February 25, 2017


We are on our way to CO to see Heather, James, Erin and Jimmer. Right now we are in York, NE (i.e. stayed last night--just missed being in a 15 car/truck pile up; terrilbe roads). Then on to AZ.  An opportunity for us! Uh-huh! You guys like opportunities?  Well, at the end of this “It’s Saturday” there will be an opportunity for you. Uh-huh!

A guy said to me the other day—erv, it seems like you are becoming more laid back!  I try to be but my old self pokes it’s head out sometimes.  I try to feel loose; just try to be free flowing.  I don’t want to miss the big picture and dwell on the little stuff which is of soooooo little importance (i.e. a friend calls it first world problems). Listen folks, I can’t change folks who have been radically affected by their environment to a point that humanly they are almost impossible to change; soooo I don’t try—you can’t win a pissing match with a skunk; it’s a waste of time to try.  I don’t want to waste all that energy (i.e. muddies my life) with radicalized folks who seek to demonize me even though there is hard evidence (i.e. whatever that is) or convincing logic to the contrary. GeorgeTheCrook says--You don’t have a talk with radicalized folks; they talk and you listen!  BUT I pray to God, in some cases, that God would sic the Holy Spirit on some folks (e.g. that they accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior).  The Holy Spirit (i.e. same as God) is Godly  and all powerful.  The Holy Spirit can change folks (i.e. in some cases even when they don’t want to be changed). Read about Paul who previously was Saul (i.e. even changed his name).  Uh-huh. FastFredie (i.e. who looks like a Chicago pizza) says--When things like that happen, a person finds themselves at a loss of words!

Oh my goodness!  We are going to do something that we enjoy (i.e. being around family).  Erin saved her Valentine money and Jimmer bought a Tie fighter with his. I haven’t talked about money for a long time.  Usually it gets me in trouble ‘cause we all manage our money differently and most think their way is the best (i.e. savers, spenders, and moderates).  Saturday question—How did you learn to manage your money?  A friend told us ping pong guys that he has a cousin who is a pool hustler.  He would go to the bar on the day the John Deere workers got paid.  He played so so until maybe a $1,000 was bet and then he could really play.  I guess he had to run out the back door really fast a few times!  A golf buddy/friend told us on the course last summer that when he was in the service, many guys would get paid and spend their money on booze and gambling (i.e. lose it many times in one day).  He would stay back and polish boots of his buddies, of course for a handsome fee.  He made money; he was a regular entrepreneur already back then.  Here is another story about the little old farm boy from IA, that he told us on hole #6 (i.e. in his own words—right from the horse’s mouth) -- I was in mortar  platoon with base camp on side hill in trees. .Captain drove out to check camp . ..his driver couldn't back jeep with trailer out of trees.and was afraid he was going to tip it over. ..Captain wanted to know if anyone could back it out...I was only one that raised their hand. ..I backed it out and he told me to stay in the seat. ..after that I was his driver for 3 years. ..not sure what happened to his original driver...not embellished just lucky to have a jeep under me for three years – and as they say, the rest is history!

After USC lost 51-0 to Notre Dame, his post-game message to his team was, "All those who need showers, take them." -  John McKay / USC  ~  In basketball, players create space for their shots; they drive, stop, back step and then shot.  It works folks.  No question.  In life, many folks create space for their shot? Folks, I must admit, much of the good stuff that has happened to me, just fell in my lap; I have no idea why.  BUT rumor has it, it helps being around good folks (i.e. you guys).  Uh-huh!

LuckieEddie says--Entrepreneurs are the only people who will work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week. RichieRich says--I tried to talk my friends into starting a business, but I soon learned it’s mostly a waste of breath. Not because my advice wasn’t good, but simply because those people just aren’t cut out for this life. And there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, it’s perfectly normal.  Missperfect says--I was an overnight success all right, but 30 years is a long, long night. Warren Buffet says--Investing is simple, but it’s not easy.' And it’s true. You can put all your money in index funds. That’s simple. Then you have to do nothing. That’s hard.

