ItchieBitchie says--The truth is different to different folks. That's just the way it is! You can't do anything about it. Ya ItchieBitche, it does seem that way. It's really hard to change someone if they are sure they are right (e.g. an obnoxious Democrat or an obnoxious Republican). And then again, folks can massage the truth any way they want to match their truth definition. Huh, interesting.
Demand-based pricing is used a lot. I read in the paper, sooooo it must be right, that Disney (i.e. land of the $5 Cokes and $9 hot dogs) is now going to do that. Demand-based pricing is done a lot here in the Valley of the Sun. Green fees are what the public is willing to pay on a given day. Winter housing is worth what the snowbirds are willing to pay for ownership or rent. It's sorta kinda supply and demand (i.e. a simple economical truth).
I think this is the truth but I have no way of proving it. Soooo that makes it a hypothesis, I think. Yabut I read it in the newspaper sooooo it must be right! Important folks have others read books for them and just give them the highlights (i.e. saves them a lot of time). Well, That is just what I have done for you guys (i.e. you important folks).

The Book—The
Gratitude Diaries by Janice Kaplan: Like all of us, she gets so busy concentrating on what she
wants that she forgets to be happy for what she has. 94% of Americans thought folks who are grateful are also
more fulfilled and lead richer lives. Being grateful is a great idea—a nice replacement for
resentment, indignation, and pique. One study after another has connected gratitude to higher
levels of happiness and lower levels of depression and stress. Giving appreciation can be as good as getting it. Whether it’s learned or inherited, a sense of gratitude
clearly runs in families. Gratitude doesn’t need an immediate reply. You do it for yourself as much as for others. To raise grateful kids, be grateful for your kids. Announce too often that you’re miserable, and you begin to
believe you really are. When we appreciate what we have, we are more likely to be
satisfied and less likely to be unhappy. Gratitude may be the secret sauce for happiness, but the
recipe works for a lot of us only if it still allows for ambition and resolve. "We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our
hearts are conscious of our treasures." ~ Thornton Wilder ~ Grateful…to learn that I don’t need “stuff” to make me
happy. Folks who are depressed, hopeless, and suicidal—writing a
letter of gratitude was the single most effective positive intervention found. She suggested that we keep a journal and write in it each day, three things that you are thankful for. I have tried to do this (i.e. something different--something positive)! The truth is, it seems to me that when I write my feelings/emotions out, they seem different.

Our little Peanut a.k.a. daddy's little girl was here last week-end. She is and always will be our little Peanut in more ways than one (i.e. always--the truth is she is very special in soooo many ways). I asked Heather at breakfast what her best quality is--flexibility! I would agree that is one of them. I asked Arlene what her best quality is--I don't get excited. I would agree that is one of them. They asked me what my best quality was--patience. They both said in unison--Ya right! I got to run up 'er in 'em mts with my little Peanut early Saturday morning (i.e. I really enjoy the desert and the mountains). What a fun experience I had. Of course MyLittlePeanut ran 3x faster (i.e. I trotted 3 miles and she ran maybe 8). Such is life.

I relearned this week that the "truth of the matter" (i.e. in my opinion) is not the same for others as it might be for me. I am the only person who interprets an experience the way I do. Others might sorta kinda experience the same event but don't have the same experience (e.g. like looking at the Grand Canyon or hiking on an AZ mountain trail). CadillacJack says--Ya, some folks' emotions are different than others for a lot of different reasons (i.e. some we will never know). One person hugs another and it's very emotional and another person gets a hug from the same person and the emotional reaction is way different (i.e. like no emotion but a procedure). LuckieEddie says--Now, that's the truth! Such is life.

I/we had such a good time with Chet and Heather the last two weekends. I just keep rerunning the weekends in my mind (i.e. chewing on them). I enjoyed them that much. You ever do that? Their visits were such good respites for me. Such a good change. Such uplifting times for Arlene and I. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Time dulls our memories. I don't want to forget anything about these weekends--unfortunately the corners will be rounded and I will forget some--especially the emotions. Such is life.

I went to the movie Revenant (i.e. I went late one night after Arlene went to bed as she had no interest--toooo gruesome for her). It is based on a book that is based partly on a true story (i.e. a friend says--every good story is embellished some!). I wonder if any person could be that tough--I realize some of you folks are really tough--I'm not that tough, I know that. Yes I do. Soooo how much was true or how much is not the truth to sell the book and movie, I don't know. Super tough frontier folks didn't seem to care if they were popular or respected (i.e. they didn't care how many likes they got on Facebook). I was at a super senior friend's place the other day to do our "Annual Meeting." During of our conversation he brought up the question--"
erv, will folks remember us." Let's be realistic, unless we become a historical memory (i.e. like being an ubiquitous Elvis Presley or Dark Vader), we are soon forgotten no matter how many likes we get on Facebook. Saturday question--Sooooo what do we put the most of our emphases on during our life on this earth? Really! Why?

Now according to the Book, The Truth is the truth and it is the truth. And Salvation is not acquired by demand-based pricing and it doesn't matter if you are liked (i.e. if you have 258 likes on Facebook) or respected or if you are a super tough person as Glass was portrayed in the Revenant. It is just a simple truth a.k.a. a simple gift. You see at a lot of sporting events where some guy is holding a sign saying John 3:16. CrazyMarvin says--Why does he do that? Is it the truth? He thinks soooo I guess. Do you? A friend says--When the gonger gongs it will all make sense! If John 3:16 is the Truth, it will be like the song goes--What a day of rejoicing that will be. Bingo! There will be a lot of "cutting the nets down" and "fist pumping!"
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Some of the best memories are made in flip-flops.
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