October 29, 2016

it's hard to say

You ready for this “It’s Saturday?” I’m going to go at seat belt speed folks, so hang on (i.e. it’s going to look like a 103 mph fast ball by Cub’s ace reliever Aroldis Chapman). ItchieBitchie says—Just slow down erv, slow down. Some of you folks might say--Well, woo hoo!  And some of you might think that this “It’s Saturday” is no more than some more political snake oil (i.e. God knows we have heard enough of that). Regardless, buckle up folks!

I read in the paper sooooo it must be right—Much of what we think and do depends on how much money we have. Now that is a high-speed statement “right off the bat.”   Maybe we would rather not think of that.  But flip the pancake; I know many folks (i.e. many are you guys) that handle your wealth pretty good. But, I do think money does affect us if we like it or not.  Such is life. 

I read in the paper sooo it must be right--Hilary's "Hillblazers" have bundled together at least $137 million from folks in the securities and investment sector and more who work in other areas of finance and commercial banking (i.e. is that called a special interest group?). JoeBlow says-- It's hard to say why they would give sooooo much money. You think they want dibs on anything? Were you born in the barn JoeBlow? OhShucks says--There might be a fox in the chicken coup!  Do you really think they care about JoeTheSchmuck of rural MO who gave nutten to their campaign; come on folks, don't be soooo naive! OneSmartPerson says--Money in politics is the root of all that is bad (i.e. that is this person's opinion). Do you folks know that George Washington didn't want to be president.  Folks had to encourage him.  How thinks have changed.  Such is life.

Many think Donnie and Hilary have big heads and smirky similes.  I saw this kid going into Hy-Vee the other day and asked him if I could take his picture.  It just made me laugh. I asked him if he was a Trump supporter—you bet, he said.  I didn’t know if he was a supporter or making fun of him (i.e. this kid was maybe 12 years old). What a hoot! Such is life. 

SusieQ says—I always thought there was a lot of fake in this world and I am almost certain that it is true (i.e. if I like it or not).  Many folks will do almost anything fakey to help themselves accomplish something for their gain.  If you don’t believe me, ask DuaneTheWorm a.k.a. the phony of all phonies. Bingo! I read in the paper soooo it must be right—Politicians use their bullhorns to fire up the activists (i.e. who the paper said--many are disturbed people). Saturday question—How do folks become disturbed people? AverageJoe says—It’s hard to say.

I recently told a couple of folks that they have class.  Some folks have class and other don’t (i.e. most of you folks do; good hearts). The opposite of class is course, flamboyant, glitzy, flashy, grotesque, or vulgar. Some think that “non class” fits both of the candidates for President (i.e. I realize that some of you don’t agree).  LuckieEddie says--They might be misfits (i.e. or great politicians) but one of them is going to be President.  What is going on here folks?  Suck it up cupcake, it’s going to happen.  In a perfect world this wouldn’t happen. And we don’t live in a perfect world.  WorldClassLarry says—Co’on folks, accept the fact that neither one of them have a lot of class (i.e. at least many think that). AverageJoe says--That really depends who is doing the evaluation. Many feel we have a mess. Such is life.

I read in the paper soooo it must be right that Walmart is slowing down on U.S. store openings.  They are going to spend their time and effort in bolstering their online presence.  No surprise. The market is changing folks.  Probably we will/are going to see major changes in churches (i.e. that’s probably a no brainier folks).  A friend and I were talking about how we would suggest some churches might thing about changing.  Smaller churches, especially small rural churches will close as time passes because of lack of money and lack of folks. It’s happening and will continue.  Ok, here is what we think some churches should do—they don’t have a speaking pastor but simulcast or delay broadcast (i.e. sign up with a church who has a good speaking pastor). The local service would be done by the local pastor or lay person but the talk would be by a speaking pastor. In the digital world today, it can be done with great clarity and effectiveness.  Many of the large churches are doing it already (i.e. they call them different campuses).  Also, not all pastors are good, dynamic speaking pastors. Then each church hires a dynamic carrying pastor/lay person to take care of the folks with their personal needs (i.e. one who is very good with people). The real small churches could even hire a part time pastor but still have a quality service each Sunday. Hey folks, I saw the Sunday night football half time show; they showed all the Sunday afternoon high lights in about 30 seconds.  Folks want excitement and fast excitement. The same-o same-o isn’t going to cut the mustard folks. Boring doesn’t seem to work very well.  BUT folks, probably many churches will just close up (i.e. would rather shut the doors than change). There is a season for everything. BUT listen folks, for those who like it the old way, there are plenty of those churches tooo; at least for now. Such is life.

