June 22, 2019

that's just the way it goes

When I did some speaking, I would use this intro at different times—People ask me isn’t it hard to speak, no, not really.  If there are 100 folks here today, statistics show that 50% won’t hear a word I say.  Of the other 50 folks, 49 will hear bits and pieces (i.e. are toooo busy with their other thoughts) and by the time they get their coffee and a cookie, they won’t remember anything I say.  Soooo that leaves one person left. It’s like having a talk with one person, a one-on-one.  Soooo if you’re that one person, let’s get started.  That is just the way it goes!

In our world of 2019, it seems that many times folks are toooo busy to read or listen to what we say.  ItchieBitchie says—Now that is a fact!  It’s crazy!  There is soooo much to read and soooo much to listen tooooo in our world of 2019. But ItchieBitchie, there are a lot of folks that read “It’s Saturday” according to Goggle, but I don’t know if they listen. I think sometimes they do; there even might be maybe more folks than I think. We all might be surprised that folks listen to us more than we think even when we don’t think they do.  And then again, maybe not! That’s just the way it goes! 

CrazyMarvin (i.e. who can be soooo tender hearted at times but also can be a real doozy at times) says—It is soooo hard to accept the good and the bad in our lives (i.e. it seems like it is soooo hard to understand).  I think many folks would agree with you CrazyMarvin (i.e. that’s my opinion). I played 9 holes of golf with some guys the other day (i.e. a friend from church stayed with Arlene; wasn’t that nice).  I didn’t really play very well according to my thinking (i.e. it didn’t feel very good anyway). But what was interesting to me was I didn’t complain or say a negative thing.  What was crazy, my score wasn’t much different than what I normally shoot.  That’ s just the way it goes.  I don’t think I have the same enthusiasm for golf maybe because of my age, maybe because of I’m not as strong physically anymore, or maybe I just don’t know.  That is maybe why most of my buddies who are my age don’t play anymore. That is just the way it goes folks. I love the wrestle in my life except for when I don’t!  BUT golf is a great opportunity for Arlene and me to enjoy the outside together.  It’s a great fit.  Oh ya! It’s a ride in the park for Arlene. I appreciate the opportunity and realize that there will be a day that it will be no more (i.e. that time is getting closer for Arlene); time seems to just march on. I tell myself to do it while the getting’ is good!

One of our grandsons, Rookie, told us last Sunday when I asked him if he can ride his bike—I can but I can’t start by myself or turn—how come you can’t do those things—well, I want to but my brain doesn’t want tooooo--you need to tell your brain to do it—I do but it argues with me; soooo far my brain has won! That’s just the way it goes folks.  Such is life. The last time I gave the grand kids flowers and none of the grandkids were very impressed.  Well, I gave them gifts Sunday and they were more excited.  That’s just the way it goes. Although Rookie did say that it wasn’t fair; he thought Charlie got better gifts.  Soooo funny but such real life (i.e. he just vocalized it).

A friend in our foursome said to me—erv, can you imagine selling houses that you sold for $50,000 to $100,000 are now selling for double or triple in 10 years since you have been out of the business.  I think he was just making a point to me and not rubbing it in ha ha! What is interesting is my social security check doesn’t go up that much nor my investments.  My mentor would always say to me—erv, it’s never as good as it looks and it’s never as bad as it looks.  YaBut, selling houses looks pretty good right now.  A friend and I had breakfast recently.  He is a financial advisor and also sells health/life insurance.  He told me that there is a lot of folks changing jobs right now.  Why I asked.  There are opportunities to make more money as employment opportunities are more prevalent.  Now that makes sense.  Those changes give him more opportunities.  That’s just the way it goes. Such is life.

I was surprised by this.  I was in my drive and a kid about 10 to 12 comes across our yard from the back. He says—Hey mister, do you have $2 soooo I can go swimming—you don’t have $2—no I don’t—how are you going swimming if you don’t have $2—that is why I need $2.  I gave the kid $2.  I asked him if he’s a good kid—yes I am; I’m a Christian.  Do you think he is or was it just a ploy? Now that was an interesting experience to say the least.  Do you think he will be back? Do you think I will give him another $2?

The#1MrRe-PoGuy says—I had a client who I had 100%completetrustin toooo always being the same; he never wavered—If his lips were moving, he was lying!  I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--The test of integrity is that your public life and your private life match—what’s in your heart and what’s in your life are the same thing. You ask yourself, “Would I want everyone to know about this decision that I’m making?” The truth is, when it comes to integrity, even if you can fool everyone else, you can’t fool yourself. And if you violate your own conscience, you have to pay for that. Yikes, but that’s just the way it goes. When confused, sometimes we give it some distance or some time.  GeorgeTheCrook says--That confusion can produce a lot of head shaking. John Wayne said—Life is tough but it is much tougher when your stupid.

WorldClassLarry (i.e. has a lot of git in his tank) says--Effective people figure out what’s essential in life and what’s trivial, and they spend more time doing the essential things and less time doing the trivial things. You can’t eliminate all the trivia in your life, but you can reduce it. Our world of 2019 is way different than our grand parents’ world.  I can only imagine.  And I can only imagine how the world will change in the future and it will change if we like it or not; don’t kid yourself.  That’s just the way it goes. Orville Wright said, “No flying machine will ever fly from New York to Paris…(because) no known motor can run at the requisite speed for four days without stopping.”

