this “It’s Saturday" is a bonafide effort to do the best I can even if you
might think it’s a slapdash effort. I’m
trying my best! All I can do is TRY!
I think drug addicts say they need a fix when in need of
some drug to stimulate them. Saturday
question—What kind of fix do you need a.k.a. a little rock n roll? There a lot of “fixes” let me tell you and
different ones for different folks. No
question (e.g. shopping, exercise, a get-away, eating ice cream, sun, a
retreat, clean the house, watch March Madness, to be with the kids, to be away
from the kids, sleep and God only knows what else). Caregivers call it a

I stopped at a local business to get an estimate on a product I want her to do for me. She had this on her wall. It made me laugh! I had breakfast with a friend the other morning. He told me that through the years he has had
a lot of employees and fired some of them.
He said--They seem to all remember me when they see me and usually come
and talk. One such employee talked to
him the other day; he dug basements for him. My friend said that this guy would
always ruin his fences and signs with the equipment. I fired him.
He reminded him of how I chewed his butt out really bad and then fired
him over him ruining a $25 sign. He
laughed. My friend said—I always think
I’m a nice guy; maybe I’m not. We laughed.
The other day I stopped and got a newspaper
and the clerk was checking me out and was talking—who are you talking toooo—the
folks on pump 6 over the microphone—oh, I thought you were talking to yourself—I
do that sometimes but usually don’t answer myself. Sooooo I was going to take the dumpster out
to the curb the other morning and I put my lap top on it as I had to put
something in the car. Yep, I forgot
about it and it fell off unto the cement with a loud crash. I tried to turn it on; no success. I called myself an idiot (i.e. you are not
suppose to do that for good mental health but I did). I took it in the house and plugged it in and
it worked; checked the battery and saw that it was dislodged; readjusted it and
it worked. No more a big idiot but still
an idiot; at least for a while (i.e. man was I lucky).
Soooo a gal was studying something in the #1 reference book
of all times (i.e. the best self-help book every written) at Todd’s Bar and Grill when we were eating breakfast the other morning. Sooooo what are you studying—whatever—the
Soup Lady and I talked about sensitivity this morning; we both think we are
tooooo sensitive (i.e. some of my buddies tell me I have tooooo be tougher)—the
soup lady said that she even gets tooooo sensitive with her kids. This studying gal says—being sensitive is a lot
better than being stiff necked, stubborn, with a hard heart. Do you
know any hard-hearted folks? Can we also be tooooo sensitive? Maybe we just need a little rock n roll!
long-time friend, Jerry (i.e. a real X-factor), who grew up by Roseland, and his wife stopped and saw us. He grew up a mile and fourth north or
Roseland. We did many things together. We talked about many of those old stories
(i.e. a lot of rock n roll let me tell you). What a hoot! One of my favorite stories is this: I worked for Kandiyohi County road department
during college. The road department and
the office personnel played a soft-ball game at Kandiyohi Lake for a keg of
beer. I was invited to play but had
another game earlier which Jerry also played in. Sooooo we went to the county ball game soooo
I could play. It started to rain soooooo
most everyone went home except for a few of us including my boss. We went in a shelter house and drank beer
(i.e. Jerry and I were under age but they didn’t seem to care). We had a great time. After a while I got brass and said to my boss
that he should hire Jerry. He did and
Jerry retired at age 56.
Recently there was a
Mensa convention in San Francisco. Mensa, as you probably know, is a national
organization for people who have an IQ of 150 or higher. Several of the Mensa
members went out for lunch at a local café. When they sat down one of them
discovered that their salt shaker contained pepper and their pepper shaker was
full of salt. How could they swap the contents of the two bottles without
spilling any and using only the implements at hand? Clearly, this was a
job for Mensa minds. The group debated the problem and presented ideas and
finally came up with a brilliant solution involving a napkin, a straw, and an
empty saucer. They called the blonde waitress over ready to dazzle her with
their solution. "Ma'am," they said, "we couldn't help but notice
that the pepper shaker contains salt and the salt shaker has pepper.” But
before they could finish, the waitress interrupted: " Oh, sorry about
that." She leaned over the table, unscrewed the caps of both bottles and
switched them. ~ Sometimes I make stuff
much harder than they are; ya, I do that and I am not a Mensa by a long
shot! I just have tooooooo laugh at my
self soooooo many times. Well rock-n-roll!
