April 8, 2017


Disclaimer:  I'm not trying to unmask you and I'm not trying to be obfuscate you.  Even I was trying I don't think it would work on you folks. You are just tooooo hard of nuts to crack!

I have been thinking and what I think is I don’t think you care what I think!  TheclonedSecretariat says—Tell me about it ervErv, you are just a fanciful person a.k.a. a whimsy!  Me?  Come on, now not me!  Really erv, I know that everyone knows that!  What are you talking about? Erv, you sound like the apostles (i.e. they didn’t understand either)! BUT SuperDonutJerry says--But listen erv, you just need to laugh at yourself. Hey, I do that a lot!!!!

 AverageJoe says—If you want to change your life, you need to change your thoughts; make a mental change (i.e. what you think is what you’ll be).  OnemoreyearBruce says—A person who can do that is whimsy! Lesson-once-again #6,987,480,984  a.k.a. a humbling experience.  I was getting out of whack once again as to what’s important to me and what isn’t (i.e. was starting the victory dance toooo early).  I needed sorta kinda a reboot; a correction. It was like the clothes were in the spin cycle and the tub was out of balance (i.e. out of sync). I needed some time to refocus). I needed some quiet time; my body and my mind told me to take a break erv, a.k.a. a hiatus. It wasn’t a big adjustment, just rearrange the clothes in the wash machine and lower the lid again. Bingo

ALERT—Our daughter asked about my podcast that I told her I was going to try.  I told her I have done three—where can I find them—they are at the end of my blogs—I never saw them.  She reads my blog on her phone sooooo when she got to the end of the printing material, she never saw the podcast.  There is a podcast at the end of this blog girlie!!!!!!

I really make myself laugh!! Crazy! Folks, you have no idea how many times I laugh at myself! Everyday folks, every day. I’m whimsy! Sooo when in AZ a real old guy would walk past our place (i.e. you could hear him come with his cane making the distinctive noise), I asked him if walks past our place all the time to pick up his dividend checks at the mail box—no no, I have them direct deposited!—Sooooo what’s your name—Carol—that’s a girls’ name—Ya, my mom wanted a girl soooo bad and I wasn’t so she named be Carroll—Sooo what do you like to do—I like to fly; I have owned 5 airplanes and had interest in 3 more plus a helicopter; a five blader—how come sooooo many—you just got to upgrade you know. Soooo Carroll (i.e. age 85— his body looked like a shriveled up apple that was left on the counter tooooo long but his mind was as sharp as a tack), did you fly for a living? No no, I bought damaged helicopters that the police damaged and repaired them.  Soooo that is what you did?  No no, that was just a sideline.  I owned a part of an insurance company and farmed 5 sections in KS.  Soooo what did you do in your spare time?  He laughed at me. Carroll said--come and see me—ok, I bet your wife is a lot nicer than you—you got that right! I would guess this guy laughs at himself a lot toooo. What do you think? He made me laugh.

I laugh at others tooooo! The 55+ community that we previously stayed at in AZ is a “gated community.” Soooo when I went to see my old buddies, I told the gate person I wanted to visit them. They would ask me a thousand questions, check if I was on their visitor’s list, run a criminal check etc. (i.e. they hardly let me in).  Soooo after that, I just tell them I’m going to the golf course and they give me a pre-printed pass and say “have a good time.”  Soooooo a criminal isn’t going to tell the gate person and tell them that they are coming to “steal the folks blind.”  All they have to do is tell them they are going to the golf course; the gate person will tell them to have a good time!  That just makes me laugh. 

Some of you might think EnginneerKenfromMN is whimsy.  We were talking about watching NCAA basketball tournament.  He said—I just watch the last two minutes; that is where the game is.  He has a point; if you don’t know the players and aren’t a big fan of either team, well, that is where the game is; they last 2 minutes pretty much decides who will win; if the game is lopsided, well, the game is already over; you don’t have to watch it the last two minutes. TheValedictorian says—That almost sounds like our life here on earth!

Have you ever been honked at?  Most of the honks comes from folks who think you are doing something crazy and are telling you that (e.g. not turning when the arrow is green and you are picking your nose). And yes, some honks are warning you tooooo. Sometimes it isn’t really anything toooo bad but the other person is crazy or very impatient.  Many good folks cut a person some slack as they know they have done some dumb stuff a time or two.  BUT some folks always think they are sooooo important; those type of folks just make me laugh.

I got honked at by myself (i.e. I deserved it).  We stopped at McDonald’s in Trinidad (i.e. isn’t that a colorful old west name).  I was ordering and a guy next to me was ordering as well.  He ordered a large coffee with 5 sugars and 4 creams.  I laughed.  I looked at him and it appeared he was a street person with maybe an addiction problem. Later, I laughed at myself while shaking my head (i.e. in a bad way). Why didn’t I buy that guy a meal?  I should of but didn’t. Instead, I just laughed at him. McDonald’s had this sign up by the door.  Maybe they have a hard time knowing what to do with him as well.  Agolfbuddy a.k.a. greathiprotationparman would have said—You screwed up bogeymanerv! Honk honk!

Are guys more visual than gals do you think? Maybe that is why gals maybe pay more attention to their appearance.  There are a lot guys who really don’t look soooo great.  Do the gals really care.  Are gals more interested in a relationship and are more emotional (i.e. it seems that big-bellied guys are accepted more than big-bellied gals—what do you think).  Do you think gals look more at men or men look more at gals?  Now that makes me laugh toooo. Ok, I was at Starbucks the other day and this gal came in who was attractive (i.e. more attractive from a distance than close up) and was dressed stylish business appropriate.  I observed how others looked at her.  I think there were as many gals as guys who checked her out.  I have no idea why they checked her out but they did.  That made me laugh. Such is life.

LuckieEddie says--Things in this world fail. Sometimes they break down, but other times they outlive their purpose or usefulness. We are in a constant state of repair or replace in this world. SusieQ says—The old gray mare ain’t what she use to be! That’s not whimsical folks, just reality.  Such is life.

A wise friend told me this--Can't fight it...accept, we must. Ya my friend, sometimes I make it way harder than what it really is.  I just need to strap it to the top and get going.  I saw this car and it just made me laugh.  I followed it into McDonalds and asked the gal if I could take a picture—she said yes.  I think the strap is into the car through the door the way it looks to me.  I make things much more complicated.  But now I know. This did make me laugh.

LuluFromKesley says—My husband PracticalBob, doesn’t understand me; he thinks I’m crazy!  Well folks, that’s another story. ANYWAY talking about something that is preposterous to some of you. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it—Rickie says--A lot of people say, “I think Jesus was just a great teacher.” But he couldn’t be “THE TRUTH” a.k.a. God: No great teacher would claim to be God if he wasn’t. Either Jesus is conning 2.3 billion people who believe a lie or he was nuts or Jesus is who he said he was. Everybody’s betting their life on something. I’m betting my life that Jesus is who he said he was. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Life’s greatest tragedy is to lose God and not miss Him. 

P.S. WhimpieWimp says--Over 60% of parents would rather talk to their kids about sex instead of money, but 100% of kids would rather their parents talk to them about money instead of sex. 

This might sound whimsy to you but a guy over by Dovray said he clicked on one of those podcast things and it was a girl dancing (i.e. I don’t think sooooo guy by Dovray). He went on to say-- I watched it all and she wasn’t really that bad of a dancer!  Hey guy by  Dovray, Nancy (i.e. who is my special guest in my podcast) is not a dancer but is an unique successful person and is in the middle of a very interesting situation.  This situation is a huge massive challenge, that being a caregiver of her husband who has Alzheimer’s.

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