SOMETHINGNEWFOLKS—Great opportunity for me and maybe you.  I realize that many of you folks don’t like something new.  You are the same folks who said you would not ever have a computer, an email account, a Facebook account, a credit card, direct deposit of your check, electric windows on your car, a smart phone, a Garmin, use iTunes, a DVD player, use Bluetooth, buy something on line or stream a basketball game of your grand kid.  Soooooo it is just one more thing you can do.  I hope this opportunity is fun.  I hope you try it and learn something new.  You can do it.  Yes you can.  You are much more capable than you think you are.  Besides, it’s good for the mind to learn something new.  Uh-huh!

This opportunity sorta kinda just fell into my lap.  It started with this article in the paper.  A new acquaintance (i.e. an employee of this company) who is a genus suggested it to me and challenged me and helped me.  I thought through it and want to try it.  It has been a challenge, a learning experience and an exciting opportunity for me.  Yes, I have learned a lot and am still learning.  I have enjoyed it.  Uh-huh!

OK, HERE It IS!  I am going to podcast.  I will be having conversations with different folks who I call "unique successful people." At this time I don’t know how often I will do it. I will see how it goes.  It will be in my blog when I do a new podcast. I’m sorta kinda feeling my way with this. I have “testedthemarket” sorta kinda by asking a very few of you your opinion.  You have encouraged me to go forward.  There appears to be nutten to lose! 

If you just want to listen to my podcast, just click on the link.  You can also download it to your smart phone (i.e. listen to it using the Bluetooth in your car or while walking etc.).  Some of you will have to learn how to do this (i.e. it’s a new opportunity). You older folks, ask your grandkids!! ha ha. 

Thanksamillion for giving it a try. If you enjoyed listening and feel that others would get something out of the conversation, please share it on any of the social media platforms you like to use. And if you could give the podcast a positive review or rating on iTunes or elsewhere that may help others find us as well.

Sometimes things don’t work out as you have planned or hoped for.  Soooooo we will see how this podcasting goes.  As a friend told me recently—I don’t know if I made a good decision or not; time will tell (i.e. very few if any decisions are a safe bet). I am interested in your responses.  I’m open for suggestions and comments.

My friend told me this story of things not working out as planned.  Maybe you can relate to it.
Expectations were high for the 2016-17 basketball season. You might say, they thought they had it all figured out.  In the previous season the team had played several underclassmen.  With a year of experience under their belt they would be much better this year. In addition, they had a transfer coming in as a sophomore.  They only graduated two seniors and the junior class was one of their best collective recruited classes. Unfortunately, the unexpected happened multiple times and derailed the season.  Two of the freshman decided not to return for their sophomore seasons and the transfer that was coming in was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease that would prevent him from playing.  The 2016-17 junior class had an all conference post player that scored his 1000th point in the last game before Christmas break and over break got in some trouble that got him kicked out of school.  Another junior suffered a career ending knee injury just after Christmas break. He to was a 1000 point scorer. The senior class was down to just two and only one of them played meaningful minutes. A two year starter had hip problems at the at the end of his junior season that required surgery in the off-season. He decided not to play his senior year. They thought they had it all figured out and instead they spent the entire season trying to figure it out.  

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--You only live once--but if you work it right once is enough.

P.S “Those with a greater purpose are more successful than those who want a better car.” - Robert Herjavec, Shark Tank

February 18, 2017

isn't that right

This is pretty much a meat and potatoes “It’s Saturday.” ItchieBitchie (i.e. who is either from Omaha or Saginaw) says—There is soooo much stuff out there floating around that’s just rumor (i.e. fake information).  How do you find out what is actually correct? It seems like everyone is swinging for the fences! Oh, it’s happening sweetheart!

IckieVickie (i.e. who is practically magical) says—No matter how great you think you are, many don’t really care!  Ouchy ouchy! Yabut, IckieVickie, it’s how you feel internally about what you do or did that really makes a person feel good; it’s suppose tooooo anyway!  It appears the great folks are willing to give to others without a motive to get anything in return.  It appears that it is simply an act of serving others.  Jesus said—We must consider others more important than ourselves. Wow! Jesus, that’s hard to do man! GeorgeTheCrook says—Here is something that if done sincerely and not for self-glorification can be very rewarding—Ask folks how can I help them? But if we do it for show and praise, we are missing it folks.  LuckieEddie says--The character of the worldly gods, that folks make, reflect the character of those who make them. TomTerrific says—Now, isn’t that right?

