Question—Can a person be toooo nice? We were checking out at
Hy-Vee when the lady ahead of us asked Christie, the checkout girl, if she
would rather be somewhere else—no, I’m happy working—well, you don’t smile and don’t
talk and don’t seem very nice—many folks don’t like it when you are nice to
them; they would rather just be left along and will tell me that. I read in the paper so it must be right--There
is an elusive balance between toooo much and tooooo little. Saturday
question—How much is tooooo little and tooooo much? Can you be tooo nice?
After I thought through it, I might have been tooo nice. I went for an early morning bike ride on one
of my favorite trails and routes. I was
making a sharp, uphill S turn when a walker was coming down. I said—good morning. He said, … you. Like I said, I think I was being overly nice
to this guy. If I ever meet him again I
will temper my greeting to him by maybe saying--“.… you, good morning!” Such is life.
A buddy keeps this tongue depressor in a strategic location to remind him to...! Last November, I was facilitating a discussion group
and gave a friend a hard time about her new, fashionable, new outfit she was wearing. I was actually
complimenting her but I don’t know for sure if she took it that way (i.e.
should have talked to my friend, Hank, before saying it). ANYWAY last Sunday at
church she greeted me—Nice to see you stranger; haven’t worn this outfight
since you gave me a hard time and now you see me in it again. Humor can get a person in trouble. Soooo I called her and apologized. What else could I do? She said I didn’t offend her but she didn’t’ wear
them ‘cause they were long (i.e. that is what she said). I’m still not soooo
convinced. She is a nice gal and maybe
didn’t’ tell me that I offended her.
Maybe I put tooooo much mustard on it.
Could be. Girls are more sensitive than guys are it seems. When will I learn to keep my mouth shut. Probably, never. ChickenManJoey says--The reason we must relearn lessons is that we forget them. Ouchy ouchy! .Such is life.
Soooo folks, if I put tooooo much mustard on
this “It’s Saturday”, I apologize; if I don’t put enough seasoning on this
“It’s Saturday”, I apologize. For those
of you who think it’s just the right amount of mustard and seasoning, I’m
happy, you are happy, we are all happy!
Such is life.
Because of different folks and different situations, I have
a lot of questions. Some folks and some
situations have made me question myself as to what is important. I’m sure I want to be like some folks and am
sure I don’t want to be like others. Does that make any sense to you? I must admit, it is soooo hard to decide who
I really want to be. When I see certain folks and their actions get glory, it’s
a tough decision on my part not to compete in that arena even though I know I
don’t want to be that way. Crazy huh!
BUT it is sorta kinda fun to watch folks act the way they do.
LuckieEddie from Proxima b, says--That is soooooo them! Some folks are all about themselves. Some
folks have a lot of money and a lot of ability and a lot of talent but use it all for
themselves (e.g. DuaneTheWorm who thinks he is the Sun King, the absolute and divine ruler of everything). Ouchy
ouchy! Why are they that way? Do you
know any folks like that? LuckieEddie,
hold your horses, maybe you and I are toooo judgmental? Ok, maybe not you, maybe just me. Now that could be. ANYWAY I read this while eating my oatmeal
with a half a banana on it—We must constantly beware of anything that causes us
to think of ourselves as superior people. GeorgeTheCrook says--We need to tread
lightly on being judgmental (i.e. not to be sooo crass). Manyofflolks might act superior if given
money and power, including us. Now that
could be. We might be super galactic snobs if given the opportunity. Such is life.
I substituted for a friend on their 2-man golf league team
recently. My opponent was a local young man who will be a sophomore at Wartburg
College. I remember him in high school but never met him. I
introduced myself to him—He told me who he was and then said—I don’t know you
but have heard about you! I have no idea what he meant by that!
What a hoot. It made me smile. We are probably 50 years different in age.
Crazy! In our foursome match Friday, I hit an shot and bitched by saying--That didn't go very far. A younger guy in our foursome said--erv, what do you expect, you are old! And he's my friend. Such is life.
