is cheap folks. We all have said things
but didn’t live up to what we said. We
are complete phonies. Our will changes;
sometimes just within a few minutes.
That is why it is hard to always believe what folks say and do in the
short run. Now the long run gives us a
little better idea and test pattern.
WorldClassLarry says—A person’s past history gives us an idea as how
they will act in the future. We gain
more confidence in people as their history gets longer. Oh ya!
And sometimes we have great trust in folks based on a long history and
we really get burned. I don’t know what
the answer is! What do you think it is?
I’m going to share some stuff that I learned from friends at
breakfast. A friend told me that one of
their daughters is wound very tight—stronger than you—much—I regret one thing
of my life—what’s that—making a big deal out of nothing. He then told me this story of a business
friend; he inherited a lot of money and is a very driven guy and made a ton of
more money (i.e. that adds up to a massive huge amount of wealth). ANYWAY, he
told me that his son did not have the drive that his father did for money; they
didn’t get along; his son committed suicide last year. ~
Another thing I learned from a friend—He said--There is always someone
richer, always someone better in golf, always someone smarter, always someone
who can run faster and in the early west, always someone faster with the gun! ~ A
friend told me that he farms for a hobby (i.e. he really enjoys farming a
couple of hundred acres). BUT he told me
that during the spring season he gets pretty tight and can’t sleep past 4 and
works till dark for several days; he said—It is supposed to really be fun, but
I can’t slow down; I get soooo driven. ~
I told another friend that he is a good guy.
He said—some days!
Saturday questions—Are you a strong-willed person? Do you have children who are strong-willed?
Do you know anyone who is strong-willed?
To have a strong will is that good or bad do you think? Many of you
folks are strong willed folks or you would not have accomplished what you have
(i.e. both good and maybe not soooo good). You have drive and fight and
determination and desire. BUT I guess
some strong will can cause a lot of problems toooo (e.g. won’t listen to good
advice, always fighting the system, always be belligerent, always
uncooperative, etc.). PrettyRita says—It appears strong willed people end up
being leaders; both good and bad leaders.
I asked onesmartperson if she is strong willed—I guess I am on certain
things and other things I’m wishie washie!
Soooo do you think being strong willed is good—maybe good in moderation
and in certain situations. “The will to
win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are
the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” ~ Confucius Of course that is Confucius’ opinion; your
opinion might be different. Oh, I asked
that onesmartperson if her 4-year old is strong willed—are you kidding me—all
children are strong willed.
I read
in the paper soooo it must be right that research shows that learning and
practicing loving kindness can profoundly affect your attitude and outlook and
even your health. Wow! That being kind can change a person’s mind soooo
folks can enjoy life more. I personally
am much happier and a better person when I am a kind person (i.e. make it my
will). I try not to do it for a reward
or any kind of attention but do it because it just makes me feel good (i.e.
it’s exhilarating and uplifting). When I
just think about myself and not others (i.e. like self-centered and fakie
DuaneTheWorm), well, my life is not near as pleasurable. BUT I really have to work at it as the world
tells me to be self-centered (e.g. even some churches can be self-centered—all
about me and our church). I know many of
you are very kind and know exactly what I’m talking about. And then there is maybe one of you that doesn’t
have a clue what I’m talking about (i.e. you know who you are). Such is life.
Do folks ever do things against your will? I have had it happen many
times; folks do stuff against my consent or agreement; they don’t agree with me
and do it their way. I have no power to
control folks; I’m not in charge even though at times I think I am in charge of
the universe. Soooo how do I react when
folks do things against my will. It all
depends what it is. How do you react? We
have options; yes, we do. Saturday tip
of the day which came from a friend’s wife from MN—Only ask your kids one
question per text. If you ask more than
one, you will get only one answered anyway.
Playing pickleball the other day, I overheard four players
in a big discussion (i.e. ya don’t see that very often with pb) about who’s
serve it was. It went on for some time
and seemed quite animated. Then they
played a little while and continued the discussion for some time again. I was putting on my street shoes and I said
to the guy next to me—Do you know those folks very well—sorta kinda; they are
all very competitive and have strong wills.
Huh, interesting. My response was—it’s only a social pb game!
Does the Lord’s prayer say Your will be done or is it Thy
will be done? LuckieEddie says--I think it depends who is reading it (i.e.
depends on what version you like). ANYWAY, I was looking for a picture of
Arlene when we were at good ol’ Northwestern College (i.e. a pic when she was
May Day Queen). I went through her history of her life that I found in a tote
in the basement. There was a packet of soooo much stuff that she got when her
Mother died of about her younger years.
