before all the stuff looks the same to me. BUT I did run into an acquaintance I made this winter. I didn't recognize her right away. She had a cap on and had her hair in a pony tail etc. The first time I met her she had a swim suit on and the second time hiking getup. Jesus' acquaintances didn't recognize him after He "up from the grave He arose." See, I'm not the only one who has a problem! I think if I would have the opportunity to be around this gal and her husband, I would really like them. They sure appear to be real folks with good hearts--my kind of folks. But I might not recognize them! Such is life.
Just maybe, those 2/3s of the world population are suffering "from a thousand paper cuts!" You think sooooo! I have no idea. Really, I don't. Maybe I was just influenced tooooo much as what my Mom, Anna, taught me. Could be but I believe it (i.e. I think she was right). Yes I do. LuckieEddie says--Isn't it great to be able to believe in what you what! Maybe folks, maybe. If your Mom or Dad don't teach you, who will? Somebody will for sure. Such is life.
ItchieBitchie says--Presumption is based on our own reasoning. Like my mentor would say--erv, we are programed by our past (i.e. both genetically and environmentally). Do you know the definition of revenant? I didn't when I went to the movie but I goggled it--A person who has returned, especially supposedly from the dead. Saturday question--Have you ever been dead? I mean your heart is beating but you seem to be dead. Then something happens and you come back to life. You have an experience that stimulated you--threw your nets on the other side of the boat--took a chance--did something different--changed your attitude--believed in a Higher Power--got rid of your stinkin' thinkin'--got out of the boat and walked on water--started exercising--matured--got around positive folks--changed the scenery in your life. BenTheGrasshopper says--I am naive but if you think you can keep doing what you’ve always done, the way you’ve always done it, and that somehow, magically, the results will be different—well, now who’s being naive? A friend told me that her husband was emotional recently in telling her that she rescued him (i.e. saved his life in sorts--his savior). He was an alcoholic and she changed him through being his wife (i.e. new life). Wow! That was a nice compliment. He is a revenant maybe! What do you think?
I recently had communication with a friend by text messaging--I made mention that I didn't know what was going on about something but another friend thinks I do. My friend responded--erv, some times it's better when you don't know all the history. Now isn't that the truth. I admit I don't know much what is going on and probably am quite naive (i.e. in the dark). And that is ok with me. That makes life much simpler. The American Indians did not know anything about "up from the grave He arose" but they believed in a Mystery Power! I guess they didn't have Easter ham or Easter eggs or Easter outfits. But I really think they had sunrise services quite often. What do you think? Sooo were they part of the 1/3 or 2/3? Now that is a good question. It's over my head! The Mystery Power will have the final say on that maybe.
KnowItAllSallywithanadvancedegree even wonders--Is Easter just smack talk or is there something to it! Hey, if you are a DoubtingThomas about this "up from the grave He arose," (i.e. thinking you are very intelligent and you're not soooo naive to believe that without facts and hard evidence) then you might be much like what OneSmartDoug says--The intelligent man who is proud of his intelligence might be like a condemned man who is proud of his large cell. Swallow your spurs Tex! As for me and my naive belief (i.e. as some of you call it)--I believe what Jesus declared to Martha, "I am the resurrection and the life," But then again, I'm not very smart but just a little old farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN. Not all folks agree with me that the "up from the grave He arose" as convertibly true.
Joesixpack a.k.a. a very tough out says--We have to take huge risks to be the people we want to be!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Blowing out the other guys candle, will not make yours any brighter.