ItchieBitchie says--Some folks never get rehabbed; they are what they are and always will be what they are!  Ouchy ouchy! But there are folks that do change.  I have changed some, I think.  I have relearned once again that I’m not the general manager of the universe. That thinking of not needing to control, has lessened the stress in my life (i.e. it’s quite glaring). SusieQ says—Good idea swervinervin, the greater your need to control, the more stressed you’re going to be in life.

I went to get some milk at our local store.  The UNI football game was on the radio in the store.  I asked the clerk what the score was—She said--I have no idea; I’m not interested (i.e. I could care less).  Others are really interested in sports but I’m not. I might be interested in something else that they are not interested in. Interesting now isn’t it.  Now that is interesting folks.  Think through that folks. Just because we think it’s important, others might not. And they might be right. Huh, interesting. Crazy! Such is life.

2 + 2 = 5?  It’s hard to say but I have always been told to be around good folks who are positive (i.e. my Mom, Anna, told me that).  Most of you folks are just that (i.e. all but one of you, ha ha).  I have been soooo fortunate to be around such good folks like you guys (i.e. good folks can make you look “oh soooo good”). Thanksamillion folks! GeorgeTheCrook says—Negative folks are a real drag; don’t spend tooo much time around them.  WarrenFromOmaha says--A rule of grammar: double negatives are a no-no.

It's sooo interesting that folks enjoy "total fiction." They know it's make believe. They enjoy "suspending their disbelief" to maybe a point that they think it is almost realty. A great diversion of the mind. Folks want political candidates to talk about the issues.  You know why they can’t? ‘cause they can’t get elected talking about the issues and what it takes to solve the issues.  Examples:  The Social Security is going to be broke they say in 2031.  Soooo if a candidate suggests that we might have to lessen the benefits 35% and tax the working folks maybe another 25%, the voters won’t vote for them especially if their opponent says they will increase benefits.  You get it.  Our national debt is crazy.  Let’s face it folks, if candidates say they are going to cut entitlements by 35% and increase taxes 35% and their opponent says they plan to give more entitlements, (i.e. free from Santa Claus). They don’t have a change to get elected by discussing the possibilities of correcting the problems.  Suspending their disbelieve!!!! 

erv’s money back guarantee—Everything will change. Absolutely! No question.  Most probably will not like the change but it will happen (i.e. there is a season for everything). You can take that to the bank. That is as good as gold.  No question. It will happen. Maybe not like many would like, but it will happen. That is a guarantee by erv. History proves that folks. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out (e.g. you can't have negative spending forever).  Bingo!

Ok folks, some of you think I’m way out of whack.  I could be! BUT we who live in America that is a democratic form of government.  I like it.  The government is the people for the people (i.e. what the majority wants we get).  I like that tooooo. BUT think through that folks. Who is the majority and does the majority change? Is the majority always right?  Trick or treat; give us something good to eat!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans, (-:


MyFriendJean says—Some of us are like wheels, only useful when pushed and very easily upset. 

P.S. Remember when I talked about a friend who tells me that I should always talk to him before talking to women as I don't seem to say the right words?  If Trump would have hired him for advice, Trump might have been a lot better off.  I asked my friend what he would have said to him. He said--Keep your mouth shut! That's seems pretty simple!

Hey folks, I try to treat and talk to gals the same as guys. Aren’t I suppose tooo?  It appears my friend thinks I’m missing something. Am I? I like women; yes, I do.  Actually, they are a lot prettier than my golf buddies.  I don’t want you gals to get an acrimonious idea of me (i.e. do I need to be politically correct when I talk to you gals?).  If Hilary gets elected are the Russians going to talk to her different than to Donnie if he gets elected?  I don’t know; it's hard to say. Obviously, I don’t know what I’m talking about sooooo I think I just better take the advice of my friend—Keep my mouth shut!  Saturday question--Ladies, how do you want me to talk to you? I have to admit, I'm confused. Or can you have it both ways? Do you want it both ways? Soooo when I play pickleball, am I suppose to play different and talk different to ladies and men? How about in business? Totally confused; I'm sorry folks.  I better call my friend the way it looks. He knows how to handle women; obviously I don't! I'm sorry to say and admit, I don't have a clue what's going on!  Such is life. 

October 22, 2016

riding the bus

What I say really doesn’t matter—It’s like when the suitor asks the brides-to-be’s father for approval for marriage.  Most of the time it doesn’t really matter what the old man says.  It’s going to happen!

You ever ride on a bus that is on a bumpy road. It’s not much fun now is it.  Especially if you are in the back of the bus (i.e. when I was a kid I liked it).  I might have had a touch of that experience with my life lately (i.e. it seems the world brought the house--like a jail break!). But it’s not been as bad as I make it sound. BUT I might have learned a lesson bouncing around on that bus on the bumpy road.  I might have.  I can be stiff necked and have a hard heart at times. But it has been a humbling experience, Crazy!  It’s just part of stew folks.  My human way of thinking might be defective.  I was reminded once again that I’m not as important as I think I am (i.e. not indispensable for sure).  Huh, interesting. 