An ornery, opinionated, crotchety old Dutchman once said--Things change folks!  I think soooooo folks. We were invited to a dinner party with some long-time friends (i.e. just plain good folks).  ANYWAY, one couple who have a lake home up-north MN told us that there are way less water skiers than there used to be; more just tube.  Also, watching the Phoenix Open, the announces said there are a lot less golfers than there used to be; it takes toooo long and costs toooo much.  Also, I read in the paper soooo it must be right—There seems to be a culture shift with the younger generation coming of age.  They don’t watch as much NFL which is a 3 hour+ game that is interrupted 25 times with a combined 41 minutes of commercials (i.e. would maybe rather watch countless on demand commercial-free shows on Netfilx).  Also, medical advances are really something; they have changed alright (e.g. The Ebers Papyrus is one of the oldest medical books in the world, dating from about 1500 B.C.. To cure baldness the physicians of Egypt applied a mixture of six fats, from the horse, the hippopotamus, the crocodile, the cat, the goat, and the snake). For thousands of years, people believed something held the earth up. Hindus believed huge elephants did it. The Greeks believed Atlas did it. The Egyptians believed five columns held the earth up. Things change folks.  That’s nutten new.  Isn’t that right!

One of the qualities of Abraham Lincoln (i.e. I’m a big fan of old Abe) that most deeply impressed his contemporaries was his tenderheartedness. One of Lincoln’s associates said of him, “No man clothed with such vast power ever wielded it more tenderly and forbearingly.” That is quite a testimony folks. That description fits someone else I can think of even better than Abraham Lincoln, doesn’t it (i.e. my opinion)?  CadillacJack (i.e. a fan favorite) says—The spirit of “giving it away keeps it.” Maybe that attitude just creates “another day in the park!”

I read while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it—What causes conflicts with each other is when folks want something but don’t get it. Ouchy ouchy! I also read this--Jesus didn’t have a problem with “sinners.” The only people Jesus had problems with were those who believed they weren’t sinners! Oooooh! MissPerfect asks--Have you ever malfunctioned?

I have a friend who suffers from severe depression.  It’s a very difficult disease to handle. I talked to him and he says he has no hope.  My Friend, try to have hope (i.e. there is no medicine like hope, no incentive sooo great, no tonic sooo powerful as the expectation of something better tomorrow).  Arlene’s Alzheimer’s disease doesn’t give her much hope in getting better.  We talk about how some day she will be in heaven and everything will be perfect.  We are Christians and this is what we believe.  If you don’t believe in God and don’t believe in heaven, well, then what is your hope? The black slaves of early America had no hope to get out of their situation soooo their only hope was life after death.  When he was playing for the Florida Gators, Tim Tebow decided to write Bible verses on his eye blacks, and one Saturday he chose John 3:16. It was a televised game, and Tebow later learned 94 million people googled “John 3:16” during the game. How do 94 million people not know John 3:16?

WorldClassLarry says--The mind is really something that is hard to understand. I read in the paper that some folks seem to be more mentally tough than others.  It seems that way but I don’t know folks.  What do you think?  I read in the paper that Tom Brady when asked what makes his team special?  His answer—mental toughness.  Soooo how do you become mentally tough?  The paper said—Consistency and preparation—Determination (i.e. Henry Ford said—Some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined tooooo)—prepare for adversity; sometimes you have to perform at your best when you’re feeling your worst)—You have heard the old saying:  ”When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”  Believe it. CadillacJack says—To sum it up, a person’s attitude seems to have to have a lot to do with mental toughness.  Isn’t that right? What do you think? Is that mental toughness stealth?

LoggerheadBill says—I don’t make mistakes but just get misinformation (i.e. really folks, it’s not the case but he just thinks that).  LoggerheadBill is getting older but is still a kid in his mind  The question is, will he ever grow up?  C’mon on man, you are 50 years old.  Like the old cliché says—As I get older, I become less smart and my parents get smarter! JoeBlow says—As I get older, I’m just not sure about a lot of stuff.  I’m just not sure anymore (i.e. I seem to be confused).  Some of my old thinking leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Isn’t that right.   

