January 21, 2017


I’m not going to snip off your fingers to get your attention like the mafia does but I bet that would really work.  Why do you even read what I write? I’m not a high-profile person but just a little old boy from a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN.

A friend asked me recently—Do you think a certain group of folks think they are a little uppity up?  I responded—Maybe.  Soooo, if you maybe think they act that way and I think maybe they act that way—just maybe others maybe might think that way toooo.  Just maybe.  BUT just maybe those uppity folks struggle with their image tooo. Just maybe.  And maybe not! And maybe they are just uppity up folks or just think they are. ItchieBitchie says—And maybe those uppity up folks won’t pay much attention to others who aren’t in their elite uppity up group (i.e. they like it that way—it’s part of their culture). I would guess maybe that could be a possibility. SusieQ says—If you are a Christian, that maybe might be an internal conflict and maybe not. 

I gave blood this week with the Red Cross (i.e. I’m a big believer in giving blood (i.e. it really makes me feel good).  ANYWAY, the gal who processed me and drew my blood was 28 and an immigrant from Croatia (i.e. a very nice gal—I told her that). She came to America with her parents at the age of 18, sponsored by Catholic Charities (i.e. couldn’t speak a word of English).  Her city was pretty much destroyed.  I asked her if she was scared for her life—yes I was; it was very scary for 4 years of war—how did you get food to eat—we ate packaged food from charitable organizations like the Red Cross; we lived on very little; when I came to the United States, I never seen obese folks before; it was shocking; Americans don’t appreciate their freedom; I see the bad guys come from other countries to the United Sates and cause terrorism; It scares me; I say—God, don’t let me go through this again—Are you bitter—no, not anymore; it took me about 4 years go get over it—You seem to be a positive person—I am and very happy.  Soooo there you go folks.  Try to digest that! Most of us have no idea. Really! We are pretty cocky maybe.  Such is life. 

Arlene recently wanted to go with me to a hs basketball game and to church. She hasn’t done this in maybe 4 years.  Why the change? I have no idea.  Crazy!  ANYWAY, it was sooooo interesting how folks responded to her/us.  Some folks are sooo outwardly compassionate and other don’t seem to be.  Probably many don’t know how to react sooooo they ignore us all to gather (i.e. they cast their own color of sunshine).  That is equally crazy.  SUGGESTION for what it is worth--Just hold someone’s hand or hug them and tell them you care about them (i.e. or just say hi). That is all you need to do.  Pretty simple but very touching to the  person who has a problem or is in a tough situation.  Crazy but it means a lot to the person.  I’m just being very real here folks.  TomTerrific says--Show some largeheartedness to someone; don’t be uppity up! 

Saturday question--Would you put more faith in the sales pitch of a pillow salesperson from MN or in the testimony of a satisfied customer?  It use to be folks would say—Show me a picture and I will believe.  Well folks, pictures are sooo easy to alter (i.e. anybody can do it with a simple app).  You can make anyone look good.  Soooooo you never know what is real and what isn’t (i.e. fake pictures).  Sooo even a picture isn’t a true testimony anymore.  Such is life.

Her testimony to me was funny.  I was putting on my street shoes to leave pickleball and a gal was doing the same.  She told me she is taking some heart medication to control her heart rhythm but it makes her tired. She said—it’s caused by stress—what stress do you have—I worry about everything; always have; it’s genic—settle down lady; can you sleep at night—now I can; doctor just gave me a low dosage of Prozac; it took care of my hot flashes and my worrying; I use to be a very anal person with the cleaning of my house; now I don’t give a damn! She just made me lol (i.e. soooo real).

Talk about sleeping.  A golf buddy/friend (i.e. a very real person) told me that he has a hard time sleeping.  He can go to bed and fall asleep real fast but wakes up maybe at 3 or 4 and can’t go back to sleep.  He said his wife bought him a vibrator for Christmas.  Now he said—I sleep like a baby; I wake up every two hours and cry!

I made an acquaintance recently (i.e. sorta kinda just fell in my lap).  ANYWAY, I like this guy. He really intrigues me. He is a genus (i.e. my opinion).  He amazes me.  He is unique.  He told me he sleeps about 2 hours a night if he sleeps at all.  His mother told him that he didn’t hardly sleep as a baby.  She had to make an adjustment in her life—she learned not to sleep very much either.  He can go days without sleeping.  One time he went 19 days without sleeping.  I guess a guy can get a lot done in a day if you don’t sleep.  Yabut, I like to sleep.  Yes I do. I was speaking to a senior women’s group years ago and they asked me what I like to do—I said I like to sleep (i.e. I said it sorta kinda jokingly).  They didn’t understand me.  They all looked like they were deer in the headlights.  Crazy.  They did make me smile.  