It’s baseball playoff time folks. I was talking to a friend recently about his high school baseball career (i.e. he’s a Dodger fan).  We laughed a lot.  He’s a couple of years older than me.  He was a catcher in high school.  He told me that he could throw the ball hard but never could make the ball curve very well.  My Daddy, Chester, always wanted me to be a pitcher.  He would sit on a 5-gallon pail in front of the barn and I would pitch to him.  I would knock the windows out of the barn; I could make it curve but had no control.  In fact, I wanted to please my Daddy soooo much that I painted a strike zone on the barn and practiced and practiced but never got very good.  I always felt bad about that for my Daddy. I wanted to please him sooooo much.  Such is life.

The Cubs who use to ride the bus in the minors now are the stars. The Cubs are having some success, sooooo far.  They probably won’t be considered really successful by many unless they win the World Series.  ANYWAY all those players once played minor league baseball (i.e. many with the AAA Iowa Cubs in Des Moines).  They rode many a bus before becoming rich.  A minor league player gets paid very poorly, very poorly.  Of the 455,300 high school baseball players in America, only 5.6 percent wind up playing on a collegiate team. Of that 5 percent, only 10 percent are drafted by an MLB team. And of all minor leaguers, only 10 percent will ever make it to the show. All of which means the odds of making an MLB roster are long. And then if you make it, the average life in the big leagues is 5.6 years. 

It’s fall folks.  I really like fall. I really like sitting in our sun porch and watch the last of the sun light of the day.  There is something magical about that; especially in the fall.  Fall reminds me of duck hunting.  A friend and I didn’t leave the marsh early enough and it got dark.  We had a tough time finding our way back.  A fun memory now. Another time I was with a friend and a bunch of mallards came in over our decoys. We stood up and emptied our guns.  Didn’t hit a one.  A guy in a boat near us shouted at us—You guys couldn’t hit a bull in the ass with a scoop shovel.  We sat down rather humbly.  But after a little while, we had a good laugh. Such good memories.

You can’t be thankful and depressed at the same time! My couzLuther told me--My feet go Numb, my toes feel cold, bottom of my feet hurt. They order an MRI of my brain and spine. They do 24 different blood tests. They cannot figure out what is wrong. I go to neurologist in Mpls and he says buy better shoes. 🙂 Life is good. So 5 years ago I had rotator cuff surgery on my right arm. Now my left arm is feeling like my right arm did. I go back to Mpls to a surgeon who only does shoulders. He says with your history you may need surgery. So we do an MRI and he calls me back with results and says You are just getting old.  No surgery necessary. I guess that was good news. ~ You better be careful couz, they might call the rendering plant for a pickup next!

Sucker bus! Do you know how powerful the thinking of getting something for nutten is?  Everyone wants something for nutten.  We are suckers. Just get on the bus and everything will be great; it’s free.  Suckers! It has worked a lot in the past and probably will work a lot in the future.  Suckers! SusieQ says--Nutten is free folks.  Yabut, we fall for that trick many times (i.e. a great marketing ploy which through history works time and time again).  That bus ride is important in getting votes folks. Don’t kid yourself. I forgot what the dollar figure is (i.e. maybe it was like 66% of our budget--does that sound right) that was mentioned in the debate that is for entitlements.  I was surprised how huge and massive it was (i.e. at some point many think this can not and will not work--it will be a ugly bumpy bus ride--it seems like it's just common sense folks unless you are the ones receiving and wanting more--I can understand those folks--why not--it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out--it's something for nutten--just get on the bus). And it appears that there is talk about growing that figure! What! Where is the breaking point? There has to be a point. Doesn't there? Such is life.

Spooktacular! It appears that Crooked Hilary as Donnie calls her and Faker Donnie as Hilary calls him will jump on any bus going anywhere (i.e. they seem like they are down from the moon).  What is the difference between being two faced and being a hypocrite? MissPerfect says--I don’t believe half of what they say and the other half isn’t true! This is really crazy folks. Just crazy. This is soooo unreal, worse than “As The World Turns.”  And one of them is going to be our President of the United States of America. CadillacJack says—Is there a word “de-evolution?” If you who believe man came from animals, you might know.  Soo is there such a word?  I’m just wondering if we are just turning back to basic animals who only care about sex, food, and ourselves.  CadillacJack, you are asking the wrong person; I believe in creation.  Did you know that President Thurman said in 1947—We are a Christian country?  Did you know that Obama said in 2010—We are no longer a Christian country? Now that is a different bus ride!