I tell you what folk; you deserve a break. BUT it seems like we always don’t get the break we want. JoeBlow says--The ball doesn't seem to bounce the same for everyone. That can maybe ‘cause we have a wrangle.  Soooo we need to improvise (i.e. roll with the punch).  I think I’m pretty easy to please but probably am not as easy as I think (i.e. I think I made a great observation of myself). A friend called me the other day and we talked about helping others.  He said that their small group at church talk a lot about helping others.  He said at the group—We seem to talk a lot about it but we don’t do much!  Ouchy ouchy! My mentor would say to me—erv, it’s never as good as it looks and never as bad as it looks.  Maybe, just maybe, we aren’t as good as we think we are and maybe not as bad as we think we are.  I think sooooo folks but I don’t know what’s right; I’m just a little old farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN.  Burton, a ISU basketball player said this in the paper soooo it must be right—Headline—ISU’s Burton: Words must be replaced with action.  LuckieEddie says—Words are cheap but it takes money to buy whiskey! Or as Benjamin Franklin said--Well done is better than well said. Isn’t that right! BigBeefJoe says--Treat the most important, like it’s the most important. Treat the rest, like it’s just the rest. Isn’t that right!

KathyNewspaper doesn’t always tell it like it is but tells it how she likes it or how she wants it to be (i.e. she slants it from her mentality). KathyNewspaper could not have been a prophet years ago.  No no, no way.  During Bible times, nobody wanted to be a prophet. The law in Israel was that a prophet of God had to be correct 100 percent of the time. If you were wrong just once, then you were considered a false prophet and would have been put to death. A prophet better be right! I don’t think KathyNewspaper would have lived to a very old age!  Ouchy ouchy!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—The difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is the way a man uses them.

P.S. From the mouth of babes—We were visiting Chet, Jessica, Charlie and Rookie last weekend.  Chet told me that during the week, just out of the blue one evening, Charlie, our 7 year old granddaughter, asks him—Dad, have they found a cure for Alzheimer’s—no, they haven’t but are trying real hard—I hope they do soon soooo grandma can get better.  Touching!I

February 11, 2017


If any of you folks hyper ventilate easy, be careful reading this “It’s Saturday.” AverageJoe says—Have you ever noticed that some folks get all bent out of shape sooooo easily and get all worked up (i.e. fly off the handle).  Folks are all made different and some are more vulnerable to brain washing (i.e. they sorta kinda tend to believe everything they hear or believe what they want to hear or interpret stuff with their spin--can’t seem to evaluate stuff with an open mind).  MissPerfect says—Maybe we are all this way to some degree but some folks are easier manipulated.  You think sooooo?

We maybe are all different. What do you think?  A very nice gal wanted to give us dinner recently.  She asked if we want chili or oysters.  Arlene wanted chili and I wanted oysters.  Our food tastes are many times different.  There are folks who are very fussy what they like and others are not.  Sooooo that is why some folks like some “It’s Saturdays” better than others.  That is pretty normal I think.  That is just like some folks like certain books and others don’t; some read and others don’t.  Such is life. 

WorldClassLarry says--Folks who think they are great but can’t produce, are replaced with folks who can produce (i.e. the prove is in the pudding folks).  There are gamers and there are non-gamers (i.e. the gamers can turn on the after burners and just win; non-gamers can’t do that).  I haven’t watched much pro-football this year (i.e. but did watch the Super Bowl—Brady is a gamer folks); I don’t know why but just don’t have as much interest.  Maybe for a lot of reasons.  ANYWAY if you don’t produce in the pro world, you don’t play; don’t get your contract renewed no matter how great those players think they are.  BUT in many non-profit organizations or in businesses where there is a strong union or in government, non-producers can just coast with the system (i.e. my opinion).  GeorgeTheCrook says—Good happens to bad folks and bad things happen to good folks; don’t kid yourself.  Such is life.

Saturday question—When folks leave your physical connection (i.e. or by communication of some kind), do they feel better, worse or about the same? CrazyMarvin says—I really don’t care how they feel; I’m the king of the hill! It appears many folks have perceived themselves as Supermans and Superwomans since the time Adam and Eve were picking fruit!

