Last Sunday, I looked at all the folks in attendance in church
and came to the conclusion that all but two folks (i.e. a couple) have
challenges. Sooooo it’s stupid to think
that my challenges aren’t really much different than all those folks (i.e. I’m
not special in any way). The one couple
who it appears have no challenges (i.e. you know who you are) must be abnormal
or maybe it just appears (i.e. from my point of view) that they don’t or maybe
they are just waiting their turn. It could be that they have challenges, but I
don’t know (i.e. but it looks from my 10,000 feet that they have a peaches and
cream life). What do you think? That is
what I thought.
A friend of Heather told her to tell me –“If someone says
something stupid to me about something I have done which they think is stupid,
I should just ignore them; they are stupid (i.e. she has experienced my
experience). They have no idea what your
situation is, or what your emotions are.”
WorldClassLarry says--Tell them to stick it in their ear or where the
sun doesn’t shine! There will always be
folks who will say stupid things at stupid times. That is good advice but
sometimes that is hard to do, especially if our emotions are raw and
sensitive. Sometimes those stupid
remarks hurt even if we don’t agree or want them tooooo. I just experienced such a remark from a
friend. Such is life.
I experienced it again; yes I did. I have been playing pretty good golf until the
other Friday. I have a tendency to do okay and then get to a point where I try
to do even better and then my swing gets all screwed up. I hate that when that happens. I basically have to start over again (i.e.
slow down). Good doesn’t seem to last
for me (i.e. I get humbled). I seemed to
be in one of those funks that Friday; I have been playing well and then…! I just have to accept it. In fact, all our foursome didn’t play
well. I don’t think anyone was happy
with their game. The Big Kahuna told
me—erv, that is golf. It happens to
everyone; it doesn’t help to get mad; it maybe even makes it worse. He also
said—To be a golfer, you have to have eternal hope for a better day; if you
don’t, you will quit. I text a golf
buddy who just had hip replacement asking him how he is doing--Making progress;
opportunity to practice patience and perseverance (at which I need improvement
in both). Can any of you folks relate to my situation or my gold buddy’s
situation? That is what I thought.
JoeBlow says—Suck it up cupcake and let’s get going!
I learned that
there are about 60 murals in Atlanta about the civil rights movement. I particularly like this one. It says this in the footnotes of my study
Bible (i.e. soooo it must be right)—In Scripture the fool a.k.a. the stupid one
is not one who cannot learn, but the one who refuses to learn. Ouchy ouchy! Sooooo
how important is knowledge do you think? How important is the attitude to
learn. I like to learn but maybe I don’t
always learn the right stuff. Maybe some
of the stuff I try to learn, you might think is stupid. Now that could be. I
guess there are times folks tell me stuff that isn’t true but they want me to
think it’s knowledge to persuade me.
Example—Occasionally one hears something that is hard to believe or is
intended to deceive…or both. A car dealership runs an advertisement that
includes the observation, “Our No. 1 aim is customer satisfaction.” Of course
it isn’t! Their No. 1 aim is to make a profit.
It’s all about the money; don’t kid yourself.
ItchieBitchie thinks “social conformity” is stupid. I don’t know ItchieBitche, but is sure sells
a lot of product. School is starting and
that “social conformity” can cause a lot of problems for a lot of students. Most want to conform to their peers. Some
will do stupid things to do that. Real
stupid. The pressure is really
strong. Just look at many adults that do
just stupid things to conform.
Conformity sure is a good selling tool.
Don’t kid yourself. I was told
that new car sales are way down. The
reason is folks can’t afford them (e.g. $70,000 for a new pickup). The car industry is doing whatever it takes
for you to put that pickup in your drive (i.e. very innovative like financing
it “like over the rest of your life”).
Sooooo how powerful is “social conformity” in your life anyway? That is what I thought. SusieQ says--Our culture says if a person is
not interested in something someone else thinks is very important, it makes
that person stupid or maybe even evil; just listen to the news if you don’t
believe me.
Some sharp elbows are poked into some ribs. When CadillacJack’s wife thinks her husband
is saying something stupid, she elbows him (i.e. meaning keep your mouth shut
stupid—you’re putting your foot in your mouth).
