I would like toooo give a shout-out toooo all of you who are
my friends and acquaintances and other readers (i.e. you of all generations).
You all have been part of my life and taught me stuff (i.e. things I will mimic
and things I want no part of. ha ha).
A44yearoldonesmartguy told me this about the spiritual condition of much
of his generation and society—"We have a lot of baggage (my
generation). Google is godlike (technology is king),
science/medicine is godlike, our basic needs and most of our wants are paid for
by our jobs (which we attribute to our skills, education, etc.) We get
our satisfaction from our job performance rather than from enjoying relationship
with God (or others, even).” Is that
wisdom? WorldClassLarry says--I think
sooo. Me toooooo! ‘

I was talking to a 41yearoldsmart guy this
week and he was telling me about his kids seeing all those ads on TV that kids
ask questions about (i.e. and there are a lot of them). He told me when he watches golf, there are a
lot of ads about erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer. That tells him that many older guys watch
golf and the companies are targeting a certain audience. He said, the programs he watches, doesn’t soooo
much have those type of ads. It’s all
about the money!!!!!!
JoeMillennial (i.e. who just waited in line for 2 hours to buy the new iPhone 8 for a thousand dollars) says—If the internet has become some sort of Holy Scripture for us millennials,
then Instagram and Pinterest are definitely our psalms and proverbs. And like so many other religions, we have our
favorite verses.
Arlene and I were having dinner at a local restaurant. Two older gentlemen (i.e. in their 80s and
90s) came and talked to us. I said—It’s
about cold enough to put on the long johns. Both said—I got them on! I doubt if toooooo many 40ish folks have long
underwear on. Some are still wearing
shorts! GreatGrandPaMike says--It seems to me that age does
change folks. Me toooooooo!
A babyboomerfriend, says--The way the abortion laws are written most Americans believe it is “right” to kill a baby human in the womb just about any time the mother decides, and yet let someone accidentally kill a litter of kittens in the womb of a cat and it could make Cable news, maybe spark protests...Maybe what some think is right is wrong!
LuckieEddie’s son
LuckieEddie Jr who is 43 says--You haven’t learned something until you’ve done
it; there is a difference between knowing and learning. I can read about it or
even watch it on YouTube but I really don’t know it until I do it. AverageJoe says--In my case, many times I
have to do it several times before I really know how to do it. And then I
question if I really know how to do it. MissPerfect
says—The older generation says we have done it many times! We know how to do it. The younger generation says—We have read it
in the book but we really don’t know how to do it. But we need to act like we
do. Such is life.
Reverend Billy
Graham tells of a time early in his ministry where he arrived in a small town
to preach a sermon. Wanting to mail a
letter, he asked a young boy where the post office was. When the boy had told him, Dr. Graham thanked
him and said, “If you’ll come to the Baptist Church this evening you can hear
me telling everyone how to get to Heaven.”
“I don’t think I will be there,” the boy said. “You don’t even know your
way to the post office.
CadillacJack says—We should not be deceived
in our presumption of ourselves. Wise
people remain humble. Humility and reachability go together. Be humble or
you’ll stumble. Humility says you can learn from anyone. You don’t know it all.
No one does. That’s why we need to remain teachable, humble, lifelong learners.
BlackandBlueFacedJanice says--I seem to stumble a lot. Sooooo obviously I am not there yet. ~ I know several friends and acquaintances who
have stumbled recently, and face planted (i.e. ouchy ouchy). Cockiness can do that to a person. Think they are in their 40s yet NOT! Me
toooo! MyBuddyJr is one of those stumblers and said--It's the shits to get
old, and can't lift your feet. One of my pickleball partners this week was a charming 60+ gal. I made a lucky shot and she said--Nice shit; I mean nice shot! Maybe she was thinking, nice shot shithead! I will never know for sure. ha ha What a hoot!
says—Generational change is an unstoppable force! If you don’t believe me, ask
your great grandpa or your grandma! They
will tell you the world is different than when they grew up (i.e. and many will
say—And I don’t like it). Saturday
question—Soooo why is that soooooo hard for each generation to understand? BUT
it seems that it is hard for each older generation to understand the younger
generations (i.e. but Larry ain’t scared) That is why older folks (i.e. with a lot of money and time) go South for the winter and
live in 55+ gated communities (i.e. senior Disney Worlds) where the younger generations aren’t allowed. OldSnowbirdJudy says--Now that is a way for us
to do it the way we want toooooo do it (i.e. get our way).