Got this from my big sister (i.e. big only in age).  She said--I received a thank-you from Charlotte (i.e. our cousin form our Moms’ side--Dykema) this week.  She shared how their family is coping with the death of their daughter. They had a "celebration" at their lake home in N. MN at Christmas. Said they found comfort in each other. She sent this quote from our late Aunt Jo (i.e. Charlotte’s mom).  (I refer to Aunt Jo as a saint.)  Mother would often say, "Life's trials either make us better or bitter and we do not want to be bitter." I can see Aunt Jo saying that with a smile on her face.  I remember her as a nice lady.  

Here is something that really works (i.e. you might want to try it). Arlene’s comprehension is getting quite poor.  She seems to know it. When folks talk to her, she just say “ya.”  Or sometimes she really makes it colorful; she laughs and then says “ya.” It appears that many times she has no idea what the other person is saying.  I have to admit; that’s quite imaginative and innovative (i.e. she still is always soooo sweet and kind).  Amazing that she can figure that out.  Just amazing.  “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”  ~ Abraham Lincoln 

One Iowa basketball player coasts (i.e. my opinion); he appears he thinks he is really good soooo he doesn’t  have to play hard (i.e. especially on defense); maybe he read toooooo much pre-season press.  CadillacJack says—If you really want to get in someone’s head, just tell them how great they are.  That will do it.  If you watch really great folks, they always work hard and continue to be great (i.e. it’s really hard to be great for a long period of time—the great ones can do that).  My Daddy, Chester, told me—The best folks to be around are the ones who are great but don’t know it; the folks not much fun to be around are the ones who really think they are great, but aren’t.  That is what he always told me. 

I’m not soooo great when I coast (i.e. don’t finish but coast—don’t stay focused).  I make foolish mistakes, usually when I am almost done doing Sudoku).  The reason is I think is that I get cocky and coast and don’t stay focused (i.e. it’s the truth folks).  Maybe Atlanta did that; what do you think?  King Solomon is known as a half-hearted guy; he was the maybe the wisest man the first part of his life and very foolish the second part of his life. How can anyone do that.  WorldClassLarry says—It ain’t hard folks. Ouchy ouchy! 

AverageJoe says--Great!  Just Great!!!!!  How can that be? Crazy! I’m not treated right. Another kick in the teeth!  I read while eating my oatmeal that it rains on the just and the unjust. That’s just the way it is.  The only thing that is fair is the Butler County Fair and that is in June.  Sooooo don’t be surprised when it doesn’t seem fair.  Just accept it. Move on; let’s get going cupcake! Such is life. 

My friend Hagen from MN called me from his deck in Palm Springs this week.  He told me that his knees are shot, has a bad hip, a pulled groin muscle that won’t heal, his shoulder is a mess; can’t lift it above his neck, and doesn’t know what is going on with his heart; has to go to the doc again in April.  But he’s great folks; don’t kid yourself. Soooo you play golf—oh ya, about 4 rounds a week; usually shoot in low 80s; one round in the 70s; yesterday I shot 88 (i.e. this is on a rather difficult, pretty course with water on 15 of the 18 holes).  Soooo we hang up and I text him—Are you sure you are counting all your shots!  ha ha  His response—I’m sure I think!!!  

Do you think life would be really great if God gave you everything you wanted?  Life would be crazy.  Can you even imagine how it would be? WorldClassLarry says—If everyone got everything they wanted, I think we would all be a mess (i.e. everything would not be great).  Whaaaaaat do you think?  SusieQ says—I know folks who if were given everything they wanted, they still wouldn’t be happy. Crazy.

NewspaperKathy asks--Who is great? Has the qualities of great changed? Do you think you and I think the same as to which folks are great? What is the world’s idea of a great person? I read in the paper sooooo it must be right that different folks think different things about what is great; 34% of singles have had sex before a first date. What? ! Is that great?  I don’t think sooooo folks. Toooo me that is just crazy. Great, I don’t think soooo folks.  

3 2 1 lift off! ItchieBitchie says—It’s really a great feeling when you get life “a little figured out.”  I mean, you find contentment in your life and don’t live it to please others.  A great feeling folks.  You become very comfortable in what you believe; you don’t always worry about what others think or say.  You have confidence in your believes and who you are.  You live a life of what is important to you and you are happy with that. Bingo. 