I can hardly believe that we already have had our longest day of sunlight.  This story happened about around the longest day of the year about 61 years ago.  I don’t remember my Daddy, Chester, ever telling me that he loved me.  He did show concern about me at times but never real obvious.  Our neighbor, Elden Williams, who was maybe 16 and I who was maybe 12 went riding our horses at the county line ditch which was an old ditch with massive huge old trees.  It was a fun place to ride our horses.  It started to get dark soooo we started our 2-mile trek back to our farmsteads.  The time I got home there was very little pink on the western horizon (i.e. like it was really dark).  My Daddy was sitting on our front steps.  He was concerned, I think.  He said to me something like—erv, it’s pretty dark to be riding horse; you better put Queen away and come in the house. 

Most folks are confused about something at sometime in their life.  I seem confused a lot about a lot of stuff.  I think that is normal if we care at all about anything.  It just can’t be any different (i.e. my opinion).  LuckieEddie says--Most followers of Jesus go through seasons of doubt and darkness.  LuckieEddie asks—Why is that?  I have no idea; that’s just the way it goes! A friend told me this story about an acquaintance—When his wife died, he remarried a gal who lost her mate as well; they moved to another state.  She got Alzheimer’s soooo he drove her back to IA to her daughter’s place and just dropped her off with a few clothes (i.e. unannounced)!  He had enough I guess.  That’s just the way it goes for some. AnOl’Pickleball buddy ended his email to me with these words--Wishing you the best in your daily struggle.  I hate that disease. Well PinkPete—we pickle on! That’s just the way it goes.

A couple of friends’ family business in little Aplington is celebrating their 80th year of existence.  Wow, that is amazing for a family owned business to be in business that long.  Something must have gone (i.e. is going) right! That just doesn’t happen very often.  First of all, they must have and are making money; you can’t operate a business if it doesn’t make money.  There must not have been any major family problems; major family problems are very hard on businesses (i.e. usually death to a business).  My hat goes off to them.  I have known/know three generations of the family and they are good folks; that could be another reason. I think it is more than just being lucky but luck never hurts (e.g. timing).  Sometimes, that’s just the way it goes and sometimes the corollary of that is true.

Chester and Anna didn’t teach me to spell very well.  Why they didn’t, now that’s just the way it goes; I have no idea.  Maybe they thought I was beyond hope. Now that could be.  ANYWAY, they did teach me some stuff.  Anna taught me about HYPOCRISY. If I told you once, I've told you a million times, don't exaggerate!  She taught me about ANTICIPATION. Just wait until we get home. Chester taught me HUMOR. When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me. He taught me WISDOM. When you get to be my age, you'll understand. I had breakfast with a friend recently and we talked about how our parents put very little to no pressure on us to succeed (i.e. in fact they let us fail it seems).  It was like they didn’t care.  We both agreed that it is amazing that we made it this far in life.  Where did we get our mindset to be what we are? You tell me; I don’t know!

Sometimes, that’s just the way it goes! Early Sunday morning I was sitting in our sun porch (i.e. beautiful morning), drinking coffee and meditating.  Our back yard is the school ground which has a soccer field and a ball field.  A pickup pulls up on the road and a guy and his young boy gets out along with two dogs.  The wife or live in (i.e. who knows in our culture) stays in the pu.  The dogs start running; the guy starts hollering; the dogs keep running; the guy hollers louder; the dogs run faster.  There is an acreage just behind the school ground that raises dogs and also deer.  Those dogs didn’t stop running no matter how loud the guy hollered.  He ran after them.  The lady took off in the pu.  I just laughed.  After some time, the pu came back; end of exercising the dogs.  I think I read their lips--%#?! What a hoot!

I recently was with a group of guys. We had a shared interest.  But being around them, I felt not a part of the group (i.e. they had their own little click).  They were nice guys but I didn’t fit or something.  They were of their group and it seemed like I was an outsider.  It felt awkward.  What was really interesting is that I was ok with that.  It didn’t bother me.  They probably felt awkward with me as well. I think this happens in some churches as well.  Generally, I think, when this happens, the person who feels they are not really on the same page as the others in the group, well, they just disappear completely or find a different group or a different church.  I don’t think folks are necessarily unhappy, but they could be but more often they feel that they don’t fit in this group and just move on.  What do you think? That is what I thought.  

Have you ever tried to force something on someone that they didn’t want?  How did it go? That is what I thought.  JoeBlow says--YaBut, I think it’s right and it’s what they should have; it is the right thing!  Soooo what usually happens JoeBlow?  Well, they usually go their way where they can get the product presented to them in the way they want it with or without me.  I read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it, this-- In years past, church attendance was popular, almost mandatory for people that wanted to succeed in business. That is no longer the case. Today we have what we might term a “new normal,” a social environment that places diminishing value of genuine relationships. Ouchy ouchy!  You think that is true?  That is what I thought.

This friend is a good guy with a good heart (i.e. my kind of person) and is using his talent (i.e. he’s a good example).  He sent me this email--By the way in one of your recent "Saturdays" you mentioned an episode of Arlene and music. I have some experiences that have led me to believe that music occupies a special place in our brain that is more "durable" than other memory phenomena. My mom suffered from dementia in her last years. She was a singer/guitar player who taught me to sing and play guitar...........and she taught me many, many old country songs which I still remember. In her final years, when she couldn't remember the names of her grandkids or much of anything,...............we would go to her care center regularly and she would join us ( my brother,daughter,and grandkids) in singing these songs for the rest of the folks. It was a highlight of her day,..........and she still knew those old songs.  I currently go to a dementia "day care center" in our local senior center every other week with my guitar and conduct an hour long "singalong" with the folks there, singing old time songs,....and many of those folks join in singing and they all enjoy it..............almost as much as I do.

TommyTom (i.e. he’s got game) who is a brother to TommyJohn  says—There is a difference in folks, yes there is. Folks aren't all the same. Why do you think that is TommyTom?  I have no idea! That’s just the way it goes!  Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—If you haven’t asked the Lord to help study, then don’t ask him to help you pass the test.

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