Maybe, just maybe, it's like the Beetles sang--They're rocking horse people eating marshmallow pies! I would guess folks from all generations have heard that lyric. I
read in the paper sooooooo it must be right—America needs to do what it
preaches. Ouchy ouchy! I think maybe they are talking about our
government, Americans as individuals, our churches, our companies, our schools
etc. What do you think? Talk is cheap, but it takes money to buy
whiskey! Seriously folks, how can we stop
the opioid problem. There is big money
in opioids! Don’t kid yourself. ItchieBitchie
says—Our culture doesn’t seem to want or allow us to do what we maybe know is
right; it seems like it’s impossible. We
talk a lot but really don’t change much.
Maybe our society really doesn’t want to change; could be. Maybe the
younger generations really likes those drugs.
Sooooo how are we going to change something if the folks really don’t
want to change? We seem to say the same
things over and over and over (i.e. a lot of chatter) but nothing really
Me tooooooo Ricky! Even if you don’t believe in God, this might
be good stuff for your life. Ricky
says--To be all that God calls you to be, you need to learn from at least four
different kinds of people.
- Mentors –
These are your coaches. I’ve had nine different mentors in my life. No one
can teach you everything you need to know. One person will teach you in
one area. Another person will teach you about something else.
- Role
models – These are people who are already doing or have already
done what you want to do. Many of the skills you’ve learned in your life,
you’ve learned by watching others.
- Partners –
You need co-workers and colleagues who are in your profession, people to
support and challenge you on what God wants to do through your life.
- Friends – Friends don’t necessarily help you with your goals. They’re just friends. They love you no matter what you do. You can mess up, and they still love you. A friend walks into your life when everyone else walks out. That’s when you know who your friends are.
GeorgeTheCrook (i.e. he's the guy who wonders how he got here) says—Maybe just maybe some of
us need a do-over a.k.a. re-make a.k.a. pull the old switcheroo.
ConfusedBill (i.e. age 27) says--I spend time “wandering” soooo to speak. Not soooo
much time in the world but in my head. SweetJane (i.e. a baby boomerr) says—I think we spend a lot of
our lives waiting for that day when we ride off into the sunset. But we’re rarely prepared for when this sun
comes up the next day. You can say to yourself all you want that, “Not all who
wander are lost,” but let’s be honest, most of us who wander are definitely
lost. 40ishTodd says—That is pathetic
thinking; I’m the king of world (i.e. he’s the same guy who walks around the
house in his whitie tightie underwear)! I wonder what my deceased friend, BenGenius (i.e. he was very progressive in his life), would think about what all the younger generations are up tooooo? I wonder!
The other Warren from Omaha sent me these sayings what the
other Warren of Omaha said in the Omaha World-Herald: You get more people to love you by being more
loveable. ~ Have a
better life by finding three people you admire and doing three things they do;
and find three people you don’t like an avoid three things that they do. FYI, both of these Warrens are not 40!
Probably more like 40 + 40! Sooooo, I bet some of
you who are 40ish think those old farts don’t know a thing what is going on (i.e. think all those old farts are antiquity). If soooooo, I hope someday you’ll figure out
that they “just might.” Me tooooo.
My buddy JohnfromIL sent me this link to a video sung by
Micah Tyler titled, You’ve Gotta Love Millennials. It’s a hoot he thinks. Me tooooo 4.2M others do toooo. I enjoyed it
(i.e. it made me laugh) but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I did watching IA beat
Ohio State.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says—Youth is a gift of nature. Age is a work
of art.
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