I asked my kid sister what "life got in the way" means to her. She said--It's like the normal life activities and busyness got in the way of some of my hobbies, friendships, and pleasures.
MissPerfect says--Life sure is an odyssey; No question. Folks, it's not just necessarily only bad things that get in our life's plan but good things do tooooo. Think about that folks. We all have had good things that have happened to us that have changed our lives. Opportunities just came our way and we took them (i.e. just fell in our lap). Some times they just happen. Crazy, huh! Life just happens! Joesixpack says--It seems like some folks are luckier than others. Could be Joesixpack or maybe some folks have different attitudes. Maybe some recognize opportunities and others don't. Maybe some folks work harder or have a different kind of motor. I don't know. What do you think?
My Daddy, Chester had life going in the right direction, at least he thought soooooo! He was really juiced up! I was 13 and helping my Daddy put on the cultivator on the Massey Ferguson 44. He said to me--erv, we now have it made, I just paid the farm off and we now have 4 row equipment; we are going to have extra money and time to go fishing a lot more. Then he had a heart attack. There were no by-pass surgeries or stints or medication back then. The doctor told him to drink some brandy when his chest hurt. He was disabled and died 4 years later. He thought he had it "made in the shade" and then real life got in the way. Such is life.
AverageJoe says--Many times folks' retirements don't end up as they thought--some times much better and some times not as good (i.e. for many reasons). Life gets in the way I guess. Some of you seem to have it pretty good and some of you not soooo good (i.e. that is from my view). But then again, maybe my evaluation isn't accurate. I really have no idea. MissPerfect says--What we don't see is eternal! It seems like many folks have cracked pots here on this earth and some are just plain crackpots but.... Many! A mother of a graduate whose party I went to, has greeted me the same for many years--I say--How's it going?! She always responds--Not as good as some but better than others! She always makes me smile.
My life is not probably as glamorous as some of yours but for the most part, I have self-satisfaction; I pretty much enjoy life every day. I really do. I heard a speaker at a church say recently that 1 of 5 currently have a broken heart. Now that is sad. I don't think I do but maybe I do and just don't know it. That could be but I don't think so. Do you have a broken heart? What is a broken heart? How do you get a broken heart? How do you get over a broken heart?
I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--We cannot save ourselves--God does that. But God will not give us good habits or character, and He will not force us to walk correctly before Him. We have to do that ourselves....We need to take the initiative; make a beginning--to instruct ourselves in the way we must go...!
I read in the paper, soooo it must be right--Only 3% of the graduates have written goals and plans; 13% had non-written goals and 84% had no specific goals …I recently read the book Living Forward. It's about having a life-plan. It was recommended to me by "onesmartguy." It talked about "stop drifting." It says in the cover--If you're like most people, you want to lead a life of meaning and significance, joy and satisfaction. But all the drama and demands we face seem to get in the way of our dreams, don't they? Ya it appears to me, all good businesses and folks have plans (i.e. written plans). BUT life does get in the way of our plans. I believe in written plans. If they are not written they don't mean much. When I served on the board of Ag Services of America, we reviewed constantly our short term plans, five year plans and 10 year plans etc to see if we were on target. It only makes sense to me to have a plan for our lives. But, remember I'm not very smart, I'm just a little old farm boy from a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN.

An interesting story about my older friend/client I wrote about above--He was probably about 65 and I was maybe late 30s.. He came into my office and we talked. We talked about the stock market and he asked me what I thought. I told him I don't know much but it looks like the market is very high right now and there is a good chance it will correct. We talked about that maybe it was a good time to buy farm ground (i.e. during the farm recession). In a couple of days he came in and told me he sold all his stock and wanted to buy farm ground. I sold him 3 parcels for under $1,000 an acre. Stocks went down and farm ground went up to $10,000 to $15,000 and acres (i.e. currently $7,000 to $10,000). Now that was a good plan!!!! Huh, interesting.
This past week I went for a bike ride to Kesley corner (i.e. my normal 11.1 mile route which has some hills--great work out). There was maybe a 7 mph wind out of the s/sw. As I headed north I thought I must be getting in good shape as it was going really good. What I didn't realize that the wind had picked up considerably. When I turned the around and headed back home, I realized I had to ride into maybe a 20 mph wind. I had to change my plan (i.e. gear down a lot). It made me laugh. Such is life.
I talked to a long time friend at the golf course the other day. We have had soooo much fun together for many years playing golf together (i.e. competing against each other). Soooo much fun. He says he has no interest in playing golf any more--how come--can't hit the ball any more (i.e. he use to be a good golfer)--I understand--I don't think you do erv, you can still play at an enjoyable level, I can't. Hey folks, certain things aren't as much fun as they use to be when you can't do it anymore. Such is life. ItchieBitchie says--Maybe, just maybe, we don't really understand others.
I was putting on my shoes at the exercise room at school and saw a tee shirt in the lost and found box that had some writing on it. It made me laugh. Remember Cheers and Norm? Here are some Normisms!
I ask the high school graduates at their parties what they plan to do. They seem to all have a plan but I would guess most of those plans don't work out. I read in the paper sooooo it must be right that 30% of freshman college students do not return to college. I asked an old friend (i.e.who is now dead)--How did you met your wife--a buddy and I were cruising the strip of another little town; there were a couple of street walkers; we talked to them and asked them if they wanted to go for a ride; I ended up marring her! It wasn't the plan when we picked them up but that is how it worked out! 60 years ago it was very normal for girls to walk the street in hopes some boys would pick them up. Nutten has really changed, we still have girls on the street hoping to get picked up. The difference is the girls now want to provide a service for a price! Such is life.
I rode with a golf buddy last Wednesday. He told me he lost 43 pounds over the winter now weighing 185. Did you have a plan--no, not really, I just cut all my food portions in half and exercised a hour a day; it went soooo well that I just continued it--you look great. Another guy in our foursome said he gained 10 pounds. I asked him if that was his plan--no no, I quite driving truck. Why would that be the reason? Less stress. Huh, interesting.
I was complimenting our neighbor the other day. I said--You are one nice lady. She said--I have my days! Another super senior friend told me--erv, you got to keep going, keep moving; if you don't everything goes to pot! I really like both of these gals. They inspire me (i.e. real folks with good hearts). Arlene and I were having breakfast at Todd's Neigborhood Grill the other morning. A couple of teachers we taught with maybe 45 years ago came and talked to us. One (i.e. has been retired 15 years) told us she still dreams about teaching. Her latest "on going dream" is teaching possession (i.e. one boy is 's more boys its s'). The other teacher (i.e. retired for 21 years) said--for years her "on going dream" was what she was going to wear to school in the morning! Now that is funny folks.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean say--Eggs cannot be unscrambled.
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