Have you ever been thrown under the bus by someone or some company?  GeorgeTheCrook says—It appears that there are folks who will throw their family, health, faith, relationships under the bus to gain power and money (e.g. Wells Fargo threw their customers and employees under the bus to make a little more money).  It appears that it is becoming a very acceptable practice—screw everyone; it’s all about me.  LuckieEddie says—Maybe it’s the new American way.  Maybe there soon will be self-help books to help folks to be really good at throwing others under the bus. Why not? If they can make some money doing it, they will probably do it. Such is life.

I believe in miraculous circumstances.  Do you?  Some of you folks told me about the miraculous circumstances in your lives—unbelievable, just unbelievable; unexplainable.  Sorta kinda like Paul’s experience on the road to Damascus (i.e. a huge massive turnaround—180 degrees). Now that is getting on a bus going a different direction!  Sooooo I pray for miraculous circumstances in your lives.  If the hair on the back of your neck starts to stand up straight and your ears tingle, you know what’s going on.  ~  Happenstance, na, I don’t think sooooo folks. ANYWAY after I wrote the above, I had my oatmeal with a half a banana on it and read this by Oswald Chambers—It is by God’s Spirit that changes the atmosphere of our way of looking at things, and then things begin to be possible which before were not.  It sounds crazy folks, but it happens. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Minds are like parachutes, they only function when open.

P.S. Please send me an email telling about your miraculous circumstance that has happened to you. I would like to hear it. 

October 15, 2016

Chances R

This “It’s Saturday” is not malware. At least I don’t think it is.  At least it’s not the way I see it but I have been wrong before. If you think it’s malware, well, suck it up cupcake, It’s happening sweetheart!

OneSmartGuy/a friend and I were talking recently that we wonder if we are right about a lot of stuff.  We each think we are right but that doesn’t make us right just because we think sooooo (i.e. they use to think the world was flat).  Crazy! That might pertain to politics, sports, religion, money management, parenting, etc.  You got it.  Just because we think we are right doesn’t mean we are right (e.g. maybe the Democrats are right in their wild spending and maybe Republicans are right in their non-spending mentality).  I had a friend who just passed. He questioned most everything.  It seemed he had a hard time accepting certain religious dogmatic believes.  He really seemed to struggle with accepting things (i.e. or maybe he just liked to argue). I sorta kinda felt sorry for him to have to struggle all the time. Guess what folks, all of his questions are answered now.  No more questions. Bingo!  As a friend says-- When the gonger gongs, the truth will be known real fast. 

My golf buddies last week told me it’s going to be a hard, long winter by looking at the strips on this caterpillar that downthemiddleron found on the golf course.  I have no idea if they know what they are talking about but they think they do. Such is life.  Crazy. I told my golf buddies that I hurt my back that morning and didn’t know how well I would play.  They asked how I did that—I was getting off the stool!  I’m a whip folks! Guess what—my score was about the same. Crazy!

I have said this before—You guys can treat me really bad or do things that I don’t think are right but I will always be your friend.  You can’t hurt me bad enough to stop our friendship.  I do some crazy, dumb things and I hope you accept me in spite of my imperfections.  Hey, none of us are perfect; we need to still accept each other and love each other in spite of our dumb stuff we do.  That is my opinion folks but I might be wrong.  I’m just a little old farm boy from a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN.  I really love a certain person but we don’t seem to agree on an issue.  I told him I will always love this person even if we don’t agree.  Does that make any sense to you? CrazyMarvin says—Some things are hard to suss! There might be brief heuristics that sometimes make a complicated things easier to understand. Such is life.

Changes R we all have to make a lot of decisions in life (i.e. life seems to be a jumble package).  We seem to make good decisions and bad decisions (i.e. a lot of wheeling and dealing in our minds).  Hopefully we make more good decisions than bad decision.  At the time we make them, we really always don’t know now do we.  MissPerfect says—No doubt that decisions affect our lives; we have to work through a few kinks. Those decisions you make might affect you and your children.  OneSmartPerson told me--(kids will pretty much believe whatever you tell them as all the statistics show a child’s politics and religious beliefs are heavily – well over 90% -- influenced by where they were born). What do you think?  Then just when we get our lives all spit polished (i.e. we think we have it all figured out), then we get our lives scoffed again (i.e. we didn’t see it coming). SusieQ says—You might want to turn off the media and think for yourself.  