Why is it when a movie star shows some skin or a football player scores a couple of touchdowns or a person becomes RichieRich a.k.a. game changer type of money, that they seem to know everything about everything (i.e. at least in appears many folks buy into them).  That just blows my mind.  Deb/Kate recommended I read the book A Man Called Ove (i.e. when they talk, I listen).  Soooo I read it.  I liked it.  A good read.  You probably don’t take much credence in what I say.  I understand.  BUT it is the international best seller and also on the NY Best Sellers List and also they made a movie from the book. Now that testimony you pay more attention toooooo, don’tja (i.e. it carries more weight).  Such is life.

AverageJoe says—Folks are their greatest testimony; folks are what they are because of what they do. Not what they say.  There are a lot of fraudsters; when they take their makeup off and they aren’t very pretty.  Ouchy ouchy! AverageJoe, I like real folks with good hearts (i.e. not the DuaneTheWorms who are real show boats a.k.a. phonies, real self-glorifiers).  Saturday question—Can you admit when you are wrong?  It takes a real person to do that (i.e. many cannot).  MissPerfect only admitted she was wrong once in her life.  It was when she agreed with her husband, ScrewyLouie, about something that later turned out to be incorrect. She only said it was a lie, a damned lie.  She admitted that he was wrong, not that she was! 

When WorldClassLarry talks, folks all pay attention (i.e. folks believe him and he is taken serious).  BUT when NoFaithnTheGuy talks, no one pays any attention (i.e. inept—mucks everything up). Does it have anything to do with past experiences with both those guys? Folks, there are reasons. Just like there are reasons why the Big Ten record was 3-6 in the bowls (i.e. and Iowa lost their last 5 bowels they were in). Ouchy ouchy!  The 3-6 is a factional testimony folks.  GeorgeTheCrook says—It is almost impossible to turn around the mentality folks have about NoFaithInTheGuy; at least with the current folks he is around (i.e. maybe needs a new start with a new bunch of folks).  What do you think? Here is what I think—They will keep inviting teams from the Big Ten to the bowl games (i.e. including IA)—they like the money of the fans—It’s all about the money folks—don’t kid yourself!  

Tap tap tap!  LuckieEddie says--Have you ever seemed like you have been tapped on the shoulder by the supernatural (i.e. maybe like Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader or…?  Maybe it would be good to share that experience and what the message was with someone else. Maybe just maybe they have experienced the same encouragement.  Now wouldn’t that be an experience.  If not, it would be a great conversation starter.  JoeBlow says—If you want to have meaningful relationships, you got to share a little or a lot of yourself (i.e. take a little risk).  GeorgeTheCrook says—Yabut ya got to be a little open minded; don’t always think you are right; probably none of you think you are always right, right? And maybe not. LuckieEddie says—You have to have a very trusting/understanding friend to share your inners!

Maybe some folks might think your experience is absurd.  Why would they even listen to you about your experience?  They might think you ate some bad baloney!  But your personal experience cannot be argued (i.e. your testimony).  It is your experience. A lot of folks don’t want to share such things as they think folks will think they are whacko (i.e. from Mars). And some maybe are!  A golf buddy once told me that his wife divorced him because God told her to do it.  I think she had toooo much hot sauce on her taco! Our tour guide, when we were in Israel, told us that every year one or more guys claim they are Jesus a.k.a. fake thinking. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.

P.S. While FaceTiming with our grandkids recently—Jimmer (i.e. age 5) came running into the picture and said—grandpa, I just found this car; I haven’t seen it in 65 years! He made me laugh. 

I stopped at my old office the other day.  I talked to the two gals that were our support staff (i.e. still are).  They are the nicest gals with very good hearts (i.e. my kind of gals).  And they are smart!  Now that is a good combination folks.  Oh ya.  I always told them they could make me look like a king or a shit—they always made me look like a king (i.e. but it was a challenge)!  ANYWAY they told me to “embrace the day.” Yes, they are special gals.  

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