July 14, 2018

surprise surprise surprise

l am not sure of the year exactly and I don’t know who everyone is, but I am about 99% sure that you are in the back row on the right.

I found this gem in the weeds a.k.a. crap a.k.a. cabbage (i.e. golf terminology).  Usually you don’t find gems or high-quality balls in the weeds a.k.a. crap.  Why you ask?  Well, poor golfers usually are the ones who hit a higher percentage of the time in the crap soooo they use cheaper balls. The better players will use better balls (i.e. more expensive) to match their game and they don’t hit in the weeds as much (i.e. unless they have bigger egos than their game).  Makes sense to you (i.e. unless daddy is buying junior’s golf balls)? It probably is a gal’s golf ball as I found it about 20 yards to the side and in front of the women’s tee as I was running one morning.  Most guys don’t use green balls (i.e. at least not the ones I’m around but you aughta see the guys I play with ha ha). She is probably a poor golfer and got the ball as a Mother’s Day present would be my guess.  Sooooooo you might find a gem in the weeds a.k.a. crap in this “It’s Saturday.” Or you might find stuff in this “It’s Saturday” just as the ball says! 

“Every time you overhear something hurtful, I want you to do something kind for someone else.” - Suze Orman ~   Surprise folks and do something out of character (e.g. be especially nice to someone who you usually are not nice tooooo).  AverageJoe (i.e. who is a real can of corn) says-- It’s never too late to do the right thing. If you do that, you might surprise someone soooo much that they will wet their pants (i.e. thinking there is something wrong with you).  They might call the minister and have the minister pray for you as they think something is seriously wrong with you!  The minister might wet their pants tooooo!  ha ha

I think he surprised his dad.  We have a couple of neighbor boys, ages maybe 6 and 4, who are all boy.  They are really fun to watch and be around.  The other day I asked them what their middle names were.  The older one said James and the younger on said devil.  His dad said—devil isn’t your middle name.  You always call me “little devil!!”

Surprise surprise surprise!  Or is it a surprise? Things are changing and always will.  BUT women in politics (i.e. they are no longer footnotes) have and are changing things pretty fast (i,e, laying stuff on the table in the open). Women are definitely changing the environment.  They are altering the way campaigns operate.  It will never be the same.  It’s hard for men to argue certain points with a woman, if they use gender and other type of stuff.  A guy can only get in trouble and gain nuttin (i.e. have to be very politically correct or men are done--stick a fork in them). Maybe it’s better to say nuttin! WorldClassLarry says--You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do (i.e. performance is louder than words--except in politics).

Proverbs 17:22: “A cheerful heart is good medicine” (NIV). LuckieEddie says—When I am quiet, everything is soooo much easier to understand.  Both of those statements have no “small print” folks. It is what it is to me!   I really believe it works and it is no surprise to me that it does. I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--When life seems to be falling apart, your most “spiritual” decision may be a surprise: Get alone with God, and wait. The Bible says in Lamentations 3:28, “When life is heavy and hard to take, go off by yourself. Enter the silence. Bow in prayer. Don’t ask questions: Wait for hope to appear. Don’t run from trouble. Take it full-face. The ‘worst’ is never the worst” (MSG). Most of us don’t know how to “enter the silence.” We’re always anxious. We don’t like to wait on God because it stresses us out. We like to be in control. If we want to listen to God and experience the hope he has for us, we have to get alone with him (i.e. my opinion). We must “enter the silence” and be ready to hear him. This seems to really work for me; maybe not for you: maybe a 12-pack of Bud-Light might work better for you.  Such is life. 

This might be a surprise surprise surprise to some of you.  I went and saw an acquaintance the other day.  He is a farmer and was filling up a small sprayer tank in the back of his JD Gator.  He told me that if you have a sprayer in the back, you don’t have to have lights nor be licensed (i.e. using it for farm use).  Basically, you can drive it anywhere.  I was told that farmers can write it off for tax purposes as a farm expense even though it basically is for the grand kids to drive around.  I think I’m going to mount a little sprayer on the back of my Yamaha XT250 a.k.a. my respite bike.  I bet that would be a surprise to the Highway Patrol person.  And maybe not; they probably have seen most everything.  I wonder if my tax person has seen that before. 