SusieQ asks--Are the average folks tired of all the
political crap going on? Maybe the average folks want politicians to quit
playing grab ass and represent the folks of our country. Don’t kid yourselves folks, it’s all about
the money and power and getting re-elected.
AverageJoes have a lot of questions as to what is going on. A lot of questions!
SusieQ says—Some of you might have
some ambivalence about being meek. Rick Warren says--None of us really know
what meekness is. In fact, we often confuse it with another term that sounds
like it — “meek” sounds like “weak.” Nobody wants to be weak, so nobody wants
to be meek. But the truth is meekness and weakness are at the opposite ends of
the spectrum. Meekness is in no way weakness. In fact, the Greek word for
meekness literally means “strength under control.” To be meek is not to be
weak. It’s used to describe a wild stallion that has been tamed. That stallion
still has all the strength it had when it was wild, but now its strength is
under control. It is strength bottled up for the master’s use. God doesn’t want
you to be weak, but he does want you to be meek. The Bible teaches that it’s
one of the keys to stress reduction in your life. Saturday question—Are you a
meek person?
Saturday question—What has been some fresh water words of
encouragement that someone has said to you this last week? I asked a friend who
went to a leadership conference what was the #1 thing he learned? His response--That every day we should add
value to others, intentionally. SusieQ says--Now that
isn’t American! I think America would be
much better if we were all that way. A
friend and I were complimenting a mutual friend. We both agreed that he is very generous; we
both like him. He, in our opinions, adds value to others, intentionally. If my
friend and I see that, I bet others do toooo.
What do you think?

The headline in the paper
said—Pokémon merchandise is flying of the shelves. There sure seems
to be a lot of hullabaloo about this Pokémon craze. I
asked an employee at Hy-Vee if they have a wall charger for my I-Pod.
Let’s go and look. We might not as we don’t carry much of that stuff
anymore. It just flies off our shelves. In one night most of the stuff
is stolen. They just steal us blind soooo we don’t carry it anymore.
Huh, interesting.
Vince Lombardi asks--How big are you? Really how big are you? Not in pounds but in
character? What fabric are you made of?
I went for a bike ride the other morning. I seemed very strong! Was it my attitude (i.e. met early in morning with some guys in a discussion group). They inspire me and I learn soooo much (i.e. even some crazy stuff like--Jim Mudd, owner of Mudd Advertising in Cedar Falls, is a descendent of Dr. Mudd who housed John Wilkes Booth after assassinating Lincoln. Dr. Mudd was hanged. That is how the saying got started--His name is mudd! OR was my feeling of being strong because getting a good nights sleep. I had a discussion with a couple of gals this week and one said she hasn't slept for 6 months (i.e. her mind keeps sparking continuously). What! Is that possible? MissPerfect says--I get cranky when I don't get my 8 hours each night; I would hate to be her husband!
I went for a bike ride the other morning. I seemed very strong! Was it my attitude (i.e. met early in morning with some guys in a discussion group). They inspire me and I learn soooo much (i.e. even some crazy stuff like--Jim Mudd, owner of Mudd Advertising in Cedar Falls, is a descendent of Dr. Mudd who housed John Wilkes Booth after assassinating Lincoln. Dr. Mudd was hanged. That is how the saying got started--His name is mudd! OR was my feeling of being strong because getting a good nights sleep. I had a discussion with a couple of gals this week and one said she hasn't slept for 6 months (i.e. her mind keeps sparking continuously). What! Is that possible? MissPerfect says--I get cranky when I don't get my 8 hours each night; I would hate to be her husband!
BobbySnort says--Life produces a lot of questions that we
each have to answer to ourselves. Only we can answer them. I agree BobbySnort, I agree.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says—Ideas are like children—your own are
P.S. “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many
other lives.” ~ Clarence The Angel, in It’s a Wonderful Live
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