February 18, 2017

isn't that right

This is pretty much a meat and potatoes “It’s Saturday.” ItchieBitchie (i.e. who is either from Omaha or Saginaw) says—There is soooo much stuff out there floating around that’s just rumor (i.e. fake information).  How do you find out what is actually correct? It seems like everyone is swinging for the fences! Oh, it’s happening sweetheart!

IckieVickie (i.e. who is practically magical) says—No matter how great you think you are, many don’t really care!  Ouchy ouchy! Yabut, IckieVickie, it’s how you feel internally about what you do or did that really makes a person feel good; it’s suppose tooooo anyway!  It appears the great folks are willing to give to others without a motive to get anything in return.  It appears that it is simply an act of serving others.  Jesus said—We must consider others more important than ourselves. Wow! Jesus, that’s hard to do man! GeorgeTheCrook says—Here is something that if done sincerely and not for self-glorification can be very rewarding—Ask folks how can I help them? But if we do it for show and praise, we are missing it folks.  LuckieEddie says--The character of the worldly gods, that folks make, reflect the character of those who make them. TomTerrific says—Now, isn’t that right?

An ornery, opinionated, crotchety old Dutchman once said--Things change folks!  I think soooooo folks. We were invited to a dinner party with some long-time friends (i.e. just plain good folks).  ANYWAY, one couple who have a lake home up-north MN told us that there are way less water skiers than there used to be; more just tube.  Also, watching the Phoenix Open, the announces said there are a lot less golfers than there used to be; it takes toooo long and costs toooo much.  Also, I read in the paper soooo it must be right—There seems to be a culture shift with the younger generation coming of age.  They don’t watch as much NFL which is a 3 hour+ game that is interrupted 25 times with a combined 41 minutes of commercials (i.e. would maybe rather watch countless on demand commercial-free shows on Netfilx).  Also, medical advances are really something; they have changed alright (e.g. The Ebers Papyrus is one of the oldest medical books in the world, dating from about 1500 B.C.. To cure baldness the physicians of Egypt applied a mixture of six fats, from the horse, the hippopotamus, the crocodile, the cat, the goat, and the snake). For thousands of years, people believed something held the earth up. Hindus believed huge elephants did it. The Greeks believed Atlas did it. The Egyptians believed five columns held the earth up. Things change folks.  That’s nutten new.  Isn’t that right!

One of the qualities of Abraham Lincoln (i.e. I’m a big fan of old Abe) that most deeply impressed his contemporaries was his tenderheartedness. One of Lincoln’s associates said of him, “No man clothed with such vast power ever wielded it more tenderly and forbearingly.” That is quite a testimony folks. That description fits someone else I can think of even better than Abraham Lincoln, doesn’t it (i.e. my opinion)?  CadillacJack (i.e. a fan favorite) says—The spirit of “giving it away keeps it.” Maybe that attitude just creates “another day in the park!”

I read while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it—What causes conflicts with each other is when folks want something but don’t get it. Ouchy ouchy! I also read this--Jesus didn’t have a problem with “sinners.” The only people Jesus had problems with were those who believed they weren’t sinners! Oooooh! MissPerfect asks--Have you ever malfunctioned?

I have a friend who suffers from severe depression.  It’s a very difficult disease to handle. I talked to him and he says he has no hope.  My Friend, try to have hope (i.e. there is no medicine like hope, no incentive sooo great, no tonic sooo powerful as the expectation of something better tomorrow).  Arlene’s Alzheimer’s disease doesn’t give her much hope in getting better.  We talk about how some day she will be in heaven and everything will be perfect.  We are Christians and this is what we believe.  If you don’t believe in God and don’t believe in heaven, well, then what is your hope? The black slaves of early America had no hope to get out of their situation soooo their only hope was life after death.  When he was playing for the Florida Gators, Tim Tebow decided to write Bible verses on his eye blacks, and one Saturday he chose John 3:16. It was a televised game, and Tebow later learned 94 million people googled “John 3:16” during the game. How do 94 million people not know John 3:16?

WorldClassLarry says--The mind is really something that is hard to understand. I read in the paper that some folks seem to be more mentally tough than others.  It seems that way but I don’t know folks.  What do you think?  I read in the paper that Tom Brady when asked what makes his team special?  His answer—mental toughness.  Soooo how do you become mentally tough?  The paper said—Consistency and preparation—Determination (i.e. Henry Ford said—Some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined tooooo)—prepare for adversity; sometimes you have to perform at your best when you’re feeling your worst)—You have heard the old saying:  ”When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”  Believe it. CadillacJack says—To sum it up, a person’s attitude seems to have to have a lot to do with mental toughness.  Isn’t that right? What do you think? Is that mental toughness stealth?

LoggerheadBill says—I don’t make mistakes but just get misinformation (i.e. really folks, it’s not the case but he just thinks that).  LoggerheadBill is getting older but is still a kid in his mind  The question is, will he ever grow up?  C’mon on man, you are 50 years old.  Like the old cliché says—As I get older, I become less smart and my parents get smarter! JoeBlow says—As I get older, I’m just not sure about a lot of stuff.  I’m just not sure anymore (i.e. I seem to be confused).  Some of my old thinking leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Isn’t that right.   

I tell you what folk; you deserve a break. BUT it seems like we always don’t get the break we want. JoeBlow says--The ball doesn't seem to bounce the same for everyone. That can maybe ‘cause we have a wrangle.  Soooo we need to improvise (i.e. roll with the punch).  I think I’m pretty easy to please but probably am not as easy as I think (i.e. I think I made a great observation of myself). A friend called me the other day and we talked about helping others.  He said that their small group at church talk a lot about helping others.  He said at the group—We seem to talk a lot about it but we don’t do much!  Ouchy ouchy! My mentor would say to me—erv, it’s never as good as it looks and never as bad as it looks.  Maybe, just maybe, we aren’t as good as we think we are and maybe not as bad as we think we are.  I think sooooo folks but I don’t know what’s right; I’m just a little old farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN.  Burton, a ISU basketball player said this in the paper soooo it must be right—Headline—ISU’s Burton: Words must be replaced with action.  LuckieEddie says—Words are cheap but it takes money to buy whiskey! Or as Benjamin Franklin said--Well done is better than well said. Isn’t that right! BigBeefJoe says--Treat the most important, like it’s the most important. Treat the rest, like it’s just the rest. Isn’t that right!

KathyNewspaper doesn’t always tell it like it is but tells it how she likes it or how she wants it to be (i.e. she slants it from her mentality). KathyNewspaper could not have been a prophet years ago.  No no, no way.  During Bible times, nobody wanted to be a prophet. The law in Israel was that a prophet of God had to be correct 100 percent of the time. If you were wrong just once, then you were considered a false prophet and would have been put to death. A prophet better be right! I don’t think KathyNewspaper would have lived to a very old age!  Ouchy ouchy!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—The difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is the way a man uses them.

P.S. From the mouth of babes—We were visiting Chet, Jessica, Charlie and Rookie last weekend.  Chet told me that during the week, just out of the blue one evening, Charlie, our 7 year old granddaughter, asks him—Dad, have they found a cure for Alzheimer’s—no, they haven’t but are trying real hard—I hope they do soon soooo grandma can get better.  Touching!I

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