It was very touching as it was her life growing up. I have known Arlene for 50+ years after those
pictures of her early history. I almost
cried. She has always been soooo sweet,
humble, caring, and kind (i.e. that is why I was attracted to her besides being
soooo darn pretty). ANYWAY, I think she
deserved a better life than she has had; I’m not saying she had a terrible
life, but I just think she deserved a better life. I think our life together has been great, but
she still deserved better. I would guess
many folks could and would say that about themselves or their spouse. But for me, I think I have a better life than
what I deserve; way better. Way beyond my expectations. And maybe if Arlene didn’t have Alzheimer’s,
she would say the same thing about her life, but I still think she deserved a
better life. As of yet, I still didn’t find the picture that I was looking for
(i.e. I’m a terrible looker).
![]() |
grand nieces |
Wilson, in a letter, wrote, “Power consists
in one’s capacity to link his will with the purpose of
others, to lead by reason and a gift of cooperation. I asked a couple of gals who I call “my glue
gals” what they thought of that. They
both said—DEEP! I lol! Have you ever sorta kinda felt excluded from a
group. Caregivers of dementia folks and
the person who has dementia do sometimes.
Jon, my big sister’s (i.e. only by age) son-in-law’s uncle in law (i.e.
she has connections folks) wrote this in the Words of Hope that I found
interesting—"The second church I served as a pastor was in a small town in
Iowa populated by many people of Dutch ancestry. My German last name sometimes
raised eyebrows. ‘Opgenorth.’ Hmmm.
That’s not Dutch, is it? I never felt unwelcome, but comments like that
let me know I was different. Ethnicity,
gender, economics, disability, or any number of markers can make us feel like
we don’t quite fit in.” Now that can be a huge massive challenge to over come
for churches; to accept folks for who they are (i.e. the ones who don’t fit
into their little perfect holy huddle).
I hope I’m not that way, but I could be and don’t even know it. That is sorta kinda how I responded to our
daughter’s question during our weekly Saturday morning call when she asked me
what I was going to do today. I said—I
have some things I can do, I have some things I should do, I have some things I
might do but I might not do any of them!
Are kids more accepting than adults. I sorta kinda
think soooo. Why is that do you think?
Maybe past environments have impacted the older folks differently. But I really
don’t know.
Our will pops up at crazy times sometimes. A friend was telling our little group that
when her husband died, the funeral home or the printer made a mistake and
printed her husband’s name wrong. She said
it was amazing that at the visitation and at the funeral, the first thing some
folks would say was not something like “I’m sorry about the death of your
husband” but was—Your husband’s name is spelled wrong! MissPerfect says--Surely,
I wouldn’t do anything like those other folks!
Can’t we do some dumb things sometimes; or maybe it’s just me. I’m
working on the “art of shutting up.” I
said I was working on it! Will I accomplish it in getting it done? God only knows! Probably not! Such is life.
other day someone tapped on my car window at Kwik Star. It was a friend. We chit chatted and I told her—I see your son
is doing well in high school golf this spring—he can do better but doesn’t have
the drive; he’s much like me and not like his dad; but we get a lot of
compliments as tooooo how nice he is—soooo would you rather have him be a nice
person or shoot better? She just smiled. A friend who is a mother said this to
me—I don’t care if our kids are star athletes and I don’t care if our kids
are star academics but I hope they aren’t star a……….!
Your will! David Rockefeller,
who was chairman and chief executive of Chase Manhattan Corporation, said,
“Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work. But if
you’re not frightened by these things the opportunities are just as great today
as they ever were.” SusieQ says—It’s a lot easier to inherit it or marry
it; believe me!
I stopped for a short time at my 90-year
old friend on my jog the other day.
She told me that her knees were just killing her today. I suggested she call her son, who lives in CA,
and have him get you some marijuana.
After a joint, your knees probably won’t hurt anymore, and you will be
dancing around the house in your underwear.
She didn’t think soooo. I have no idea but that day while jogging my
body felt the best I remember for a long time.
And toooo top it off, my mind was extremely happy. I think I could have jogged around the world! ha ha I have no idea why I felt soooo good. Sometimes that just happens. And it feels sooooooo good when that happens
(i.e. for me it just doesn’t happen that often). Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says—Hope for the best, expect the worst, and
enjoy the in-between.
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