Sooooo how does the wife know if he is saying something stupid? Maybe the wife is just stupid in thinking
that. CrazyMarvin says—That is a
judgment call just like pass interference; ya got to let New York review it and
make the final call.
An old client and friend (i.e. 97) just passed on. She was a nice lady and very positive and
content. I was talking to one of her
relatives and she pointed out something about her that I never noticed but
after she told me, I do remember it. It
being that whenever she talked, she ended it with a laugh. And she did.
That is a good way to remember her.
Arlene is now a resident of the memory unit at Arlington
Place, 95 D Avenue, Grundy Center IA
50638. A friend suggested that I
let you know that she would like your company as many folks won’t come if they
don’t know that (i.e. she will probably recognize you). Soooo if you locals would like to visit her,
she would like that (i.e. I’m not saying you folks are local as like stupid but
I’m saying locals like you live close). My
big sister, only in age, who does a lot of visiting of care facility residents,
suggested that I tell you guys to go in pairs as it’s a lot easier (i.e. she is
sooooo smart and kind). Many of you have had the experience of having family or
friends in a care facility sooooo I’m preaching to the choir here, but it was
much more emotional than I thought it would be.
It’s a new chapter in Arlene’s and my life. I like new experiences but this one not!!! Stupid erv, for not figuring that out
earlier! A wise person down the street says—"When I hear someone sigh,
‘Life is hard,’ I am always tempted to ask, ‘Compared to what?’”
AverageJoe says—Obviously there are some opinions and
statements that are time-wasting and maybe just plain stupid. I have had a lot
of encouragement from you folks. But not your encouragement. No no. Your
encouragement is up lifting.
Thanksamillion. The encouragement
that made me laugh the loudest was from TheVikingFromMN. He text-- Thinking about you--Want me to beat somebody up
I read this advice in the paper sooooo it must be right
(i.e. maybe it was just directed at me—could be)—When the going gets tough, you
should just hit pause. Assimilate what
is happening for 10 minutes. Your thoughts will be much clearer.

LuckieEddie says—We can be stupid folks; we remember stupid
things, say stupid things and then do stupid things. A friend told me that her and her sister use
to be inseparable. Then she got a
divorce and had to spend time making a living and being with her grand boy. She
didn’t have time to spend with her sister.
When she once again had time, her sister was not receptive to her (i.e. they
no longer have much of a relationship—very sad). As MissPerfect says--There are three
sides to every story: your side, my side, and the truth.
And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each differently.
sweet little gal told me that their family enjoys going to Chick-fil-a. They enjoy the food and the atmosphere. She told me that when you say thank you to
the employees, they say—My pleasure. I
called customer service of Chick-fil-a and they told me they encourage all
their employees to say that. I mentioned
this to some friends, and they said Kum and Go employees all say—See you next
time, when you pay for their product.
One friend said that the convenient store employees, he thought Holiday
in the metro, all say—Take it easy when you leave. I have had family, friends, and acquaintances
say to me—I love you when they encourage me about Arlene and my transition
(i.e. very uplifting and encouraging). I
suggest you do this. For some of you it
might be awkward at first but what a great message of feeling you can send
(i.e. my opinion). Saturday question--Do
you leave church knowing God loves you (i.e. uplifting you with a good taste in
your mouth) instead of leaving church feeling like I’m terrible and feel beat up
(i.e. the taste in your mouth is of spoiled milk). Soooo for those of you who
go to church, what kind of taste does your church (i.e. the church is the
people) send folks home with? I hope it’s an uplifting and encouraging
taste. If not, there is something stupid
going on (i.e. my opinion).
You guys are really great folks except
for one of you and you know who you are!!
ha ha Never forget that. Even when there are times when you don’t feel
like you are great folks. NEVER NEVER forget
that you are great folks. Be careful
what and who you listen toooooo. Some of
those folks are stupid. They hurt your confidence. Stay away from those stupid folks is my
When it’s all said and done, I want you to know that I have
put a lot of thought into this “It’s Saturday” (i.e. whatever that means to
you). BUT what I think is probably maybe
right to me may not be right to you (i.e. you might think it’s stupid). I
understand that. Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says—Home is a place where you grow up wanting
to leave and grow old wanting to get back to.
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