ItchieBitche says--Chances R that we have all been little folks sometime in our lives.  I reread recently that we are to weep with those that weep and rejoice with those that rejoice.  Human nature seems to make it easier to weep with those that weep than to rejoice with those who rejoice (i.e. being happy for those who have good things happen to them). My mentor would say to me, I think facetiously,—erv, when something bad happens to you, half the folks don’t care and the other half are glad it happened to you!  PamperedBetty a.k.a. the modern day Queen of Sheba says--Chances R that most folks would attempt to blow out the candle of someone else in hopes of making their light brighter.  Saturday question—Are you a little person or a big person or some of each? I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it—Oswald Chambers says—After every time of exaltation, we are brought down with a sudden rush into things as they really are, where it is neither beautiful, poetic, nor thrilling.  The height of the mountaintop measured by dismal drudgery of the valley, but it is in the valley that we have to live for the glory of God. LuckieEddie says—My sister-in-law is not died but just severely injured!

I was in a group of folks when a person made a statement that he said was correct.  He heard it from a third party source.  Another person in this group sorta kinda corrected him, in a nice way, by saying you better really research that before passing that on.  WorldClassLarry says—Most third party information is actually 1/00, otherwise known as zero chance being correct.  AttorneyBill says--The eye witnesses many times are not right (i.e. even if they say—I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth soooo help me God).  But DNA and cameras are much more accurate (i.e. no human thinking involved).  As one smart person says—We are soooo influenced (i.e. prejudiced) by our past that we can’t be open minded).  Sooooo, it proves once again that littleoldervie doesn’t always know much even when he thinks he does.  I have been programed to some degree by many forces. Some that I don’t even know about.  Such is life.

OneSmartGolfBuddy told me on the first tee—All folks seem to mature.  Some faster and to different degrees but it appears that we all mature (i.e. obviously we do physically but we are talking mentally here folks).  When we mature, it seems like we think different. TomTerrific says—We all mature cause of many many reasons.  Some of those reasons are just not soooo much fun to learn from; but they are very effective.  I don’t know for sure if that is true but it sounds right.  What do you think? Another OneSmartGolfBuddy told me that he voted already at the courthouse a.k.a. early voting.  He said—I held my nose and voted!  He didn’t sound that he knew for sure he was doing the right thing.

Changes R you can’t fix stupid.  You can overlook it and even pretend it’s not there or just accept it but you can’t fix it.  SusieQ says—Once you lose confidence in a person, it’s almost impossible to regain it.  It’s time to pack it up and move on.  Does than make any sense to you.  A man was driving when he saw the flash of a traffic camera. He figured that his picture had been taken for exceeding the limit, even though he knew that he was not speeding... Just to be sure, he went around the block and passed the same spot, driving even more slowly, but again the camera flashed. Now he began to think that this was quite funny, so he drove even slower as he passed the area again, but the traffic camera again flashed. He tried a fourth time with the same result. He did this a fifth time and was now laughing when the camera flashed as he rolled past, this time at a snail's pace. Two weeks later, he got five tickets in the mail for driving without a seat belt. Da!

WorldClassLarry says—The old saying is, don’t talk about religion, money or politics and we will get along much better.  OpenMindedBertha says—We need to disagreeably agree on some things.  I agree but sometimes when mistakes of others will affect our lives, it’s hard to not try to help folks (e.g. if a child who is a poor money manager doesn’t change, they will need your help to bail them out and then live in your house with you supporting them).  Ouchy ouchy!

MissPerfect says--I wish sometimes that I wouldn’t care about somethings (i.e. I didn't say that! If I really did, I didn't say that intentionally.  I didn't know it was illegal. It's a lie. It's just locker room talk!). You ever felt that way?  Just take care of myself; decide what is important to me and and forget the rest.  I’m a fixer soooo that can make my life hard sometimes. A friend, who is a fixer as well, says we struggle when we can’t make good stuff happen (i.e. at least what we think is good). Maybe I don’t know what is good; that could be.  It seems everyone thinks they know what is good.  Everyone! Even if they don't!  Such is life!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—For where your treasure is, there will you heart be also.

P.S. It appears that leadership is a lot harder than it used to be.  Everyone thinks they know all the answers and won’t listen to the leaders like they use too. It use to be the leaders told them what to believe and the folks did. 

I grew up on the farm and we use to deworm the livestock.  You could put the dewormer in the water and after a day or so walk around and see all the worms in their crap.  GeorgeTheCrook says--If we would deworm the presidential candidates, well, now that would be interesting.  Crazy! But, everyone can have their own opinions! Isn’t it great to live in America. Such is life.

October 8, 2016

stranger things have happened

Most of what I say in this “It’s Saturday” you might want to put in the over-head bin!

There are conductors and there are maestros and some that can’t read a note.  That’s just the way it is folks. My parents, Chester and Anna thought I should take accordion lessons when a kid.  They took me to my first lesson. After the lesson the teacher said to my Mom, Anna--I think you would be wasting your money in me trying to teach erv music.  Yes! I got out of that I said!  Crazy. Then what do I do, I marry a music major.  Crazy!

