October 1, 2016

confused confused confused

If you think I’m trying to get in your head like Bobby Knight working the referees at a basketball game, you are way wrong.  I’m not near that smart; I’m just a little old farm boy from a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN.  But just in case, I would suggest that you don’t let any of your children 4 and under read this “It’s Saturday.” I don’t want to take any changes in confusing them!

Crocked Hillary as Donnie calls her and Faker Donnie as Hillary calls him, confuse me.  CrazyMarvin says—I don’t want to puncture your pride folks but If those two don’t confuse you, you are probably the one confused; I don’t care how loyal you are to your party!  It’s like what I heard a couple of guys talking in the next booth at breakfast the other morning while reading the paper—My brother-in-law is dumb; he’s soooo dumb that he doesn’t even know he’s dumb; Oh my God, he has no clue!  MissPerfect says—I read in a psychology book last week in which the author said--The most mysterious thing in the universe to man is man himself.  We’re blind about the most important thing in our lives, our own selves. AverageJoe says—It is sooooo hard to be objective about our thoughts as we are programed sooooo much by our past (i.e. environmentally and genetically).  Such is life.

A friend text me this week. Her message was—Life is often confusing to me. WorldClassLarry says--No matter how much you think you know about your loved ones and friends, you really don’t know them.  This includes yourself.  We’re all mysteries, top to bottom, beginning to end. Kaboom! That does seem cockeyed but…

ItcheBitche says--We are soooo complicated inside.  There is something in us called the unconscious that we’re completely unaware of.  It practically dominates our lives, and we don’t even know it.  How does the conscious and the unconscious interact?  I don’t have a clue.  It just confuses me; really confuses me.  Saturday question—Where does that unconscious come from?  How powerful is it?

For about two thirds of the world population, this is very confusing—“Whoever believes in Me will have eternal life.“ David stated many times in the Psalms that he was confused but always after stating his confusion said something like—But you are my God and I put all my trust in You. WarrenFromOmaha says—that’s a paraprosdokian.

Some guy bought a fridge for his house. To get rid of his old fridge, he put it in his front yard and hung a sing on it saying: ‘Free to good home. You want it, you take it.’ For three days the fridge sat there without anyone looking twice. He eventually decided that people were too mistrustful of this deal. So he changed the sign to read: ‘Fridge for sale $50.’ The next day someone stole it! 

We spent last weekend in Morison, CO with James, Heather, Erin and Jimmer.  To go to another house for a person who has Alzheimer’s, well, it’s daunting.  I give Arlene credit; she was a trooper. Arlene is confused a lot.  But what she is not confused about is the love of the grand kids.  Two weekends ago, the Waukee grand kids (i.e. Charlie and Rookie) were sooooo loving to her and last week end the Morrison grand kids (i.e. Erin and Jimmer) were sooooo loving to her.  What confuses me is how they love her sooooo unconditionally and they seem to sense that she needs special loving.  Happenstance, na, I don’t think sooooo.  I cannot explain what I do not understand.

A retired executive told me recently—I had two bosses who thought they were above everyone and knew everything (i.e. those two folks weren’t confused in their own mind but were confusing in others’ minds).  I asked him--How did that go? Disastrous! Saturday question—Have you ever been around folks who they thought they knew everything?  How did it go?

We went to watch Erin in her dance class.  I always wondered why they have a wall of mirrors sooooo I asked. To critique themselves I was told.  Self-evaluation is sooooo hard.  I probably think I’m better than what I actually am; I don’t want to look in a mirror!  CadillacJack says—Envy is not sooooo good; if we are constantly comparing, life can be hard.  But it’s good for capitalism; great marketing tool! Oh ya! OneSmartPerson said to me—They want to sell a perception (i.e. maybe a perceived perception).  Life can be confusing folks.  GeorgeTheCrook says--The first step in overcoming a problem is admitting the problem exists. Such is life.

A great experience Arlene and I had recently.  Crazy!  I made a simple comment to our waitress of what Arlene said to me about her and we ended up having a very exciting conversation.  The comment Arlene said to me was—That gal is going to do well in life (i.e. Arlene has always had great observations and feelings of folks—she can figure folks out pretty fast).  ANYWAY this gal is 24.  Raised in San Diego by her grandmother (i.e. her mother was not capable to raise her).  At the age of 13 she moved out on her own, rented a room as her grandmother moved, and went to school and held down a job.  After graduation, she went back to her mom and raised her half-brother for 5 years. Then went to college in New Jersey majoring in physiology and sociology.  This gal is very pretty physically and mentally and very personal.  She wants to have a farm and help kids who are under privileged by using nature.  She and her husband really enjoy nature and do a lot of hiking etc. I asked her why she did sooooo well while maybe the other 99% do not in her situation.  Her grandmother always said she always wanted to help folks sooooo may be part of it is genetic and probably part of it is environmental.  I asked her if she believes in God—I was raised Christian but am now just spiritual.  I am always confused why some do sooooo well in adverse situations and other don’t. 

SeriousComedy!  Ok, remember when I talked about Donnie not really wanting to be president but is just doing this campaign for his ego and for the kicks?  A guy told me recently his thinking—It’s hilarious!  Joke or fact? Comedy or tragedy?  I’m confused alright.  Crocked Hillary as Donnie calls her and Faker Donnie as Hillary calls him are buds.  Donnie invited Hillary to his last wedding at his home in FL.  That is fact. A friend thinks they are in cahoots (i.e. fiction or non-fiction?). For a few million from the Clinton Foundation, Donnie was going to run not with the intent of getting the nomination but to run on a third party ticket.  He would split the Republican vote and for sure get Hillary elected.  If Donnie was serious, why would he say all those stupid things. But the folks just kept buying into him as they are sooooo tired of the current bureaucracy. This election is confusing to me.  A lot of moving parts.  If it wouldn’t be soooo serious, we would all just laugh and laugh.  It’s hilarious.

We stopped it Ogallala, NE.  I talked to Historian Vance a.k.a. the fasted gun in Ogallala.  He was soooo interesting and informative.  Ogallala has a lot of history.  About 268,000 folks past through Ogallala in covered wagons heading west along the Platte River using the Oregon and Mormon Trails. The Great Western Cattle Trail from TX came to Ogallala to the railroad and also to feed some 20,000 Indians on the reservations in northern NE.  Over 3 million cattle and 1 million horses were driven from TX to Ogallala. The Phony Express passed through there. The Transcendental Railroad passed through there.  A lot of interesting western history is there.  I like this stuff. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—A merry heart does good like a medicine. Proverbs 17:21

P.S. Do you know why it’s called Ogallala’s Boot Hill? They were buried with their boots on and the cemetery is on a hill. Historian Vance told me that the great cattle drives (i.e. each about 3,000 head) were driven about 5 to 7 abreast by about 10 cowhands; not a huge massive group of cattle as shown in the movies.  The lead cows would often be brought back to TX as they knew the trail and were good leaders. Huh, interesting.

I’m confused with what they say.  Hillary says—It’s not a lie if I thought I was correct at the time! Donnie says—I don’t know, maybe, who knows! This car sticker I saw on a car on Quenelle Pass (i.e. up’erein’emmountains).  Some of you have been there as the trail head to hike Bierstadt Mt. is there, One of CO’s 14ners (i.e. our daughter, Heather, our niece, Rachel, and I hiked it a few years ago). Remember that rough rocky road? Well it was recently paved.  The aspens were pretty.  

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