Surprise surprise surprise! Or no surprise.  I don’t know how you will react. From our sun porch, we can see Gray Street and 13th Street.  It seems like a lot of folks walk and run on those streets.  I have seen many of them soooo often that by a glance, I can tell by their walk or run who it is (i.e. now that is small town).  One gal puzzles me. She is quite disciplined by walking almost every day.  BUT when I see her in public, it seems she has gained about 5 pounds each time.  She must be a big eater.  What do you think? That is what I thought. Hey, it’s a good way to get new clothes on a consistent basis!!!! I bet Goodwill really likes her! She might be nominated for the “5-star award for the most clothes given that were less than a year old.” Bingo—a forced giver—might get her picture in the paper with a nice article. I read in the paper that 75% of Americans are overweight.  Why is that do you think?  That is what I thought.

Surprise surprise surprise!  I was finishing my run the other morning and someone hollers at me.  It was MyFriendRandy fixing MyFriendJean’s garage door opener.  He told me this story of his father, Karl, a friend and old neighbor who also owned part of the lumber yard and also was the “garage door expert.”  One day a senor lady called and said her garage door opener didn’t work and was wondering if he could come and fix it—can’t right now; I’m busy; I will send a fix over the phone—ok, the lady said—go out to the garage and unplug it and then pug it back in; do it three times.  She did and called back saying it worked. What a hoot! If you knew Karl, it’s even funnier! ha ha

I was on a run early the other morning and a friend was on his drive.  I see your garden really looks good—it ‘cause of dad’s manure.  I didn’t ask him what he meant saying “his dad’s manure!” I read in the paper the other day that 66% of black children live in a fatherless home and 24% of whites.  Kids. It said, kids of fatherless homes are 10 times more likely to get on drugs. Are you surprised?  Soooo folks, dad’s manure seems to really affect children (i.e. produces results) and probably affects our future generations--dad’s manure is priceless.  Does that make any sense to you?  That is what I thought. 

Well last week I talked about my complaining about my golf game.  Soooo I went for an early morning run on the golf course (i.e. I thought I was the only person on the course).  I get to the back of the course approaching the 8th tee box and see this walker getting ready to tee off (i.e. he toooo thinking he is the only person on the course).  I stopped to give him some space as he was preparing to hit (i.e. he teed his ball up, took a couple of practice swings, approached the ball, did a waggle, and took a mighty whack at the ball.  Then he said quite loudly--*^@#*)+*^&*%@    *&%$#)&@~in' slice!  Soooo I continued running on the path approaching him from behind and said—I assume you didn’t like your shot.  I hate that *%^$#*(%$     *^$#@!_*&^in' slice that went into the trees (i.e. you want cheese with your whine)! Well, enjoy your round of golf.  That doesn’t sound toooo relaxing now does it.  That is why folks have to accept their game or quite.  Statistics show that many are quitting and taking up book reading!  ha ha  BigMouthCaseywhocomplainsoneveryshot says--Maybe complaining is just part of the game of golf; like it’s synonymous with golf!  Could be.

Surprise surprise surprise!  Maybe!!!  WorldClassLarry says--There are things we know we know; we also know there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know… it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones. Lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5 Lord, You Know; there are no surprises with you Oh God.  That is hard for our human minds to understand.  BUT we are not God but are humans even though many folks think they are God.  Ouchy ouchy!

Soooooo we went to our son, Chet and daughter-in-law Jessica’s place for the 4th for a few hours. Rookie came and sat on my lap and looked me right in the eye and said—Grandpa, did you bring any ice cream? (i.e. I did the last two times). I said no Rookie, but I brought some Mary’s brownies.  He said--”That will work Grandpa!”.  He and his sister Charlie are soooo sweet and kind to Arlene.  Soooooo loving. Just amazing. It is very touching to me. Saturday question—Is that reaction genetic or taught or both?

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—It appears it is surely better to pardon too much than to condemn too much.

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