I went for a bike ride on Butler County Rolling Prairie Trail.  It was
a beautiful fall day. I rode along and came up upon another biker.  He was an old coot (i.e. a couple of years older than me).  He was riding a rusty, old, two tone bike that rattled, squeaked, clunked and clanged (i.e. he couldn’t give it away).  I never heard a bike that loud.  He rode about 2 mph and I rode with him for maybe 2 miles.  We had such a grand time talking about a little of everything.  I finally said to him—That is the loudest bike I ever heard—the old sucker keeps going soooo I keep riding it; I had to change tires a few times (i.e. used) and had to change the back wheel as it locked up (i.e. used)—you ride every day—ya, 10 miles; I only live about 2 minutes off the trail; today I rode this morning and had nothing to do sooooo I’m riding another 10 miles this afternoon. He was funny.  POINT Fred didn’t have the best bike or biking garb, He wore an old, tattered Vikings cap, and some leather, high top work shoes.  But what he was doing is he was actually doing it!  I like the nice clothes and equipment; there is a lot of nice stuff out there and it’s nice BUT ya got to do it; that’s the bottom line folks.  Soooo throw those chips away, get your butt of the couch and do it! Before I rode on up ahead, I said to Fred who was wearing an old, faded Pioneer Seed Corn jacket—Fred, oil that bike will ya!  He just laughed!  What a hoot!

AverageJoe looks in his clear ball and says—You guys have the mental makeup to be good ones; you guys are good above the neck.  That is what I mainly see but I also see Feisty and fearless Polly who lives her life—I live for me!  Saturday question—How do you manage what has been given to you? ItchieBitchie says—Soooo if you have everything going your way, don’t be soooo cocky; some day you might not have everything going your way (i.e. get knocked off the gravy train); always be humble and appreciative, and kind to others.  DuaneTheWorm (i.e. who is always running ahead of the thrasher--an egotistical braggart) says—I like to just think about myself and glorify myself. LuckieEddie says—DuaneTheWorm is heading to a cu-de-sac. SusieQ says--Today you feel good and tomorrow you don’t. The decision you make today, you wouldn’t make tomorrow. Soooo folks think what you want to do now. 

Perhaps a self-aggrandizing fool! I watched a lot of the Ryder Cup (i.e. a golf tournament for you non golfers).  Rory Mcllroy, my opinion, acted not very poised (i.e. my opinion; he was a little gunky)—some might say he’s showing confidence but I think he showed cockiness/arrogance).  Some might think he was just being a showman to get attention (i.e. if he was, he got it).  It appears that TV likes this action as they show it a lot.  I must be in the minority.  Money and power can change folks; it usually does.  Have you ever done that?  I have been a self-aggrandizing fool already and I didn’t even have money or power! ItchieBitchie says—Sometimes “atalkofsilence” is the best message.  Maybe, just maybe, two folks can do the same action and I accept it by one and not by another.  Maybe one person seems to do it with a different motive (i.e. perceived my me) than another or it’s just my opinion.  Now that could be. Like I said—You might want to put this in the over-head bin. After Rory got behind in his match and after he got beat and at the post-round interviews, he was much more humble (i.e. my opinion--I think he realized that he acted not as would have liked—I have done that already (i.e. have you).  Again, some of you don’t agree with me.  If soooo, just put it in the over-head bin!

Remember when before the football season started, I told you about all the hype the Iowa Hawkeyes got in the Des Moines Register?  They were really going to be great!  Were rated 10th in the nation.  Now after losing a couple of games against some non-rated teams, they are now longer rated.  They don’t look good at all.  I would guess their heads are a lot easier to get through the door.  It hurts sooooo much to be humbled. WorldClassLarry says—It’s a lot better to under promise and over produce than to over promise and under produce.  My Daddy, Chester, said to me—erv, if you are good, you don’t have to tell anyone; they will know.  Huh, interesting. This reminds me once again to believe nothing of what I read and half of what I see!  Ouchy ouchy!

MissPerfect says—I think Crooked Hilary, as Donnie calls her and Faker Donnie, as Hillary calls him are just trying to sneak in under the fence (i.e. it appears that those toooo can’t be humbled). Do folks really believe the mess of lies and historical platitudes, or do they just believe we believe them? LuckyEddie says—I think most of what they say is a drivel A friend emailed me this--Last week I saw a caption that said we should quit telling our kids that they are capable of anything even being president, because look at the mess we are in now because these two both believed it. Ha ha!

It’s October folks; It’s when the baseball season really starts. It’s time for the Cubs to use their secret recipe to win the world series. The secret recipe is “the big inning.”  Even the Bible talks about the secret recipe—it says—in the big inning! ItchieBitchie says--The Cubs need to focus on the task in hand if they want to be world champs. Go Cubbies! So far soooo goood (i.e. 1-0 in the pennant race 'cause of the big inning last night). We will see if Arthur F. Schaafsma, Arlene’s father who was a die heart Cub fan, rolls over in his grave or not! 

