Sooooo, what-have-you-done-for-us-lately? Most folks really don’t care
what you did 20 years ago or even 5 years ago, they want to know what you did
for me this year or yesterday. We can’t live in our past and keep
patting our self on the back to how great we think we are. If we do,
well, we are just plain jerks (i.e. my opinion). Look around
folks, the good ones keep doing it and doing it and doing it (i.e. the good
ones getinduit). AverageJoe (i.e. a high-energy guy) says—There is
nuttin more boring than to listen to some old fart bragging about the touchdown
he scored in high school 50 years ago. Sooooo you ask
him—whathaveyoudonelately and he looks at you like a deer looking in the
headlights! Such is life.
Some friends signed their Christmas card to us—Really old friends I
think or was it just old friends? I went
and doubled checked, I was wrong on both counts. ANYWAY it really made me
laugh. You can read into that anything
you want and probably all your thinking is correct. The gal who actually wrote that makes me
laugh more than she ever has before (i.e. and she ain’t no spring chicken
folks). Why? I really don’t know. She, I think, has changed or I have changed
or we both have changed. ANYWAY, I think
our relationship has changed; it’s different.
Awiseguy told me recently that change most often is a process. Soooo maybe this was a process; I don’t
know. BUT what I do know is that she is
different, maybe, could be! Maybe we just got to know each other in a different
way (i.e. a way that we never knew each other before—I have no idea).
I read this in the paper soooo it must be right—Mr. David
Bolger died; he was 86. He was a philanthropist who donated millions of dollars
to the city of Fayette and Upper Iowa University. Mayor Karlson of Fayette said of him—He was
an interesting, interesting person. He was always doing something.” I just think that is an interesting comment
said about him. That comment could be
said about many of you folks (i.e. maybe you don’t give millions away, but you
are interesting and are always doing something—always have your wheels turning
internally). My hat goes off to you;
keep it up! “You are never too old to set another goal or dream another dream.” -
C.S. Lewis The first question of the Westminster
Catechism is--Q. What is the chief end of man? A. Man's chief end is to glorify God,
and to enjoy him forever. Think about
that folks even if you don’t believe in Jesus or God. My opinion and belief—This is what produces
meaning and happiness to life on this earth.
I realize that some of you might not agree with me. If soooo I would like to know what you think
is the chief end of man? Please tell me; I would really like to know.
I make myself laugh; yes, I do. I sometimes think, I’m the only one who can
see my weaknesses, but reality is, maybe not.
When you start telling people what your weaknesses are, they’re not
going to be shocked. They’re already aware of them. Everybody knows your
weaknesses. Maybe it’s just my opinion but it seems to me that if we won’t
admit our weaknesses, we’re the only ones not seeing and exposing them! We see
each other’s weaknesses all the time, and most people are more than willing to
point out the weaknesses in others. But we don’t want to point out our own.
Maybe if we are wise, we won’t disguise our weaknesses. People appreciate
honesty—when we are straightforward about where we are, it helps the people we’re
sharing with to be more open, because they might be struggling, too.
ItchieBitchie (i.e. who is scrutinized and criticized) says—erv, don’t kid
yourself, everyone can see right through you and see your weaknesses (i.e. you
are soooo simple)!
She really got induit!
Long-lost friends met at a convention and sat in the lobby all night
talking. They knew they would be in trouble with their spouses, who were
waiting back in their rooms When they saw each other the next day, one of the
friends said, “I walked in the door last night, and my spouse got historical.”
“Don’t you mean hysterical?” the other one asked. “No, historical,” the friend
replied. “I was told everything I ever did wrong.” I am really going to try to
forget the past of folks (i.e. show more mercy to them). I might not have agreed with them in the past
and maybe don’t agree with them now but “it is what it is.” I’m really induit! But can I do it; that is
the question. I think I will probably have
my moments!!!!
really gets induit; yes she does. This story is shared with her permission; she
is such a good, long-time friend that I don’t want to offend her in any way and
lose our relationship; it is tooooo special and appreciated. I was at my 90-year-old friend’s house one day
at Christmas. I asked her what that wood is under the extension cord ends she
uses for her window candles—they are tooooo prevent the carpet from catching on fire and
burning my house down—when is the last time you heard of that—there was a
possible house that burnt down maybe 55 years ago; besides I can’t sleep at
night worrying about it; I have to get up a couple times each night to check if
my house is on fire; I just sleep better with the wood under the extension cord
receptacles—you know what myfriend, if you sleep better at night I suggest you
do it; besides, it must work as your house hasn’t burnt down—I will; my son
gives me a hard time tooooo but I do what I want toooo doooo! We had such a
good laugh! Soooo much fun.
