Do you still think and act like a kid? Hopefully a third grader thinks different than a 25 year old. Do we change our thinking as we age? How about when you become parents? How about when you have to pay our own way? When we have pay our own bills? When we have to pay taxes? How about when we have to compete in the workforce? GeorgeTheCrook says--Are you kidding me, I never did change, I'm still a kid and am still protesting and think I'm being treated unfairly; I rant and use buzzwords like hurtful and hateful and use dukes like racist, fascist, bigot and hater; sometimes I use the word victim; that gets the troops fired up and usually gets on TV. I tell you what GeorgeTheCrook, after about soooo much of that calling wolf, maybe many grown folks don't pay much attention to ya; it becomes a joke (i.e. a turnoff).
I asked our neighbor to play in our foursome last Saturday. He's in his late 20s and a good golfer (i.e. I could be his granddad). In fact he was the medalist on the his hs state golf champion team. He told me that he put many many hours in practicing. When he got in the real world, he didn't practise and didn't play as much and his game went south just a little. He become frustrated to the point that some of his buddies didn't want to play with him any more. He had to decided either he had to quite or just accept his golf game as is and enjoy life. He decided on that second choice. He has had lot more fun and actually his game has improved. Huh, interesting.
Some of us guys meet at 6:30 Tuesday mornings. We discussed recently the different seasons of our lives. When we are 20, we think differently than when we are 30...40...60...70. At least we should. Age and events in our lives change how we think (i.e. at least it should). I read in the Book--When I became a man I put away childish things. I said to Chet as he was picking up Rookie's and Charlie's toys off the family room floor--When I become a man I put away childish things!
I went to the golf course the other afternoon to hit my new sand wedge. There was only one other guy on the course (i.e. an acquaintance who is maybe 30). We talked about our golf games (i.e. pretty generic). I asked him what he was doing now--I got a new job and have had it for a year and a half; I really like it; erv, I'm a different person--what do you mean--I"m just different; I quite drinking except for a beer with my buddies once and a while and quite smoking--why did you do this--I just changed my life; I'm a much better husband and father; my life is just way better--you seem to very happy--I don't think I have ever been happier erv--soooo you just decided to change your life, right?--that's pretty much right--soooo maybe you are just maturing--could be!
A 17 Trillion dollar debt.is a serious problem folks (i.e. that's about $43,000 for every person). I'm not kidding. BUT it doesn't seem to be a big issue to a lot of politicians. Soooo what will happen? Does history repeat itself? At what point do we grow up? GeorgeTheCrook says--It seems like we are acting like kids! LuckieEddie says--And many folks what more and more! And many politicians want to give them more and more. Such is life.
I read in the paper sooooo it must be right that hackers claim they can now get into the i-phones and retrieve all the information ever put there. Wow! MissPerfect says--Are you kidding me; I don't want anyone to know what I have in my phone! Okay folks, I'm looking for some serious venture capital (i.e. I mean some big $$$$$). I have the idea but I need your money. We will make a killing (i.e. have you heard that before). I want to develop a app for smart phones that can be opened and pointed at a person which will tell us every thought that person ever had. The app will categorize their thoughts in different categories such as good thoughts, bad thoughts, financial thoughts, anger thoughts, happy thoughts, sexual thoughts, spiritual thoughts, etc. Also we will have a drop down window where you can click on to put all those thoughts in a chronological order by year, month, day etc. Also you can click on a button that will tell you exactly what that person is thinking right now. AverageJoe says--ThoughlessBertha won't have much to retrieve; she has very few thoughts!
Do you folks pray? What do you pray about? When do you pray? How often to you pray? The Heidelberg Catechism says that the very beginning of our prayer is this basic attitude: “a childlike reverence and trust,” the very sort of the thing that allows us “to expect everything needed for body and soul from God’s almighty power” (A. 120-21). SusieQ says--That sounds pretty naive and childish; I'm not a kid anymore! I don't know for sure SusieQ as I'm just a little old farm boy from a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN but I think that means we are to be humble. Some of you might think that pray is just hogwash. I read in the Book that if you pray for wisdom "heavenly wisdom and not earthly wisdom" and you will receive it. I believe that; I really believe that is not hogwash. Why wouldn't any one try that, I have no idea. KnowEverythngSally says--"Whatever" is on the line! CrazyMarvn says--Pray is like putting jelly in the donut--and the crowd goes wild!
Are you kidding me. I had breakfast with friends before we left AZ, He told me that his wife's butt quivers when she gets nervous. Are you kidding me! I will never look at her the same! Maybe I will wear sunglasses or take a quick peak once in a while.
LittleJimmie says--Holly mackerel I didn't realize how good I had it as a kid until I got on my own. It knocked my conception of the good life all to smithereens! LuckieEddie says--Ya it's a different world when you are responsible for your actions and your decisions.
AverageJoe says this about his wife BeautifulFlow--She looks better than she really is folks! It takes her a long time to get spruced up. Ya aught to see her in the morning. She looks way different (i.e. and I'm not kidding folks). When she was 22 she was a real knock out. She still is but things just age and sag and get bigger and change color and, well, you get it. She ain't 18 anymore you know! But I'm not either sooooo...! Things change folks and I'm not kidding. Such is life.
Are you kidding me! I helped OldBill the other day. He said to me--You know how to run this darn machine? Sure! Should I show you how? No, just fill my glass with Coke young fella! Soooo I did. What a hoot!
Many years ago an insurance adjuster said to me--When you are a kid and not liberal, you have no heart; when you get older, if you aren't conservative, you have no brain. That is what he said folks. Soooo do you agree with him? ItchieBitche says--It appears that some folks don't really ever grow up; they act like kids for a long time; some never grow out of being a kid. Is that good or bad?
I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Humbling ourselves to listen to advice is itself an act of wisdom. Turning to others for their counsel can seem humbling, especially when we already believe we are right. But if our goal is to make the right decisions, the humility to consult with others is an asset. "Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise"... "Stop listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge". Bingo! OneSmartGuy says--I'm not kidding!
WorldClassLarry says--We are a society that has great knowledge, but our comparable scale of productivity from that knowledge is extremely weighted to the knowledge side. Peter (i.e. anybody can be a Peter) tells us there is a solution to this dilemma. For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith, goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge. Does that make any sense to ya?
Saturday questions--Have you ever followed down a path before you knew where it was going? Have you ever put all your eggs in one basket ant then tripped and broke them all? Katie bare the door! Well ta-da!
FranchisePlayerHenry says--You should always stay in the learning mode. "The person you are today should be better than the person you were yesterday." I believe that. Do you? I'm a Ben Hogan fan. Ben was really the first pro-golfer who really practiced. He said--You don't just hit balls to hit balls, you hit balls like every hit needs to be perfect. When I practiced, I practiced to get it right. Otherwise, you don't get better. He also said--When asked how he wanted to be remembered, Hogan would answer, As a gentleman.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
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