I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--For many people in the world, real meanng in life is the next vacation, career success, or stepping up the income ladder. It is a life based on pleasurable experiences. Many a human being has toiled their whole life to gain a pleasurable lifestyle only to find a life that is empty and meaningless. You only have to watch television for one evening to discover that advertisers want us to believe this is the goal of life. The work-to-play theme is consistent with most advertising messages. CrazyMarvin says-- For all of us, the mortality rate is 100 percent. Bubba Watson, a vice-captain of the American Ryder Cup team, who was not chosen as a player, was asked why he did this in his post-round interview—I’m a God fearing person and just want to help others and be a giver. 

I was driving on University Ave in Cedar Falls the other day.  University is under construction and is an inconvenience for many.  I was stopped at a light and there was a car of ahead of me.  The light turned green but that car ahead of me could not got as she would just end up in the intersection as there was no place to go for her.  The car behind of me honked.  Soooo we sat there through the light and then it turned red.  Soooo the light turned green and the same scenario happened.  This time the gal behind me in an old Cadillac honked again, rolled down the window and gave me or the world the finger.  Crazy.  I was happy when she turned at the intersection.  I was scared she was going to ram me! She seemed strange!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it.

P.S. A high school classmate from good old Danube, MN (i.e. the Danube Hawks) sent me a response about why some folks succeed. The bases of what he said is, it’s by God’s grace--An attitude of humility is essential to availing ourselves of God's grace.  A friend told me this story about himself.  He was standing on a street corner in New York city waiting for the light to change to cross the street.  It was about 10:30 at night and the streets were crowded with folks.  Out of nowhere a guy came up to him, shock his hand, and asked him—why are you successful.  He said he just stood there dumbfounded.  Just like that, the guy disappeared.  That was some 20some years ago and he remembers it like it was yesterday. 

October 1, 2016

confused confused confused

If you think I’m trying to get in your head like Bobby Knight working the referees at a basketball game, you are way wrong.  I’m not near that smart; I’m just a little old farm boy from a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN.  But just in case, I would suggest that you don’t let any of your children 4 and under read this “It’s Saturday.” I don’t want to take any changes in confusing them!

Crocked Hillary as Donnie calls her and Faker Donnie as Hillary calls him, confuse me.  CrazyMarvin says—I don’t want to puncture your pride folks but If those two don’t confuse you, you are probably the one confused; I don’t care how loyal you are to your party!  It’s like what I heard a couple of guys talking in the next booth at breakfast the other morning while reading the paper—My brother-in-law is dumb; he’s soooo dumb that he doesn’t even know he’s dumb; Oh my God, he has no clue!  MissPerfect says—I read in a psychology book last week in which the author said--The most mysterious thing in the universe to man is man himself.  We’re blind about the most important thing in our lives, our own selves. AverageJoe says—It is sooooo hard to be objective about our thoughts as we are programed sooooo much by our past (i.e. environmentally and genetically).  Such is life.

A friend text me this week. Her message was—Life is often confusing to me. WorldClassLarry says--No matter how much you think you know about your loved ones and friends, you really don’t know them.  This includes yourself.  We’re all mysteries, top to bottom, beginning to end. Kaboom! That does seem cockeyed but…

ItcheBitche says--We are soooo complicated inside.  There is something in us called the unconscious that we’re completely unaware of.  It practically dominates our lives, and we don’t even know it.  How does the conscious and the unconscious interact?  I don’t have a clue.  It just confuses me; really confuses me.  Saturday question—Where does that unconscious come from?  How powerful is it?

For about two thirds of the world population, this is very confusing—“Whoever believes in Me will have eternal life.“ David stated many times in the Psalms that he was confused but always after stating his confusion said something like—But you are my God and I put all my trust in You. WarrenFromOmaha says—that’s a paraprosdokian.

Some guy bought a fridge for his house. To get rid of his old fridge, he put it in his front yard and hung a sing on it saying: ‘Free to good home. You want it, you take it.’ For three days the fridge sat there without anyone looking twice. He eventually decided that people were too mistrustful of this deal. So he changed the sign to read: ‘Fridge for sale $50.’ The next day someone stole it! 

We spent last weekend in Morison, CO with James, Heather, Erin and Jimmer.  To go to another house for a person who has Alzheimer’s, well, it’s daunting.  I give Arlene credit; she was a trooper. Arlene is confused a lot.  But what she is not confused about is the love of the grand kids.  Two weekends ago, the Waukee grand kids (i.e. Charlie and Rookie) were sooooo loving to her and last week end the Morrison grand kids (i.e. Erin and Jimmer) were sooooo loving to her.  What confuses me is how they love her sooooo unconditionally and they seem to sense that she needs special loving.  Happenstance, na, I don’t think sooooo.  I cannot explain what I do not understand.