around some of you folks is such an uplift; it’s more fun than hiking a
“ CO 14ner.” There is a reason why I say that and show the pic; most of you won't get it; it's directed more to one person but you others can apply it as you want. I do think the key is to pick good folks to be around. Here is an example of one of many of you
folks (i.e. soooo many of you folks just amaze me—you are “way good folks”). I got this email from a business owner (i.e.
who is a good egg) who is not from our community but whom I do business with occasionally
and also got to know some because of different opportunities. This is part of his email—"Still pray
for both of you every day. I know Arlene is well cared for and I hope you
are too. Not sure who takes care of you. If its ok I will stop in
to chat sometime when I am in town?” Wow! That’s not just any guy folks, let me tell
you; he fits into my elite bucket; the bucket that many of you are in.
When I read food store adds, sometimes I laugh. They are sorta kinda sucker adds, maybe. They advertise certain products at a sale
price but in the fine print, it says—"select varieties!” Usually the “select varieties” are the ones
they can’t get rid of. Soooo they are
less popular and it might be an advertisement ploy—not always though but most
of the time. If there is a product that
is very popular or in heavy demand, they don’t have to put it on sale; folks
will pay the price if they really want it.
Soooooo are you and I “select varieties” or are we a product that is in
heavy demand that everyone wants?
TomTerrific says—Depends on the day for me; some days you couldn’t give
me away!
My mind is induit but my body doesn’t seem to catch on totally. It’s really crazy. Maybe a couple of months ago, a friend at
church told me that one of their patients looked exactly like me; even his body
language was the same; he even crossed his legs the same. That poor sucker is what I told her. ANYWAY, after she told me this, I decided to
challenge myself by disciplining myself.
I decided that I wasn’t going to cross my legs any more in any form
(i.e. I’m not going to be like that other guy ha ha). Sounds easy but I have found it much harder
than I thought. I am still not
automatic; I have to correct myself, actually quite often. Sooooo when they talk about changing your
total lifestyle, I realize how hard that must be (i.e. maybe not many can do it
and maintain it). I have a hard time
changing one little habit. I sorta kinda make it a game; I enjoy it. Is that crazy or what! I didn’t ask my friend
if their patient was crazy like me? Really folks, it doesn’t take much to
entertain me!
Ok, try it; try always having your feet on the floor and
completely flat. I think it has changed
me; yes I do. I think I’m more poised,
more relaxed and look at things differently. I think I’m even not as
opinionated as I use to be! Ya right erv! JoeBlow says—erv, you are wacko! Before you get soooo judgmental, try it. Do it for awhile and see what you think. I have observed that very few folks actually
do this; most cross their legs somehow and very few have their feet completely
flat on the floor (i.e. look around).
Hey, this could change your life.
Ya, right erv, you are as crazy as a hoot owl! Well well well then, quite eating pizza
instead! Really, I don’t think you can
do either, wimpy!
WorldClassLarry (i.e. who didn’t go to cheese school) says—A
good exercise for the heart (i.e. also maybe a challenging life style change)
is to bend over and help another up. AlvinWithTheEgo
says—I don’t like bending over and I don’t like helping others; it’s a waste of
energy; those things don’t make me any money and I like money and don’t try to
mess with my ego; I like my ego and I like to bask in it.

I then read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana
on it--James 1:19-20: “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this:
Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,
because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires” (NIV).
CadillacJack says--The best way of turning over some new leaves is by leaving
anger behind. Oh man! “Hot heads and cold hearts never solved
anything.” Billy Graham
Ok, I want to talk about many of you and for sure me. A different scenery can really change your life
to a better life; a new opportunity. It can really change a person’s situation
and life. It has for me. Northwestern College was a great opportunity
for me; it let me become a different person; completely gave me opportunities;
changed my life in soooo many ways. Many
things and opportunities have changed you as well; I know it has; many changes
of scenery have given you a way better life for you. Your stories would just
amaze folks. Soooooo folks, think about
changing the scenery of your life (i.e. particularly if you are unhappy). I know it can be challenging but can be
soooooo rewarding. You might go wee wee
wee all the way home! I would really like to hear your stories of how a new
scenery has done amazing things to you.
I think some sports announcers get way induit but some just drive
me crazy. They “over kill” players and
the teams. They don’t tell the truth but
say things soooo people might watch the event.
I many times mute the ones that do that.
We can all see the truth; they try to fabricate and embellish the truth
(i.e. how dumb do they think we are; do they think we were born yesterday). I
know folks that do that about most everything.
SusieQ says--I mute them as well (i.e. just tune them out). Do you notice that the good ones don’t do that;
they tell it as it is. ValedictorianRon says—Most of those sport announcers and
other folks that talk that way would be better off if they said nuttin!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--"It's amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." Harry S. Trueman
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