TomTerrific says--Death is a great equalizer (i.e. money, power, fame, education, position etc has no bearing).  From dust we came from and to dust we will return. We are all the same.  BUT many fell that life after death is going to be way different for different folks. We have a soul and that soul goes somewhere.  What do you think?  If you believe that there is life after death, how long is eternity?  Holy smokers! That could be a long time. 

I was just thinking about a person who had a great opportunity and just blew it.  He probably will never have the opportunity again.  He (i.e. my opinion) didn’t have the ability to capitalize on it.  And what probably is really crazy, he didn’t even realize it. Soooo does it really make any difference! Crazy! Such is life. ItchieBitchie says--Maybe just maybe, that is the difference between average and great.  What do you think? LuckieEddie says--It's pretty easy to be average; even easier to be below average!  Ouchy ouchy! Such is life. 

Have a FUN time my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—God’s gift is never bought, hidden, wrapped, exchanged, but stored in your heart.

P.S. "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy."  ~  Garth Brooks

JoeBlow says--There is a huge massive difference between being good and great!

February 4, 2017


OneSmartGirl told me that pie is like music; they are both universal languages.  This “It’s Saturday” is not pie or music sooooo….. Listen folks, don’t kid yourself, that onesmartgirl can flat out play!  Yes she can! 

JoeBlow says--Perception is reality for many people, regardless of the truth. Ouchy ouchy! Saturday question—What is the crucible in your life?  GeorgeTheCrook says—Some folks seem to handle problems different than others.  My Daddy, Chester, would say to me—erv, everyone has problems, some just handle them differently.  Sooooo is that attitude genic or because of past experiences?  I have friends who struggle with cloudy days; they become sorta kinda depressed.  They seem to not be able to control this anxiety.  They don’t like their position but it’s realty folks.  Can any of you relate to that?

A friend has said for years--I don't get stressed but give stress.  He just had a heart attack and had two stints put in.  Maybe his statement was perception and not reality. ha ha Just maybe.  His cardiologist (i.e. probably onesmartguy told him to eat eggs and bacon for breakfast, marbled meat, 80% lean hamburger, vegetables that grow above the ground except for sweet potatoes, butter, berries, and no margarine, no tropical fruits, no sugar, no artificial sweeteners, etc.  He should live to 100 if he can keep that position + lowering his stress which he thinks he doesn't have!  

I follow the Chicago Bulls some.  A couple of their stars made some strong comments recently (i.e. positioned themselves) which caused havoc with the team and the organization. I asked a “onesmartguy” who follows NBA some what he thought about this.  He said—“Never ceases to amaze me how much the ego of the professional athlete tends to detach them from reality. They are acting like children in my opinion.” Oh that ego.  SusieQ says--A big ego can put a person’s life on skates!

ItchieBitchie says—It’s pretty much like putting lipstick on a pig;  I discovered there is a dangerous flaw when we attempt to position ourselves by promoting our own attributes. I discovered that positioning is a by-product of who we are and what we do, not an end in itself. Rickie says--Christians believe in a reality of purpose. Evolutionists, atheists, and secularists do not. They may embrace short-term fulfillment, but without an eternal Creator there’s no ultimate purpose in life and no hope. We can’t live that way. Studies have shown that having purpose and meaning in life benefit both the young and old. We all need purpose! Rickie seems to be onesmartguy, my opinion!

What is your position from 1 to 10 in your political thinking (i.e. right to left)?  WildWillie says—Extremists are hard to compromise with (i.e. they might have contaminated minds). Extremist think they are always right and explode easily (i.e. no smoke, just fire) it appears.  LuckieEddie says—It is obviously that we don’t agree with everyone or anyone but it is more important how we react to them (i.e. some get in physical confrontations and some destroy property if they disagree).  Hey, listen folks, if every time we didn’t agree with someone we would destroy property, well, there wouldn’t be much left on this earth.  It appears folks have to be very radicalized or have a mental problem to get that way (i.e. my opinion and what do I know).  After church Sunday, greatgrandpaLe was holding his greatgranddaughterLydia (i.e. probably about 2).  She was crying.  I told greatgrandpaLe—Give her a cookie.  He said—That is the problem, she already has had her share of cookies and wants another!  Then her mother said—To make it worse, I just took another one! 