Mark Twin said—Few things are harder to put up with than the
annoyance of a good example. AverageJoe
says—There are folks who talk a lot but their history shows that they have no
action (i.e. they wear a big cowboy hat but have no cattle). Then there are folks who have a long history
of doing things (i.e. a lot of rock-n-roll) but talk very little. Saturday question—Which kind of folks do you
prefer to be around (i.e. probably depends which kind of person you are). Many times, committees are formed by the
selection person based on selecting folks who agree with them (e.g. yes
people). I know where pastors hand pick
their church leaders who will agree with them (i.e. it makes their mission a
lot easier). It appeared that the
business boards I have served on, the best ones are the ones that are diversified
with talented people with different opinions. Ya, sometimes that can create
some rock n roll. I guess whatever works.
I have read part of the book The
Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene.
It’s a 588 page book (i.e. a recommend read by many book lists) soooo I
read part of it and maybe will read part some other time. Each chapter has a little statement as to
what it is about (i.e. good descriptions).
ANYWAY this is what it says about Chapter 2—The Law of Narcissism—We all
naturally posses the most remarkable tool for connecting to people and
attaining social power—empathy. When
cultivated and properly used, it can allow us to see into moods and minds of
others, giving us the power to anticipate people’s actions and gently lower
their resistance. This instrument,
however, is blunted by our habitual self-absorption. We are all narcissists, some deeper on the
spectrum than others. Our mission in
life is to come to terms with this self-love and learn how to turn our
sensitivity outward, toward others, instead of inward. We must recognize at the same time the toxic
narcissists among us before getting enmeshed in their dramas and poisoned by
their envy. ~ Two gals ran me down when I was putting on my
jacket at church Sunday morning. They
expressed a lot of empathy and no narcissism (i.e. very neat gals with good
hearts; my kind of folks). We really had
a good time (i.e. laughed a lot). There
were others that morning who acted the same and some well…! I assume all churches have some of each. What do you think? That is what I thought.
told a friend recently that life is going tooooo fast! I like adventure and opportunities a.k.a.
rock-n-roll; I especially like it when they are combined. Do you?
It’s when I find the best of myself, I think. I think it’s gives me an opportunity to
maximize my possibilities on this earth, I think. Too many times, it seems that soooo many
folks just seem to be putting one foot in front of the other and miss soooooo
much (i.e. just killing time before they die).
Ok folks, here is something really personal (i.e. maybe you can relate
to it and maybe not). I’m at a stage in
my life, right now, that answers aren’t very important anymore. You might say—erv, are you crazy! Well, I don’t
think in many situations in my life there are answers. And you know what, I’m ok with that. I don’t need to know the answers. I’m very comfortable in the direction I’m
going in my life (i.e. still have a long way to gooooo but I like the
direction). I’m getting much better in
loving folks unreasonably a.k.a. illogically.
It feels good for the most part.
It appears the older I get in my journey of faith, the less answers I
have and I’m good with that. Well, rock-in-roll! Crazy you say! I’m surely not a SuperMan, The
Incredible Hulk, Spider Man, Iron Man or anything like that. I really have no idea what I am other than
erv. I’m ok with that (i.e. most of the
time ha ha). Such is life.
A friend who works at Kwik Star made me laugh the other
day. She has some shoulder problems and
has limited movement. Sooooo I asked her
how her shoulder is doing—still have limited movement—does it hurt—not unless I
move it—if I were you, I wouldn’t move it ha ha—my kids tell me something
different! Well rock-and-roll!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says—Friendship fills up the little ruts in
life’s road.
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