A retired executive told me recently—I had two bosses who thought they were above everyone and knew everything (i.e. those two folks weren’t confused in their own mind but were confusing in others’ minds).  I asked him--How did that go? Disastrous! Saturday question—Have you ever been around folks who they thought they knew everything?  How did it go?

We went to watch Erin in her dance class.  I always wondered why they have a wall of mirrors sooooo I asked. To critique themselves I was told.  Self-evaluation is sooooo hard.  I probably think I’m better than what I actually am; I don’t want to look in a mirror!  CadillacJack says—Envy is not sooooo good; if we are constantly comparing, life can be hard.  But it’s good for capitalism; great marketing tool! Oh ya! OneSmartPerson said to me—They want to sell a perception (i.e. maybe a perceived perception).  Life can be confusing folks.  GeorgeTheCrook says--The first step in overcoming a problem is admitting the problem exists. Such is life.

A great experience Arlene and I had recently.  Crazy!  I made a simple comment to our waitress of what Arlene said to me about her and we ended up having a very exciting conversation.  The comment Arlene said to me was—That gal is going to do well in life (i.e. Arlene has always had great observations and feelings of folks—she can figure folks out pretty fast).  ANYWAY this gal is 24.  Raised in San Diego by her grandmother (i.e. her mother was not capable to raise her).  At the age of 13 she moved out on her own, rented a room as her grandmother moved, and went to school and held down a job.  After graduation, she went back to her mom and raised her half-brother for 5 years. Then went to college in New Jersey majoring in physiology and sociology.  This gal is very pretty physically and mentally and very personal.  She wants to have a farm and help kids who are under privileged by using nature.  She and her husband really enjoy nature and do a lot of hiking etc. I asked her why she did sooooo well while maybe the other 99% do not in her situation.  Her grandmother always said she always wanted to help folks sooooo may be part of it is genetic and probably part of it is environmental.  I asked her if she believes in God—I was raised Christian but am now just spiritual.  I am always confused why some do sooooo well in adverse situations and other don’t. 

SeriousComedy!  Ok, remember when I talked about Donnie not really wanting to be president but is just doing this campaign for his ego and for the kicks?  A guy told me recently his thinking—It’s hilarious!  Joke or fact? Comedy or tragedy?  I’m confused alright.  Crocked Hillary as Donnie calls her and Faker Donnie as Hillary calls him are buds.  Donnie invited Hillary to his last wedding at his home in FL.  That is fact. A friend thinks they are in cahoots (i.e. fiction or non-fiction?). For a few million from the Clinton Foundation, Donnie was going to run not with the intent of getting the nomination but to run on a third party ticket.  He would split the Republican vote and for sure get Hillary elected.  If Donnie was serious, why would he say all those stupid things. But the folks just kept buying into him as they are sooooo tired of the current bureaucracy. This election is confusing to me.  A lot of moving parts.  If it wouldn’t be soooo serious, we would all just laugh and laugh.  It’s hilarious.

We stopped it Ogallala, NE.  I talked to Historian Vance a.k.a. the fasted gun in Ogallala.  He was soooo interesting and informative.  Ogallala has a lot of history.  About 268,000 folks past through Ogallala in covered wagons heading west along the Platte River using the Oregon and Mormon Trails. The Great Western Cattle Trail from TX came to Ogallala to the railroad and also to feed some 20,000 Indians on the reservations in northern NE.  Over 3 million cattle and 1 million horses were driven from TX to Ogallala. The Phony Express passed through there. The Transcendental Railroad passed through there.  A lot of interesting western history is there.  I like this stuff. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—A merry heart does good like a medicine. Proverbs 17:21

P.S. Do you know why it’s called Ogallala’s Boot Hill? They were buried with their boots on and the cemetery is on a hill. Historian Vance told me that the great cattle drives (i.e. each about 3,000 head) were driven about 5 to 7 abreast by about 10 cowhands; not a huge massive group of cattle as shown in the movies.  The lead cows would often be brought back to TX as they knew the trail and were good leaders. Huh, interesting.

I’m confused with what they say.  Hillary says—It’s not a lie if I thought I was correct at the time! Donnie says—I don’t know, maybe, who knows! This car sticker I saw on a car on Quenelle Pass (i.e. up’erein’emmountains).  Some of you have been there as the trail head to hike Bierstadt Mt. is there, One of CO’s 14ners (i.e. our daughter, Heather, our niece, Rachel, and I hiked it a few years ago). Remember that rough rocky road? Well it was recently paved.  The aspens were pretty.