Do I have a big head?  Well that depends. Actually, I have a small physical head but maybe a large big head (i.e. ego). It appears that my head seems to change in size depending what is happening in my life. I have to make adjustments to my cap from day to day!  BUT I must have a big head as I have a nasal drain from my head that never seems to stop (i.e. it’s a constant drip that has gone on for a month).  I can’t seem to get the swamp drained!  ha ha  This week a couple of events, back-to-back, startled my ego.  Those events were basically me being envious (i.e. comparing). Man, that envy is hard to control! I thought I had that fire put out BUT it rekindled.  Then this week I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it (i.e. a different version that I have not seen before)—Sit down and shut up! Such is life.

MissPerfect asks--What Is your position on suffering?  Do you show your emotions or suppress them?  It appears that folks seem to handle them differently.  I have no idea what is the best way.  The stoics were ancient philosophers who had developed a way of dealing with human suffering by practicing apatheia, which literally means “not-feeling.” The Stoics’ response to the misery of human existence was to cultivate apathy. How do you handle disappointment, pain, and loss? “This too shall pass,” said the Stoics.

Onetoughcookie says—Save dat money! It is hard to argue with success; it shuts up the naysayers real fast.  No matter in what (i.e. sports, church, business, relationships, family life). Proven success cannot be argued.  Talk is cheap folks but results really talk.  It appears that many things are becoming obsolete but folks don’t want to acknowledge that.  I hear that the school system is broken, the tax system is obtuse, government is not functional, churches are not attractive, social security is almost broke, national debt is crazy, health care is a mess, crime is rapid, etc.  Now that sounds discouraging, now doesn’t it.  Sooooo obviously, some changes have to be made at some point somehow or…!  In business, it’s a lot easier to make those changes ‘cause it’s driven by $$$$$ (i.e. private business doesn’t have to worry tooo much about all the special interest groups).  It’s more or less--if you don’t produce, hit the road Jack (i.e. no soup for you).  I heard that some major retailers are shutting some of their retail stores—can’t compete with on-line sales (i.e. a change is happening—having success)!  It appears that our government representatives mostly care about their pocketbooks and getting re-elected (i.e. they do not want to correct the situation).  The problem is, if correction is made, not everyone is going to get a free lunch!  And everyone wants a free lunch.  AverageJoe says—I like free lunches!

A pickleball gal’s husband just drives her crazy because he wants to do everything for her.  She is type A personality (i.e. use to taking care of herself). It was very hard for her to accept that (i.e. wherever she goes, he wants to go toooo and help her).  She said—After a while, I just let him do everything! What’s crazy, many women would love to have her husband!!! I was told recently by a person who has a disability that he doesn’t like it when folks want to help him; he wants to be treated like any other person.  It appears that everyone’s position is different (e.g. some want a lot of attention and other want none).  Now that is crazy. 

I talked to a onesmartguy recently about an opportunity (i.e. it just fell in my lap) that has been presented to me.  He and I had a great talk.  He asked my what my motive is a.k.a. objective (i.e. my position) if I decide to do this opportunity.  Great question. Our objectives/motives/positions many times are not always accurate; they are sometimes skewed.  Our objectives/motives/positions might be tweaked by our emotions, ego or money).  Many times, it’s all about us (i.e. DuaneTheWorms—me, myself and I).  Not good.  My opinion.  Now I need to do some research and test it with some folks and then make a decision.  I like the potential but we will see. I need to be pro-sensible. Does that make any sense to you?

I went to high school at good old Danube high in Danube, MN. I had a lot of smart classmates (i.e. I was not one of those smarties). ANYWAY, one of those smartclassmates (i.e. class of 63) sent me this advice—Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes. ~ Sigmund Freud  I told you he was smart! 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—We all say we will do better tomorrow.  But we would do a lot better if we started today.

Anothersmartguy (i.e. you’ll see this guy’s # in the rafters someday) said this--An old saying from the M.A.S.H. show, "It's nice to be nice to the nice".